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Pop culture/Anime theories,stories, mash ups and off topic chats~a chill cafe. Nerds welcome. Otakus needed.


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1 hour ago, ninja234 said:

In my opinion lucid dreams are the best, you can do anything.

   Oh, saw my color commentary, sorry. Also, yeah! I usually just try to go along with the script, but, sometimes it's fun to "smash the system".  Just annoyed that, three years ago, when I finally found the trigger, it turned out to be. . . incredibly inconvenient. 


   Also also. . . shet, I gotta ask, don't wanna, but. . . does anybody remember where my Conatus staff was mentioned?

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4 hours ago, Unus said:

   How is Mrs./Mr. Aerin killin us?


Also, dem it, I really gotta get used teh this weird Eastern media style with all it's sudden and random episode cut-offs, series cancellations, and the like. On the bright side, starting to expand my collection of favored series. . . barely.


   Also, got bored, started traceing the path of my existance and, I gotta say, I think the reason why Monster folk were my Nihhonese animation gateway is because of my previous time in the sometimes complex relationships of Mass Effect and my time as a Shadowrunner. So much variety in those worlds, so many chances for me to defy the stupidity of speciesism, selective physical trait appreciation, and stereotyping while also being a badarse with a talent for gunplay.


Also also, big final revelation, my relationship with Nihhonese animation may be even older then I thought. However, to clarify, I gotta ask, are Samurai Jack and Code:Lyoko considered Animation of the Eastern Type?

That conversation is lost somewhere back in these pages, but to rehash an old topic: i believe that, yes.

that moment when you dont bother reading through every comment, amd you post something someone else already said.

Im listening to a song about puff the magic dragon that sounds like a lullaby written in the 70's....who is smoking what in this store?

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Grocery store radio is on a roll today.

"Cassette Tape"

I hate talking and I hate walking next to someone I don't know
Someone I don't know
I hate pretending to keep up this friend thing
When I have enough friends and I'd rather be at home

Things would be much easier
And it would really save some time
If you knew my favorite color
And my favorite kind of pie

I wish there was a social excuse to make you a cassette tape
I'd teach you all about my life from side B to side A
Fast forward, rewind...Whenever or never mind

I hate been picky but right now you don't get me
But in time I think you will and I know you won't until
You listen very closely to the tape and mostly
You will see how I've become someone I hope you'll know and love

Things would be much easier
And it would really save some time
If you knew my favorite color
And my favorite kind of pie

I wish there was a social excuse to make you a cassette tape
I'd teach you all about my life from side B to side A
Fast forward, rewind...Whenever or never mind

My good friends know that I've never tried a boysenberry
My good friends know that in the wintertime my legs are hairy
My good friends know that I never understood chemistry
My good friends know that I never date people who know less than me
But you don't know and we're not getting any younger
But you don't know and telling you would just take longer

I wish there was a social excuse to make you a cassette tape
I'd teach you all about my life from side B to side A
Fast forward, rewind...Whenever or never mind
The chorus is "i hate talking", repeated over and over
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17 minutes ago, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

That conversation is lost somewhere back in these pages, but to rehash an old topic: i believe that, yes.

that moment when you dont bother reading through every comment, amd you post something someone else already said.

Im listening to a song about puff the magic dragon that sounds like a lullaby written in the 70's....who is smoking what in this store?

   Puff the magic dragon?. . . you mean the minigun on that aircraft they used to smoke out the Kong by burning the forest?

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33 minutes ago, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

Maybe....maybe thats what the song was referencing

   Or was it the song being referenced by the gun? We may never know.


As a side note, I found me Lephantis stomping music again (haven't actually touched that beastie yet sadly, no manpower)!


Oh, and one for our new member of the family!

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46 minutes ago, Unus said:

   Or was it the song being referenced by the gun? We may never know.


As a side note, I found me Lephantis stomping music again (haven't actually touched that beastie yet sadly, no manpower)!


Oh, and one for our new member of the family!

I guess it could go that way...seems just as likely a grunt named his gun after a song than a musician naming a song after a gun...

What new family member???

New follower in the notifications....
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31 minutes ago, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

I guess it could go that way...seems just as likely a grunt named his gun after a song than a musician naming a song after a gun...

What new family member???

   Did ya not listen to the song? It explains them brilliantly! Oh, wait, context, context, yeah, got nothing tah do with the forums and everything teh do with Warframe.

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   Funny. . . skeleton's? You mean the Crons? Or are you looking for a dreadnaught battle brother.


Also, never thought I'd see the day, but, someone actually wanted to draw my idea on Facebook. In addition, people actually listen to me when I talk there. The ell is going on?

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39 minutes ago, Unus said:

   Funny. . . skeleton's? You mean the Crons? Or are you looking for a dreadnaught battle brother.


Also, never thought I'd see the day, but, someone actually wanted to draw my idea on Facebook. In addition, people actually listen to me when I talk there. The ell is going on?

Usually it's black magic.

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49 minutes ago, Unus said:

   Funny. . . skeleton's? You mean the Crons? Or are you looking for a dreadnaught battle brother.


Also, never thought I'd see the day, but, someone actually wanted to draw my idea on Facebook. In addition, people actually listen to me when I talk there. The ell is going on?

Oh, they are actually x-rays skeletons of the wearer under their humongous armor. I don't think its the Crons?

14 minutes ago, AerinSol said:

Usually it's black magic.

Might be?

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4 hours ago, (PS4)makrisbrik said:

Oh, they are actually x-rays skeletons of the wearer under their humongous armor. I don't think its the Crons?

Might be?

   Oh! Marine bones! I'll check the old archives! Looking for that fused rib cage and the spare organs are ya? Unterstat.

4 hours ago, AerinSol said:

Usually it's black magic.

  Dem it, gonna have to find the caster and throttle em for their spell book then.

3 hours ago, NewAgeDoom said:

Greetings everyone. I've started WF over on PC (Was initially playing on PS4). It feels weird, and I don't remember the early game being this rough.

Herro, welccum teh Dervomert. All hail our lurd and supplier, Dervo.

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