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Verdant Refuge [Semi-Open roleplay, Revamped]


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1 minute ago, Rakawan said:

"Depends on how much you know about what the Orokin did to you and the other first generation Tenno." Sai'ah says. "So far we've had some success using controlled infestation prior to void exposure, but even then the failure rate is nearly 66%. It's not exposing the body to the void, it's making sure it survives."

"I don't know much of what they did before exposing me..." Katrina replied, the dreaded memory of the void jump made her way into her mind again. 

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45 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Perhaps I should reintroduce myself." Luc says. "I am General Luc. If you wish to speak with the commander that could be arranged. However if you are here to negotiate I, or Arbiter Darrin can do so as well."

You feel somewhat strange as you enter the headquarters and a voice sounds in your mind.

"Greetings brother Tenno." A voice says. "I am Namira. I was hoping we could have a little chat."


"Yes I think that-"


Suddenly, he heard someone, but saw nothing.


He looked around, panicking, glancing at Luc briefly thinking the voice came from him.


"Who's that? Where are you?!"

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4 minutes ago, Dynamon_X said:

"Yes I think that-"


Suddenly, he heard someone, but saw nothing.


He looked around, panicking, glancing at Luc briefly thinking the voice came from him.


"Who's that? Where are you?!"

You see no one out of the ordinary. 

"I'm in your mind." Namira says. "There are some... Oddities... We'd like to discuss. Luc cannot hear me, nor can anyone else."

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38 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

"I don't know much of what they did before exposing me..." Katrina replied, the dreaded memory of the void jump made her way into her mind again. 

"Therein lies the problem." Sai'ah says. "No one knows exaclty why you survived. We have had some success, as I can personally attest, but without Unairu circumstance and sheer luck it seems that there is no determinant."

She looks at Cody.

"We can't do more tests without volunteers, and we can't protect them without more data."

Cody nods.

"Maorokin's gambit". He said. 

He see your confused gaze.

"An old rebel leader who once had to take a highly fortified enemy base, with only one weak spot." He says. "The only chance was to obtain the base blueprints and find the hidden entrance, but the blueprints were in the base. To accomplish his goal he needed that which required accomplishing his goal."

Edited by Rakawan
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1 hour ago, Rakawan said:

"I..." The man says. His eyes fill with gratitude. "I won't forget this."

He hesitantly accepts the datum.

"Of you ever need anything whisk you're here." He says. "Or any of your organization. Just ask. I won't forget this."

The door opens and a young man walks in. 

"Tony." Steven says. "Did you find Uncle Marcus?"

"He decided to let the Arbiter handle it.

As the door closes you hear a strange scraping sound.

"I will not extort the poor." Sven's voice says. Scrap scrape scrape. "I will not..."

The door closes.

The family talks for a bit longer before the door opens. 

Sven is herded in. A slate of stone is clutched in his grasp. You see Orokin writing on it. It says "I will not extort the poor." Over and over again.



Ulf looked at Sven and put a fakely-friendly face on.

"Yeah, pal, you better don't. By the laws of the wartime, extortionists are treated the same way as marauders. And you do know what often happens with marauders, right? The thing is that an additional group of people who care a lot about the good old war statute has recently been added to this project's security, so you better think twice if a thousand or two of credits worth the risk" Ulf said "friendlily", "I do not need to elaborate, don't I?"

Edited by Teloch
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1 hour ago, Teloch said:

Ulf looked at Sven and put a fakely-friendly face on.

"Yeah, pal, you better don't. By the laws of the wartime, extortionists are treated the same way as marauders. And you do know what often happens with marauders, right? The thing is that an additional group of people who care a lot about the good old war statute has recently been added to this project's security, so you better think twice if a thousand or two of credits worth the risk" Ulf said "friendlily", "I do not need to elaborate, don't I?"

"This is Ulf." Ryoko says. "He works for a Tenno named Teloch. A man much like myself, minus my benevolent nature and reluctance to crack skull right off the bat."

Sven pales. 

"Now i'd say you owe these fine folk something." Ryoko says. 

Sven mumbles an apology.

"I didn't quite catch that." Ryoko says. "Did you, Representative."

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4 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"This is Ulf." Ryoko says. "He works for a Tenno named Teloch. A man much like myself, minus my benevolent nature and reluctance to crack skull right off the bat."

Sven pales. 

"Now i'd say you owe these fine folk something." Ryoko says. 

Sven mumbles an apology.

"I didn't quite catch that." Ryoko says. "Did you, Representative."


