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Ideas By The Community Nobody~


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Hey. I am just a nobody in this community. Council Member. Master. However you would like to identify me.

This is just a few of the odd mod ideas I come up with when bored, and a Warframe idea that a friend of mine in-game came up with...

Warframe first, to get it out of the way.

We have Fire, Electricity, Ice, and Poison for Elemental Themes... Why not Wind?
I am not sure if my friend in-game has mentioned this on the forum as of yet, but a Wind-themed Warframe that goes by the name of Tempest.

Tempest being a speed/ melee Warframe, would have a lower Base Shield and Health stat than Excalibur, but have be as fast/ faster than Loki. The abilities would be based more around melee, not gunplay for its advantages.

Slot 1: Wind Blade. Think of Excalibur's Slash Dash, or Rhino's Charge. But instead of physically rushing ahead with your blade, you fire off a wind blade at a distance, with a narrow radius of travel.

Slot 2: Breeze: Be like the wind. Bullets flow around you as you move, with a higher chance of avoiding enemy fire for a limited time. Ranged damage is lowered from enemy weaponry, forcing them to come in close.

Slot 3: Windstep: Essentially, a step in the air, a double jump.

Slot 4: Wind Shear: The power of the Wind is at your disposal. Use it to knock enemies around you off balance, stunning them within a certain radius of where the ability was first triggered, while causing small amounts of Damage over Time.


The parts are as followed...


1st Row: Helmet/Head. A Streamlined back head, for optimal movement speeds.

2nd Row: Segmented Armor Torso: The Torso allows the Warframe to, cut through the air, also segmented for more flexibility. The edges along the back of the frame are cover for the spinal cord, similar to the back of the ASH frame.

3rd Row: Shoulder/Arms: Joint Protection at the shoulder, the under armor of the Warframe for the upper arms, and a gauntlet for each forearm.

4th Row: Legs: Once again, thighs covered in the under armor of the Warframe, for less weight, which results in less restricted movement. Knees and below covered in light armor plating, allowing the user protection around the knee, shin, and ankle areas.

5th Row: Feet: I suck at feet. I know this. My attempt was to make a Samurai-esque sandal that would be slightly covered by the Bottom of the Leg's lower armor plating.



Yeah... Credits to HiddenKharma and Reaver(Not using full IGN to protect said person's identity)

And then the mod ideas that I thought up when I was in a thinking mood..

Warframe Mods:
-Durability: A mod that enhances the strength of your shield, allowing it to take more damage per rank before it is drained.
-Good Samaritain: A mod that enchances Defensive strength while Reviving a downed Teammate.
-All or Nothing: A mod that enchances your Offensive strength while downed, increasing it to your damage by 50% at best.
-Stealthy Approach: A mod that reduces the noise your character makes while moving. When maxed, Sprinting near enemies would be almost Nearly undetectable.
-Iron Form: A mod that enchances your stance, making you stagger less upon incoming melee strikes. (Max 80% chance of ignoring stagger.)
-Fast Swap: A mod that enchances your Warframes reflexes, allowing you to swap your weapons faster. (70% increase in weapon swap animation speed.)
-(Rare Mod)Recovery Boost: A mod that enchances the amount of Health/Energy you recieve when you pick up Recovery Orbs.(Max being between 40-60% Increase in item effectiveness)
-Scavenger: A mod that allows you to make the most out of every ammo pack that you can find. Higher ranks mean more ammo, with a maximum of three times the regular maximum ammo pickup count.
-(Rare Mod) Materialism: A mod that doubles the amount of materials that you can obtain from one item, at maximum rank.

Weapon Mods:
-Serrated Edge: A mod that acts as Multishot for Melee strikes. Only Normal Melee slashes can be applied. (Or, make it an extremely rare mod, and it affects All slashes, charged or not.)
-Rampage: Melee damage stacks with the each enemy you kill. Damage increased by 2% each kill.(or 8% at Max. Will wear off after not attacking for X seconds.)
-Guard: A defensive melee mod. The higher the rank, to more ranged attack damage you can defend against.(Max rank will protect you from 90% of incoming fire)
-Counter Attack: Another defensive melee mod. After defending against a melee strike, you gain additional melee damage for 3 seconds. (Max 40% Bonus damage on defending.)
-Venomous Blade: A Poison Elemental damage mod. Since Poison is Damage over Time, the maximum could be between 20-40%

-Narrow Minded: A mod that lowers the spread of your shells by set percent. (Max 40%)
-Slugs: A single, heavier shot, instead of spread shells. Damage increases on rank.
-Plague: Poison elemental damage mod for shotguns. (Maximum damage for the poison would be between 20-40%)

-Marksman: Your weapon has more accuracy at longer ranges, narrowing the spread of fire.
-Silencer: A stealth mod, that lowers the noticability of your Rifle when it is fired. (80% chance of your Fire going unnoticed Max)
-Poison Tips: Poison elemental damage mod for Rifles. (20-40% Max damage)

