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Verdant Refuge [Semi-Open roleplay, Revamped]


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1 minute ago, Dynamon_X said:



Rovak says quietly.


"Yeah... Let me hear it."

He stands up straight, though sways from left to right. His vision become increasingly blurred.

"Prisoner 231" Vor says. "What have you done? Why is the Tenno not responding?"

Another voice comes over the channel.

"Tenno Rovak." C.A.L.C says. "Control over your frame has been severed. I can explain more, but not here. The beacons are barely capable of maintaining the signal. Travel to these coordinates. There are friends there. They can help you. Cephalon Gritlock, Ranger, please assist the Tenno."

The connection fades and you hear the end of Vor's rant.

"...could have been great." Vor says. "Such a waste. Grineer! Kill the prisoner!

You hear shouts and steps echo down the hall.

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On 7/7/2016 at 2:08 PM, kyrozon said:

"Can't say it will be easy to find those ships. So far my clan only found 2 and a half of those ships." Cynthia replied as she activated the proxy and let it walk back to her ship. "But i reckon i can get Seerena to share those codes with me."

Nox nods quietly, seeming to think for a moment as she requests Eon to ready her scimitar, just in case she needed to make a trip. "Please do. If the ships are heavily guarded, I may need a squad to play a little game of distraction. Hopefully it doesn't come to that however, I always find slaughtering corrupted fodder to be dreadfully dull these days."

5 hours ago, Rakawan said:

"I would recommend a tracking or tagging system." Athena says. "The role of a sniper or marksman is to support the cell. Being able to mark important targets with a tracer might be helpful."

"Perhaps. Though the method via which a sniper supports their cell is by eliminating said targets before they can pose a threat. You have given me an idea, however. A slower moving projectile, that disables a targets abilities and slows them akin to molecular prime. An antimatter cartridge, in other words. Could make said targets easier for anyone to target. Even nullfiers."

With that, Nox goes back to fiddling with the design, first designing a seemingly hollow bullet before desiging a firing mechanism within the weapon. With that done she begins fiddling with the ornamentation, being the perfectionist she is, until the weapon looks to be a seamless example of Prime technology. As a last measure she fits an adaptor to the end of the barrel, enabling the weapon to use the orokin silencer she had back on her ship.

"That should do very nicely, athena."

Edited by BulletsforTeeth
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3 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

Katrina just made a confused expresion at heariing Sai'ah's age. Tenno were at least 18 weren't they? 

"I was eight when I came here." Sai'ah says. "My father was the first Chancellor. I was always different. I could hear voices, thoughts, the world was so loud." 

"Turns out I was possessed." She said. "Or something close. A Tenno's Oro had someone been bound to me, nestled inside my mind."

"I tried to stop someone, a close friend, from exposing herself to void energy. It formed a link, overwhelmed me. Changed me." She says.

She looks up.

"I stole this body from a monster." She says. "A forgotten being called Nemesis, who thought I could be tempted to betray my friends."

Her eyes take on an aged look.

"I have her memories, others memories." She says. "I am less than ten years old and I know more about the world than my parents."

She looks at you.

"Is that what it's like to be Tenno?" She asks. "To be so young and yet so knowledgeable. To know the darkest secrets, things that would drive others mad?"

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6 minutes ago, BulletsforTeeth said:

Nox nods quietly, seeming to think for a moment as she requests Eon to ready her scimitar, just in case she needed to make a trip. "Please do. If the ships are heavily guarded, I may need a squad to play a little game of distraction. Hopefully it doesn't come to that however, I always find slaughtering corrupted fodder to be dreadfully dull these days."

"Aight, i will contact Seerena and see if she can get me the codes. And those ships aren't guarded by corrupted ya know."

4 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"I was eight when I came here." Sai'ah says. "My father was the first Chancellor. I was always different. I could hear voices, thoughts, the world was so loud." 

"Turns out I was possessed." She said. "Or something close. A Tenno's Oro had someone been bound to me, nestled inside my mind."

"I tried to stop someone, a close friend, from exposing herself to void energy. It formed a link, overwhelmed me. Changed me." She says.

She looks up.

"I stole this body from a monster." She says. "A forgotten being called Nemesis, who thought I could be tempted to betray my friends."

Her eyes take on an aged look.

