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Verdant Refuge [Semi-Open roleplay, Revamped]


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((No apologies needed, we all need to play realities' "annoying" little game at some point)) 

The Chroma leans down towards something on the floor off to the side of the Liset. Hands trembling, it picks it up, revealing the object to be the Karack the Ash was wielding on arrival. Suddenly, the lights on the frame dim momentarily, the Chroma frozen in place looking downwards the newfound weapon. After a few seconds frozen in place, the lights return to their former blue glow on the Chroma, and the entire frames' body language has shifted considerably. Glancing around in a confused manner, the Chroma looks down at itself in surprise and turns back to the assembled Tenno. It starts.

" Oh. . . hey, uh, yeah, uh, quite the presentation, right? Really cornered the market on the whole "shock-and-awe" theatrics bit there diddn't I?"

It rubs the back of it's metallic head in an organically fluid motion and let's out a small laugh before speed walking towards the  Liset in an urgent manner.

"Alright! No time like the present and all that! I'll just. . . I'll just gather my things in here and suit up in something a bit more. . . practical? No, no, comforting to the eye! That's the thought!"

As it enters the hatch on the Liset, there is a loud clank and the Chroma peers back out through the halfway closed hatch with a hand wrapped around the corner.

"You have anywhere inconspicuous-slash- difficult to access I could borrow for my short stay here? Perhaps a remote dormant caldera, gloomy  uninhabited island, or forbodeing icy crag I could set up shop in?"

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16 hours ago, Yzjdriel said:

Richard looked at him curiously.  "A dual body?  You didn't have any problem with it before, did you?  If it's really that big of a deal, we can put you right back in cryostasis on your Orbiter and you can pretend it never happened.  You'd be missing out on the ability to project Focus energy through your Warframe, but since you couldn't do that before, it shouldn't bother you too much if you want to go back to sleep.  As for multiple frames, you can not use other frames with equal ease by any method.  And using your... idea... what if, say, someone decides to use it on their Nekros, and we find Nekros Prime two days later?  And if the frame you are using is destroyed while you're still in your real body?  You can rebuild it, or build another one altogether if the damage is bad enough.  There are zero advantages gained by using this idea you present, and a whole host of problems, weaknesses, and ethical questions associated with it."


*He clears this throat and looks up to Rich, he seems to be a little irritated* " I'll like to point out that "Transference" was something that was kept secret away from us, humf- hm, lies from their omnipotent mother" *He Folds his arms* "We all saw what happened to the Stalker..."

*He Looks up* "As for Focus, I've found ways to manipulate it, while weaker, yes, but it still works" *He Nods* "Of course, I kown we can smipley choice NOT to use other frames, but the choice is still there in the back of our minds" *He Says, now calmly*

"If someone wishes to prime their Warframes, it is as easy as upgrading it, I am the Prime Trader, I do hope you not think I just "Sell" and "Buy", I can do more, I can upgrade Warframes into their Primed Format, there is alot I can do, Mr.Richard" *He Smiles*

"As for the Frame getting destroyed, think of it like power armor, or a armored suit, you retreat and return home, to repair your suit, if you are wounded, take the time off to heal, or use the Void energy to help heal your wounds. like the old days.." *He Says and folds his arms*

"The Lotus seduced the Tenno. Led them on a complacent path like oxen, and so did the Orokin, he where limited, *He sighs* "I reject the "Tenno as Warrior" mythology - a lie constructed to limit their potential, jumping body to body, without useing our real bodies, for combat and skill, has weaken us." *He looks over to Sam* "What if we lose connection to our frames?, or are thrown out our surrogate body".

"I find it stupid, how we hide behind out Warframes, useing them like cannon fodder, our frames are...*He sighs* "No self, no sense, no death. Just a metal puppet dangling on Tenno strings..." *He looks up to them all, after saying that sentence* "I'm sure some have heard that before.., when we where crowing, lost and confused, defenseless, like a fish out of a water.."  

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20 hours ago, Yzjdriel said:

He paused.  "As for 'not designed to handle it', let's use you as an example.  Whatever that was that just happened?  I'm betting it's a result of your highly experimental procedure not being as well-thought-out as you present it to be.  We know for a fact that the Warframes were not built around our real bodies originially, and that's because they cannot contain our raw power.  That means using a surrogate body, true, but if you transfer your entire consciousness, your entire being, into this surrogate body, what do you gain?  Because I can tell you what you lose.  You lose the ability to power the Warframe with Void energy from your body: the surrogate bodies simply do not possess that capability.  You lose the ability to eat, sleep, and breathe.  Now, you can argue that not needing to eat is an advantage, and we could stay here all day on that one point, so I'll grant you that it would be about equally helpful as harmful.  But not getting enough sleep?  Your mind is not meant to be awake all the time.  Look at any creature you find, anywhere in the universe, and you'll find they all share one thing - the need to shut down their conscious mind for part of the day to avoid going insane."


