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Verdant Refuge [Semi-Open roleplay, Revamped]


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4 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

"She's dead" *He says, with a soft sigh* "The Sentients killed her" *He grips the necklace harder* "Them....damm monsters, Murdered her" *He Grunts* "The Corpus did jack, to do help her as well, sure they where young back then, but....still" *He says* "I took Eden and took him to the Orokin Ten-Zero, but..that was..a mistake.." *He grips his face* "Thats...where..I..lost him.."

Sam clasps your hands.

"I'm sorry." She said. "I did not know."

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3 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Might." He said. "And didn't. Not that it would help much if they did. They aren't exactly straight forward fellas."

He looks you over again.

"I ain't about to hand the mantle over to just anyone." He says. "I do not know ye. And there's really only one way to get to know someone."

He gestures down into the ring.

"Famcy a brawl?" He asks. 

*Stabilis cracks his knuckles, then his shoulders*

"If you insist. Will this be a one on one, or a free for all rumble?"

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28 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Sai'ah meditates in her Nemesis form, surrounded by strange creatures.

((Look up Dark sector's Stalkers.))

One of them lunges at you, only to recoil as if chastised. 

Sai'ah looks up.

"One moment." She says. "I just need to double check."

She seems to confer with herself and then nods.

You feel something touch your mind. Through it you can sense Sai'ah, and an army of minds, some with nearly human thought patterns. All feel feral.

"Beta." You hear Sai'ah say, indicating you.

The Hunters look at you and bow. All save one. It's body is covered with scars. It chitters a challenge and scurries towards you.

Alice bathed in the creatures' submission, before one of them decided to be an annoyance. Or rather, a source of entertainment...

She slashed her axe at the rebelling one, swinging again if she missed. Once she succeeds in wounding it, she'd proceed to tackle and carve something into it with her nails, making sure it's alive while she does so.

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4 minutes ago, (XB1)chillichillman said:

*Stabilis cracks his knuckles, then his shoulders*

"If you insist. Will this be a one on one, or a free for all rumble?"

"Depends on how many people you plan on 'introducing' yourself to." He says. "I do not mind either way."

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4 minutes ago, Denny2669 said:

Alice bathed in the creatures' submission, before one of them decided to be an annoyance. Or rather, a source of entertainment...

She slashed her axe at the rebelling one, swinging again if she missed. Once she succeeds in wounding it, she'd proceed to tackle and carve something into it with her nails, making sure it's alive while she does so.

The creature falls and squirms, baring its neck as you pin it.

"Pack Politics." Sai'ah says. "Thankfully the pecking order is relatively set in stone."

Edited by Rakawan
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2 minutes ago, (XB1)chillichillman said:

"I need only be familiar with you; the others will have their own time."

*Stabilis walks to the arena*

Nikolai vaults down into the arena and assumes a ready stance. A few brawlers turn to look, one getting hit with a haymaker as his opponent continues the fight.


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Just now, Rakawan said:

Nikolai vaults down into the arena and assumes a ready stance. A few brawlers turn to look, one getting hit with a haymaker as his opponent continues the fight.


*Stabilis shifts his feet, the same stance as in the bar.  He raises his hands, leading one open, other one closed*

"You will find no easy victory with me."

*Stabilis waits*

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2 minutes ago, (XB1)chillichillman said:

*Stabilis shifts his feet, the same stance as in the bar.  He raises his hands, leading one open, other one closed*

"You will find no easy victory with me."

*Stabilis waits*

"I am Nikolai!" Nikolai shouts. "I have eaten stars and swallowed suns, an I fear no living man!"

He beats his chest and looks at you expectantly. It seems you are expected to announce yourself in such a manner.

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1 minute ago, Rakawan said:

"I am Nikolai!" Nikolai shouts. "I have eaten stars and swallowed suns, an I fear no living man!"

He beats his chest and looks at you expectantly. It seems you are expected to announce yourself in such a manner.

*Stabilis, slightly amused by Nikolai's announcement, draws a breath.  Once again, he spoke from the planet*


*He shifted his stance to a more offensive one; still well set, but more ready to reflect and amplify any momentum*

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10 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

The creature falls and squirms, baring its neck as you pin it.

"Pack Politics." Sai'ah says. "Thankfully the pecking order is relatively set in stone."

Alice carves some glyphs into the creature before letting it go. The glyphs glow a deep red, not disappearing even after the would is healed. She left her mark on it.

"Glad you made more friends. We're a mobile slaughter house now!" Alice commented.

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2 minutes ago, (XB1)chillichillman said:

*Stabilis, slightly amused by Nikolai's announcement, draws a breath.  Once again, he spoke from the planet*


*He shifted his stance to a more offensive one; still well set, but more ready to reflect and amplify any momentum*

Nikolai laughs and charges at you, feinting to the left then striking at your right.

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1 minute ago, Denny2669 said:

Alice carves some glyphs into the creature before letting it go. The glyphs glow a deep red, not disappearing even after the would is healed. She left her mark on it.

