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Verdant Refuge [Semi-Open roleplay, Revamped]


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29 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

*She taps the side of her comlink*..."Ovis is a Mesa, red and black, with Parka armor on, she bares a "acolyte sigil", and welds "acolyte badges" as well, anything else..........Sir...."

"Visual identification should be enough." Theylin says. "Enjoy your visit. Your friend is at the bar."

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10 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

You find Alan floating back and forth outside.

"Closed." He says. "No 'be back soon' sign. No explanation. What am I supposed to do without my chair, jet hover around like some ghost. I'll probably be a ghost before he gets back. And this damp..."

You sense his grumbling is due more to external events than actual grievances.

A man in fine clothing stands outside the shop. It is Baro Ki-Teer.

*Sighs* "Mr.Alan I_"..."Mr.Baro Ki-Teer!?, Is that you?, Oh by the void!, I am so pleased to meet you"

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3 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

*Sighs* "Mr.Alan I_"..."Mr.Baro Ki-Teer!?, Is that you?, Oh by the void!, I am so pleased to meet you"

"Hello, Tenno." Baro says. "I was told you had set up shop here. I just had to see it for myself."

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1 hour ago, LegionCynex said:

"Thanks..sweetie.." *sighs* *She flys down*

Theylin closes the comms. His hand raised from the railing if the ship leaving a dent in the reinforced steel.

"Does no one respect authority anymore?" He mutters.

"I respect your sir." A young recruit says. "Sir, yes sir I do."

"Shut up, Meg." Theylin says. "This is your job. You are paid to respect the chain of command."

"Subject is inbound to your location." He says aloud. "Be careful Princess, she has a temper."

A shadowy form of a Nemesis armor appears briefly.

"So do I." Sai'ah's voice hisses through it. "Let us hope she does not provoke it."

Edited by Rakawan
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29 minutes ago, Teloch said:

"Oh, I would like to see the capital settlement first, then the lesser ones. It's been quite a while since the last time I had an opportunity to see the normal settlements and I wonder how do you, guys, holding up here. Beyond that, I wanted to see the refugees that were evacuated today. Back on the planet, I swear I've seen children being loaded in the transporters. The little ones are probably scared and anxious, but, thankfully, they are now away from harm"

"The Capitol settlement it is." Ryoko says. The map displays a holographic ship as it turns and heads towards to Capitol.

"The Citadel is the most prominent structure." Ryoko says. "Most of the older houses were made from scrap metal, until we got the mines operational again. Now we are trying for a more Orokin look. With a few modifications."

The city below comes into view on a monitor. The "houses" are smooth igloo like structures with gold trim and struts. Large buildings take the form of towers me feature walkways between them. The entire city is ringed with a large wall that has several ornate openings. While battle damage is visible it seems the city escaped relatively unscathed. However closer inspection reveals cracks on some of the structures, indicating that even these did not survive untouched. 

The city is larger than it seemed the first time. The city you saw before must have been another city.

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35 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

Katrina looked at the young woman. Noting down her name once it was spoken out. She decided to not say anything about what just happend and took another sip of her own drink. 

Cody turns to you.

"Nice to have family to watch your back." He says. "The more I talk to Tenno the more I realize you are a lot like us."

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1 minute ago, Rakawan said:

Cody turns to you.

"Nice to have family to watch your back." He says. "The more I talk to Tenno the more I realize you are a lot like us."

"Yeah, the only real diffrence would be that tenno have powers." 

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9 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"The Capitol settlement it is." Ryoko says. The map displays a holographic ship as it turns and heads towards to Capitol.

"The Citadel is the most prominent structure." Ryoko says. "Most of the older houses were made from scrap metal, until we got the mines operational again. Now we are trying for a more Orokin look. With a few modifications."

The city below comes into view on a monitor. The "houses" are smooth igloo like structures with gold trim and struts. Large buildings take the form of towers me feature walkways between them. The entire city is ringed with a large wall that has several ornate openings. While battle damage is visible it seems the city escaped relatively unscathed. However closer inspection reveals cracks on some of the structures, indicating that even these did not survive untouched. 

The city is larger than it seemed the first time. The city you saw before must have been another city.


"What share of facilities remained operational? I mean in terms of commerce. Believe it or not, but I would be happy as a kavat on valerian just to hit the city and to spend some money for things unavailable at out bases". He added soonish, "God! If not to count those getaways to the relays, I haven't hit the real streets filled with civvies since before the old war!"

Edited by Teloch
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8 hours ago, Rakawan said:

"Interesting." Felicity says. "After the events on the moon I wanted to begin looking into using unbound, that is unused, Warframe components for a Zanuka like proxy. Ryoko shot the idea down. He still hates Alad V with a passion."

"An Orokin era proxy would be useful. The only ones I remember are the moas. But I mostly worked with Tenno, and didn't get much of a chance to leave the lab. I'm sure we could us that in our proxy lab."

"I can see why he would hate Alad V. Still, one has to admit Salad is a special kind of 'mad scientist' even among the corpus.

Hence why I started with tenno tech. A bit simpler to reverse engineer than orokin era tech, if one can even find it besides the odd moa."


5 hours ago, kyrozon said:

Cynthia nodded and walks to her Liset, getting into it to get her proxy. When she walks out she is accopmied by a white and gold wolf-like proxy, clearly orokin in origin. She walked back to the other tenno followed by it. "You reckon you can make use of this thing?"