"Hm? Can't say if he sobbed or apologized"

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On 7/7/2016 at 2:04 PM, BulletsforTeeth said:

"Phoenix like ships, hmmn... Felicity, if I could find one of these ships it shouldn't be too much trouble to find out just how these proxies were made, and coded."

She looks at the proxy again, spotting several spots under the armor that were corroded away. She already knows that corrosion is not an easy fix with tech this advanced. Nodding to herself she goes back to her sniper, tweaking the stock slightly before finally getting back to the mag rails, deciding upon a corpus based design, but allowing Athena a certain measure of freedom to adapt them to the weapon. Before long, she's stuck deciding upon the alt-fire of the weapon. Never having gotten this far, she gets stuck.

"Athena, any ideas what I could add as a secondary fire for this? Modifying the chassis further is fine, it's already the lovechild of a Boltor and Vectis prime..."


On 7/7/2016 at 2:08 PM, kyrozon said:

"Can't say it will be easy to find those ships. So far my clan only found 2 and a half of those ships." Cynthia replied as she activated the proxy and let it walk back to her ship. "But i reckon i can get Seerena to share those codes with me."

((Reposting for visibility. Rakawan, I believe felicity and Athena are yours.))

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2 hours ago, Rakawan said:

"Ahh the Corpus." Baro says. "So dedicated, so.... unrefined. In their race for profit they forget, or perhaps deliberately overlook, the elegant solution."

He swirls the wine in the glass.

"Take their wine for example." He says. "Every glass the same, every bottle the same. Not like this."

He takes a sip.

"There is beauty in handcrafted variety." He says. "And great wealth even in the flaws of a unique product."

(( Welcome Back Rak!))

*Chuckles* "Indeed, I've been mostly at Data-Vaults, stealing their data to keep up-to-date, with alot of their Profits, I tell you thos Vaults hold so much Credits!, so delightful. Indeed their products are well handy, I sell them for high-prices or even use the for myself. I mostly sell them to my allies, The Perrin Sequence, they are my most trusted friends."

"Tho I have to admit, I've been hearing odd story's lately, *Uses his Corpus PDA* I heard about these new, Relay like stations, "Junctions?" I have yet to try them myself, but if I can hijack one, that whuold be most wonderful, but I highly doute that.

"I also heard some Increasing news Baro!, new Orokin Relics have been told, to be floating around now, they seem so...Unique and very prized, what do you think of this?, I was massaged by my other trusted Allie, that I got a shipment of them readyed in my ship"

"What do you think about all this?"





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1 hour ago, Teloch said:

"Hm? Can't say if he sobbed or apologized"

"I'm sorry." Sven says. "I won't bother you again."

Ryoko releases him and he looks around before scampering away.

"One of these days he's going to bother a rebellion fighter and get a bullet through the brain." Ryoko says. "And I won't have to deal with him anymore."

He looks at you.

"Did these folk answer your questions well enough?" He asks.

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1 hour ago, BulletsforTeeth said:


((Reposting for visibility. Rakawan, I believe felicity and Athena are yours.))

"I would recommend a tracking or tagging system." Athena says. "The role of a sniper or marksman is to support the cell. Being able to mark important targets with a tracer might be helpful."

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3 hours ago, Rakawan said:

You see no one out of the ordinary. 

"I'm in your mind." Namira says. "There are some... Oddities... We'd like to discuss. Luc cannot hear me, nor can anyone else."

Ko-Rovak stays silent and tries to speak to the voice in his mind using his thoughts


"What do you want?"

He thought in a quick simple manner.

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1 hour ago, LegionCynex said:

(( Welcome Back Rak!))

*Chuckles* "Indeed, I've been mostly at Data-Vaults, stealing their data to keep up-to-date, with alot of their Profits, I tell you thos Vaults hold so much Credits!, so delightful. Indeed their products are well handy, I sell them for high-prices or even use the for myself. I mostly sell them to my allies, The Perrin Sequence, they are my most trusted friends."

"Tho I have to admit, I've been hearing odd story's lately, *Uses his Corpus PDA* I heard about these new, Relay like stations, "Junctions?" I have yet to try them myself, but if I can hijack one, that whuold be most wonderful, but I highly doute that.

"I also heard some Increasing news Baro!, new Orokin Relics have been told, to be floating around now, they seem so...Unique and very prized, what do you think of this?, I was massaged by my other trusted Allie, that I got a shipment of them readyed in my ship"

"What do you think about all this?"