*He Clears this throat* "Yes, it is part of my highly experimental procedure, but it was worth the risk, also I didn't do it alone, I had friends who helped me along the way, I've got connections, I used Data from other sources" *He Looks to him*

"As for losing, yes there will always be a loss, of what we can do yes, however the benefits are much more,. we can still control the power in the frames, our abilities, of what the frame was designed for" *He exhales* "Sure we lose the power to use our focus to its full potential, but I still work on that, its a work in progress matter" *He says, and sighs*

"You sound just like them, the bad side of the Orokin, The Orokin where scared of us, afraid that we;'ll use our powers for other reasons, so they did experiments on us, However that was justified, as I believe, as they needed to study, like I" *He says*

"Howeve, it was only because they where testing on us, making us more scared and broke, no wonder why we used our powers of self-defense that the Orokin so claim to be as ""several fatal accidents"" *He mutters something under his breath* "We where to powerful for the Orokin, they where scared of something replacing their own power, scared that something is more mighty then the Orokin, understandable but foolish".

"my methods allows us do so much more, allow us to be free and as a single person,  process grant greater control over our powers, but used to their fullest potential, while staying inside our ture frames,  that we have grown to love, *He thinks for a few" Ro, all he knew was the Frame he was in, that frame was his life, he didn't care about others, or his "true body", all he wanted to be in that frame, and control it, he agreed with me, wishing to go into the test, until..you came along Tho, I still have to thank Sam, for giveing me the heads up.."

*He rises a brow* "Well, I'm already breathing, as you can tell, I made modifications to the suit, to allow me to breathe, as for food and sleep, who needs that now?, with the right cybernetics and implants, and augs you won't need any of that..."

"Tho, not saying I do not, but if you want it as a choice, you can.." 




Edited by LegionCynex
Missed Something..
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17 hours ago, Yzjdriel said:

"He looked at Alan before continuing.  "And lost limbs?  Those can be easily replaced, and weak bodies are to be expected when waking from cryostasis.  Muscle atrophy is an obvious side effect of remaining asleep for that long.  We can rebuild muscles even easier than we can rebuild limbs.  And 'wish to use a stronger body'?  You do use a stronger body when you pilot a Warframe.  That's kind of the definition of a Warframe.  So I'm afraid that nothing of what you've just said makes any sense from a medical ethics standpoint.  There are zero benefits, a multitude of risks, and the procedure itself has not been properly researched or verified by anyone capable of making a sound medical decision.  Ignoring all of that, however, and no offense meant to you, of course, but you're not even a licensed field medic, let alone a physician."  Richard turned to face Alan.  "Councillor, at this time I do not feel that I even need to ask any of the questions regarding the procedure itself before giving my opinion that not only is it inherently dangerous, it is also irresponsible and completely unnecessary.  I can with absolute certainty say that there is no situation that would require as the only possible solution any procedure of this nature, and I therefore immediately propose, with kind regards to Mister Zaeed, that we officially bar any advertising of any procedure of this kind from Phenix until such time as the procedure can be properly researched, conducted by a proper physician, and with the proper safeguards in place.  We should of course consult with Mister Zaeed regularly and often during this process, unless he has an objection to the decision to anyone studying his procedure with the intent to make it safer and more viable as an alternative to the methods we already have that do a better job?"  He looked back at Zaeed.

*He nods* "That is excaly the problem!, our Tenno body's where too weak, nothing, because we spend our lazy butts on the chairs, controlling our frames, or in the Orokin Pods, we're not getting out, sure we can learn to control our new body, but we'll just end up sitting back down and controlling our frame, via mind, not body" *He sighs*

"I'm sorry you do not understand from your viewpoint and I greatly appreciate it for you to take your time to hear me out, but some fokes need to Dream...of not what you are, but what you want to be..." *He rises a brow* "As for licensed field medic or physician", *He sighs* "Your half right, I am not Physician at all, or a Field medic, who goes out in battle, Yes. But However I have full training in Medical and Cybernetics and Transference, along with foundation of salvaged technology and robotics and proxies" *He clears his throat* "Oh and very high kowngole on Orokin Tech, tho some I still yet to learn, so I don;' kown everything of course" *He Says*