Nox walks into the rather massive hangar, looking around the labs. It wasn't near as massive as the one the Zariman had been in, but it looked plety large enough for any machines this part of the facility may produce. She wondered just how much use it had seen. She turns her head to see a very much orokin-styled wolf proxy, the trinity unable to keep herself from staring. What she had been working for months to merely design, a clan had found on a dusty old tower...

5 hours ago, Rakawan said:

"Quadrupedal proxy." Felicity says. "What are it's protocols?"

The door to the lab opens and you see a large room filled with production machines and spare parts. Moas and other proxies hang from the ceiling. A few suits of Archon Exo-armor sit in stations by the wall. Several design tables sit in the open space in the middle. A few are in she by technicians, four lie dormant.

Nox turns her head to the opening door, the warframe quietly swearing to herself at all the shiny toys felicity gets.

5 hours ago, kyrozon said:

"Aight, no i hope these things don't have some sort of security system themself. Since i honestly don't know." 

Cynthia walked to the device and tabbed on the neck of the wolf proxy. It slid open to reveal some of the wiring and started linking it to the device. Felicity would quickly see that the proxy wouldn't display any information about it's design or coding.

"Eh, Felicity? Were there ever any specific factions among the orokin, particularly towards the end of their empire? This... Proxy looks as though it was designed and constructed as a replacement to kubrows. I don't exactly imagine it being standard. And if it is not standard, it should not be too difficult to figure out who wrote down the code.

4 hours ago, Rakawan said:

The proxy is four legged. It's "head" is a box with a single red eye. The legs arc up form the central body, then joint into a bulky, trapezoidal shield like hunk of metal, the tip resting on the ground. On it's back is a large two barreled canon. A "tail" of two spirits curves up backwards, empty belt clips run from the guns to a cannister resting on the spikes. Two more cannister a sit above it.

Nox then looks up to the rather large proxy, shaking her head slightly and chuckling.

"Ahhh, Grineer 'elegance'. So brutal, crude and yet effective. One has to admire their design philosophy, in a way."

Edited by BulletsforTeeth
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1 hour ago, LegionCynex said:

"Oh, indeed Baro, Please make yourself at home, I sell the riches of the void too, see for yourself"


"Is this an Orokin Executor's chalice?" Bark asks, lifting an ornate cup. "In such pristine condition. I'd imagine this drew quite the crowd."

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52 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

"Yeah, the only real diffrence would be that tenno have powers." 

"For now." Cody says. "Ascendance may change that. jas used to bye an Archon like us. Now he's a Tenno."

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1 hour ago, Teloch said:

"Oh, I would like to see the capital settlement first, then the lesser ones. It's been quite a while since the last time I had an opportunity to see the normal settlements and I wonder how do you, guys, holding up here. Beyond that, I wanted to see the refugees that were evacuated today. Back on the planet, I swear I've seen children being loaded in the transporters. The little ones are probably scared and anxious, but, thankfully, they are now away from harm"

"Tell you what." The Arbiter says. "We need to field test the deployment system, the reverse of the one that got you onboard."

He motions to a building. You see a tiny blip on the radar fly down.

"Why don't we head down for a drink." He says. "I'll have the ship circle in standard patrol route, and stream the data back to a holo-pad. Give us both a chance to relax. I can sync feeds from multiple sources, and I need to check in with everyone anyways. Consider it a diplomatic meeting."

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1 minute ago, Rakawan said:

"Tell you what." The Arbiter says. "We need to field test the deployment system, the reverse of the one that got you onboard."

He motions to a building. You see a tiny blip on the radar fly down.

"Why don't we head down for a drink." He says. "I'll have the ship circle in standard patrol route, and stream the data back to a holo-pad. Give us both a chance to relax. I can sync feeds from multiple sources, and I need to check in with everyone anyways. Consider it a diplomatic meeting."


"Sure. As long as this thing won't re-integrate out atoms with errors. Having a drink with our heads at the backs or worse would be hilarious"

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10 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

"Ascendance? Mind telling me more about that?"

"Don't know much myself. Jas and Sasha got McKee to the Tenno village after void exposure. Sat there a few months, then suddenly came back as Tenno." He says. "I hear rumors about the Arbiters working with some Orokin gal to help people become Tenno. I'd dismiss it but..."

He looks around and leans in.

"The Oro-Leepers have started holding classes up at the monastary." He says. "Said those who stay the course could achieve the powed of the Tenno. I thought about signing up."

He looks across you at Rex.

"But Red needs me to watch his back. We're old friends." He says. "And power like what you have..."

He swirls his drink in his mug.

"I ask Tenno about how they became what they are." He says. "Some wince, others shrug it off. But power like that must have a price."

He shrugs.

"Of you want more info ask the Arbiter." He says. "He'd talk to a Tenno. You can count on that."

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7 minutes ago, Teloch said:

"Sure. As long as this thing won't re-integrate out atoms with errors. Having a drink with our heads at the backs or worse would be hilarious"

"Well we did manage to make a platypus." The Arbiter says as light engulfs you. "Teleporting multiple things at once is generally not advised."

You see light around him as well, though you cannot tell which color it is.

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5 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Well we did manage to make a platypus." The Arbiter says as light engulfs you. "Teleporting multiple things at once is generally not advised."

You see light around him as well, though you cannot tell which color it is.


Before the light faded off, Ulf checked his limbs (and back) for possible "surprises". All seem to be on its places... so far. 

Edited by Teloch
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