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Verdant Refuge [Semi-Open roleplay, Revamped]


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9 hours ago, Rakawan said:

Ignoring the situation Baro walks over to the barkeep and orders two glasses of Orokin Wine and two cards. 

He sits at a table and motions for you to join him.

"To good profit, and good company." He says, raising a glass. "May both lead to eachother."

*He walks over, ingoreing the fight, tho he eyes the acolyte mesa as he pass'es to sit, he takes his own glass and rises it up to*

"To good profit, and..the might void"

Edited by LegionCynex
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3 hours ago, LegionCynex said:

"Lets just say, the stalker was a little too "clingy" when it came to me, that other Mesa can blow her mind, all she wishes" *She sighs and laughs a bit* "You kown, Im impressed with you all boys, you defended yourselves in the rightful order and you kown how to take on a possible threat if it suddenly strikes up"

"Oh, and about duality, yeah she just trys to defend me, being a acolyte, yeah its a ticket to getting yourself killed,..tho, not that I can't defend myself, tho in here?, Heh..the poor bar keep whuold be paying for the mess"

*She leans back a bit* "However, I still have contact with my acolyte bothers and sisters, they are still friends, I;ll openly admit"


Ulf half-whispers to Ryoko, "Seems like we haven't done with all of the intruders and their emissaries..." still being ready to immobilize the potential hostile target should the necessity arise, he asked, "... Actions?"

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7 hours ago, Rakawan said:

The grandmaster is gone before he can reply. 

The sun is low interest he sky when he returns to his perch.

"You are still here." He says. "Have you found the enlightenment that so many claim a day of Meditaiton brings?"

"I have.. the air is not as strange anymore." Luna opened her eyes and turned to the grandmaster. "I trust your task went well? It seemed urgent."

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1 hour ago, LegionCynex said:

*Considering shes right next to Ryoko, she picks up on the poor whispering skills*

"If you have a issue with me, little one, we can take it outside if you want, *she just eyes him* "you got to say something, speek up!, in front of everyone"


"You are way too talkative for a potential dead meat. Explain your involvement in the recent acolyte assault on this planet and how did you get to know of the confrontation that took place. Speak up now, in front of everyone, and we'll make sure to mercifully send you the same way we packed your brothers and sisters earlier you impudent twat!" 

Edited by Teloch
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12 minutes ago, Teloch said:

"You are way too talkative for a potential dead meat. Explain your involvement in the recent acolyte assault on this planet and how did you get to know of the confrontation that took place. Speak up now, in front of everyone, and we'll make sure to mercifully send you the same way we packed your brothers and sisters earlier you impudent twat!" 

*She giggles* "Oh, dead-meat?, I've not heard that one, but hay I give you credit, that one was new" *She sighs and cross's her legs and kicks the air gently*

"The Wraiths have more respect then you" *She folds her arms* "However if people want to kown more info, all they can do is ask"

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5 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

*She giggles* "Oh, dead-meat?, I've not heard that one, but hay I give you credit, that one was new" *She sighs and cross's her legs and kicks the air gently*

"The Wraiths have more respect then you" *She folds her arms* "However if people want to kown more info, all they can do is ask"


Ulf ignored her arrogant speech and simply added "Or they can torture the answers out from the scum"

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1 hour ago, Teloch said:

Ulf ignored her arrogant speech and simply added "Or they can torture the answers out from the scum"

Ryoko leans back.

"Calm yourself, representative." He says. "Or can you not recognize a plea for attention when you see one."

He motions to Sai'ah.

"Princess here has been scanning her mind since she entered, she's quite a good telepath." He says. "Ovi's just another member of Stalker's fan club. Note the lack of a Stalker Helmet."

"Still." Dirge says. "I think it's about time she leaves."

The other Wraiths rise to stand around her.

Edited by Rakawan
Edited for clarity.
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(( Ovie Has been removed due to it was poorly executed, my apologizes. However Duality and Zaeed are still in the game.Edit: Having Rubber banding issues, may not be able to respond as quickly, or posts my become duel-posted, will work around 

Edited by LegionCynex
My Net Sucks..
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2 hours ago, Rakawan said:

Ryoko leans back.

"Calm yourself, representative." He says. "Or can you not recognize a plea for attention when you see one."

He motions to Sai'ah.

"Princess here has been scanning her mind since she entered, she's quite a good telepath." He says. "Ovi's just another member of Stalker's fan club. Note the lack of a Stalker Helmet."