"The Junctions." Baro says. "Newer systems to replace the rails. Or older systems. Might be worth taking a look at."

He shrugs at the mention of relics.

"It was only a matter of time before the Tenno plundered the armories." He said. "These relics must be from the manufacturing depots, items prepared for construction but not fully completed."

He sips his drink.

"What do I think?" He says. "I think the world is changing again. It will be worth keeping an eye out."

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2 minutes ago, Dynamon_X said:

Ko-Rovak stays silent and tries to speak to the voice in his mind using his thoughts


"What do you want?"

He thought in a quick simple manner.

"The truth." She says. "And don't try to lie. You'll find its a lot harder when your thoughts are laid bare."

You can sense things from her. Curiosity that the Operator is not aboard the ship. Memories of attempts to contact the ship cephalon. You also feel a built up power, as if she wants to shift through your mind but is restraining herself. She does not seem scared, however, but curious.

"The moment you landed something seemed off." She says. "I've been monitoring those who land, reviewing their first contact and interactions."

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1 minute ago, Rakawan said:

"The truth." She says. "And don't try to lie. You'll find its a lot harder when your thoughts are laid bare."

You can sense things from her. Curiosity that the Operator is not aboard the ship. Memories of attempts to contact the ship cephalon. You also feel a built up power, as if she wants to shift through your mind but is restraining herself. She does not seem scared, however, but curious.

"The moment you landed something seemed off." She says. "I've been monitoring those who land, reviewing their first contact and interactions."


In his mind, Ko-Rovak got increasingly agitated. Even he was not exactly sure of his own details


"You shouldn't pry your nose into things that don't concern you..."


He thought, with images of hostility in his head.

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Just now, Rakawan said:

"I'm sorry." Sven says. "I won't bother you again."

Ryoko releases him and he looks around before scampering away.

"One of these days he's going to bother a rebellion fighter and get a bullet through the brain." Ryoko says. "And I won't have to deal with him anymore."

He looks at you.

"Did these folk answer your questions well enough?" He asks.


"Aye. And provided with a hearty meal" He answered and turned back to the family, "Was nice meeting you, guys. And thank you for the dine. Take care out there and don't hesitate to contact us if problems like this arise".

Ulf turned back to Ryoko

"Now I guess it is time to evaluate the smaller commerce and retail establishments; just to understand how properly this colony supplies its residents with clothes, home stuff, appliances, tools and electronics" 

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7 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"The Junctions." Baro says. "Newer systems to replace the rails. Or older systems. Might be worth taking a look at."

He shrugs at the mention of relics.

"It was only a matter of time before the Tenno plundered the armories." He said. "These relics must be from the manufacturing depots, items prepared for construction but not fully completed."

He sips his drink.

"What do I think?" He says. "I think the world is changing again. It will be worth keeping an eye out."

"Yeah, I have to research them myself, as for the new relics, I'll be happy to offer a few for you to help your own trade, but only if you wish"

"As for the world, yeah it always changes, tho I fear something else is coming, something....big.."

"I've got some roamers about new Orokin Technology in the Void, somewhere, I have to keep my eye out, I'll check in 2 weeks or so, after the other primed item is stored once more" 

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7 minutes ago, Dynamon_X said:


In his mind, Ko-Rovak got increasingly agitated. Even he was not exactly sure of his own details


"You shouldn't pry your nose into things that don't concern you..."


He thought, with images of hostility in his head.

"Then answer one question." Namira says. "Why are you really here?"

You can sense small tendrils of though slipping through your mind. 

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9 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

"Yeah, I have to research them myself, as for the new relics, I'll be happy to offer a few for you to help your own trade, but only if you wish"

"As for the world, yeah it always changes, tho I fear something else is coming, something....big.."

"I've got some roamers about new Orokin Technology in the Void, somewhere, I have to keep my eye out, I'll check in 2 weeks or so, after the other primed item is stored once more" 

"No, no. I do not need charity." Baro says. "I'm sure my associates will acquire some soon enough. My trades will proceed regardless."

He sips the last of the wine and looks at the glass.

"I think the world is coming to a reckoning." He says, suddenly somber. "Like it did with the Orokin. It is both thrilling and worrisome that it happens in my lifetime."

"If you find anything of interest in your travels." He says. "You know where to find my shop now."

He pays for his drink.

"This was nice." He says. "But we both have business to run. It may be night but I find the Tenno are somewhat nocturnal. I'm sure your shop should have a few visitors as they return from missions. Farewell Trader."

