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Verdant Refuge [Semi-Open roleplay, Revamped]


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[In Phenix space area].

A spot of space folds on itself, twirling and changing form until a ship jumps out of the deformation. A normal punch out from a rail, yet this ship appears nowhere near the arrival rail and with an illogical orientation compared to someone who would have arrived from the departure rail to Phenix.

The small ship flies slowly towards the rail station until suddenly its engines blasts out and comes to a halt, sending a distress signal.

[Inside the ship]

The pilot grazes his forefront after it's unexpected contact with the front monitor of the cockpit. 

"Emerald what happened ? No need to be exhaustive, also send a basic distress signal, I'll fill in the forms for Phenix later, for now we need some help. Ho and, move the front screen a little farther than it is, next time it should avoid the face planting I just got." The pilot asks waving slightly around him.

"Understood Master, sending standard distress signal. And here is the report on the damages." The AI answers.

The pilot skids through the file displayed on the now correctly positioned screen. No problem from the engines themselves, neither the transmitting system, yet something had had the boosters blasting, though not damaging themselves in the process.

"What the... The core just sent an overload through the system ? I thought we had isolated it enough to prevent that when punching !" Surprise is evident in the question, though it feels more like the pilot is surprised more by the overload itself than the shielding problem.

"Apparently not enough Master. Here is the document to fill in for Phenix." The AI answer doesn't seems to please the pilot who simply sighs in response before returning to his screen.

The screen displays a small file asking for a few things, name, reason to be here, cargo and race. Pretty straight forward, and easy to fill in.

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Name: Cyriann

Race: Tenno (AMP Volt Prime)

Reason for visiting: Meeting with a member of the Arbiters of Hexis, Help requesting for clan, Help requesting for medical cares

Cargo to declare: - Bio-organism, companion type, severly wounded, in need of immediate medical care, specs: Prototype-DR00E, usual name Zephyr.

                            - Full set of Tenno armament, Denominations, Soma Prime, Lex Prime and War

"Emerald add this file to the signal, and check if the Zero can move." The pilots says before stretching and leaning back in the seat.

"Now let's hope they send in a rescue team before the life support gives off as well..." He closes his eyes thinking over the recent events he came experienced and waits for a response, praying that the rescue would come in time.


[In phenix space area]

The ship slowly drifts, the light outlining its strange forms in the emptiness of the Sea of Stars. Shaped like a fighter it has two blasters connected on the left and right sides, the wings have a strangely blocky appearance to them while the nose resembles more a shield than a nose. Close examination would show that the entirety of the unit is defined by a capability to modify it's overall geometry though to turn into what is impossible to determine by simply observing it.

Edited by Cyriann
Formating, formating... I'll have a hard time with all this... 4th time already...
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10 hours ago, Rakawan said:

"No that was a Seraph." The woman behind the desk says. "They are healers and guards."

The young woman seems intrigued, "H-how do they work?  Are they like um... W-Warframes?  Can... Can humans use them, too?"  Pausing, she glances behind her with her lower lip clamped between her teeth, "Ah-s-sorry I don't mean to hold things up, Ma'am."

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13 hours ago, Cyriann said:

[In Phenix space area].

A spot of space folds on itself, twirling and changing form until a ship jumps out of the deformation. A normal punch out from a rail, yet this ship appears nowhere near the arrival rail and with an illogical orientation compared to someone who would have arrived from the departure rail to Phenix.

The small ship flies slowly towards the rail station until suddenly its engines blasts out and comes to a halt, sending a distress signal.

[Inside the ship]

The pilot grazes his forefront after it's unexpected contact with the front monitor of the cockpit. 

(Pilot) "Emerald what happened ? No need to be exhaustive, also send a basic distress signal, I'll fill in the forms for Phenix later, for now we need some help. Ho and, move the front screen a little farther than it is, next time it should avoid the face planting I just got." The pilot asks waving slightly around him.