"Still." Dirge says. "I think it's about time she leaves."

The other Wraiths rise to stand around her.


It wasn't the remark about the attention-hungry nature of pretender, but the mention of a (royal) adolescent's presence that made Ulf calm down. Despite him being a soldier, he still found it shameful to display aggression in front of civilians and especially kids.

"When you are responsible for others safety, you have no right not to react accordingly on real or fake threats. That's what all soldiers thought of before partaking patrol or watch-out shifts. If someone ignorantly or deliberately asks for a bullet, you have no right not to shoot"

He looked at the person who supposed to be a princess; his cheeks slightly colored red due to the shame that came after realizing that he threw a scene and used lexicon that should never be witnessed by any minor.

"I swear these attention-hungry stalker wannabees are more infantile than the actual teens," he said to Ryoko and shook his head.

Good thing he had some ale to drown down the shame.

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1 hour ago, Teloch said:

It wasn't the remark about the attention-hungry nature of pretender, but the mention of a (royal) adolescent's presence that made Ulf calm down. Despite him being a soldier, he still found it shameful to display aggression in front of civilians and especially kids.

"When you are responsible for others safety, you have no right not to react accordingly on real or fake threats. That's what all soldiers thought of before partaking patrol or watch-out shifts. If someone ignorantly or deliberately asks for a bullet, you have no right not to shoot"

He looked at the person who supposed to be a princess; his cheeks slightly colored red due to the shame that came after realizing that he threw a scene and used lexicon that should never be witnessed by any minor.

"I swear these attention-hungry stalker wannabees are more infantile than the actual teens," he said to Ryoko and shook his head.

Good thing he had some ale to drown down the shame.

"True." Ryoko says. "But you are still somewhat of a guest here. I'd imagine your commander would have a heart attack if he saw you reacting to a threat before allowing local law enforcement to react."

He sips his root beer.

"The holo-pad has an image of the mines if you wish to see them." He says. "And no need to act so formal. Sai'ah is the daughter of the Chancellor, but she is also Tenno, one of our sisters. Princess is just a nickname."

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10 hours ago, LegionCynex said:

*He walks over, ingoreing the fight, tho he eyes the acolyte mesa as he pass'es to sit, he takes his own glass and rises it up to*

"To good profit, and..the might void"

Baro does not seri I form his chalice but instead from the standard glass.

"How fares your business?" He asks. "I'd imagine Tenno are quite eager for Prime weaponry."

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31 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"True." Ryoko says. "But you are still somewhat of a guest here. I'd imagine your commander would have a heart attack if he saw you reacting to a threat before allowing local law enforcement to react."

He sips his root beer.

"The holo-pad has an image of the mines if you wish to see them." He says. "And no need to act so formal. Sai'ah is the daughter of the Chancellor, but she is also Tenno, one of our sisters. Princess is just a nickname."


He giggled, "Depends on a commander. Rossberg would've just shouted at me, Therese would've slammed her tigris' butt against my head, and the big boss... I'd rather not think about that". He made a sip. "The higher they go, the crueler they become"

He looked at Sai'ah and gave her a short-living but jolly grin, marking the amiability of his intentions known

"Therese would probably get all the pieces of information concerning mines by herself, unlike the conditions you, folks, live in. Since my chief isn't the most sociable person, I'd rather like to fix that for her and see how are you holding together"

He made another sip

"Sometimes we come across distresses and displaced civilians who have no place to return to. We've been dumping them to the relays, but the big Bull wasn't all that content about entrusting refugees to Lotus. You may or may not know, but from what I heard, we may start to deliver refugees here. And before that started to happen, tell me more about the conditions civils are now being in. Perhaps I will manage to plant a word or two in Tercea's and so Teloch's ear about settlers needs"

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8 hours ago, Luthim said:

"I have.. the air is not as strange anymore." Luna opened her eyes and turned to the grandmaster. "I trust your task went well? It seemed urgent."

"Tying up a few lose ends." He says. "Have you spoken with any of the shades?"

