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Verdant Refuge [Semi-Open roleplay, Revamped]


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13 hours ago, BulletsforTeeth said:

She nods quietly, the trinity leaning forward and seeming to hold her chin, stroking it slightly. A habit that she'd gotten from her operator, most likely. She rests her hands on the table
"So, you were saying I could join this... 'little' operation, as a... Specialist, I believe? How much paperwork would be involved in this?"

"A weapons specialist." Felicity says. "Not much. You could join the clan, and swear fealty. That would be enough. Or we could hire you on as a consultant and contractor."

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3 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

The Firing range is impressive. It spans at least a tenth of the facility's mid level. 

There are several open booths. It appears that each booth has sound supression systems and force fields to allow each user to fire at their own pace.

A proper firing range, Cynthia always enjoyed being in one of those. She walked to an open booth and flicked off the safety on the Brekkar and took a look at the target that were setup.

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8 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"I am Dirge." The wraith says. "Leader of he wraiths. And the one that shot that Inaros during the little skirmish yesterday."

"Huh? Nice shot" she says, feeling a bit better of the fact she wasn't talking to a clerk of sorts (she genuinely disliked those since the days before the war), "What would you say if sergeant Solberg would state his report in a more casual decorations? Don't know about you, but I feel like I could eat a raw drahk right now..." she smiled faintly.

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After being tired of waiting in line, Ko-Rovak just sat down at a random empty table in the bar. He flexed the robotic struts on his arm, as if trying to break them.


"I just want my suit back..."


He mumbles to himself as he buried his head in his hands.

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1 minute ago, Teloch said:

"Huh? Nice shot" she says, feeling a bit better of the fact she wasn't talking to a clerk of sorts (she genuinely disliked those since the days before the war), "What would you say if sergeant Solberg would state his report in a more casual decorations? Don't know about you, but I feel like I could eat a raw drahk right now..." she smiled faintly.

"I have been standing guard outside for the entire night." Dirge says. "I would appreciate some food."

He appears to be much more blunt than the Arbiter.

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9 hours ago, LegionCynex said:

*She walks over and takes a peek in the bar, she looks around with the cittzens around, and chuckles to herself* "Looks like we're the only "Tenno" here atm, Vemon, think we'll get alot of attention?, *she gloats to herself* "I do Bloom into a beautiful, but deadly frame" *Her Dijjin just makes a cute noise, but almost if he rolls his eyes*

*She looks around the bar, looking for a place to sit*  


2 minutes ago, Dynamon_X said:

After being tired of waiting in line, Ko-Rovak just sat down at a random empty table in the bar. He flexed the robotic struts on his arm, as if trying to break them.


"I just want my suit back..."


He mumbles to himself as he buried his head in his hands.

((You are both in the same bar))

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A proper firing range, Cynthia always enjoyed being in one of those. She walked to an open booth and flicked off the safety on the Brekkar and took a look at the target that were setup.

The target is a holographic Grineer. You see options on the console for different settings: running, cover, attacking.

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1 minute ago, Rakawan said:

The target is a holographic Grineer. You see options on the console for different settings: running, cover, attacking.

Cynthia taps on the cover setting and waits for what the target would do.

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12 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"I will be back shortly." Sam says. "With the shipment, of course."

She leaves the shop and waits at the landing site.

*A male Slo Scrambus with a small hovering platform filled with 3 huge boxs, comes along and walks over, his helmet beeps*

"Retto!" *He yells at Sam* "Jatttasey!" *He Shows her the Boxs* "Nqape?.."

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7 minutes ago, Dynamon_X said:

After being tired of waiting in line, Ko-Rovak just sat down at a random empty table in the bar. He flexed the robotic struts on his arm, as if trying to break them.


"I just want my suit back..."


He mumbles to himself as he buried his head in his hands.

*She sits on her stool, waiting for the barkeeper, she looks over to Ko-Rovak* "Everything ok?, you might want to be careful with that.."

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1 minute ago, LegionCynex said:

*A male Slo Scrambus with a small hovering platform filled with 3 huge boxs, comes along and walks over, his helmet beeps*

"Retto!" *He yells at Sam* "Jatttasey!" *He Shows her the Boxs* "Nqape?.."

"Calc" Sam says. "Provide passive translation please."

She displays the fieldron.

"Can you repeat what you said?" She asks.

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4 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"I have been standing guard outside for the entire night." Dirge says. "I would appreciate some food."

He appears to be much more blunt than the Arbiter.


"Settled then. I trust in your knowledge of the local canteens" She said and turned to Ulf, "Look alive, sergeant, we're going for a repast; and do try not to lose your head while we're at it"

"So, shall we proceed?" She asked Dirge

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7 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Several instances of holographic cover appear and the Grineer darts towards one.

Cynthia quickly shot the Grineer, the Brekkar kick felt heavier. Probably because she wasn't holding it tight enough. 

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"Of course." Dirge says. He leads you through the halls to an ornate dining room. "I hope the noise did not disturb you last night. One of the more... fanatical... religious figures tried to contact Ulf. Said he had completed his holy task and was there to ask for a blessing."

He shook his head.

"Blasted cultists." He says. "Ryoko won't let me... reeducate them. Their more of a nuisance than a threat, but still a problem."

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1 minute ago, Rakawan said:

"Calc" Sam says. "Provide passive translation please."

She displays the fieldron.

"Can you repeat what you said?" She asks.

*He Sighs* "Tenno, I am here fo_Ahhh, the Orokin Trader, I see he sent his girlfriend to do his dirty-work?, how charming, Tenno can never do their own things by themselves, but you brought me the Fieldron, he hovers the box-platform over and hands her a bill* "The Bill for the Trader, I'll also take the Fieldron, and here I Extra Crate, for him"

*He toss's a another box on*

*He counts some credits in his hands, and checks the boxs are safe* "I tought he was a Syarn Person, anyrate, I;'ll see his Bill by tomorrow"


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8 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

*She sits on her stool, waiting for the barkeeper, she looks over to Ko-Rovak* "Everything ok?, you might want to be careful with that.."