(Emerald) "Understood Master, sending standard distress signal. And here is the report on the damages." The AI answers.

The pilot skids through the file displayed on the now correctly positioned screen. No problem from the engines themselves, neither the transmitting system, yet something had had the boosters blasting, though not damaging themselves in the process.

(Pilot) "What the... The core just sent an overload through the system ? I thought we had isolated it enough to prevent that when punching !" Surprise is evident in the question, though it feels more like the pilot is surprised more by the overload itself than the shielding problem.

(Emerald) "Apparently not enough Master. Here is the document to fill in for Phenix." The AI answer doesn't seems to please the pilot who simply sighs in response before returning to his screen.

The screen displays a small file asking for a few things, name, reason to be here, cargo and race. Pretty straight forward, and easy to fill in.

  Reveal hidden contents

Name: Cyriann

Race: Tenno (AMP Volt Prime)

Reason for visiting: Meeting with a member of the Arbiters of Hexis, Help requesting for clan, Help requesting for medical cares

Cargo to declare: - Bio-organism, companion type, severly wounded, in need of immediate medical care, specs: Prototype-DR00E, usual name Zephyr.

                            - Full set of Tenno armament, Denominations, Soma Prime, Lex Prime and War

(Cyriann) "Emerald add this file to the signal, and check if the Zero can move." The pilots says before stretching and leaning back in the seat.

(Cyriann) "Now let's hope they send in a rescue team before the life support gives off as well..." He closes his eyes thinking over the recent events he came experienced and waits for a response, praying that the rescue would come in time.


[In phenix space area]

The ship slowly drifts, the light outlining its strange forms in the emptiness of the Sea of Stars. Shaped like a fighter it has two blasters connected on the left and right sides, the wings have a strangely blocky appearance to them while the nose resembles more a shield than a nose. Close examination would show that the entirety of the unit is defined by a capability to modify it's overall geometry though to turn into what is impossible to determine by simply observing it.

You hear several alarms as the ships in orbit lock weapons. A scan arcs out from the Vaykor Formorian and you detect five massive power signatures. 

One from the Formorian, three from a trio of massive Orokin style Dreadnoughts. And one, strangely, from a tower on the surface.

"Unknown craft identify yourself!"A voice demands.


Edited by Rakawan
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6 hours ago, LunarFirefly said:

The young woman seems intrigued, "H-how do they work?  Are they like um... W-Warframes?  Can... Can humans use them, too?"  Pausing, she glances behind her with her lower lip clamped between her teeth, "Ah-s-sorry I don't mean to hold things up, Ma'am."

The woman motions to the crowd around the man.

"Hold what up?" She asks. "They'll be occupied for a while."

She checks a clock and smiles.

"Well my shift is almost over." She says. "Just head through the scanner and then wait a bit. I'll show you around and answer any questions."

Alarms blare out.

"Unknown fightercraft has entered Synergy Airspace." A voice says. "Please proceed to the nearest secure location immediately."

The strange Osprey you saw earlier emerges from the ship, hovering over the crowd and projecting a dome like shield. 

Heavily armored individuals, standing about 7 feet tall, emerge from the ship, holding massive mini-guns. They take up position around the civilians, their guns pointed skyward. 

You can see several more Osprey inbound, and see several fighter craft launch into the sky.


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Just now, Rakawan said:

You hear several alarms as the ships in orbit lock weapons. A scan arcs out from the Vaykor Formorian and you detect five massive power signatures. 

One from the Formorian, Three from a trio of massive Orokin shoes Dreadnoughts. And one, strangely, from a tower on the surface.

"Unknown craft identify yourself!"A voice demands.

"Ho god..." The boy's head falls back on the seat as he types a few keys in, opening and confirming all comm links to be opened.

