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[End-Game Upgrade Concept] The Proficiency System, An Optional Solution to Enemy Scalling Issue?


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  • Enemy Scaling has been a pressing issue in the game Warframe and can translate to enemies absorbing so much damage while they also inflict enough damage to defeat players in one hit
  • Scaling encourages players to use specific tactics to complete higher level missions with specific Warframes they are not too comfortable with and don't favor as much
  • Warframe weaponry is vast and a great majority of them tend to fall of against higher level enemies doe to the Armor Scaling.




  • The favorite suggestion for many players is to "simply just fix the enemy scaling"
  • My personal suggestion/idea is to "try out an Endgame feature that allows players to scale the capabilities of their Warframe"




  • The Proficiency System is an end-game feature that allows players to improve their Warframes and their equipped weaponry to scale up according to the enemy's level.
  • GOAL: To garner the feeling that Warframes are capable of  adjusting their tactics against even stronger foes based on how "proficient" they are under a certain category





  • Designed to create the feeling that the Tenno can "learn" to adjust their tactics against stronger enemies when using their maxed gear [Rank 30] against Level 30+ foes
  • Making this system account bound allows better diversification on what weaponry players want to use (Ex. Some wish to bring a Lato to a Level 100 Sortie)



  • When a player enters a Mission with Enemy Levels +30, based on the category of their Proficiency Level, it will improve the stats/total damage of that same category
  • Initially, all players will have Level 30 Proficiency in all categories and must complete different tasks to rank up their Proficiency
  • If their Proficiency in one category is equal to the Enemy Level of a 30+ Mission, their damage/stats in that category will scale up to meet that level
  • If the Proficiency Level in one category is less than the Enemy Level of the Mission, their damage/stats in that category scales to the max Proficiency only
  • If the Proficiency Level in one category is higher than the Enemy Level of the Mission, their stats in that category will match the same level of that Mission until the Enemy Level becomes greater than the Proficiency Level in that category



  • SURVIVAL PROFICIENCY: Improves the Max Health of the Player's Warframe based on the Enemy Level of a Mission
  • PROTECTIVE PROFICIENCY: Improves the Max Shield of the Player's Warframe based on the Enemy Level of a Mission
  • POWER PROFICIENCY: Improves the Total Damage of the Player's Warframe Damage Ability based on the Enemy Level of a Mission
  • PRIMARY PROFICIENCY: Improves the Total Damage of the Player's Primary based on the Enemy Level of a Mission
  • SECONDARY PROFICIENCY: Improves the Total Damage of the Player's Secondary based on the Enemy Level of a Mission
  • MELEE PROFICIENCY: Improves the Total Damage of the Player's Melee based on the Enemy Level of a Mission
  • [Debatable] COMPANION SURVIVAL PROFICIENCY: Improves the Max Health of the Player's Companion based on the Enemy Level of a Mission
  • [Debatable] COMPANION PROTECTIVE PROFICIENCY: Improves the Max Shield of the Player's Companion based on the Enemy Level of a Mission
  • [Debatable] COMPANION POWER PROFICIENCY: Improves the Total Damage of the Player's Companion Damage Ability based on the Enemy Level of a Mission



" A player enters a Level 50 Survival Mission with an Ember/Lato/Machete. The Player has Level 50 Survival Proficiency, Level 55 Secondary Proficiency, and Level 35 Melee Proficiency." In addition, let us assume that each Level of Proficiency allows a +5% bonus.