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10 minutes ago, Teloch said:

He giggled, "Depends on a commander. Rossberg would've just shouted at me, Therese would've slammed her tigris' butt against my head, and the big boss... I'd rather not think about that". He made a sip. "The higher they go, the crueler they become"

He looked at Sai'ah and gave her a short-living but jolly grin, marking the amiability of his intentions

"Therese would probably get all the pieces of information concerning mines by herself, unlike the conditions you, folks, live in. Since my chief isn't the most sociable person, I'd rather like to fix that for her and see how are you holding together"

He made another sip

"Sometimes we come across distresses and displaced civilians who have no place to return to. We've been dumping them to the relays, but the big Bull wasn't all that content about entrusting refugees to Lotus. You may or may not know, but from what I heard, we may start to deliver refugees here. And before that started to happen, tell me more about the conditions civils are now being in. Perhaps I will manage to plant a word or two in Tercea's and so Teloch's ear about settlers needs"

"Oroviding housing and jobs is our biggest concern. Most civilians know little beyond mining and building. A few train to be Archona or soldiers, and others join syndicates, but that still leaves a large group to provide work for." He says. "The current mines are automated, but setting up a new one should help create new jobs. Housing is kept simple. Six room building for each family, three bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room, and a bathroom. Families are usually small."

He sips his drink.

"As for their needs, medical supplies, toys for the children. Training sims, as I'm sure was mentioned." He says. "Melanie was hoping for an actual outpost so we could staff some people there. The more soldiers we have here the more we can train and the more operations we can do back in the Origin system. This was supposed to be a haven, now it's more like a home base."

He switches to a feed of a smaller settlement in the edge of the forest. It is surrounded by farmland.

"We've managed to out some people to work growing food." He says. "The population of Fluffles makes the job stressful, blasted things breed every month and devour everything in their path. Bio-scanners on weapons tests are coded to ignore them. We've killed close to a thousand since we got here and they just keep multiplying."

He shrugs.

"What we need most, are jobs for them." He says. "And the supplies, and training, to do those jobs. The Grineer attack reduced our population, but with the flood of refugees we'll soon be back to having more people than we can use."

Edited by Rakawan
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A man shoves the door open and looks in his hair is wild and his eyes are crazy. He seems quite drunk.

"He reached 50!" He shouts. "50!"

"Wrong place." The Barkeep yells. "Go next door."

The man smiles and staggers over to the next door.

((Page 50. Thanks to everyone for making this story reach that milestone. Here's to many more.))

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11 hours ago, kyrozon said:

"Clan mates found these things in some sort of phoenix like ships. I don't know a lot about it. From what i saw of it it just caused a whole lotta stress." Cynthia shrugged.

Eon's scan would reveal another access port near the tail of the drone, but out of the scan he could also make out that a couple of components inside the proxy are in a bad state.

"Phoenix like ships, hmmn... Felicity, if I could find one of these ships it shouldn't be too much trouble to find out just how these proxies were made, and coded."

She looks at the proxy again, spotting several spots under the armor that were corroded away. She already knows that corrosion is not an easy fix with tech this advanced. Nodding to herself she goes back to her sniper, tweaking the stock slightly before finally getting back to the mag rails, deciding upon a corpus based design, but allowing Athena a certain measure of freedom to adapt them to the weapon. Before long, she's stuck deciding upon the alt-fire of the weapon. Never having gotten this far, she gets stuck.

"Athena, any ideas what I could add as a secondary fire for this? Modifying the chassis further is fine, it's already the lovechild of a Boltor and Vectis prime..."

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2 minutes ago, BulletsforTeeth said:

"Phoenix like ships, hmmn... Felicity, if I could find one of these ships it shouldn't be too much trouble to find out just how these proxies were made, and coded."

She looks at the proxy again, spotting several spots under the armor that were corroded away. She already knows that corrosion is not an easy fix with tech this advanced. Nodding to herself she goes back to her sniper, tweaking the stock slightly before finally getting back to the mag rails, deciding upon a corpus based design, but allowing Athena a certain measure of freedom to adapt them to the weapon. Before long, she's stuck deciding upon the alt-fire of the weapon. Never having gotten this far, she gets stuck.

"Athena, any ideas what I could add as a secondary fire for this? Modifying the chassis further is fine, it's already the lovechild of a Boltor and Vectis prime..."

"Can't say it will be easy to find those ships. So far my clan only found 2 and a half of those ships." Cynthia replied as she activated the proxy and let it walk back to her ship. "But i reckon i can get Seerena to share those codes with me."

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36 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Oroviding housing and jobs is our biggest concern. Most civilians know little beyond mining and building. A few train to be Archona or soldiers, and others join syndicates, but that still leaves a large group to provide work for." He says. "The current mines are automated, but setting up a new one should help create new jobs. Housing is kept simple. Six room building for each family, three bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room, and a bathroom. Families are usually small."