"I'm Cyriann, leader of the clan Travelers, I'm here for several subjects, but the most important is right now my ship is crippled. I can't move, nor control my direction at the moment. More than half of my systems are down and I don't know how long I have before the life support dies as well. I've sent a distress signal with all the basic infos required for Phenix, I'll send it again." The voice is surprisingly calm taking the situation into account, it feels more that he is enumerating facts more than asking for help.

"I might add, we have a severly wounded organism aboard needing immediate medical care. For survival purpose." The AI of the ship adds, it's voice is slightly deformed, but clearly derivating from Cyriann's own voice. The ship sends a new array of signals, transmitting again the basis info files for Phenix as well as the original distress signal.

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23 hours ago, Rakawan said:

A file appears on your console.

"There you go dearie." Tammy says. "Anything else."

It occurs to you that the stacks of paper may be decorative, rather than real, as most work seems to be digital.


"Um... No, that should do it for now, Tammy. Good luck... managing... those stacks" She replied somewhat uneven. This wasn't exactly what she expected, but hey! Now she has more time. 

Deciding not to get laze before time, she turned to another "target" in her to-do list

"Captain Theylin? Do you have some time for a chat?"

Edited by Teloch
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2 hours ago, Teloch said:

"Um... No, that should do it for now, Tammy. Good luck... managing... those stacks" She replied somewhat uneven. This wasn't exactly what she expected, but hey! Now she has more time. 

Deciding not to get laze before time, she turned to another "target" in her to-do list

"Captain Theylin? Do you have some time for a chat?"

"One moment Major." He says. "Squadrons two and three watch that ship. Squadron one prepare boarding party."



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3 hours ago, Cyriann said:

"Ho god..." The boy's head falls back on the seat as he types a few keys in, opening and confirming all comm links to be opened.

"I'm Cyriann, leader of the clan Travelers, I'm here for several subjects, but the most important is right now my ship is crippled. I can't move, nor control my direction at the moment. More than half of my systems are down and I don't know how long I have before the life support dies as well. I've sent a distress signal with all the basic infos required for Phenix, I'll send it again." The voice is surprisingly calm taking the situation into account, it feels more that he is enumerating facts more than asking for help.

"I might add, we have a severly wounded organism aboard needing immediate medical care. For survival purpose." The AI of the ship adds, it's voice is slightly deformed, but clearly derivating from Cyriann's own voice. The ship sends a new array of signals, transmitting again the basis info files for Phenix as well as the original distress signal.

"Stand by for boarding." Theylin says. "We are sending assistance. Any A greasy ever actions will be met with lethal force."

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19 hours ago, Unus said:

"And that job is?. . . "

The Chroma stands at the edge of the abyss, the Operator eyeballing it's depth.

Close by, the steady clinking of footsteps can be heard above the din of the machinery as the drone above zeros in on the object by reducing it's radius to a tiny pinprick of blue.

The volt points towards the relic. "Fetching that, that's all we need to do. No killing, no stalker business, that really is all."

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1 hour ago, Rakawan said:

"Stand by for boarding." Theylin says. "We are sending assistance. Any A greasy ever actions will be met with lethal force."

"Hum... That will be... Problematic... My unit is way too small for a boarding party, it is conceived as a fighting unit thus I have only purely necessary space in but maybe... Give me a moment." The boy cuts the comms shortly. "Emerald can you determine if at least one person can enter in there ? And take into account the fact the person must be able to move." He asks the ships AI.

"According to my calculations... One person would fit inside, though they would have to probably sit on your lap and be of a small body type, until the ship is brought into a hangar. As well, controlling our cargo would be impossible since Zephyr is maintained in as much of a stasis as we can keep in the left leg compartment, his state is worsening every second we lose, and thus compromising his survival and yours at the same time. Conclusion, one visitor, possible, boarding party and cargo check, impossible. Possibility of a non hostile reaction... 0% at minimum." Emerald's answer is clear, only one person can enter, and checking on Zephyr is inconceivable.