  • [In Level 50 Survival]: The player gains: +20% Health (Survival=Mission Level), +20% Secondary DMG (Secondary >=Mission Level), +5% Melee DMG (Melee<Mission Level)
  • [Survival ranks up to Level 55]: Player has now: +20% Health, +25% Secondary, +5% Melee
  • [Survival ranks up to Level 60]: Player has now: +20% Health, +25% Secondary, +5% Melee (because each of the categories are less than the Enemy Level of the Mission)




  • Gaining Proficiency requires to enter missions with Rank 30 equipment in order to gain Proficiency
  • The more Rank 30 equipment a player brings, the more Proficiency they can obtain
  • [Debatable] Proficiency is gained through End-Game content such as Trials/Sorties
  • [Debatable] Nightmare Trials grant the highest amount of Proficiency





  • Should gaining Proficiency be obtained ONLY in end-game missions?
  • Should there be a more diverse Proficiency Category (Example: Assault Rifle Proficiency, Dual Sword Proficiency, Bow Proficiency, etc.)?
  • How long a grind should the Proficiency System be?
  • Capacity to how much Proficiency a player can obtain?
  • Should upgrading Proficiency require an additive method or a method similar to the Arcane Enhancement?
  • Could this concept be a part of THE FOCUS SYSTEM?





  • Could emulate the feeling that Warframe do indeed contain combat abilities that "are vastly superior to both the Corpus' high technology and the Grineer's vast numbers; even the most inexperienced Tenno can fight their way through hordes of basic foot soldiers alone, and teams of experienced Tenno can best even the deadliest enemy threats. " (Quote from the game about the Tenno)
  • Despite the required grind, grants a payoff in being able to bring different/unique Warframe & Weapon setups into higher end mission
  • Grants the freedom to bring whatever setup they are comfortable with
  • Emulates that the Tenno can "adapt" to the tactics of the enemy no mater how strong they are
  • Creates another feeling of accomplishment that players can make their favorite Warframes super strong in higher end content




  • Enemy Scaling is a very...VERY touchy subject and many are highly vocal on how to "fix" it. This suggestion creates a different angle that will not sit well with others
  • Despite the payoff, there is a GRIND players will need to do in order to get their Warframes/Weapons to be viable in higher levels
  • Problem finding the correct scaling factor for Proficiency (Example: should each Proficiency point grant a +5%~10% in a specific Category? needs testing to determine)



Let me know your thoughts/comments on this particular concept. I feel this might be too much of a stretch but please be a bit respectful/meaningful in your feedback.





Edited by FoxFX
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Wow, you have thought a lot about this... Its definitely complex in terms of design and implementation, but it does solve the damage I suppose. I'm just curious about the details though. If damage scales up to be viable against armor scaling, it would have to be quite potent, and this would negate the function of CP as an aura, or vice versa it would simplify content even more once armor is gone. Also, it shifts attention from CC to damage builds as frames get more defense. Not to mention, raid and sortie mechanics and eximus etc would be the only differentiation in difficulty with normal missions. It could do with some tweaks such as not scaling as high, negating scaling in raids and maybe sorties too, or extensions into CC. Nice concept though :)

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I like your idea. To answer some questions:

30 minutes ago, FoxFX said:
  • Should gaining Proficiency be obtained ONLY in end-game missions?

No, but experience gained in lower level missions should be lower.

  • Should there be a more diverse Proficiency Category (Example: Assault Rifle Proficiency, Dual Sword Proficiency, Bow Proficiency, etc.)

I'd keep it simple - melee, primary, secondary - to avoid too much grind.

  • How long a grind should the Proficiency System be?

It can be long if it is rewarding enough. Players should feel the progression, but it should also take time. You don't want players to rush through content too quickly.

  • Capacity to how much Proficiency a player can obtain?

It should be possible to max everything. Maybe with some drawbacks, similar to the focus trees. I also think there should be a level cap on enemies.

  • Should upgrading Proficiency require an additive method or a method similar to the Arcane Enhancement?

No. Once you reach 30 you should be able to develop further.

  • Could this concept be a part of THE FOCUS SYSTEM?

I don't think it should. You unlock focus after you reach a specific mastery and you also need to do a few quests. You can reach high-level content long before that. 

I like this concept, but scaling in general should be looked at to prevent too big power spikes. Look what happened in WoW, when differences between lvl 70 and lvl 80 players were huge.

