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[Semi-Confirmed] 4V4 Pvp, Straight From Scott's Beard!


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WF is not balanced for pvp, all im saying. no need for pvp

Eh what now? That's the most ridiculous reason not to do something I ever heard. If we kept saying "oh well there's no point trying this because the equipment we have doesn't quite fit" we may as well go back to 10000 BC

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It's not PvP game. I start playing it because there was not that much good PVE games, thats why i don't care at all about pvp. It would be better if they stayed focused on PVE only. My humble opinion.

Obviously the PvE game would be better if they only focused on PvE. But for those who like the idea of PvP that's not as true.

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With the game as it is, with all its issues that need ironing, not to mention its current path of grind and wait stupid amounts of hours or pay, and the promise that PVP wasn't going to be a focus, when it clearly is, I think its time move on.


I tried to stick with DE and support them for the most part, but after the U8 grind or pay wall, I really lost a lot of interest. Even then I stuck with it while my small clan (of roughly 100 people, with only a small handful actually active) while we worked our butts off getting the labs and research going, only to be rewarded with horrible, useless stuff. (looking at you Dera) The Dera was something I personally wanted, and sunk a lot of time into getting, not to mention some plat spending. The disappointment from this was a real crushing blow.


Still, I gave myself a couple of days to "cool off" thinking after a few days it all wont seem so bad. And you know, not once in the past few days have I even given WF a second thought. Then I get shown this.


Last straw.


PVP was never meant to be implemented, it was only tacked on to shut all the whining little gits up. they got PVP. Even though DE said they wouldn't balance a damn thing for pvp, they have. Don't even try and say they haven't. Already the main core of the game, the PVE has been damaged by the small pvp addition.


It now seems, that the little ADHD kiddies have won out. DE, you're like those parents that instantly give in to a child having a tantrum


This is not the game I supported. 


I supported a PVE focused co-op game. A game without the rabid, foam-at-the-mouth PVP crap.


I wish you luck DE, I do. But this is not something I can get behind anymore.

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the TL;DR would be : think your posts through, your knee jerk reaction is only going to bring more knee jerk reactions, your personal attacks are only going to bring out more personal attacks, before you know it any and all threads will degenerate into forum Call of Duty : Twelve year old warfare.


And for another TL;DR for you lazy people : Either do good PvP or do no PvP at all; and in actuality, better focus on polishing PvE until it blinds us with how great it is before giving PvP much (if any) importance at all.


This I agree with. Focus on the PvE aspect of the game entirely before any PvP is introduced whatsoever.


I laughed at the Child's online Daycare Reference... I mean Call of Duty.

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With the game as it is, with all its issues that need ironing, not to mention its current path of grind and wait stupid amounts of hours or pay, and the promise that PVP wasn't going to be a focus, when it clearly is, I think its time move on.


I tried to stick with DE and support them for the most part, but after the U8 grind or pay wall, I really lost a lot of interest. Even then I stuck with it while my small clan (of roughly 100 people, with only a small handful actually active) while we worked our butts off getting the labs and research going, only to be rewarded with horrible, useless stuff. (looking at you Dera) The Dera was something I personally wanted, and sunk a lot of time into getting, not to mention some plat spending. The disappointment from this was a real crushing blow.


Still, I gave myself a couple of days to "cool off" thinking after a few days it all wont seem so bad. And you know, not once in the past few days have I even given WF a second thought. Then I get shown this.


Last straw.


PVP was never meant to be implemented, it was only tacked on to shut all the whining little gits up. they got PVP. Even though DE said they wouldn't balance a damn thing for pvp, they have. Don't even try and say they haven't. Already the main core of the game, the PVE has been damaged by the small pvp addition.


It now seems, that the little ADHD kiddies have won out. DE, you're like those parents that instantly give in to a child having a tantrum


This is not the game I supported. 


I supported a PVE focused co-op game. A game without the rabid, foam-at-the-mouth PVP crap.


I wish you luck DE, I do. But this is not something I can get behind anymore.

Exactly which part of PvE was changed because of PvP?

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the reason PVP is imbalanced and should not be of any interest for the developers is the way this game was designed. with skills that give you 80-90% of damage mitigation one might think those are the TOP skills for pvping as your main damage source are weapons (except the ash/loki with invis, but then again 80-90% damage reduction...).



skills need extra balancing to work in pvp as they do in pve. imagine a 4v4 with 4 rhinos against 4 mags... or stuff like bullet attractor (mag) + radial javelin (excalibur). those are oneshot mechanics or NEVER DIE mechanics unless DE takes extra time to do some odd changes like "oh well, rhino iron skin does not work in pvp because op" "this does not work" "that does not work".


no need for pvp, really.

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Pre-emptive warning : The opinions expressed in this post are ones of an opinonated &#!, if you feel offended by any of them, remember this : "Set is an idiot".


I'm surprised I even have to post this, but oh well.


The community over here sure has gone downhill, eh?


I 'member back in the day everyone got along (well bah, no, but somewhat), nowdays it's a trolling tug-o-war to measure who's got the biggest sausage in any and all situations.

-Pay gates? "you're all ungrateful entitled greedy brats" versus "I want 200 potatoes per second".