"I have her memories, others memories." She says. "I am less than ten years old and I know more about the world than my parents."

She looks at you.

"Is that what it's like to be Tenno?" She asks. "To be so young and yet so knowledgeable. To know the darkest secrets, things that would drive others mad?"

Katrina bit her lip. This hounded much different from what she know of the void. 

"Well... i know dark secrets but..." She simply didn't know what to say. This was very visible in her expression.  

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10 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Prisoner 231" Vor says. "What have you done? Why is the Tenno not responding?"

Another voice comes over the channel.

"Tenno Rovak." C.A.L.C says. "Control over your frame has been severed. I can explain more, but not here. The beacons are barely capable of maintaining the signal. Travel to these coordinates. There are friends there. They can help you. Cephalon Gritlock, Ranger, please assist the Tenno."

The connection fades and you hear the end of Vor's rant.

"...could have been great." Vor says. "Such a waste. Grineer! Kill the prisoner!

You hear shouts and steps echo down the hall.

"Oh god..."

Rovak whispered as he barely remembered some sort of pact with the grineer... though he couldn't get any of the details.


"What are we going to do?"


He asked the agent who was in the room.

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10 minutes ago, Teloch said:

Ulf attempted to play a capricious deity, "Erm... Because my latest question wasn't If you want something or not, but if there are any shortages. Thee insulted me with your juggling, and so I command thee to venture to the Tenno village and ask a dozen of my brethren and sisters of how did they become tenno. Count and consider these stories, as if they are of your own, and then wait for my return". He almost laughed when he was finishing his "celestial" speech. With a gait of an (almost) orokin, he left the shop.

He shook his head when the doors closed behind him, "This is just horrible. You, guys, need a battalion of psychologists and social workers... Damn. Never thought this is possible. But again, do you have any material shortages?"

Theron laughs grimly.

"Welcome to our world." He says. "People are always looking for something to believe in. Some don't pause to ask whether their beliefs are valid."

He shakes his head sadly.

"We need psychologists, doctors, social workers." He said. "And teachers. But things are not as bad here as you may think. Ryoko told me you met Sven. It seems you have seen the worst of humanity here. I assure you most folk are much kinder, and saner, people."

He bows, a short bow in greeting.

"The mines ran for a thousand years or so." Theron says. "Resources are not the issue, refining them is. We have massive stockpiles of gems and ores. But we can only refine so much at a time. And until recently we had to prioritize military systems just to survive."

He fingers the cross at his neck.

"Thank the Lord we survived that attack, and found more allies." He says. "In truth I was wondering if this whole colony was doomed."

He kisses the cross and sets it back down.

"We are miners, survivors, rebels." He said. "Our shortages are knowledge, medicines, and as you may have seen inside that store, common sense."

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17 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

"Oh, my apologizes, its hard to notice under this mask" *He chuckle*

"I am yes, the Prime trader, that allowed Alan to have his Chair, *He clears his throat* "No I have not, I am not Alad V, my own Warframe has less intnenrals, I do not "own" operator" like meny others do"

"For my own Frame, I have build it to be a hybrid of Orokin and Curpous technology, along with some Tenno hear and there"


"Interesting." Sam says, she seems in a much better mood. "I listened to those music tapes. It was very enjoyable. Do you listen to them as well?"

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Just now, Rakawan said:

"Interesting." Sam says, she seems in a much better mood. "I listened to those music tapes. It was very enjoyable. Do you listen to them as well?"

"Heh, you'll have to remind me, But what music?, I mostly hear out the Orokin Music, "Cold and Gold" is my best track, It reminds me of my wonderful days of being a Orokin, It may sound odd, to some, but I pray to such music, I Meditate if you will"

"I do enjoy the Profitable Gains from the Prin guys, they play it all the time in their Relay"

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6 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

"Aight, i will contact Seerena and see if she can get me the codes. And those ships aren't guarded by corrupted ya know."

Katrina bit her lip. This hounded much different from what she know of the void. 

"Well... i know dark secrets but..." She simply didn't know what to say. This was very visible in her expression.  

"I suppose I should explain a bit more." She says. "You seem trustworthy."

She shifts on the stool to get more comfortable.