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I would say across the board while the enemy per level gain a rate of 100 armor the frames and weapons sentinels companions gains at 10% rate of the enemies this also includes health shields and armor.. sheer numbers of the enemies will still give that engaging and competitive feeling while the player doesn't feel underpowered or restricted and can have fun.


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51 minutes ago, Hemmo67 said:

i sincereally hope this becomes a thing but in a form of additional use for my 50 million focus points .-.

Everything BUT Focus Points. I have neither the time nor the desire of farming these, until they fix the miserable gains...

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6 hours ago, -CM-Emptiness said:

Wow, you have thought a lot about this... Its definitely complex in terms of design and implementation, but it does solve the damage I suppose. I'm just curious about the details though. If damage scales up to be viable against armor scaling, it would have to be quite potent, and this would negate the function of CP as an aura, or vice versa it would simplify content even more once armor is gone. Also, it shifts attention from CC to damage builds as frames get more defense. Not to mention, raid and sortie mechanics and eximus etc would be the only differentiation in difficulty with normal missions. It could do with some tweaks such as not scaling as high, negating scaling in raids and maybe sorties too, or extensions into CC. Nice concept though :)

In my perspective, the damage will scale up enough to be reasonable enough to feel that we are using Rank 30 Warframes/Weapons against Level 30-40. Around that level margin is where things start to ease up and there is little frustration when it comes to completing objectives with the Warframes and Weapons we WANT to use.


I am still trying to crunch a few numbers as to how this could feel more comfortable. Thanks for pointing out the Crowd Control as well. I just hope an idea like this would rather make Crowd Control and Damage have not too much of a difference. As of now, Crowd Control is an extremely sought out meta in the game.

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9 hours ago, Genitive said:

I like your idea. To answer some questions:

I like this concept, but scaling in general should be looked at to prevent too big power spikes. Look what happened in WoW, when differences between lvl 70 and lvl 80 players were huge.

I thank you for posting your thoughts on these questions. I looked up the issue you mentioned about World of Warcraft and their difference in Level 70 to Level 80 players. If I can find a workable formula/scaling that would avoid such grievance it would benefit the idea. That being said, I generally would not consider the scaling to be too linear.


Another question I'd like to ask all of you which will be added into the OP:



Edited by FoxFX
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Taken from Warframe Wikipedia

How scaling of fundamental enemy stats works in general is identical for all the stats: Each enemy type has a base value for this fundamental stat and a base level, the current value of the stat at the current level of the enemy is then calculated after a formula of the following structure:

Current Value = Base Value × (1 + (Current Level − Base Level)Exponent × Coefficient)

Based on how this formula is made, the enemy will eventually start to become bullet sponges and abnormally powerful in higher levels. The question is whether or not the Proficiency System should follow a similar route.

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I personally just have them rather fix the scaling but this is really good too and I wouldn't mind this. However one comment, as time progresses, enemies need to become more and more difficult, much more than you can keep up with because if you can keep up with them, there is no endgame due to the infinite "easiness" coming from the Proficiency system. Basically, the enemy scaling needs to be a decent amount above ours to make this game actually have an endgame. If not, then this completely destroys the concept of endgame due to you also scaling with them. Still really good though. :D

Example : Corrupted Heavy Gunner increases with 20% more armor every level. Then something similar would happen to you except maybe only a 10% armor increase. This difference between these 2 values will still give a reasonable amount of difficulty but still prevent the use of specific frames. 


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4 hours ago, FoxFX said:

I thank you for posting your thoughts on these questions. I looked up the issue you mentioned about World of Warcraft and their difference in Level 70 to Level 80 players. If I can find a workable formula/scaling that would avoid such grievance it would benefit the idea. That being said, I generally would not consider the scaling to be too linear.


