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Verdant Refuge [Semi-Open roleplay, Revamped]


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8 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

Seeing Duality's burned up face suprised Katrina. Seems like she was alot more lucky with the void scars she got. "Damn.."

"So that's what you look like under the makeup?" Rex asks. "Does it hurt?"

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3 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Nay friend." Baro says. "For this masterpiece in will pay full. Consider the extra an if entice to keep an eye out for such information he future."

He hands over payment and looks at the chalice.

"Forged from the void and all the Tenno see are weapons there." He says sadly. "So few seem to appreciate the beauty of the Orokin Era."

He lifts the glass.

"I must celebrate this acquisition." He says. "I've heard there is a new bar serving Orokin Wine. If you would like I could show you."

He placed the cup in a case and closes it. The case digitalizing to store itself in his suit's systems.

"But I understand if you are busy." He says. "As the day winds down I'm sure Tenno will come visit your shop."

*He takes the money* "Oh, a fine Orokin Wine with you?" "It whuold be a dream Baro, lead the way sir" *He shuts his shop down and places a note: "Be back, when Im back"* 

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4 minutes ago, Teloch said:

"A bottle of mead ale, if you have any. If not - then a bitters ale" Ulf said, trying to ignore the sounds the sentient drone vocalized. These things pissed him off since the war days. But the fact it was here meant it wasn't obviously dangerous, or, at least, it was at the gunpoint of local security and patrons.

Ryoko holds up a hand.

"I'll have a root beer." He says.

A few other patrons turn and look at him.

"Unlike you all." He says. "I'm awake pretty much awake twenty four-seven. I don't get an option to sleep it off."

The barkeep looks at Ulf. 

"You look old enough". He says. "Enjoy."

The Arbiter takes a seat, one facing the entrance with its back to a wall, and motions you over, propping up a holo-pad.

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5 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

"No... i guess i just ended up really lucky. Only scar i got from the void is in my neck..."

Rex pulls his shirt down to show a scar right across his collar bone.

"Ripka." He says. "Back from the old times, when knead running with Gallik."

All he civilians raise a glass in salute.

"Here we go, again." Cody says. "War stories from the good old days."


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5 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Ryoko holds up a hand.

"I'll have a root beer." He says.

A few other patrons turn and look at him.

"Unlike you all." He says. "I'm awake pretty much awake twenty four-seven. I don't get an option to sleep it off."

The barkeep looks at Ulf. 

"You look old enough". He says. "Enjoy."

The Arbiter takes a seat, one facing the entrance with its back to a wall, and motions you over, propping up a holo-pad.

"I;ll take grinner ale"

*Her pet seems to get slightly louder, it shakes a nervously, upon hearing old world chatter* 

Edited by LegionCynex
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11 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Ryoko holds up a hand.

"I'll have a root beer." He says.

A few other patrons turn and look at him.

"Unlike you all." He says. "I'm awake pretty much awake twenty four-seven. I don't get an option to sleep it off."

The barkeep looks at Ulf. 

"You look old enough". He says. "Enjoy."

The Arbiter takes a seat, one facing the entrance with its back to a wall, and motions you over, propping up a holo-pad.


"Kids been asking for forbidden pleasures of late, did they?" Ulf spoke to the bartender without expecting him to respond and paced to take a seat near Ryoko with a bottle in his hand.

He utterly ignored the black&red Mesa while walking.

"A lovely spot. I guess it only needs an arcade machine or two, a lunaro holographic translation, and a fireplace". He opened the bottle and sniffed the contents, "... brings back memories"

Edited by Teloch
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4 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

*She nods* "Im afraid is does, everyday"

*She looks to them* "Hay about my outburst, I'm sorry.."

Cody turns back to you.

"It's fine." He says. "You've probably had..."

The door opens and five figures in bakcknandnred walk in. A red skull sits on their armor, reminiscent of military uniforms from earth's past.

"Wraiths." Someone whispers.

They largely ignore the patrons until one spots Duality. They continue on to a corner booth, giving the Equinox the evil eye.

"Hey!" The Barkeep yells. "You got a problem take it outside."

Dirge, the one with the most ornate skull design. Approaches the bar.

"Or else?" He says with a smile. "You would lose, old man."

"And you would lose the best bar in town." The man says. "And my daughter's application to your Corp. She's a fine soldier and you know it. So keep your grievances outside and do any start anything."

