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Buff The Kraken, Or Nerf The Kunai


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both of them have 45 base damage, but kunai have armor ignore.

Isn't a armor ignore weapon need to be have a lower base dmage for balance?


okay, not just dmage, Kunai even have higher fire rate and fully auto fire system, and Kraken? Most Crap Burst Fire System.


and kunia got 100% Accuracy.....can anyone keep throwing rocks and even more Accuracy then keep shooting a gun...


Kraken looks like having a bigger clip size, but Kraken could only have 7 "click"


and how come the kunai reload so much faster than Kraken.




I don't think a OP weapon make us have more fun, it just Shorten the time of joy we can have.

Edited by Cary2010haha
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You're not too bright are you?


Should I make a new thread titled "Buff the Vulkar or Nerf the Dread" next...?u 

u can see  both Vulkar and Dread have fair amount of player use them, but Kraken and Kunia? 1: 30-50maybe? i just can't find a player in auto match taking a kraken with him after kunia came out

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both of them have 45 base damage, but kunai have armor ignore.

Isn't a armor ignore weapon need to be have a lower base dmage for balance?


They've already stated that they don't plan on balancing any weapon based on another weapon - it would be purely on the basis of whether the weapon is agreed upon to be balanced and stable in it's own right. On that subject, I personally think that the kunai is a bit insane with all of it's individual stats brought together.

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u can see  both Vulkar and Dread have fair amount of player use them, but Kraken and Kunia? 1: 30-50maybe? i just can't find a player in auto match taking a kraken with him after kunia came out

It's called preference...


Have you ever thought that people actually feel a bit cool and ninja like with Kunai as opposed to pistols...?


Maybe it is not a matter of stats but a matter of style...


That is why I use Dread/Kunai/Reaper Prime...


Everyone likes Despair better...Reaper Prime is a terrible weapon but I love them both...


Don't be so hasty to nerf what others love just because you are sick of seeing it...do you know how ignorant and idiotic that is...?

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Whatever, he has a point! Kunai's are too good. They kill everything in like secounds! THEY ARE BETTER THAT MOSTPRIMARY WEAPONS! Whats the point of other weapons when you can have kunai! They NEED to be nerfed...


EDIT; and im saying this because i love the kunai (despair -if that is the other kunais ._.) but they ARE TOO strong..

Edited by BladeFade
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Whatever, he has a point! Kunai's are too good. They kill everything in like secounds! THEY ARE BETTER THAT MOSTPRIMARY WEAPONS! Whats the point of other weapons when you can have kunai! They NEED to be nerfed...

Oh no!


The DPS of Kunai is so great considering the enemy is standing completely still and you're landing headshots!


Lets not take into account the mods or the fact that the enemies are underleveled right?!


You people just don't think at all...

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Whatever, he has a point! Kunai's are too good. They kill everything in like secounds! THEY ARE BETTER THAT MOSTPRIMARY WEAPONS! Whats the point of other weapons when you can have kunai! They NEED to be nerfed...


EDIT; and im saying this because i love the kunai (despair -if that is the other kunais ._.) but they ARE TOO strong..

i  duno why kunia got fully auto fire system and 100% Accuracy.....can anyone keep throwing rocks and even more Accuracy then keep shooting a gun...

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Oh no!


The DPS of Kunai is so great considering the enemy is standing completely still and you're landing headshots!


Lets not take into account the mods or the fact that the enemies are underleveled right?!


You people just don't think at all...

Lol.  I guess that's why my level 30 kunai is better than my 4x forma'd akbolto by a mile.  Because it's hard to headshot with them.  'Kay.


They're a high rof automatic armor ignoring weapon with a negligible reload and 20+ more base damage than most weapons in the game.  I haven't even bothered polarizing mine because they already can kill just about anything instantly.

Edited by Aggh
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The Kunai are just too good compared to the other weapon. Is true is everyone choice...but most of the time..people choice are OP weapon and will protect them at all cost. Maybe making them Semi auto instead of full auto? Would make more sense.



just like if bow auto shoot arrows in every 1.5 second, eveyone knows how op it can be

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Lol.  I guess that's why my level 30 kunai is better than my 4x forma'd akbolto by a mile.  Because it's hard to headshot with them.  'Kay.


They're a high rof automatic armor ignoring weapon with a negligible reload and 20+ more base damage than most weapons in the game.  I haven't even bothered polarizing mine because they already can kill just about anything instantly.