-PvP? "amagawd muh pve game is ruined" versus "EVERYTHING IS OP PLS NERF EVERYTHING"


-Direction the game is heading? "the game is perfect shut up and go play something else" versus "DOOM, DEATH AND FAMINE, AUDITORIES FOR EVERYONE, THOUSANDS OF AUDITORIES"


-A new warframe is coming? let's argue how the concept it is based on really works in real life and get most of our "facts" wrong!, also : what is suspension of disbelief.


I am all for PvP, I love PvP, I still think blatant raises some very real issues though, and so do others, unfortunately all this is drowned out by 9999 posts which contribute about tree fiddy in terms of feedback.


the TL;DR would be : think your posts through, your knee jerk reaction is only going to bring more knee jerk reactions, your personal attacks are only going to bring out more personal attacks, before you know it any and all threads will degenerate into forum Call of Duty : Twelve year old warfare.


Either way nobody's going to give a S#&$ and everyone will continue trolling each other, but venting is fun.




Now what I think : 


1. If you're going to do something, do it right, half-assing never works, as much of a PvPholic as I might be, I rather have super strong PvE only content than mediocer content in both because HR are spread thin; warframe right now is going more for the latter, the PvP is a chunk of coal (but I do understand why), and the PvE does get tiresome, extremely so; thus I would say that right now, in my opinion, it would be better to get the 6/10 content to 10/10 field rather than bringing the broken pvp up to par.


2. PvP balancing is HARD, but it does not mean it has to affect PvE, many many games have different values on everything (skills, gears, etc.) depending on wheter the player is fighting the enviroment or other players.


2. bis. : Extremely unbalanced PvP can be worse than no PvP at all; the dojo right now walking this thin line because of availability, and that is it tought as a mere "for fun" mode with absolutely no rewards, be it material or "ego boosting", it still has gotten complaints about balance, imagine what would happen if it were expanded further in availability while everything else remaned intact. Just to clarify, you have a complain-a-ton in your hands, something that with no PvP woudn't happen.


3. Competitiveness and microtransactions : This can potentially hurt a game, you can have balanced out mods, warframes, and weapons; you can have terrain that promotes skillful play rather than a 2x2 box where everyone is bullet spamming everywhere; the moment someone notices that "the other guy is tougher than me because he has a potato/forma/clan with pretty weapons" (validity of claims irrelevant to the issue, the complaints will happen, and no ammount of logic will stop them, they are not founded on logic) I would just hang a banner on the arena and forums that quoted the entrace to hell in dante's inferno. If you think the potato famine threads right now are bad; you should see what this might bring. It is that bad.


And for another TL;DR for you lazy people : Either do good PvP or do no PvP at all; and in actuality, better focus on polishing PvE until it blinds us with how great it is before giving PvP much (if any) importance at all.

This is basically what i think

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Cross platform? I'm like a kid before christmas waiting to see if I'll get what I wished for.


I wouldn't mind some 4v4 style dueling as long as we don't see the game changed for PvP. I would really like DE to stick to their guns on this one.

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copy/paste since people still complain about balance


"And people continue to ignore the versatility of the mod card system.


It allows for the introduction of new abilities and mods, which can then be locked to be PvP or PvE-specific.


DE never said they were never ever going to add PvP. PvE is still in the center, but that doesn't mean they can't do anything else on the side. Back at PAX they said they would do the clan dueling and depending on how that went, they would slowly add more PvP.


As it stands, unfortunately, in this day and age no PvP is a limitation. Only one group is being catered to and only one group is paying. If you have something for everyone, that would be more money overall, which is more money to go into PvE.


Also, this community is already going down and it's full of elitists and idiots. Look at the attitude you people display when others even mention any new features. And you have audacity to generalize and pin that same attitude on people who enjoy participating against other players?


You must remember that PvP means Player versus Player. That covers a lot."


 the promise that PVP wasn't going to be a focus, when it clearly is


Voids your entire post.


"PVP was never meant to be implemented"


Voids it even further.


"to shut all the whining little gits up"


Shows everyone that you're an &#!.


"the little ADHD kiddies have won out. DE, you're like those parents that instantly give in to a child having a tantrum"



Edited by FatalX7
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They really have got their work cut out for them if they plan on balancing a 4v4.. lol.. All the PvP folks are like "Yayyy" and as soon as it releases they are on the forums in droves threatening to leave because " the game is not balanced"...

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I think adding PvP is good, even though I don't have any interest in it myself. As long as they make skills work differently against players than AI enemies. Othervice it will screw up the PvE side the of the game.

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Awh! Look at this little guy, acting like DE's 'wittle white knight, adorably defending their honor and attacking everyone's opinions in blind, zealous loyalty! So cute!


Wow, you must be super new here. Fatal is DE's white knight? Go stick your head under a tap mate.

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I'm in this boat, and also more inclined to believe Scott was just talking off the cuff and didn't realize what he was saying until after he said it.


Me too. Probably true. Not that the rabid pvpers would accept that now that it has been said.

Edited by Kalenath
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Wow, you must be super new here. Fatal is DE's white knight? Go stick your head under a tap mate.

Must admit the guy has been scaring me some what recently. Ive yet to see him post anything that I can disagree with him on yet. If I believed in time/dimensional travel (outside of books games tv films) then I'd say he was me.....

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