"Wonderful..." Cyriann rubs the bridge of his nose, preparing for the incoming storm of admonitions. The comms turn back online with a sigh. "I'm deeply sorry, if it was possible I would gladly comply to a cargo check and having a boarding party inside. But my ship does not have enough room for it, as I said it is a fighting unit. If you want I can take one person inside the cockpit, but the rest of the cargo is impossible to access as long as we are in space, it would kill my cargo on the spot and by extension myself as well as probably destabilize what's left of my functioning systems." This time the voice isn't just transmitting informations, but asking, it's clear from the tone the boy would do all that is asked but simply can't.

"If you absolutely want someone inside with me before dragging my ship to a hangar, here are my AI's calculation. The person to enter the ship cannot be taller than... 165cm, maximum. It recommends a person with a small body type, preferentially... A female !? Emerald what the Hell are you having me reading !" The boy scolds his AI as if it was perfectly normal, like an adult would be scolding a child, he then stops a moment and sighs.

"Anyway, I suppose you've got an idea of the problem now. So as I said if you absolutely need someone in, I can take only one person, as for latching points to drag my unit around, you can latch the cables approximately anywhere, simply not on the wings, they need some reinforcement to there armatures before being resistant enough." The boy's tone shows his embarrassent toward what just happened and that he'd prefer to avoid having to explain what happened.

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57 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

The volt points towards the relic. "Fetching that, that's all we need to do. No killing, no stalker business, that really is all."

"Any information on what exactly that could be?"

The Operator pulls itself up over the shoulder of the Chroma and begins starring intently at the bauble in question.

"Remember, this is the Orokin we're talking about here. That could be anything from a storage case to grandma's recipe for a hydrogen warhead."

At this point, the clinking is directly behind the group of Tenno while the light above is descending downwards at a leisurely pace towards the object below.

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23 minutes ago, Unus said:

"Any information on what exactly that could be?"

The Operator pulls itself up over the shoulder of the Chroma and begins starring intently at the bauble in question.

"Remember, this is the Orokin we're talking about here. That could be anything from a storage case to grandma's recipe for a hydrogen warhead."

At this point, the clinking is directly behind the group of Tenno while the light above is descending downwards at a leisurely pace towards the object below.

"Honestly all I know is that it somewhat is like a void relic. Each one also has it's own function and such. Don't think I can tell you much more." The volt replies, looking at descending light.

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3 hours ago, Cyriann said:

"Hum... That will be... Problematic... My unit is way too small for a boarding party, it is conceived as a fighting unit thus I have only purely necessary space in but maybe... Give me a moment." The boy cuts the comms shortly. "Emerald can you determine if at least one person can enter in there ? And take into account the fact the person must be able to move." He asks the ships AI.

"According to my calculations... One person would fit inside, though they would have to probably sit on your lap and be of a small body type, until the ship is brought into a hangar. As well, controlling our cargo would be impossible since Zephyr is maintained in as much of a stasis as we can keep in the left leg compartment, his state is worsening every second we lose, and thus compromising his survival and yours at the same time. Conclusion, one visitor, possible, boarding party and cargo check, impossible. Possibility of a non hostile reaction... 0% at minimum." Emerald's answer is clear, only one person can enter, and checking on Zephyr is inconceivable.

"Wonderful..." Cyriann rubs the bridge of his nose, preparing for the incoming storm of admonitions. The comms turn back online with a sigh. "I'm deeply sorry, if it was possible I would gladly comply to a cargo check and having a boarding party inside. But my ship does not have enough room for it, as I said it is a fighting unit. If you want I can take one person inside the cockpit, but the rest of the cargo is impossible to access as long as we are in space, it would kill my cargo on the spot and by extension myself as well as probably destabilize what's left of my functioning systems." This time the voice isn't just transmitting informations, but asking, it's clear from the tone the boy would do all that is asked but simply can't.

