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Pop culture/Anime theories,stories, mash ups and off topic chats~a chill cafe. Nerds welcome. Otakus needed.


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   Brothers, sisters, undecideds of the land of P.C.A.!


   In the process of createing my new "Anirifle", I have run into an unfortunate snag. While it's capabilities and appearence have been thoroughly tested in my mental lab (alongside a few mostly complete designs), there's a certain issue that I think you fellows might be helpful with. I have no idea what it shall fire.


   The question is, therefore, "in your daily diet of Japanese animations where oversized guns show up, what have they usually fired?

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1 minute ago, Unus said:

   Brothers, sisters, undecideds of the land of P.C.A.!


   In the process of createing my new "Anirifle", I have run into an unfortunate snag. While it's capabilities and appearence have been thoroughly tested in my mental lab (alongside a few mostly complete designs), there's a certain issue that I think you fellows might be. I have no idea what it shall fire.


   The question is, therefore, "in your daily diet of Japanese animations where oversized guns show up, what have they usually fired?

either large bullets or lasers.

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3 minutes ago, ninja234 said:

either large bullets or lasers.

   Really? Huh. Got any examples I can see in a Graphical Informational Format? Best I can recall is that there's usually a dramatic pause before it fires, which should do it fine in the alternative fire "combat platform" format.

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2 minutes ago, Unus said:

   Really? Huh. Got any examples I can see in a Graphical Informational Format? Best I can recall is that there's usually a dramatic pause before it fires, which should do it fine in the alternative fire "combat platform" format.

Sadly i can't

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49 minutes ago, AerinSol said:

Large shells are usually ejected from them.

    Shells ye say? Ahhhh, splendid mental trigger you gave me there. The lass goes to pull back the bolt to trigger another round. . . only to have a M.O.A. prosthetic push her hand away and chamber the round itself. Then there's the gun grabbing a magazine from her own back pocket and loading it into itself, a helpful orange blip appearing on the scope as she tries to aim the gun onto the target. Ell, there comes a point where she can't shoulder it anymore so, when she hipfires it, the fist-sized round travels with a light curve to at least rip the knee off that Grin she was aiming for. There even comes a point where she simply can't take holding the dem thing anymore, so she just tosses it onto the floor, whereupon the gun simply fires a set of onboard propulsion jet to rocket itself into the air, and take on a marksmen role, whereupon she takes a break with one of those fancy umbrella drinks in a lawn chair. . . right around the same time the jets go out and the gun lands in the unprepared woman's lap and, suddenly, a cartoonish amount of Grineer appear from behind every bush, tree, and log in the area and the scene ends with that whole "circle into black" transition with a closeup on her doing a sheepish wave and the screen closes entirely to the sound of hundreds of grakatas firing.


   You once said you wished to lick my brain. Have a free sample from the mental testing gallery as it all happened from the moment I read your message. Thank you for your contribution to the cause.

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   What a. . . what a barmy dream. Being abducted as a tourist in China and subject to atmospheric chemicals that convinced me and others we were a variety of characters in a variety of settings for reasons unknown. Fighting dinosaurs with artillery, sleep-based time-travel, worlds where individuals were forced to have a power cell shoved in their body that takes a percentage of their movement's energy and converts it into power that any passing higher-up can simply yoink out and use to power whatever they need. 

   No more Goldstar chili before bed, geezus. Just glad I won the fight for control and guided it all to a happy ending afore I woke with an accidental start.

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1 hour ago, Unus said:

   What a. . . what a barmy dream. Being abducted as a tourist in China and subject to atmospheric chemicals that convinced me and others we were a variety of characters in a variety of settings for reasons unknown. Fighting dinosaurs with artillery, sleep-based time-travel, worlds where individuals were forced to have a power cell shoved in their body that takes a percentage of their movement's energy and converts it into power that any passing higher-up can simply yoink out and use to power whatever they need. 

   No more Goldstar chili before bed, geezus. Just glad I won the fight for control and guided it all to a happy ending afore I woke with an accidental start.

Id watch that as a movie.

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7 hours ago, ninja234 said:

Inb4 this thread is closed because of Aerin

   How is Mrs./Mr. Aerin killin us?


Also, dem it, I really gotta get used teh this weird Eastern media style with all it's sudden and random episode cut-offs, series cancellations, and the like. On the bright side, starting to expand my collection of favored series. . . barely.


