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Why Not Make A Fusion Core Pack?


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hey players 


i have been playing Warframe for over 150 hours, compare to many of u, that amount is ridiculously little. However, after that amount of hours played, I am able to get some new Warframes, and new weapons. currently my favorites are the hek and the botlor. 


my hek is maxed, but my boltor is not, and also my kunai is not maxed. i need fusion cores, and i needed them bad. for the past few days, i have been doing nothing but farming fusion cores in defense missions or mobile defense missions. cuz ppl told me that's the most efficient way to farm. i am certainly making progress, but i think it is not fast enough. so why not make a fusion core pack in the equipment session so when players desperately needed fusion cores, they can go to the market and buy some. 


personally, i think it would be nice if 20 platinum will give a player 200 fusion cores (this is just an example).


thanks for reading


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part of what makes the system work for paying players and players that dont is that they have a neutral element to the game. something they cam both work toward without either having a direct advantage.

if they add paid fusion cores it basicly blows that out of the water. there is already so much of the game you can speed up. you would have people getting a fully modded high ranked warframe after just a day or two (granted at a ridiculous cost) while anybody else would have to spend countless hours to get to the same place.

plus people would buy themselves into boredom. it happens in enough games that it is a legitimate problem. if you arent farming for mods or warframes or cores..... what else would you be doing?

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part of what makes the system work for paying players and players that dont is that they have a neutral element to the game. something they cam both work toward without either having a direct advantage.

if they add paid fusion cores it basicly blows that out of the water. there is already so much of the game you can speed up. you would have people getting a fully modded high ranked warframe after just a day or two (granted at a ridiculous cost) while anybody else would have to spend countless hours to get to the same place.

plus people would buy themselves into boredom. it happens in enough games that it is a legitimate problem. if you arent farming for mods or warframes or cores..... what else would you be doing?

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This was suggested like...4 days ago.

I'll give the same response as I did before.


Having a buyable Fusion Core pack is getting seriously close to that ever dangerous fine line known as Pay-to-Win.

I'm not saying it is necessarily P2W, but it is extremely close, and that is exactly what we do not need.

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part of what makes the system work for paying players and players that dont is that they have a neutral element to the game. something they cam both work toward without either having a direct advantage.

if they add paid fusion cores it basicly blows that out of the water. there is already so much of the game you can speed up. you would have people getting a fully modded high ranked warframe after just a day or two (granted at a ridiculous cost) while anybody else would have to spend countless hours to get to the same place.

plus people would buy themselves into boredom. it happens in enough games that it is a legitimate problem. if you arent farming for mods or warframes or cores..... what else would you be doing?

you made a good point. if buying fusion cores is not an option, how about make it one of the log in rewards? for example, after 24 hours, you log into the game, and one of the login reward will be 20 fusion cores or sth like that. cuz most of the time im either getting extra cash or 1000 exp for primary weapon or 1000 points for secondary weapons.

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Not getting any orokin alerts for weeks, or the inability to get any slots outside platinum, is far closer to 'pay to win' than buying fusion cores.


You're confusing "paying for more" with "paying to win". They aren't one in the same.

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This was suggested like...4 days ago.

I'll give the same response as I did before.


Having a buyable Fusion Core pack is getting seriously close to that ever dangerous fine line known as Pay-to-Win.

I'm not saying it is necessarily P2W, but it is extremely close, and that is exactly what we do not need.

How so? Care to elaborate why a Fusion Core pack would be Pay 2 Win? Please define your "Win" condition in that context.

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How so? Care to elaborate why a Fusion Core pack would be Pay 2 Win? Please define your "Win" condition in that context.

Because, Fusion Cores are by far the superior way to upgrade mods. I know you're not winning against other players or anything, but you are paying money to very easily get max level mods, which puts you ahead of many players.


Fusion Core packs would essentially allow players to buy their way into max level mods. That is Pay to Win.

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Because, Fusion Cores are by far the superior way to upgrade mods. I know you're not winning against other players or anything, but you are paying money to very easily get max level mods, which puts you ahead of many players.


Fusion Core packs would essentially allow players to buy their way into max level mods. That is Pay to Win.