Another question I'd like to ask all of you which will be added into the OP:



I assume this is regarding the rate of gaining traction. In which case higher-end should obtain a faster rate to reduce the grind associated with an upwards curving exp graph. If I'm not really making any sense, could you clarify with examples so I know what you mean?

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This idea is pretty unique, and I like the elegance of it. My only issue is that it would take away a lot of the challenge in higher missions. Trial missions especially would feel trivialized. What if trial missions and nightmare missions didn't have proficiency? It would clash a little with your idea to make them the place to farm it, but it would also ensure that end-game raids are still as hard as they should be.

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8 hours ago, -CM-Emptiness said:

I assume this is regarding the rate of gaining traction. In which case higher-end should obtain a faster rate to reduce the grind associated with an upwards curving exp graph. If I'm not really making any sense, could you clarify with examples so I know what you mean?

To better word the question:


  • Do you want to Proficiency System to allow players to choose which of the Proficiency Categories they want to level up (Melee Proficiency, Secondary Proficiency, etc.)
  • OR Do you want the use of a specific action (using your Secondary/Primary) to determine which Category of Proficiency levels up?
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1 hour ago, FoxFX said:

To better word the question:


  • Do you want to Proficiency System to allow players to choose which of the Proficiency Categories they want to level up (Melee Proficiency, Secondary Proficiency, etc.)
  • OR Do you want the use of a specific action (using your Secondary/Primary) to determine which Category of Proficiency levels up?

Ah. I thought the process was automatic i.e any max weapon class or frame will contribute to it, much like the focus system. But, this is interesting. I would go for the second seeing as it is also a choice in that you have to utilize a specific class in order to benefit, instead of using one class to give other classes a foothold in terms of ranking up. The first one just seems like proficiency from any max gear just goes toward that one class, which will introduce imbalance as some players will focus solely on a specific class.

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13 hours ago, brainjelly2g0 said:

This idea is pretty unique, and I like the elegance of it. My only issue is that it would take away a lot of the challenge in higher missions. Trial missions especially would feel trivialized. What if trial missions and nightmare missions didn't have proficiency? It would clash a little with your idea to make them the place to farm it, but it would also ensure that end-game raids are still as hard as they should be.

I understand the concern that such an idea could pose a lack of challenge when it comes to higher missions and Trials, however we cannot ignore the glaring issue that is that the Enemy Scaling has more or less encouraged players to rely on Crowd Control tactics more and more. This can pose a problem for players that would like to to bring in Warframes and Weapons that don't follow the "meta" in these higher missions.


I am still looking through things when it comes to the Scaling for the Proficiency System and I assure you that I aim for a scale that would still emulate to players the feeling that their Warframes are still capable of adapting to even stronger enemies to some degree with Crowd Control and with Damage.


There are just so many options for loadouts to try out and to have fun with. Even I imagined bringing a Machete Only Loadout into a Sortie one day.

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Thinking of adding in other unique Proficiency aspects into this. These unique ones will have perhaps a level 10 cap added to them and they might need to take a longer time to max out.


Health Orb Proficiency: Improves the amount of Health recovered from picking up a Health Orb (Max: 100 Health each pick up)

Energy Orb Proficiency: Improves the amount of Energy recovered from picking up a Energy Orb  (Max: ??? Energy each pick up)


Next post I'd like to show a link of the Enemy Scaling charts to better envision how the Proficiency could scale up player Warframes and their Weaponry.

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Enemy Health Scale


Enemy Shield Scale


Enemy Armor Scale


Enemy Damage Inflicted to Players/Warframe Scale



Usually players find a huge difficulty with their resilience and damage output when they reach around level 40+~50+ or so on most Warframes.