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9 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Then answer one question." Namira says. "Why are you really here?"

You can sense small tendrils of though slipping through your mind. 


"I already told that thing, and Im sure you know... The grineer want some resources."

Ko-Rovak tried shaking his head, as if it would throw the thoughts out.

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16 minutes ago, Teloch said:

"Aye. And provided with a hearty meal" He answered and turned back to the family, "Was nice meeting you, guys. And thank you for the dine. Take care out there and don't hesitate to contact us if problems like this arise".

Ulf turned back to Ryoko

"Now I guess it is time to evaluate the smaller commerce and retail establishments; just to understand how properly this colony supplies its residents with clothes, home stuff, appliances, tools and electronics" 

Ryoko bows to the family and you both leave the hut.

"Most resources are distributed as they are available." He says. "Darrin and I have had long talks about how resurces should be distributed but we have settled on a hybridized system." 

He walks towards the main part of the city.

"The civilians are provided what they need to survive." He says. "They can use their wages to purchase additional items."

He stops outside a shop.

"We tenno do not often shop at such places." He says. "I do not know how we will be greeted."

Upon entering the store you find it spacious. Rows of shelves contain appliances and tools.

"Representative." Ryoko says suddenly. "Perhaps we should try another..."

A form clad in a white and gold robe kneels before you.

"Divine Messenger." The figure says. "What would the gods request of me?"

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4 minutes ago, Dynamon_X said:


"I already told that thing, and Im sure you know... The grineer want some resources."

Ko-Rovak tried shaking his head, as if it would throw the thoughts out.

"Very well." Namira says. "Perhaps your operator..." 

Shock ripples across her mind.

"You don't know..." She says. "Where?"

You feel the warframe systems begin to glitch. 

"Tenno." The Lotus voice says. "Wake up."

The buzzing intensifies. You see glimpses of some dark chamber lit by flashes of green.

Any systems monitoring the warframe would detect nothing more than a minor systems glitch.

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15 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Ryoko bows to the family and you both leave the hut.

"Most resources are distributed as they are available." He says. "Darrin and I have had long talks about how resurces should be distributed but we have settled on a hybridized system." 

He walks towards the main part of the city.

"The civilians are provided what they need to survive." He says. "They can use their wages to purchase additional items."

He stops outside a shop.

"We tenno do not often shop at such places." He says. "I do not know how we will be greeted."

Upon entering the store you find it spacious. Rows of shelves contain appliances and tools.

"Representative." Ryoko says suddenly. "Perhaps we should try another..."

A form clad in a white and gold robe kneels before you.

"Divine Messenger." The figure says. "What would the gods request of me?"


"The... gods?" Ulf asked dazed "Are you alright? And why are you kneeling?"

Still not completely believing, he shook his head trying to dispell the strange occurrence, but it seems to be real

"Do you actually know that before the war we were same humans like you, with families, dreams, daily problems and chores?"

He attempted to change the topic, "Anyway, are you the shopkeeper?"

Edited by Teloch
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7 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Very well." Namira says. "Perhaps your operator..." 

Shock ripples across her mind.

"You don't know..." She says. "Where?"

You feel the warframe systems begin to glitch. 

"Tenno." The Lotus voice says. "Wake up."

The buzzing intensifies. You see glimpses of some dark chamber lit by flashes of green.

Any systems monitoring the warframe would detect nothing more than a minor systems glitch.

Ko-Rovak held his head and started groaning. He was not in pain, but something definitely did not feel right. He looked around frantically for a few moments before everything went black...


He felt the press of cold steel all around him, something was restraining him down. He struggled and shook at his restraints, until he realized he was no longer in his Warframe...


"What...? Someone... Where, am I?!"


His voice felt much weaker than it did before, and came out as a barely audible raspy whisper.

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2 minutes ago, Teloch said:

"The... gods?" Ulf asked dazed "Are you alright? And why are you kneeling?"

Still not completely believing, he shook his head trying to dispell the strange occurrence, but it seems to be real

"Do you actually know that before the war we were same humans like you, with families, dreams, daily problems and chores?"

He attempted to change the topic, "Anyway, are you the shopkeeper?"

The figure refuses to look up.

"You do not need to test my faith." He says. "All know how the Tenno where uplifted to serve as Divine messengers."

He nods.

"I am." He says. "Does thou require tribute?"

You receive a private communication from Ryoko.

"Remember how I mentioned fringe cults." He said. "This is apparently one of their members. They legitimately believe we are messengers from the gods."

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