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Fragor Prime vs Scindo Prime vs Gram vs War ?


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When speaking of heavy weapons there are IMO 3 clearly best choices to go for; Jat Kitty, War and Scindo P. 

Jat Kittag has best CC out of melee weps, amazing reach and the Rathuum mod makes it scale rly well. With blood rush + body count any crit above 15% is fine. 

War is on the same page as Fraggor with higher base dmg and better reach. For me War is better because of those reasons. 

Scindo P is just amazing with very nice dmg (being even slash!), nice crit but lacks in range. 

Fraggor has amazing crit chance but rly small range compared to War and Jat Kitty and with blood rush + body count the extra crit just means it will red crit a bit sooner. But if I'm going for a mainly melee run it doesn't matter because blood rush begins to stack so nicely on every weapon mentioned. When I go heavy melee at least I like to make up for the lack of speed with nice reach. If I'm not taking Scindo P that is. 

For me at least Fraggor P is just fashionframe. 

Edit: totally forgot that Scindo P and War have access to IMO the best stance on the game, Tempo Royale. 

Edited by Captain-Amazing
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10 hours ago, OzoneSlayer said:

When they both reach 200% crit chance war and scindo will still top fragor. Even without 4x CP war and scindo will get around double the corrosive procs that fragor will get. Put it this way. If your fragor did 1 million damage but enemies had 99% resistance, does it matter? Or would you lower their defenses to boost the amount of damage you can dish out?

corrosive procs dont matter all if enemies have no armor anymore and crit scales over 200%, it just has no different color, thats why fragor ends up being way better in a good team

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Scindo Prime in my eyes since I just love running around with Tempo Royale and prefer it over any other hammer stance so bye bye Fragor Prime

Also it is the fastest of the bunch while also maintaining pretty superior base damage at 130.

With a maxed blood rush you can get it to red crit without an insanely big combo multiplier and have I mentioned it looks amazing 

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I tried builds on wf builder. On war... does insane dmg.

I tried my personal build: organ shatter/dual stat(viral)/ PPP/ P reach/ berzerker or P fury +blood rush & body count combo. It doesnt do much dmg onnpaper but we tried it with and without cp... it rips the same way. Red crit dmg plus u only need viral proc to hit 2x; which leaves u with mobs 1/4 hp to deal with. Scales really well with high level. Takes about 4-6s to beat down an lvl 201 corrupted bombard.

U keep the dmg +utility to keep going on

I use naramon with arcane fury / strike.

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There also is the galantine if you are looking for an easy to get double handed weapon! I used it a lot when I was new. Personally, I use the Scindo Prime on my tank frames when doing infested missions and the void, while I reserve Fragor Prime for sortie or very high end levels if I have a CC with me or I'm using rhino. Galantine I have not used so much but does come in for fun from time to time.

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I should mention that Fragor Prime may be slow, but its higher crit chance also means it builds up speed much faster with berserker than the others - so there is that to take into account.

If you can keep a combo going all of those weapons are great after a certain point - but Fragor prime gets there faster, making it better in situations where you are mainly shooting or using powers and have to whip out your weapon. War has the best range and stance. Jat Kitty is the most fun.

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