  • For the Health/Shield Proficiency: It could follow a similar curve to the enemy Damage Scaling.
  • For the Damage Proficiency: The Proficiency should scale Warframe/Weapon damage to NOT exceed either of the Enemy Health/Shield/Armor Scaling chart.
  • Aiming to make Proficiency scale our Warframes/Weapons to shorten the gap of the Damage-sponging and One-Shot kills (through a minimum grind of course)
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Some Personal Thoughts

In my opinion, it isn't wise at all to make a character/player in a MMO feel that they can't contribute or be of use in a game. Aside from some balancing issues with some Warframes, the Enemy Scaling system while intentionally done so by [DE] can also be very discouraging for some players. I still aim for a system that can let players feel that the Warframes they enjoy and/or worked hard for is worth it and is also formidable in the face of stronger enemies. Which is why with this concept, there has to be some breakthrough player progression that allows them to go further than their Rank 30 gears/Warframes.





I want to also introduce another Reddit post written by @Tibet579 on a FUN IDEA WITH INDIVIDUAL ENEMY QUIRKS THAT CAN EXPOSE THEM TO COUNTERATTACKS.

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1 minute ago, FoxFX said:

Some Personal Thoughts

In my opinion, it isn't wise at all to make a character/player in a MMO feel that they can't contribute or be of use in a game. Aside from some balancing issues with some Warframes, the Enemy Scaling system while intentionally done so by [DE] can also be very discouraging for some players. I still aim for a system that can let players feel that the Warframes they enjoy and/or worked hard for is worth it and is also formidable in the face of stronger enemies. Which is why with this concept, there has to be some breakthrough player progression that allows them to go further than their Rank 30 gears/Warframes.


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One thing that comes to mind if the disparity between new and older players.  Currently, the scaling (to me, yes that's subjective) isn't terrible.  It's there to push your limits, and if you're already going for 4+ hours in T4Survival, then maybe this doesn't matter to you the same as it might to someone who is new and still getting gear/mods.


This would only need to be effective in Endless missions, where the point is that you stay while you can and chance pushing it longer.  If you are failing to scaling, then leave the mission.  Getting to rotation C once is not some overly challenging experience.  Bring an adequate composition.  No, not all frames can do all things, which is one of the enjoyable factors for grouping and preparing a group to succeed.


A lot of thought has gone into this, and it would be a nice addition to give people who have played for ages something to actually do rather than log in, do sorties, and log out.  However, I can see the provided plan as not being a solution to any problem.


I do see that you listed people doing late/end game content with frames they don't want to play or may not be comfortable with.  Not to say "git gud," but a well-rounded player is a wonderful thing to have, and inviting them to play all frames, get accustomed to them, isn't a bad thing to ask.  This also dips into Mastery Rank and how bringing a level 2 to a nightmare trial might not be the smartest bet.


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2 hours ago, Czyril said:

One thing that comes to mind if the disparity between new and older players.  Currently, the scaling (to me, yes that's subjective) isn't terrible.  It's there to push your limits, and if you're already going for 4+ hours in T4Survival, then maybe this doesn't matter to you the same as it might to someone who is new and still getting gear/mods.


This would only need to be effective in Endless missions, where the point is that you stay while you can and chance pushing it longer.  If you are failing to scaling, then leave the mission.  Getting to rotation C once is not some overly challenging experience.  Bring an adequate composition.  No, not all frames can do all things, which is one of the enjoyable factors for grouping and preparing a group to succeed.


A lot of thought has gone into this, and it would be a nice addition to give people who have played for ages something to actually do rather than log in, do sorties, and log out.  However, I can see the provided plan as not being a solution to any problem.


I do see that you listed people doing late/end game content with frames they don't want to play or may not be comfortable with.  Not to say "git gud," but a well-rounded player is a wonderful thing to have, and inviting them to play all frames, get accustomed to them, isn't a bad thing to ask.  This also dips into Mastery Rank and how bringing a level 2 to a nightmare trial might not be the smartest bet.


Are you suggesting such a concept as this would create a rift between Casual/Newbies and Hardcore/Veteran players? I think it wouldn't. Remember that the scaling in this Proficiency System only kicks in once players start to encounter (in which I am still checking around) Level 40+ enemies. In a game like Warframe, players will always have a choice whether or not they want to play it casual or just reach for higher challenges.