THANK YOU! This is what i ment, they really need to be nerfed! I love them becuase they give such a ninja feel, but it kills eveything, EVERYTHING, instantly!

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Whatever, he has a point! Kunai's are too good. They kill everything in like secounds! THEY ARE BETTER THAT MOSTPRIMARY WEAPONS! Whats the point of other weapons when you can have kunai! They NEED to be nerfed...


EDIT; and im saying this because i love the kunai (despair -if that is the other kunais ._.) but they ARE TOO strong..

Most secondary weapons are better than most primary weapons. The only exceptions are braton, gorgon, hek, and arguably strun.

They're a high rof automatic armor ignoring weapon with a negligible reload and 20+ more base damage than most weapons in the game. I haven't even bothered polarizing mine because they already can kill just about anything instantly.

Now compare it to other weapons. Lex has frontloaded damage and perfect accuracy for headshots at incredible range. Kraken has more DPS than lex at the cost of difficulty in hitting with the second shot. Twin vipers have so much more DPS it's not even funny. Afuris is similar. A properly modded aklato will out DPS the kunai, in fact.

And then you've got kunai with a slow travel time, being only really good against targets who are either standing still or moving towards you in a straight line. Oh, and they can't crit at all.

All you guys who talk about how "OP" the kunai are have no clue what makes something OP or not. A weapon that's effective with skill is not OP. For something to be truly OP, it has to overshadow every other weapon in effectiveness. The Kunai doesn't do that. It's a solid weapon, but it's not like the prenerf Hek, where there was no reason to use anything else. It's not like the pre-open beta gorgon, which I'm given to understand was insanely powerful. It's not like prenerf chaos, where a nyx could spam it and trivialize every enemy in a map forever.

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So, you have to level 3 times essentially to even use the Kunai, and people want to whine that a weapon that saw marginal use even in the past before the Kunai were available is weaker than they are. Of course it is. The Kraken is an older weapon that has not really got any attention since it's implementation while they continued to add new things in and get a better head for what a weapon should be doing in the first place. The Kraken could do for a buff, but the Kunai don't really need a nerf. They're a good weapon in a sea of mostly junk. Instead of making more junk, why not recycle junk and turn it into something that can compete?

Honestly... people need to stop whining about the good things in the game and whine more about the bad things. Maybe if they do, those bad things will get changed into good things and we can all stop whining...

Edited by ToeSama
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Lol.  I guess that's why my level 30 kunai is better than my 4x forma'd akbolto by a mile.  Because it's hard to headshot with them.  'Kay.


They're a high rof automatic armor ignoring weapon with a negligible reload and 20+ more base damage than most weapons in the game.  I haven't even bothered polarizing mine because they already can kill just about anything instantly.

I hardly even use my Kunai because I find other weapons better...


The only time I found Kunai worth using was when I was leveling them...


The moment I did...I really have not used them sense...

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THANK YOU! This is what i ment, they really need to be nerfed! I love them becuase they give such a ninja feel, but it kills eveything, EVERYTHING, instantly!

My Latron Prime does the same...oh dear should we nerf that as well?


My Dread can one shot level 50 Ancients without getting a headshot...oh should we nerf that as well?


My Lato Vandal rips Ancients and infested to shreds and oneshots Grineer and Corpus...


Should we nerf that as well...?


Don't even get me started on my Crit Build Braton Vandal...

Edited by Ystella
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I love the Kraken! And the Burstron for that matter.

You just have to know how the burst works to get insane damage from them.

At point blank feel free to aim for the head.

At close range aim for the mid chest and the last round ends up in their face.

At medium range aim for the crotch and most likely you'll get a headshot.

At long range aim for their right foot and the burst cuts up across them.

I find that far more fulfilling than spraying Despair all over the place.

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I love the Kraken! And the Burstron for that matter.

You just have to know how the burst works to get insane damage from them.

At point blank feel free to aim for the head.

At close range aim for the mid chest and the last round ends up in their face.

At medium range aim for the crotch and most likely you'll get a headshot.

At long range aim for their right foot and the burst cuts up across them.

I find that far more fulfilling than spraying Despair all over the place.

People are so focused on DPS they just forget about how the weapon performs in all situations...


Kraken is easily better than Kunai/Despair in basically all situations...


The knives can just sandbag like no tomorrow...

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