"I was eight when we first came here. The Arbiter was a friend of my father. He tried to teach me how to control my abilities, to block out the mental voices." She says. "I didn't figure out what was going on till later. Turns out some Orokin had been experimenting on a Nyx, left her little more than a shade of herself. Her Oro was sealed away for years. Turns out my old home was right over the facility when the containment finally failed. She... bonded... to me, slipped inside my head, gave me powers."

She sips the juice.

"When Felicity, our scientist, tried to Ascend, Ryoko sumoned me to try to talk her down." She says. "But my abilities were born of the void, and reaching into the exposure chamber created a link. The void energy... burned. The Oro inside me shielded me from it, helped me adapt to the changes, though it cost her the last of her half life."

She looked both sad and happy.

"I trained as Tenno with the other Ascended." She said. "Until Nemesis contacted me. She wanted a new host. She thought I would be an easy prize, easily influenced."

A predatory gleam comes over her eyes.

"She was wrong." She says simply. "I destroyed her, took her body after she destroyed mine."

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9 minutes ago, Dynamon_X said:

"Oh god..."

Rovak whispered as he barely remembered some sort of pact with the grineer... though he couldn't get any of the details.


"What are we going to do?"


He asked the agent who was in the room.

"They're Grineer.  You're a Tenno.  We're going to kill them, and then we're going to get the hell out of here."  The young man handed Rovak a Lex Prime, then tossed a grenade through the door.  "Let's get going."

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Just now, Yzjdriel said:

"They're Grineer.  You're a Tenno.  We're going to kill them, and then we're going to get the hell out of here."  The young man handed Rovak a Lex Prime, then tossed a grenade through the door.  "Let's get going."

He held the gun awkwardly. It was much smaller than the makeshift grineer tools he repurposed into weapons. It would have to do. He followed the agent quickly, holding the gun low by his hip.


"This has to be a dream..."

He mumbled, still in a haze.

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Just now, LegionCynex said:

"Heh, you'll have to remind me, But what music?, I mostly hear out the Orokin Music, "Cold and Gold" is my best track, It reminds me of my wonderful days of being a Orokin, It may sound odd, to some, but I pray to such music, I Meditate if you will"

"I do enjoy the Profitable Gains from the Prin guys, they play it all the time in their Relay"

Sam seems to think for a moment before digging out a pair of headphones from her bag.

"Try this." She says, sliding closer. "It's one of my mixes."

Despite her fierce appearance the music is soft and gentle. It sounds forlorn, but hopeful, with drifting strings.

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1 minute ago, Dynamon_X said:

He held the gun awkwardly. It was much smaller than the makeshift grineer tools he repurposed into weapons. It would have to do. He followed the agent quickly, holding the gun low by his hip.


"This has to be a dream..."

He mumbled, still in a haze.

A Lancer and a Sawman twitch on the ground, holding their ears. Their weapons lie next to them.

"Operator, I can override the weapon locks if you require additional armaments." Gritlock says. "There are more guards ahead. I have cut the alarms, but I disable all the consoles."

You hear voices over the intercom.

"Find the prisoner." Vor says. "A million credits to the one who brings me his corpse."

The facility is well lit and seems well maintained.

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1 minute ago, Rakawan said:

Theron laughs grimly.

"Welcome to our world." He says. "People are always looking for something to believe in. Some don't pause to ask whether their beliefs are valid."

He shakes his head sadly.

"We need psychologists, doctors, social workers." He said. "And teachers. But things are not as bad here as you may think. Ryoko told me you met Sven. It seems you have seen the worst of humanity here. I assure you most folk are much kinder, and saner, people."

He bows, a short bow in greeting.

"The mines ran for a thousand years or so." Theron says. "Resources are not the issue, refining them is. We have massive stockpiles of gems and ores. But we can only refine so much at a time. And until recently we had to prioritize military systems just to survive."

He fingers the cross at his neck.

"Thank the Lord we survived that attack, and found more allies." He says. "In truth I was wondering if this whole colony was doomed."

He kisses the cross and sets it back down.

"We are miners, survivors, rebels." He said. "Our shortages are knowledge, medicines, and as you may have seen inside that store, common sense."


Instead of answering, Ulf made a deep breath and simply nodded.

"... Warlord Ceforus should see this, or at least read to the report we're gonna send to warlord Teloch" He looked in the Citadel's direction.

