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The recent changes and my suggestions / comments


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Mirage's Prism: 

As much as Mirage is my favorite frame as well as my most used, I can't deny the fact that prism is indeed excessively strong and does require a nerf. The power to lock down an entire room endlessly (see LoR, blind mirage) is something that is of a lot of cheese and does not encourage skill play. Making it line of sight is reasonable although I will comment on how Excal's blind which does pretty much the same thing is of similar strength and should also be nerfed in my opinion.

Valkyr's Hysteria:

Ok, increased energy while in hysteria mode. I agree to this nerf as well. Duration Valkyr before the nerf is pretty much infinity invincibility, that is quite a cheese as you can pretty much keep yourself in hysteria mode forever and never ever die. Yes infinity scaling is a problem as you can't kill them but I will explain my opinion on that in a later section. As for the "take the absorbed dmg after you leave hysteria" nerf... well it was there to begin with, even before the nerf, if you stack up a lot of damage while in hysteria and you decided to turn it off while near enemies you can still nuke yourself literally. 

To conclude the nerfs on the ult are reasonable and encourages people to not keep hysteria on forever which is a good thing as it promotes actual playing. In fact eternal war build is still playable and a decent idea.

However as for her other abilities I believe they indeed could do some changes, ripline isnt really that useful while paralysis is pretty much just as bad.

Trinity's Blessing:

This change is to some extent, interesting. 99% dmg reduction is certainly cheese, not deniable as it allows the entire team to be pretty much invincible and for quite a long time as well. The problem of enemy capable of killing tennos with 1 shot is probably why this ability is quite popular in some missions, below I will give my suggestion on how to remove that problem. As for whether I believe the nerf is reasonable? I will say this compared to the other nerfs is a lot harder to determine. On one hand I do agree on blessing needing a nerf, but on the other, this nerf might be harsh as for current situations, if my other suggestions below are implemented then this nerf might be reasonable.

Excalibur's Exalted Blade:

Diminished damage as distance increased is reasonable. Excalibur is a melee oriented frame, not a frame which kill everything in sight within 40m (approx maximum range of EB before it dissipates) as if it is a shockwave turret (I can't think of a better name). EB does a significant amount of damage, and to have it pass through any obstacle and cut pretty much everything in half for 40m is excessively op. Although I will say it is better if they keep the damage and only have it falloff after a certain distance (eg 10m / 15m) would probably be a better change (not too sure if it immediately decreases as patch notes just say as distance travelled) The adding energy cost for blind is more of a weird change, yes it is a nerf, but I will say the nerf isn't really necessary but on the other hand, it does not have much of an impact as well.



Oh at least bladestorm is going to get that nerf, it needs that nerf much more than the other considerably justified nerfs we have in this patch.

My suggestions / solutions for the actual problems in Warframe.

Infinity scaling of enemy is definitely a problem. What usually is a problem in endless mission / high level missions is how enemies tend to be so tanky that nothing short of cheese is going to take them down (covert lethal ivara, bladestorm ash.... etc). The insane amount of damage they can also dish out is also of a good concern and it is what pushes people to use abilities such as blessing (before nerf) as 99% dmg reduction will prevent them to be deleted in a fight. My suggestions is the following.

1. Cap the maximum level of enemy. This "magical number" can be discussed but something like lv 120 or 150 is probably a decent start for a discussion. Any more after that, enemies are already way too tanky for normal weapons (non-cheese) to deal enough damage to take them out effectively. (10 arrows through their head isn't really "effective"). The problem of this will be allowing players to overstay in endless mission, my solution will be to make the mission itself more difficult rather than the enemy.

          For survival, we can have life support decrease faster (at a increasing rate) after the enemies reach the maximum level, sooner or later, these players will be forced out and this increases the difficulty of the mission but not the cheese from the opponent. 

          For defense, we can have increased damage dealt to protected target after enemy reach max level, in other words enemies hit harder to the pod but not to players. This as well makes the mission difficult but not as ridiculous as the lv 300 bombard (just an example which may not be what actually happens) who nukes everyone near the pod with 1 rocket.

          For interception, this maybe potentially be solved by increasing the rate of how the % of data collected by enemy increases when the enemy captures the target. In other words, the enemy who captured a point (say point A) for 30 second after all enemy reach maximum level will gain more percentage to their bar then the first enemy who captured it in round 1.

2. Invulnerability to repeated cc. To make it "easier" as well as more fair for players, now that they cannot use as much cheese, it is just reasonable that the enemy cannot use as much "cheese". My suggestion is the following. After being attacked by any type of cc (knockdown, pull, stagger, knockback and any other you can think of) aside from slow they cannot be affected by any other cc for a short period of time (3 seconds? This number can be discussed as well, I am just giving an example, 3 seconds seem reasonable in my opinion). This will stop what usually upsets player.... such as a knock back galore by a platoon of arson eximus, or a infinity knockdown. This won't be too op as well, you can still take damage, it is just that you can't be repeatedly knockdowned or get into a knockdown, pull, knockdown, pull combo.

3. Introduce a "fatal" system. I will first assume that QT is not used on the player for the sake of simplicity. Currently, if you take more damage than what your health can take you die / bleedout Simple. (assuming no QT) What this fatal system is, if the player takes more damage than what they can tank, they go into a "fatal mode", rather than dying directly. The next damage that they take however, will still result in them dying. This fatal mode will be removed if they gain any sort of healing on health  (from ability / arcane / that wonderful trinity you have in your team/ or that health restore you brought), shields regenerating will not remove this fatal mode. What this fatal mode does is that it prevents players from being 1-shot directly, which is what many has complained and forced many players to rely on cheese. It is not really that op as you can still die, except you can now take 1 more shot. 