-Hard Boiled: Pistols have more accuracy at range, lowering the spread of fire at longer distances.
-Suppressor: A stealth mod, that lowers the noticability of your Pistol when it is fired. (80% chance of your Fire going unnoticed Max)
-Venom Injector: Poison elemental mod for Pistols (20-40% Max damage)

Platinum Purchases:
-Material Booster: Essentially, the same thing as the Affinity Booster. A 3-7 day purchase that doubles the amount of materials you pick up, or double the drop rate of materials.
-Mod Booster: Like the Affinity and Material Boosters, this mod will increase the chance of Mods being dropped from enemies. More than likely, this booster should cost an additional 20 Platinum per 3-7 day purchase, because it could be seen as more useful. Mods are hard to come by, and this makes things slightly easier, so it should have a slight price increase.

Just some ideas I have running around in my head. Feel free to add or comment, and I'll be updating this list with any more ideas that worm into my cranium.

Edited by HiddenKharma
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i agree with everything, except accuracy mods, unless its only active after a cooldown when you look down iron sights.

if there isnt a catch to using an accuracy mod, everyone will just run around with a gorgon.

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i thought 4th skills were suppose to be the most damage dealing or helpful, that tornado sounds anti climatic and lame.


Damage Dealing, the tornado does small amounts of damage over time, but the bigger benefit or 'Help' is the fact that it keeps enemies stunned, letting you or your teammates take care of them however you wish to, be it melee, gunfire, or other skills. If you would like, I could edit the post so that it ends with a damaging knockback, like a heavy weapon slam.


Thank you for posting. I'm not perfect, and ideas/ suggestions are very welcome.

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 The Silencer mods are tricky business since DE decided to make Silent a weapon Trait for things like the Paris or Kunai.


 Other then that I seriously like some of your ideas!


 Particularly the Solid Slug mod for shotguns! I think that is JUST the kind of thing that'd make for an awesome mod.


 More people should talk about this sort of topic! DE would probably like to see people discussing what kind of new mods they'd really like to have.

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Warframe Mods:

-Good Samaritain: A mod that enchances Defensive strength while Reviving a downed Teammate.

-All or Nothing: A mod that enchances your Offensive strength while downed, increasing it to your damage by 50% at best.

-Stealthy Approach: A mod that reduces the noise your character makes while moving. When maxed, Sprinting near enemies would be almost Nearly undetectable.

-Iron Form: A mod that enchances your stance, making you stagger less upon incoming melee strikes. (Max 80% chance of ignoring stagger.)

-Fast Swap: A mod that enchances your Warframes reflexes, allowing you to swap your weapons faster. (70% increase in weapon swap animation speed.)


Weapon Mods:


  -Serrated Edge: A mod that acts as Multishot for Melee strikes. Only Normal Melee slashes can be applied. (Or, make it an extremely rare mod, and it affects All slashes, charged or not.)

  -Rampage: Melee damage stacks with the each enemy you kill. Damage increased by 2% each kill.(or 8% at Max. Will wear off after not attacking for X seconds.)

  -Guard: A defensive melee mod. The higher the rank, to more ranged attack damage you can defend against.(Max rank will protect you from 90% of incoming fire)

 -Counter Attack: Another defensive melee mod. After defending against a melee strike, you gain additional melee damage for 3 seconds. (Max 40% Bonus damage on defending.)



  -Marksman: Your weapon has more accuracy at longer ranges, narrowing the spread of fire.

  -Silencer: A stealth mod, that lowers the noticability of your Rifle when it is fired. (80% chance of your Fire going unnoticed Max)



  -Hard Boiled: Pistols have more accuracy at range, lowering the spread of fire at longer distances.

  -Suppressor: A stealth mod, that lowers the noticability of your Pistol when it is fired. (80% chance of your Fire going unnoticed Max)



I am for all of these.


Durability I do not like because it would make the game even more heavily favored towards shields (over armor and health). I don't see any problems that I can think of with the other frame mods.


For melee, the multistrike should be normal attacks only as they are severely underpowered versus charge attacks. Melee does need more mods in general.


For shotgun, definitely no to the reduced spread. The ability to snipe at range was the reason shotguns received the recent nerfs. I feel this mod would just run counter to those nerfs and could even result in more nerfs to shotguns. As for the slug mod, I would say we just need more variety of shotgun type weapons to begin with. Maybe a short range, single shell, high damage shotgun-like weapon?


For the rifle and pistol mods, sure. Why not? Maybe add in recoil too, but that has to be done carefully. Lower recoil makes a weapon vastly more powerful. (Edit) Actually all 3 mods would need to be handled very carefully.


As for other new mods, I would really like to see warframe specific mods along the lines of Thunderbolt, such as a mod that could give a chance for builts to be magnetically deflected when fired at Mag, or an Aura that applies the freeze effect to nearby enemies for Frost.

Edited by Dantal
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I am for all of these.