He sips his drink.

"As for their needs, medical supplies, toys for the children. Training sims, as I'm sure was mentioned." He says. "Melanie was hoping for an actual outpost so we could staff some people there. The more soldiers we have here the more we can train and the more operations we can do back in the Origin system. This was supposed to be a haven, now it's more like a home base."

He switches to a feed of a smaller settlement in the edge of the forest. It is surrounded by farmland.

"We've managed to out some people to work growing food." He says. "The population of Fluffles makes the job stressful, blasted things breed every month and devour everything in their path. Bio-scanners on weapons tests are coded to ignore them. We've killed close to a thousand since we got here and they just keep multiplying."

He shrugs.

"What we need most, are jobs for them." He says. "And the supplies, and training, to do those jobs. The Grineer attack reduced our population, but with the flood of refugees we'll soon be back to having more people than we can use."


"So that's why Chancellor expected for our direct involvement - the necessity to occupy people in the tertiary sector of the economy... Tough luck. Most of our warlords are slow to develop at least a semblance of trust, but if that happens, you may be sure about their dedicated support"

He made a sip and noticed that the half of the bottle's content was already gone

"Now speaking about our warlords, one of them stays in touch with different uncommercial humanitarian movements who may possess civil-purposed data and assets. Perhaps he could trade in favours and procure some of the less material but still highly demanded assets..."

He took another sip and slightly stretched his neck after.

"...But considering he was assigned as the headquarter manager while the other warlords embroiled themselves into their respective fields of specialization, I doubt even he knows when someone would change him at this post and so allow him to travel further than Kronia"

He looked at the bottle markings, trying to understand was it was manufactured in a party or poured manually.

"Colonel said that he will send the list of potential donations soon. I'll tell Therese to mention the high demand in the dual-purpose resources. I doubt there would be much to offer, but that still may be better than our standard military lend-lease to allies"

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26 minutes ago, Teloch said:

"So that's why Chancellor expected for our direct involvement - the necessity to occupy people in the tertiary sector of the economy... Tough luck. Most of our warlords are slow to develop at least a semblance of trust, but if that happens, you may be sure about their dedicated support"

He made a sip and noticed that the half of the bottle's content was already gone

"Now speaking about our warlords, one of them stays in touch with different uncommercial humanitarian movements who may possess civil-purposed data and assets. Perhaps he could trade in favours and procure some of the less material but still highly demanded assets..."

He took another sip and slightly stretched his neck after.

"...But considering he was assigned as the headquarter manager while the other warlords embroiled themselves into their respective fields of specialization, I doubt even he knows when someone would change him at this post and so allow him to travel further than Kronia"

He looked at the bottle markings, trying to understand was it was manufactured in a party or poured manually.

"Colonel said that he will send the list of potential donations soon. I'll tell Therese to mention the high demand in the dual-purpose resources. I doubt there would be much to offer, but that still may be better than our standard military lend-lease to allies"

"Thank you." Ryoko says. "As I'm sure Melanie mentioned if you ever need assistance in your operations we could provide support from our Dreadnoughts. Both are under repair. However the Zariman is now ready for use."

He looks at a report.

"We also have several resistance cells located around the Origin system. Their resources are limited but they can provide Intel and occasional support if needed. Things like sabatoge to  reactor or reprogramming turrets. Or more simple things like information on enemy movements or troops."

He pulls up a schematic.

"Is there any tech of ours that you may be interested in?" He asks. "The Archon suits could allow you to field human operatives as foot soldiers. The Defender ships globe fields could provide an extra layer of defense. I even have schematics for a Dreadnought class vessel, though I do not know if you have the resources or facilities to construct one."

He leans back.

"I apologize if I seem over eager". He says. "But I am quite proud of this tech. I would love to see it in use across the system."

There is also a ships design for something called Fenrir. It looks like a drops up modified to carry huge weapons pods on the front and back. 

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1 hour ago, Rakawan said:

Baro does not seri I form his chalice but instead from the standard glass.

"How fares your business?" He asks. "I'd imagine Tenno are quite eager for Prime weaponry."