Also, I wouldn't say this concept would only benefit Endless Missions only. Just now, we got the Sortie Mission which also contained a Kela Assassination (Rathum Points here we go). With a group of my own choosing, we started to notice how most of the time we end avoiding the fight more than we give the enemy a fight. Enemy Scaling is one of the most noticeable core problems in this game, and even [DE] is planning a new Damage system in response to this issue.

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4 hours ago, FoxFX said:

Are you suggesting such a concept as this would create a rift between Casual/Newbies and Hardcore/Veteran players? I think it wouldn't. Remember that the scaling in this Proficiency System only kicks in once players start to encounter (in which I am still checking around) Level 40+ enemies. In a game like Warframe, players will always have a choice whether or not they want to play it casual or just reach for higher challenges.


Also, I wouldn't say this concept would only benefit Endless Missions only. Just now, we got the Sortie Mission which also contained a Kela Assassination (Rathum Points here we go). With a group of my own choosing, we started to notice how most of the time we end avoiding the fight more than we give the enemy a fight. Enemy Scaling is one of the most noticeable core problems in this game, and even [DE] is planning a new Damage system in response to this issue.

So, what I feel I read in your last paragraph is a separate issue:  if there is no need to fight, then don't fight.  Kill the leader and leave (command-kill like an actual military operation).  Only when forced to fight do you need to fight.  This is why militaries using bombing raids, or assassins/snipers to kill high priority targets (capture mission?).  You don't want to have to fight the world to do something you can accomplish without.


I don't see how scaling would make a difference there.  I would think it would come down to being efficient with your time.  Rush Kela, kill Kela, gt the fo.  In endless-type missions you're more forced to fight enemies.  A damage system wouldn't change that, nor would being efficiency make you want to stop and kill off a bunch of worthless enemies.  A damage system would either lower or raise your damage against said targets, but in many cases you still wouldn't fight them because they're not the objective.  Can we stop and kill them all with ease?  Yes.  Is it a waste of time?  Absolutely.


Rather than focusing on a damage system change (I'm thinking specific to what they tried to accomplish with moving to Damage 2.0 and giving that my thought for Damage 3.0), why not change how maps/facilities work?  If you want to be forced to fight more enemies, have more locks, etc.  That's not part of a damage system, but part of the map you're running through.


To go back up to your first paragraph, I'm saying that an older player will have an easier time, given this system, which is also where we currently sit.  People who have been here for ages don't typically have any issues.  They're MR18-22, have all mods/frames, can and do play whatever is most efficient.  Those MR0-11 (pre-syndicate primaries, though they can still use Tonkor) folks who are struggling to get to rotation C in an endless-type mission... they would benefit more.  (Arbitrary situation:) Persons who haven't gotten enough playtime in to make use of those buffs, when they are the ones that need them, are having a harder time.  Would you not be seeing more higher MR people using this system to stay longer, get more loot, sell for plat.


I say it in that way to point out that those who actually see issues with any content are either persons who have not spent enough time playing, or aren't very good.  No, this is not an attack on anyone; until seeing this thread, I had never heard a thing about enemy scaling being an issue.  You either get better stuff and trump it or you struggle to get that far.  


Given the current sorties... level 120 enemies are honestly a pushover for the decent to good weapons.  You one shot the fodder, and you can CC and kill the harder stuff (a bombard of a napalm).  The fact that you know what you're going up against before you get there gives you time to plan.  Trivializing something that is supposed to be difficult to get a reward defeats the purpose of having that content. 


Now, to a more constructive point... what is your proficiency system took into account MR?  Lower level people tend to need more help, so have it scale, inversely with MR such as P = k/(MR)  where P is your proficiency, k is the coefficient for proficiency gained, and MR is mastery rank.

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