"I guess I spent too much time in the company of other tenno. As much as I would like to warrant the help of professional humanitarians, this is the question you must discuss with our officers, but for the material part, however, I'm absolutely sure we can help. With the data we've gathered, Therese will be able to generate an accurate report on this colony state and needs, enabling our high command to react accordingly. But gathering information is all I can personally do as an assistant. I hope that the Chancellor and my superiors will work out the mutually benefiting solutions and decisions" 


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5 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"I suppose I should explain a bit more." She says. "You seem trustworthy."

She shifts on the stool to get more comfortable.

"I was eight when we first came here. The Arbiter was a friend of my father. He tried to teach me how to control my abilities, to block out the mental voices." She says. "I didn't figure out what was going on till later. Turns out some Orokin had been experimenting on a Nyx, left her little more than a shade of herself. Her Oro was sealed away for years. Turns out my old home was right over the facility when the containment finally failed. She... bonded... to me, slipped inside my head, gave me powers."

She sips the juice.

"When Felicity, our scientist, tried to Ascend, Ryoko sumoned me to try to talk her down." She says. "But my abilities were born of the void, and reaching into the exposure chamber created a link. The void energy... burned. The Oro inside me shielded me from it, helped me adapt to the changes, though it cost her the last of her half life."

She looked both sad and happy.

"I trained as Tenno with the other Ascended." She said. "Until Nemesis contacted me. She wanted a new host. She thought I would be an easy prize, easily influenced."

A predatory gleam comes over her eyes.

"She was wrong." She says simply. "I destroyed her, took her body after she destroyed mine."

Katrina stared at the wine glass infront of her. She heard of such tenno before. Tenno that were reduced to a mere husk of who they once had been. It made her sad thinking about it. The orokin really had been horrible.

"So... why did Ryoko let you try to talk Felicity of it and not do it himself?"

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Just now, Rakawan said:

A Lancer and a Sawman twitch on the ground, holding their ears. Their weapons lie next to them.

"Operator, I can override the weapon locks if you require additional armaments." Gritlock says. "There are more guards ahead. I have cut the alarms, but I disable all the consoles."

You hear voices over the intercom.

"Find the prisoner." Vor says. "A million credits to the one who brings me his corpse."

The facility is well lit and seems well maintained.


Ko-Rovak reached down and picked up a Miter. It didn't have his personal modifications, but he was much more familiar to it than an orokin weapon. He held the trigger and revved up the sawblade as he followed the agent.



By now, he knew that asking questions or talking wasn't going to get him anywhere. Although he was frail right now, he knew he would just have to fight.

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Just now, Teloch said:

Instead of answering, Ulf made a deep breath and simply nodded.

"... Warlord Ceforus should see this, or at least read to the report we're gonna send to warlord Teloch" He looked in the Citadel's direction.

"I guess I spent too much time in the company of other tenno. As much as I would like to warrant the help of professional humanitarians, this is the question you must discuss with our officers, but for the material part, however, I'm absolutely sure we can help. With the data we've gathered, Therese will be able to generate an accurate report on this colony state and needs, enabling our high command to react accordingly. But gathering information is all I can personally do as an assistant. I hope that the Chancellor and my superiors will work out the mutually benefiting solutions and decisions" 


Theron nods.

"I did not expect the Tenno to solve all our problems." He says. "You are warriors first. We have education programs now, and in time I'm sure we will recover enough information to train more individuals in needed positions."

Ryoko clasps Theron's hand and bows.

"Thank you Father." He says. "We will let you know if you need anything."

"Of course." Theron says. "The doors of the church are open if you need anything."

He turns to go.

"I would like to meet this Theresa." Ryoko says. "Mind if I am there when you deliver your report?"

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1 minute ago, Rakawan said:

Sam seems to think for a moment before digging out a pair of headphones from her bag.

"Try this." She says, sliding closer. "It's one of my mixes."

Despite her fierce appearance the music is soft and gentle. It sounds forlorn, but hopeful, with drifting strings.