"If you absolutely want someone inside with me before dragging my ship to a hangar, here are my AI's calculation. The person to enter the ship cannot be taller than... 165cm, maximum. It recommends a person with a small body type, preferentially... A female !? Emerald what the Hell are you having me reading !" The boy scolds his AI as if it was perfectly normal, like an adult would be scolding a child, he then stops a moment and sighs.

"Anyway, I suppose you've got an idea of the problem now. So as I said if you absolutely need someone in, I can take only one person, as for latching points to drag my unit around, you can latch the cables approximately anywhere, simply not on the wings, they need some reinforcement to there armatures before being resistant enough." The boy's tone shows his embarrassent toward what just happened and that he'd prefer to avoid having to explain what happened.

We'll move your craft to a cargo bay." Theylin says. "Fighters inbound to provide an escort. We'll have a Tug tow you."

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2 hours ago, kyrozon said:

"Honestly all I know is that it somewhat is like a void relic. Each one also has it's own function and such. Don't think I can tell you much more." The volt replies, looking at descending light.


2 hours ago, Unus said:

"Any information on what exactly that could be?"

The Operator pulls itself up over the shoulder of the Chroma and begins starring intently at the bauble in question.

"Remember, this is the Orokin we're talking about here. That could be anything from a storage case to grandma's recipe for a hydrogen warhead."

At this point, the clinking is directly behind the group of Tenno while the light above is descending downwards at a leisurely pace towards the object below.

War reaches out to grab the object.

Jas takes a sudden step forward, starting to lunge, and the ground falls away beneath you. A circle of light appears below you, glowing runes edging it. You all fall towards the light, which ripples and flickers between a liquid mercury and images of gold and gray.

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6 hours ago, Rakawan said:

The woman motions to the crowd around the man.

"Hold what up?" She asks. "They'll be occupied for a while."

She checks a clock and smiles.

"Well my shift is almost over." She says. "Just head through the scanner and then wait a bit. I'll show you around and answer any questions."

Alarms blare out.

"Unknown fightercraft has entered Synergy Airspace." A voice says. "Please proceed to the nearest secure location immediately."

The strange Osprey you saw earlier emerges from the ship, hovering over the crowd and projecting a dome like shield. 

Heavily armored individuals, standing about 7 feet tall, emerge from the ship, holding massive mini-guns. They take up position around the civilians, their guns pointed skyward. 

You can see several more Osprey inbound, and see several fighter craft launch into the sky.


Were these Osprey and people on their side?  Stormy hesitates, trying to figure out what could be done to help.  She doesn't flee, though.  Something inside her forces her to remain and try to do something other than run away.  But she's never fought before either!  Ultimately, she finds herself standing frozen in the midst of the chaos, conflicted and unsure.

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1 hour ago, LunarFirefly said:

Were these Osprey and people on their side?  Stormy hesitates, trying to figure out what could be done to help.  She doesn't flee, though.  Something inside her forces her to remain and try to do something other than run away.  But she's never fought before either!  Ultimately, she finds herself standing frozen in the midst of the chaos, conflicted and unsure.

The Alarms cease and the armed invidivuals lower their guns. The Osprey disperses the shield and flies back into the ship.

"False alarm." The voice says. "Craft is friendly, proceed to checkpoints."

You feel a hand on your shoulder.

"Come on." The woman says. "Let's get out of here before something else happens."

She walks through the scanner, flashing a card to the other soldier, then motions for you to follow.

At the scanner a soldier runs a scanning wand over you, checks a list, and then nods.

"You're clear." He says. "Next."

It seems that there is a bit of a rush to get people through now.

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1 hour ago, Denny2669 said:


A swarm of chittering THINGS crawl through cracks and niches in the ceiling and swarm over the floor towards the steak. They climb on top of eachother, melding into the form of Sai'ah, in her Nemesis armor. She opens her helmet and licks her lips.

"Yummm." She says. "I'm famished."

She grabs a fork and knife and tears at the food.