         If the player have QT, whether QT procs first or fatal procs first can be discussed, I am more inclined to have fatal mode to be "Activated" first before QT, but this is something that can be discussed.

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I agree and would like to add suggestions of my own. First, you said something about ash being nerfed and I get that bladestorm is incredibly powerful, but DE have to be really careful on how they nerf it because ash is a glass canon. He's good at killing but her doesn't have any sort if damage mitigation. Nerfing him too hard will force players to use him with naramon and nothing else. My second point is that all frames should have a way to heal on their own and to mitigate damage to a certain extent. The reason why ash would be worthless without bladestorm is because he has neither. The reason Oberon is frowned upon is because his healing can't keep up against high level enemies and the damage they deal. In other words, some frames will be disregarded for solo missions because they aren't self-sufficient. To help with this, I would suggest that health orbs drops should be buffed as well as the effect of rejuvenation. Finally, the last thing you described, fatal mode, seems a lot like the shield gate concept. When your shield is depleted, you get 1-2 seconds of immunity to allow to get to cover and avoid being 1-shot. This also has a cooldown to avoid the mechanic being abused. Anyway, can't say all the nerfs please me, they should have addressed the scaling problem first, but at least they didn't really touch my favorite frames. :)

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Not sure why this got thrown into "warframe and abilities" as the later part of the original post isn't about abilities but about the game mechanic itself.  I guess someone jumped into conclusions before they finished reading the post >_>

8 hours ago, (PS4)Francis_Boudreau said:

I agree and would like to add suggestions of my own. First, you said something about ash being nerfed and I get that bladestorm is incredibly powerful, but DE have to be really careful on how they nerf it because ash is a glass canon. He's good at killing but her doesn't have any sort if damage mitigation. Nerfing him too hard will force players to use him with naramon and nothing else. My second point is that all frames should have a way to heal on their own and to mitigate damage to a certain extent. The reason why ash would be worthless without bladestorm is because he has neither. The reason Oberon is frowned upon is because his healing can't keep up against high level enemies and the damage they deal. In other words, some frames will be disregarded for solo missions because they aren't self-sufficient. To help with this, I would suggest that health orbs drops should be buffed as well as the effect of rejuvenation. Finally, the last thing you described, fatal mode, seems a lot like the shield gate concept. When your shield is depleted, you get 1-2 seconds of immunity to allow to get to cover and avoid being 1-shot. This also has a cooldown to avoid the mechanic being abused. Anyway, can't say all the nerfs please me, they should have addressed the scaling problem first, but at least they didn't really touch my favorite frames. :)

Thing is, there are a lot more than just rejuvenation that gives you health. We have life strike for melee, arcane grace for arcane enhancement, rejuvenation (obviously) for heal, Vazarin for heal. In other words, there are quite a number of heal abilities and ash isn't exactly the only one who does not have a healing ability, but at least he have a heal. As for health orb drop rate buff, I will say it is decent and I am fine if they buffed that although personally I don't think that is necessary. It is similar to a shield gate concept, but not exactly the same, rather than 1-2 seconds of immunity, it just provides you enough immunity to make sure you don't get killed directly if you still have any health left, any attack after that will still kill you as usual.

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My thoughts so far about the recent patch:

  1. Mesa seems to be doing less than she did before the multi-shot fix. It may be because there are multiple numbers for the "multiple" rounds fired off by peacemaker which makes it seem inconsistent, but some more clarification on what peacemaker has in stats might help clear this up.
  2. Volt feels nice except for the shield pickup. It seems to be useful for repositioning a shield than trying to ram enemies with it, mostly due to the drain aspect. Not to mention, when you hold the shield and reach zero energy, it drops off, which I'm sure is intended, but there really isn't any feedback that you lost the shield in the first place. Perhaps a sound when the shield drops off can sort that out, and reducing the drain a little since we take a movespeed debuff when holding the shield.
  3. Managed to try out Mag, and I like her overall feel. From time to time, I end up taking damage in Magnetize bubbles, even from my own rounds. Other times it doesn't spring up, so I'm sure it's a bug. Polarize looks cool, but doesn't really feel fulfilling to use. I'm uncertain if it's the damage or the visuals, there's just something that doesn't sit right with me.
  4. Played Mirage to test the Sleight of Hand Change. It feels pretty underwhelming, even with the buff. Most of the time, the enemy never goes near any traps, save for Corpus maps with the lasers in the doors. i will agree with other players that Prism is a bit sluggish to use after the change, so an animation speedup or new cast animation would be a nice fix.
  5. Valkyr seems to be struggling with the ult change. It's mainly due to the damage taken after you come from ult. Most of the time, rooms are clear enough to drop ult and avoid the backfire damage, however in endless missions she struggles since enemies are constantly spawning. Maybe decreasing the range of the backfire radius could sort this out, perhaps to 10m instead of 20m.
  6. (From a friends review) Excalibur feels pretty much the same, although he misses clearing enemies across the map. He's fine with the changes. He was quite surprised that the slide attack cost him more energy, which caused him to exit ult earlier than anticipated. He was able to recover pretty quickly after the shock but it threw him off pretty hard. Maybe removing the small blind from this maneuver so there will no longer be a need to expend more energy in ultimate would be a nice tradeoff, and he rather use Radial Blind over the slide attack 9/10 times.

That's all the feedback I have for now. I can't give any on the rest because I do not own those frames.

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These recent changes have made me stopped playing , and i am stuck and not knowing what to do or keep myself busy with to the IRL depression and trivia aside. Now i am depressed about the game, and the IRL nonsense and depression is multiplying... 

I was hoping for new stuff and content... such as a quest, etc... no... just stupid nerfs.

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