"Glad you made more friends. We're a mobile slaughter house now!" Alice commented.

"My Watchers will look for any sign of our prey." She says. "While we wait I'll tell you more about our Prey. Have you ever met a Tenno named Harbinger?"

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2 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Nikolai laughs and charges at you, feinting to the left then striking at your right.

*Stabilis launches towards Nikolai, tanking his blow, and planting his open hand on Nikolai's chest.  He stepped behind him, and then rotated, forcing Nikolai's weight to be thrown over his leg.  He raises his fist and brings it down to his chest*

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1 minute ago, Rakawan said:

"My Watchers will look for any sign of our prey." She says. "While we wait I'll tell you more about our Prey. Have you ever met a Tenno named Harbinger?"

"Nope. Though if he's not a Nekros, it's a screeching imposter." Alice replied.

((Referencing the Nekros Prime trailer.))

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3 minutes ago, (XB1)chillichillman said:

*Stabilis launches towards Nikolai, tanking his blow, and planting his open hand on Nikolai's chest.  He stepped behind him, and then rotated, forcing Nikolai's weight to be thrown over his leg.  He raises his fist and brings it down to his chest*

Nikolai grabs your fist, pulling you over him as he rolls to the side. 

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1 hour ago, Denny2669 said:

"Nope. Though if he's not a Nekros, it's a screeching imposter." Alice replied.

((Referencing the Nekros Prime trailer.))

"This one may well be the same." She says. "He has been haunting my friends and I intend to see him stopped. Permanently!"

Her feral tone leaves no question as to how she intends to do this.

"He can manipulate minds." She says. "But with me and the Hunters backing you he should not be able to control you. He is however a formidable fighter. He held his own against Grandmaster Tak for several minutes."

Edited by Rakawan
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20 minutes ago, (XB1)chillichillman said:

*Stabilis returns the grab, using his newfound momentum to lift Nikolai, and then continued the twist, bringing him down to the floor with astounding speed*

Nikolai touches the floor then springs back up, leaping back.


Atlas passive plus Handspring Mod.


Also watch the auto-hits.

Edited by Rakawan
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32 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Nikolai touches the floor then springs back up, leaping back.

  Reveal hidden contents

Atlas passive plus Handspring Mod.


Also watch the auto-hits.

*Stabilis charges forward, jumps, and then brings his knee up, pointing it at Nikolai's face*


Destiny's shoulder charge while airborn

My bad


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37 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"This one may well be the same." She says. "He has been haunting my friends and I intend to see him stopped. Permanently!"

Her feral tone leaves no question as to how she intends to do this.

"He can manipulate minds." She says. "But with me and the Himters backing you he should not be able to control you. He is however a formidable fighter. He held his own against Grandmaster Tak for several minutes."

"No problem. I oh so like it when the prey struggles against the teeth in it's skin..." Alice said, no a single hint if her being intimidated. Neither body language or mind. "And I finally get to see you fight~."

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7 hours ago, Rakawan said:

The barkeep slides you a shot of Meridian Moonshine."

Zephyr takes the shot in its mouth, careful to not damage it, before arching his neck to have the content slide into his throat. He then returns the shot to its place and exhales.

"Pretty nice keep' don't have something stronger ? Otherwise I'm taking one more."

The young man is looking at the dragon with an amused smile on his face, though his eyes show it isn't the first time he sees the dragon drinking. "Hope you have lots of alcohol in stock, 'cause he seems dead-set on drinking 'till he falls down..."

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2 hours ago, Rakawan said:

Sam clasps your hands.

"I'm sorry." She said. "I did not know."

*Holds her hands* "Hay, its alright, you told me yours, I told you mine, only fair right?" *He breaks a smile, but then looks sad agien* "Sam what ever happens, just kown that I'll always be by your side, no matter what, and I'll protect you from anything I can" *He chuckles* "Even if it kills me again" *He smiles* "Now come, lets get back, before your dad thinks we're up to something naughty" *He giggles, but then looks ashamed* "Sorry...bad...joke"

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On 24.10.2016 at 4:58 PM, Rakawan said:

Afer one particularly nasty jump there is a horrendous snapping sound. The craft plows to a stop, punching through a small hill.

"Axels one through three have snapped." Grok says. "Compensating for damage."

There is a hum and the craft lifts into the air.

"Hover mode engaged." Grok says. "She'll drift a bit more and lose some toeing and ramming power, but she'll go faster."


Judging by the way the bearded psycho made the hovering turtle perform reversed drift spins, forcing the previously eaten sandwiches go up the crew's stomachs, the more mobile mode did ignite his interest a bit. Soon, the armored wagon was leaping like a toad on meth, sometimes even hitting the ground with the bottom. After a series of leaps that would make a proxy vomit its machine oil, the floating turtle was directed to something that seemed like a firing perimeter. The controllable turret was deployed on the go, with the engines testing their borderline acceleration capacities and applying some decent "G's" on the pilots.

Edited by Teloch
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