*He tills his head, he then opens his helmet fully now, air rushes out, and reavels a sun-tanned white skin toned young adult, his cornea is pure light-black & his Iris is a glowing Golden color*  *His face welds the Somantic Dec-64 & Venenth earpeices, they seem to be light-black and golden, to match his suit* *His face seems to a mix of Tenno/Corpus*  

(When ever we get the choice to have their faces/tattoos that is))

*He takes the headphones and puts them on carefully, and hears the music*

"Huh, that is calming, Yes, he hears it for a few mins, before handing them back*

"Very good taste"

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3 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

Katrina stared at the wine glass infront of her. She heard of such tenno before. Tenno that were reduced to a mere husk of who they once had been. It made her sad thinking about it. The orokin really had been horrible.

"So... why did Ryoko let you try to talk Felicity of it and not do it himself?"

"He did try." Sai'ah says. "But she had sealed herself in the chamber, turned off the speakers. He wanted me to make her turn them back on. If I had suceeded I'm sure he could have talked her down. She was rash, but she loved him. But she had already opened the Void Lens then."

She takes another sip of her juice.

"That was when she changed, and the echoes of that affected me across the link." She says. 

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1 minute ago, LegionCynex said:

*He tills his head, he then opens his helmet fully now, air rushes out, and reavels a sun-tanned white skin toned young adult, his cornea is pure light-black & his Iris is a glowing Golden color*  *His face welds the Somantic Dec-64 & Venenth earpeices, they seem to be light-black and golden, to match his suit* *His face seems to a mix of Tenno/Corpus*  

(When ever we get the choice to have their faces/tattoos that is))

*He takes the headphones and puts them on carefully, and hears the music*

"Huh, that is calming, Yes, he hears it for a few mins, before handing them back*

"Very good taste"

Sam nods.

"Not what you expected, is it?" She asks, tossing her short black hair back. "I find it helps Brandon fall asleep as well."

She motions to the young child.

"He sleeps better now that the gene therapy is done." She says. 

She turns to look at you.

"So what is it like?" She asks. "Being a Tenno merchant. I thought were were only warriors."

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8 minutes ago, Dynamon_X said:


Ko-Rovak reached down and picked up a Miter. It didn't have his personal modifications, but he was much more familiar to it than an orokin weapon. He held the trigger and revved up the sawblade as he followed the agent.



By now, he knew that asking questions or talking wasn't going to get him anywhere. Although he was frail right now, he knew he would just have to fight.

"Operator." Gritlock says. "I have recovered a few files, pertaining to your capture. If you wish I can decode them."

A squad of four Lancer's run down the hallway towards you. A ballistica darts towards a console.

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9 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"He did try." Sai'ah says. "But she had sealed herself in the chamber, turned off the speakers. He wanted me to make her turn them back on. If I had suceeded I'm sure he could have talked her down. She was rash, but she loved him. But she had already opened the Void Lens then."

She takes another sip of her juice.

"That was when she changed, and the echoes of that affected me across the link." She says. 

"So..." Katrina didn't really know what else to ask. The link did make her think of an old friend. He had one very powerful ability against tenno. Severing the somatic link.

"Do you know how a somatic link could be broken?"

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3 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Theron nods.

"I did not expect the Tenno to solve all our problems." He says. "You are warriors first. We have education programs now, and in time I'm sure we will recover enough information to train more individuals in needed positions."

Ryoko clasps Theron's hand and bows.

"Thank you Father." He says. "We will let you know if you need anything."

"Of course." Theron says. "The doors of the church are open if you need anything."

He turns to go.

"I would like to meet this Theresa." Ryoko says. "Mind if I am there when you deliver your report?"


"Major is probably sleeping right now," Ulf answered,"  as I mentioned earlier, we're having busy times of late; soldiers feel pressed, but officers are absolutely overloaded. Therese had three combat missions with two different platoons even before she visited this planet with our first delegation. So you'll probably have to wait to acquaint with her" 

He slightly winced before answering to the second part "Not sure if she will let you overlook the material, though. But the report can't possibly contain anything beyond our today observations" he looked at Ryoko questioningly, as if wondering if he really doesn't trust them so much.

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2 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

"So..." Katrina didn't really know what else to ask. The link did make her think of an old friend. He had one very powerful ability against tenno. Severing the somatic link.

"Do you know how a somatic link could be broken?"

"Short of a kill switch or a fellow Telepath, no." Sai'ah says. "I guess you could destroy the receiver or transmitter."

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