Dirge nods and slides a card over the counter and the man returns with four drinks. Drive takes them and joins the Wraiths in the corner. Gesturing towards Duality and then making a shah hint motion. The Wraiths nods and look away from her.

"That." Cody says with some awe. "That was new. What did you do to make him mad?"


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7 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

"I;ll take grinner ale"

*Her pet seems to get slightly louder, it shakes a nervously, upon hearing old world chatter* 

The Barkeep slides you an ale and your card beeps.

"DonMt worry about him." He says, nodding to Dirge. "The Wraiths are trigger happy and gruff but good hearted. They mean well, they just don't always do well."

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5 minutes ago, Teloch said:

"Kids been asking for forbidden pleasures of late, did they?" Ulf spoke to the bartender without expecting him to respond and paced to take a seat near Ryoko with a bottle in his hand.

He utterly ignored the black&red Mesa while walking.

"A lovely spot. I guess it only needs an arcade machine or two, a lunaro holographic translation, and a fireplace". He opened the bottled and smelled the contents, "... brings back memories"

The Arbiter shows you a map of the globe. 

"The Capitol is here." He says. "Feed of the Tenno village should be coming into view now."

You see a village of gray huts and other structures.

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16 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

*He takes the money* "Oh, a fine Orokin Wine with you?" "It whuold be a dream Baro, lead the way sir" *He shuts his shop down and places a note: "Be back, when Im back"* 

Baro leads you to the bar and knocks on the door. 

"Just come in." A voice yells.

Baro enters the bar.

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4 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

The Barkeep slides you an ale and your card beeps.

"DonMt worry about him." He says, nodding to Dirge. "The Wraiths are trigger happy and gruff but good hearted. They mean well, they just don't always do well."

"Heh, I have more sease then to pick a fight with kids, even more so in such a lovely place, we don't wan any deaths now do we?"

*Her pet, gets really uncomfortable and begins shaking, its tone now takes over the voice level of the room*

*She looks to her pet* "Shhh shh shhh, whats wrong..boy?"

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1 minute ago, Rakawan said:

The Arbiter shows you a map of the globe. 

"The Capitol is here." He says. "Feed of the Tenno village should be coming into view now."

You see a village of gray huts and other structures.


"Seems like it was called the "tenno" village not only because of someone's lack of creativity. Do they live separately from the other groups?"

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3 minutes ago, Teloch said:

"Seems like it was called the "tenno" village not only because of someone's lack of creativity. Do they live separately from the other groups?"

"We keep separate housing." Ryoko says. "People are getting to be more accepting but, we wanted to avoid unpleasant confrontations, hero worship, that sort of thing. Staying isolated make it easier to manage things."

He looks around.

"Never see. The bar this busy." He says. "But back to your question. Yes, most groups house seperately. The Capitol is the meeting place."

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Just now, LegionCynex said:

*Oive turns to look at the crying pet, she scoffs* "Shadow was right, these dammed things are nosiey"

Silence falls on the bar.

"And what Shadow is this?" Ryoko asks. "Not The Shadow, perchance?"

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6 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"We keep separate housing." Ryoko says. "People are getting to be more accepting but, we wanted to avoid unpleasant confrontations, hero worship, that sort of thing. Staying isolated make it easier to manage things."

He looks around.

"Never see. The bar this busy." He says. "But back to your question. Yes, most groups house seperately. The Capitol is the meeting place."



5 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

*Oive turns to look at the crying pet, she scoffs* "Shadow was right, these dammed things are nosiey"

Ulf sipped a bit from the bottle. "Yeah, the old story of separation and misunderstanding. A shame when humans forget that we were them once. If this division continues, they will soon treat us as the bloody unicorns..." He stumbled sharply after the mention of the "Shadow"... the lights on his frame began to add brightness...

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7 hours ago, Rakawan said:

Kira smiles.

"It is nice." Kira says. "Though I am disappointed someone charged you money for information about us. This is not supposed to be a secret to other Tenno."

She looks up the mountain at a Monastery.

"There is not much in town." She says. "However the Monastery might interest you."

She gestures to a series of stairs.

"It is peaceful most days." Kira says. "A welcome respite from the war. There are still small power struggles, between the Syndicates. But mostly every tends to their own business."

"Eh." *Rhys shrugs* "Far as I'm concerned, I'm not too keen on anything Baro has these days.  Besides, with someone as frequent a Void venturer as I am, my supply's still in good shape."


*At Kira's advice, Rhys turns to the Monastery, taking a look.* "I see.  Thank you for your help, Kira."

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