So having max Level mods is your win condition? What if mine is different? Since this is a PvE game with very loosely defined goals, I think it's silly to call one advantage pay2win. For one player having max mods may be pay2win, but what about someone like me who wants to max all the frames and weapons? Wouldn't that make affinity boosters pay2win? What about those players who merely want to clear all the missions in the game? WHy would they care if someone maxed all their mods by paying?


Point is, I think the term "pay2win" has very little meaning in a game like Warframe.

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In a word? No.

While it most certainly will be a golden well of money for DE, its implications upon retention and player progress will be profound and counter productive to the game and the gameplay.

In the same weight, they might as well sell temporarily-active super-items or cheat codes.

Best Regards,

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If what you buy with cash is available for free in the game, it's not Pay2Win.


It's exactly like credits/affinity boosters, buying frames/weapons instead of getting parts/mats, rushing crafts: you pay to spend less time playing/farming.


And it's not that different from the mod packs we have available right now.


I'm totally up for it. You wanna spend 100$ to max your serration? sure, go ahead. More money for the devs, more content for everyone. 


Doesn't mean I would buy them though...


Edit: oh btw, the most "efficient way" to level up mods (and I mean, the cheapest), is not Fusion cores. It's duplicates. Not by much, but still.

Edited by Thelonious
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So having max Level mods is your win condition? What if mine is different? Since this is a PvE game with very loosely defined goals, I think it's silly to call one advantage pay2win. For one player having max mods may be pay2win, but what about someone like me who wants to max all the frames and weapons? Wouldn't that make affinity boosters pay2win? What about those players who merely want to clear all the missions in the game? WHy would they care if someone maxed all their mods by paying?


Point is, I think the term "pay2win" has very little meaning in a game like Warframe.

You're right, it isn't the traditional term of 'pay-to-win' simply because you aren't winning against anyone. But that doesn't mean you can just add anything to the cash shop and use the argument "it's PvE! there's no pay to win".

Would you say the same if DE released a gun that did 10000 damage, punctured 10m, ignored armour, had infinite clip size and fired at 50000rpm, and was also platinum only?

No, you damn well wouldn't. You'd think it was bullS#&$ that paying players could pay money to make themselves better than others.


I was wrong in my second post when I said "that is pay to win", I admit that.

But, Fusion Core packs would definitely be nearing that very, very fine line.



If what you buy with cash is available for free in the game, it's not Pay2Win.


It's exactly like credits/affinity boosters, buying frames/weapons instead of getting parts/mats, rushing crafts: you pay to spend less time playing/farming.


And it's not that different from the mod packs we have available right now.


I'm totally up for it. You wanna spend 100$ to max your serration? sure, go ahead. More money for the devs, more content for everyone. 


Doesn't mean I would buy them though...


Edit: oh btw, the most "efficient way" to level up mods (and I mean, the cheapest), is not Fusion cores. It's duplicates. Not by much, but still.

What you say is partially true. While most games that have everything available for free and for cash are not pay-to-win, it doesn't flat out mean that game is void of P2W.

If something costs $10 to buy, or can be obtained for free but takes 300 hours to get, that could be considered pay-to-win, simply because the amount of time to acquire said item is just far to steep for most players. (this is not an example from Warframe. Warframe is very reasonable for this sort of thing)

People seem to forget that time = money. Having something take 500 hours to acquire does not make it free.


Also. True, duplicates give the most fusion xp, but it's not the most efficient way at all when you take everything into account.


What takes longer to get. 20 duplicates of a mod, or 20 fusion cores?

It will take a hell of a long time to get 20 duplicates, and in that time, you can get a far higher amount of Fusion Cores.

Meaning, Fusion Cores are the most efficient way, when you take everything into consideration, not just what gives you the most fusion xp.


I'm not going to take this further, I cannot be bothered, and this is just my point of view.

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I really want this too, but 20 platinum for 200? A bit too many Fusion Cores perhaps.

no it's not, seeing as how the end game serration is like 450fusion cores and other mods are ridiculous as well. 200 doesn't sound bad at all! Plus besides, platinum costs is ridiculous as it is already...
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