Ko-Rovak looks up to her, showing part of his mangled face, somewhat like a grineer's.


"No everything's not ok."


He tightened the robotic muscle again


"It's just a machine, don't worry about it."


He paused for a moment, leaning his head down


"... Is there a problem?"

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17 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"A weapons specialist." Felicity says. "Not much. You could join the clan, and swear fealty. That would be enough. Or we could hire you on as a consultant and contractor."

Nox looks pensive, lapsing into silence for a few moments.

"I think I'll take you up on that. Hell, I know a few other interested tenno. Damn good fighters they are, almost as good as me." She chuckles. "I will say this though... I'm not only a weapons specialist. I can get a little... Stir crazy, if I don’t stretch the muscles enough. Suppose that comes from the old war, though."

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17 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

*He Sighs* "Tenno, I am here fo_Ahhh, the Orokin Trader, I see he sent his girlfriend to do his dirty-work?, how charming, Tenno can never do their own things by themselves, but you brought me the Fieldron, he hovers the box-platform over and hands her a bill* "The Bill for the Trader, I'll also take the Fieldron, and here I Extra Crate, for him"

*He toss's a another box on*

*He counts some credits in his hands, and checks the boxs are safe* "I tought he was a Syarn Person, anyrate, I;'ll see his Bill by tomorrow"


Sam hands him the fieldron and grabs the boxes. A low ringing sound, just low enough to be irritating rings out from an unknown source. It does not seem to be her, as she is not wearing a warframe.

"Pleasure doing business, merchant." She says. "I'll make sure he gets your message."

As she walks away with the boxes, she turns back.

"You might want to watch your tone." She says simply. "This area has an odd tendency to... echo... if you happen to stand in the right spot."

As she leaves the platform a massive burst of sound rings out, causing bursts of static in any earpiece devices the Corpus may be wearing.

Edited by Rakawan
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9 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Of course." Dirge says. He leads you through the halls to an ornate dining room. "I hope the noise did not disturb you last night. One of the more... fanatical... religious figures tried to contact Ulf. Said he had completed his holy task and was there to ask for a blessing."

He shook his head.

"Blasted cultists." He says. "Ryoko won't let me... reeducate them. Their more of a nuisance than a threat, but still a problem."


"Zealots?" Asked Therese

"Completed holy task?" Asked Ulf

They glanced at each other 

"Don't know about Ulf, but I slept like a dead man" Therese answered. "Seems like sergeant has a lot to tell us"

"Yeah, I think that's a one way to put it" Ulf replied and shrugged his shoulders. "But before I start, may I order those things Ryoko mentioned - grilled fluffets or something like that. And some bakery, if it only would not be much for me to ask"

"Yes. I would also like some meat with a vegetable salad," Therese added "And what about you, Dirge?"

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16 minutes ago, Dynamon_X said:

Ko-Rovak looks up to her, showing part of his mangled face, somewhat like a grineer's.


"No everything's not ok."


He tightened the robotic muscle again


"It's just a machine, don't worry about it."


He paused for a moment, leaning his head down


"... Is there a problem?"


*She tills her head slightly* "Well, of course not, but they are part of your arm, I don't want you hurting yourself, all Im worried about" *She truns to the bar keep* "What you serve here?"

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15 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Sam hands him the fieldron and grabs the boxes. A low ringing sound, just low enough to be irritating rings out from an unknown source. It does not seem to be her, as she is not wearing a warframe.

"Pleasure doing business, merchant." She says. "I'll make sure he gets your message."

As she walks away with the boxes, she turns back.

"You might want to watch your tone." She says simply. "This area has an odd tendency to... echo... if you happen to stand in the right spot."

As she leaves the platform a massive burst of sound rings out, causing bursts of static in any earpiece devices the Corpus may be wearing.

"Oh,  not to worry, good day Ma'ma" *He looks around, and then screams in his helmet, gripping onto it* RAGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

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24 minutes ago, Teloch said:

"Zealots?" Asked Therese

"Completed holy task?" Asked Ulf

They glanced at each other 

"Don't know about Ulf, but I slept like a dead man" Therese answered. "Seems like sergeant has a lot to tell us"

"Yeah, I think that's a one way to put it" Ulf replied and shrugged his shoulders. "But before I start, may I order those things Ryoko mentioned - grilled fluffets or something like that. And some bakery, if it only would not be much for me to ask"

"Yes. I would also like some meat with a vegetable salad," Therese added "And what about you, Dirge?"

Dirge relays your orders to the server, ordering a serving of Fluffle bacon and hot cakes, and takes a seat.

"Not so much zealots as fools." He says. "My brother asked Theron to start a church, teach people about faith. Gave him an old book full of parables and teachings."

He smiles.

"Theron of course misinterpreted what he meant and though the Tenno were angels. Sealed the book in a glass case and never read it." He says. "Took a whole day to sort that mess out. The Church is true to its roots now, good people doing good deeds. But a few of the old faithful refused to give up their superstitions. They still think Tenno are Divine Messengers."

"I also heard that you had a run in with Sven." He says. "I think that would be a good place to start."

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21 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

*Zaeed waits in his shop, he begins to set up a few armor displays, and weapon wracks, he hums to himself*

"I do hope Sam, gets out of her issue all fine"

Sam re-enters the shop towing the boxes. An innocent whistling sound echoes around her as she smiles.

"Here is the cargo." She says. "You may have to shout next time you talk to him."

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