*chuckles, his mouth guard opens up, reveling a sun like tanted-skin toned chin/cheeks and mouth, he sips his drink*

"Quite high, alot of eager Tenno after my pride Orokin technology, in the name of Profit, I sell them for Credits, Primed Ducts, or other rare Orokin Tech" *He clears his throat* 

"I do also sell only the highest of Curpous technology as well, and their hybrid Orokin tech as well" *He scoffs* "Grinner & Tenno tech, go see..Darvo..Im sure his price-range is near your likeing..*he chuckles, as he totally didn;t just steal baro's line, when not dealing with Primed Tenno*

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57 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Thank you." Ryoko says. "As I'm sure Melanie mentioned if you ever need assistance in your operations we could provide support from our Dreadnoughts. Both are under repair. However the Zariman is now ready for use."

He looks at a report.

"We also have several resistance cells located around the Origin system. Their resources are limited but they can provide Intel and occasional support if needed. Things like sabatoge to  reactor or reprogramming turrets. Or more simple things like information on enemy movements or troops."

He pulls up a schematic.

"Is there any tech of ours that you may be interested in?" He asks. "The Archon suits could allow you to field human operatives as foot soldiers. The Defender ships globe fields could provide an extra layer of defense. I even have schematics for a Dreadnought class vessel, though I do not know if you have the resources or facilities to construct one."

He leans back.

"I apologize if I seem over eager". He says. "But I am quite proud of this tech. I would love to see it in use across the system."

There is also a ships design for something called Fenrir. It looks like a drops up modified to carry huge weapons pods on the front and back. 



"From what I've seen, we do have capacities and resources to build the linkor and dreadnought class ships, but..." He paused to consider how to move forward, "That's a very touchy subject. Which means you'll have to talk with colonel Teloch or lieutenant-colonel Johan on that matter. Neither do I now much, nor I was authorized to discuss such complicated themes"

"But I can outright say you that we do not need human-adapted tech much. You see... We're all tenno," He nodded his head swiftly for a couple of times as if saying "can you imagine?", "We do work with humans, but they are simply ranked as "associates" and are not allowed to rank up in the organization. We have two major groups: the mercenary branch and the main force. Officers keep their hands at the informational streams, adding and spreading jobs for mercs that meet our political interests. The mercenary branch is relatively liberal, so the upkeep is as low as the mission fees, but it still has solid rules. The merc pool is mostly used to notice promising operatives and to enlist them. And then starts the real hardcore. There are four departments: the mid-division, mostly composed of the high-ranked mercenary veterans; the high division, mostly composed of mid-rank officers who were grizzled in countless combats; the specialists, such as war engineers, scientists, medics, paths mentors and etc; and the elites... the high-rank officers who are probably among the numbers of the most ferocious combatants in the Origin system and whereabouts. Warlords are not numerous enough to consider them as the separate from elites department"

He slightly leans back after the continuous speech, "As you can see, our scales are totally shifted toward the quality aspect, causing the numbers to be lower than they can potentially be. That approach somewhat strains the human resources, often causing people to overwork. The hierarchy is strict, the demands are high, and often even mid-division personnel, who had survived intense mercenary service and already seen a lot, fails to endure the pressure... Things being especially rough lately, there seems to be no end to the complicated operations, but the warlords yet refuse to loosen up the system a bit"

He gulped a hefty share of his drink.

"Honestly, I thought I would not survive long enough to get my leave," he burped quietly, "And I'm sure as happy as..." he looked at the kid and withheld a possible profanity "...yeah. I'm happy to finally have a leave, even in a strange way like this"

He finished his drink.

"But now, I'd be glad to meet some locals. Call me sentimental, but I prefer to remember those for whom we're doing our best"

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32 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

*chuckles, his mouth guard opens up, reveling a sun like tanted-skin toned chin/cheeks and mouth, he sips his drink*

"Quite high, alot of eager Tenno after my pride Orokin technology, in the name of Profit, I sell them for Credits, Primed Ducts, or other rare Orokin Tech" *He clears his throat* 

"I do also sell only the highest of Curpous technology as well, and their hybrid Orokin tech as well" *He scoffs* "Grinner & Tenno tech, go see..Darvo..Im sure his price-range is near your likeing..*he chuckles, as he totally didn;t just steal baro's line, when not dealing with Primed Tenno*

Baro smiles at the use of his line.

"Shane the Tenno seem to have eyes only for weapons tech". He says. "And even then only specific items. I found Orokin conversion tech just last week. You'd think they'd be grateful for more Orokin modules, but it was all I could do to keep them from rioting."

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2 hours ago, Rakawan said:

"Tying up a few lose ends." He says. "Have you spoken with any of the shades?"

"No, I haven't. Should I?" She asked. Her innocent tone gave the impression it was not something she were used to do.

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