   Also, got bored, started traceing the path of my existance and, I gotta say, I think the reason why Monster folk were my Nihhonese animation gateway is because of my previous time in the sometimes complex relationships of Mass Effect and my time as a Shadowrunner. So much variety in those worlds, so many chances for me to defy the stupidity of speciesism, selective physical trait appreciation, and stereotyping while also being a badarse with a talent for gunplay.


Also also, big final revelation, my relationship with Nihhonese animation may be even older then I thought. However, to clarify, I gotta ask, are Samurai Jack and Code:Lyoko considered Animation of the Eastern Type?

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1 hour ago, Unus said:

   How is Mrs./Mr. Aerin killin us?


Also, dem it, I really gotta get used teh this weird Eastern media style with all it's sudden and random episode cut-offs, series cancellations, and the like. On the bright side, starting to expand my collection of favored series. . . barely.


   Also, got bored, started traceing the path of my existance and, I gotta say, I think the reason why Monster folk were my Nihhonese animation gateway is because of my previous time in the sometimes complex relationships of Mass Effect and my time as a Shadowrunner. So much variety in those worlds, so many chances for me to defy the stupidity of speciesism, selective physical trait appreciation, and stereotyping while also being a badarse with a talent for gunplay.


Also also, big final revelation, my relationship with Nihhonese animation may be even older then I thought. However, to clarify, I gotta ask, are Samurai Jack and Code:Lyoko considered Animation of the Eastern Type?

Samurai Jack and Code:Lyoko are full western animation types. American and French respectively.

And it's Mrs.

;-; cuz I'm so old compared to everyone here!

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20 minutes ago, AerinSol said:

Samurai Jack and Code:Lyoko are full western animation types. American and French respectively.

And it's Mrs.

;-; cuz I'm so old compared to everyone here!

I remember Samurai Jack, Code Lyoko i haven't watched.

Also Jack is getting a continuation.

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22 minutes ago, AerinSol said:

Samurai Jack and Code:Lyoko are full western animation types. American and French respectively.

And it's Mrs.

;-; cuz I'm so old compared to everyone here!

   Ah, Le French? Huh, never saw that coming, once upon a time, those were a part of my steady daily cartoon diet alongside such pillars as Grim Adventures, Ed-Edd-and Eddy, and Courage The Cowardly Dog. Now that I'm more mature and sophisticated, I only watch them semiweekly. (Still shedding manly tears over the fact  that our dear old voice of Aku is gone)


   Bah madam, BAH I say!  25 or 30 I take it? You aren't old till your 76! 

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10 minutes ago, ninja234 said:

I remember Samurai Jack, Code Lyoko i haven't watched.

Also Jack is getting a continuation.

   The ell? When did THAT happen?! Goddem job must be getting in the way of all the stuff that matters! I hope to see me old pal the Scotsmen again! He was one of the first few voices that got logged into my mental data banks for every day use. Ell, it even bled into reality and, to this day, I still speak mentally or physically on occasion entirely in his voice.

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19 minutes ago, ninja234 said:


   (Insert litany of fireworks and unmanly groveling) THIS Is how you do a t.v. series! Make a season or two that folks fall in love with, move on to other projects while maintaining  contact with all of the original cast, then, a few years down the road, make the call and bring the band back togethor for another season or two and with fresh minds and hopeful hearts! Don't discontinue a show forever (unless your following source material) and don't pump things out like an assembly line, connect and reconnect with every generation till the day you die so you build a legend of absolutely pseudo-biblical proportions!


  (Goddem lucid dreams, wish I didn't have to turn the temperature down in my room just to keep getting them)

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30 minutes ago, Unus said:

   (Insert litany of fireworks and unmanly groveling) THIS Is how you do a t.v. series! Make a season or two that folks fall in love with, move on to other projects while maintaining  contact with all of the original cast, then, a few years down the road, make the call and bring the band back togethor for another season or two and with fresh minds and hopeful hearts! Don't discontinue a show forever (unless your following source material) and don't pump things out like an assembly line, connect and reconnect with every generation till the day you die so you build a legend of absolutely pseudo-biblical proportions!


  (Goddem lucid dreams, wish I didn't have to turn the temperature down in my room just to keep getting them)

In my opinion lucid dreams are the best, you can do anything.

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