"Sai'ah!" Namira scolds. "Remember your manners!"

Sai'ah rolls her eyes and cuts a smaller portion of food, straightening her back and sitting up.

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15 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

We'll move your craft to a cargo bay." Theylin says. "Fighters inbound to provide an escort. We'll have a Tug tow you."

A long sigh comes through the comm system.

"For a moment I thought I'd end up fried by all these guns locked on us. Thanks for the help, I'll owe you a complete report on all this." The boy's relief is sincere, as are his intentions of explaining his strange situation, he only wonders how to retain most of the highly sensitive intells he'd have to give while also  not lying to the ones who helped him.

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1 hour ago, Cyriann said:

A long sigh comes through the comm system.

"For a moment I thought I'd end up fried by all these guns locked on us. Thanks for the help, I'll owe you a complete report on all this." The boy's relief is sincere, as are his intentions of explaining his strange situation, he only wonders how to retain most of the highly sensitive intells he'd have to give while also  not lying to the ones who helped him.

A craft appears and uses a tractor beam to tug you towards one of the Warships.

It brings you to a shielded hangar bay and deposits your ship inside. You see movement as several forms, wearing what appears to be mechanized power armor, close in around the ship. Their weapons are held at the ready, but not aimed.

"Pilot and crew please disembark." A voice says. You see an Excalibur walking towards you, a Destrezza rapier on his hip and a eye-patch on his helm. "Failure to comply will be met with force. Keep your hands visible and leave any weapons in the cockpit."

The inside of the hangar is filled with Excaliburs, each bearing a glaive symbol on their shoulder, performing a variety of tasks. Some are carrying boxes to fighters, while others check lists.

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3 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

A swarm of chittering THINGS crawl through cracks and niches in the ceiling and swarm over the floor towards the steak. They climb on top of eachother, melding into the form of Sai'ah, in her Nemesis armor. She opens her helmet and licks her lips.

"Yummm." She says. "I'm famished."

She grabs a fork and knife and tears at the food.

"Sai'ah!" Namira scolds. "Remember your manners!"

Sai'ah rolls her eyes and cuts a smaller portion of food, straightening her back and sitting up.

"Sooo, how is it?~" Alice asked. She didn't notice she was staring again, but at this point it seemed normal for her... if anything about her is normal. It just looked cute to her, faking sanity...

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1 hour ago, Denny2669 said:

"Sooo, how is it?~" Alice asked. She didn't notice she was staring again, but at this point it seemed normal for her... if anything about her is normal. It just looked cute to her, faking sanity...

"Gmmmf!" Sai'ah says through a mouthful.

"Sai'ah." Namira scolds again. "Manners!"

Sai'ah swallows and sighs.

"It's very good." She says politely. "Thank you."

"I swear child if I had known you was this difficult I'd never have agreed to babysit you." Namira says.

"I don't need a babysitter." Sai'ah says. 

"I'll believe that when you prove it." Namira says, leafing through a textbook. "You may have the body and powers of an adult, but you still act like a child."

You hear her voice in your mind.

"You'll keep a eye on her today, right?" Namira asks. "I have to go now."

She slides payment onto the table and piles the utensils neatly on the plate.

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1 hour ago, Denny2669 said:

'Sure thing!' Alice thought back. Namira could feel her beaming delight from the request.

"Behaving like a child let's her enjoy life more." Alice commented "But having manners does look adorable..."

"As adorable as a piranha jumping through hoops." Namira mutters as she leaves.

"So what are we doing today?" Sai'ah asks. "Flaying, rending, eviscerating?"


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39 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"As adorable as a piranha jumping through hoops." Namira mutters as she leaves.

"So what are we doing today?" Sai'ah asks. "Flaying, rending, eviscerating?"

"Why not all three?" said Alice absentmindedly.
"Though... Namira gave me a snickering idea..." she grinned "Wyrm tunnel spelunking?"

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