Durability I do not like because it would make the game even more heavily favored towards shields (over armor and health). I don't see any problems that I can think of with the other frame mods.


For melee, the multistrike should be normal attacks only as they are severely underpowered versus charge attacks. Melee does need more mods in general.


For shotgun, definitely no to the reduced spread. The ability to snipe at range was the reason shotguns received the recent nerfs. I feel this mod would just run counter to those nerfs and could even result in more nerfs to shotguns. As for the slug mod, I would say we just need more variety of shotgun type weapons to begin with. Maybe a short range, single shell, high damage shotgun-like weapon?


For the rifle and pistol mods, sure. Why not? Maybe add in recoil too, but that has to be done carefully. Lower recoil makes a weapon vastly more powerful. (Edit) Actually all 3 mods would need to be handled very carefully.


As for other new mods, I would really like to see warframe specific mods along the lines of Thunderbolt, such as a mod that could give a chance for builts to be magnetically deflected when fired at Mag, or an Aura that applies the freeze effect to nearby enemies for Frost.

Durability is just another choice in my opinion. We have some who prefer massive amounts of shields in game, but little health. There is a mod for increase Health Defense(Armor), but not Shield Defense. That is the reason i threw that in. I understand what you are saying though.


About the shotgun spread mod: I did list a Maximum spread reduction of 40% I tried to make the listing balanced in my head, so that way, if these were ever implemented, they wouldn't be too OverPowered.


Thank you for your post. It helps me get new mod ideas into perspective.


 The Silencer mods are tricky business since DE decided to make Silent a weapon Trait for things like the Paris or Kunai.


 Other then that I seriously like some of your ideas!


 Particularly the Solid Slug mod for shotguns! I think that is JUST the kind of thing that'd make for an awesome mod.


 More people should talk about this sort of topic! DE would probably like to see people discussing what kind of new mods they'd really like to have.

I can understand the silent weapon trait business. If it can happen, sweet. If not, oh well.


Thank you for posting, any feedback is very welcomed.

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Thank you for being positive towards any criticism and your welcome :)

Just woke up.


I have to be positive towards any criticism. If I get mad about it, I lose any consider-ability of these ideas. Plus, I am not perfect. Criticism will help me fix these ideas, and assist in my tiny brain processes when I think up new ones.

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Starmachine24, on 16 Jun 2013 - 08:15 AM, said:snapback.png

HiddenKharma you have really good ideas

Thank you very much.


Notso, on 16 Jun 2013 - 08:38 AM, said:snapback.png

Nice, all of these sound good, a couple of implementation problems but nothing that couldn't be ironed out.

This is just for ideas listed that pop into my head. Feel free to put your own up here, and credit will be given

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Im the Reaver friend of kharma's, good stuff, altho i think a hover ability would be a bit more effective than a double jump, mostly because Excaliburs superjump already pretty much does the same thing in 1 jump.  and the hover could be used in conjunction with his other abilities.



first off, i thought of a better way to make slashwave. I think it should maybe travel a medium ranged distance, a bit shorter than slash dash, But the area of effect should be much wider than excaliburs slash dash, but not go as far.


as for breeze, i was thinking more along the lines of a portable 1 man snowglobe that stops bullet damage and does damage to those who would try to melee you, however u still take full melee damage. Possibly could also draw aggro. The idea of having a train of enemies chasing you around amuses me :D.


also for the ult, change the SMALL DoT to moderate or heavy, and also....i'd change the name, same for breeze, needs something more threatening.


Originally for the Ult, i thought of a move called radial slash, where he just whips around extreemly fast, knocking backing all nearby enemies and doing massive damage, but the knockback/down and Dot Seems like it could be a bit stronger than that, so i agree with it.



As for breeze, I'd Rename it Gale Force or something along those lines.


As for tornado i'd rename it Something Ripper (no i don't plan on actually using the word something)

Edited by Reaver_X
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Food for thought: A frame whose abilities center around buffing sentinels and possibly even transforming them into a different form for a set amount of time.

Interesting... How would that work though? It would need to be a Platinum Frame Bundle for purchase, with a starting Sentinel.


Skills that Heal the Sentinel, Buff the Sentinel's Abilities/ Damage, Increase Sentinel Stealth Abilities, and A Sentinel Based Ultimate..

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For the wind warframe idea. Why DoT in small increments? Why not just have the ability throw enemies like ragdolls, and deal massive damage upon impact?

So that way, the enemies are being kept where they are, allowing teammates to attack as well, protecting and attacking at the same time...


And because I would rather it be buffed at a later date, then start out needing a nerf.

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So that way, the enemies are being kept where they are, allowing teammates to attack as well, protecting and attacking at the same time...


And because I would rather it be buffed at a later date, then start out needing a nerf.

Ah, ok. Another idea: how about combining the ideas, have the ability initially hold enemies in place, then toss enemies at the end of its duration then deal some sort of light damage at the end with no DoT. The ability would maintain its support capabilities while also having an offensive application.

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