*He Looks to Alan, as Rich looks over, as he speeks to the Couclsilor*

(( This Next part will have to involve my other Crh coming in, so I'll quickly pause this, until the matter at the Station is revealed, as someone has a Sliver Tongue, that works well, with Zaeed, Unless Sam wishes to speek up, as well )) 

(( Also I apologize for the post at a time, but I wished to make it less bearing of a wall of text )),




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On 7/22/2016 at 3:23 PM, LegionCynex said:

*An Black & Golden Sotz Scimitar flies down, and slows down it then opens up a comlink* "Rail-Control, This is  Nena Zi'Teer, I'm here requesting to see Zaeed Zi'Teer, is he here?, if not I'll like to request data on where he is and a request to departacher to his location" 

(( Reposting For Visibility, as she is Key To Zaeed))


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15 hours ago, Dynamon_X said:

Ko-Rovak raises his bloody fist, ready for another strike before he pauses. 

"... Do you remember me? Do you remember what I did for the queens?"

He asks in a crazed tone, in between breathless pants.

"You were glorious, the perfect Grineer." He says. "You cut down those who opposed the empire, showed no mercy to them."

He coughs up blood.

"You could... He says desperately. "You could be that again. Cut down this Tenno. Like you did the civilians on Saturn. They did not expect it, neither will he. Be a servant of the Kweens again."

He looks at you frightened.

"I'll... I'll put in a good word for you." He says. "I can replace those soldiers, no harm no foul right?"

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On 22.07.2016 at 5:12 PM, Rakawan said:

"There were two, a Red Veil and a Hexis fellow. Got into a squabble, had to call in Arbiter Darrin. He gave them a few knocks over the head with his Jet Kitty and they gave eachother no trouble after that." He says. "As for morale, Tenno don't settle here unless they are looking for a 'settled' life."


"Well, not always what we are looking for corresponds with reality. Honestly, I would not know what to do should I once find myself in a settler's role. After so much time spent doing my job, I'm not quite sure how well will I do as a civvie. Perhaps locals do meet such troubles of finding a use for themselves and accommodating to the absolutely different way of life". He added shortly "... and getting used to the locals who think you're a fairytale beast"

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On 19-7-2016 at 7:48 PM, kyrozon said:

Fell follows the foot prints and follows it deeper into the forest. It leads them to a small open plain within it. He looks around, seeing no more traces of the nyx. "Dammit..." Just as he said that some nearby bushes rustled. Immediatly Fell made his weapons reform. Considering his lack of melee weapons he motioned for Tsun to take a closer look. 

((Reposting again))

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4 minutes ago, Teloch said:

"Well, not always what we are looking for corresponds with reality. Honestly, I would not know what to do should I once find myself in a settler's role. After so much time spent doing my job, I'm not quite sure how well will I do as a civvie. Perhaps locals do meet such troubles of finding a use for themselves and accommodating to the absolutely different way of life". He added shortly "... and getting used to the locals who think you're a fairytale beast"

"Oh they still run missions, for the most part." He says. "Most aren't retired, per se, they just prefer their hut to an Orbiter."

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2 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Tsun holds his Lacera at the ready and disappears, approaching the bushes.

The bushes would rusle slightly and Tsun could see a shadow move away from it. 

Fell also noticed the shadow and grinned. "So for how much longer you want to play hide and seek?" 

The Nyx gave no response to it.

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4 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Oh they still run missions, for the most part." He says. "Most aren't retired, per se, they just prefer their hut to an Orbiter."

"I see then. Just changing barracks for a cozy hut. I bet they do appreciate the community and the services this place has to offer"

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4 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

The bushes would rusle slightly and Tsun could see a shadow move away from it. 

Fell also noticed the shadow and grinned. "So for how much longer you want to play hide and seek?" 

The Nyx gave no response to it.

Tsun hurls out the Lacera hook at the shadow, trying to reel it in.

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4 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Tsun hurls out the Lacera hook at the shadow, trying to reel it in.

"Oh crap!" The hook hit the Nyx but she managed to get it off before she got in melee range. She bullet jumped into a tree and hoped from one to another from that point.

"Seems like we finally found that witch." Fell lifted his arm up and fragments of his weapons digged into the trees the Nyx jumped from, making a few fall over. The Nyx wasn't in any of these but Tsun might be able to notice that she stopped in one of the slightly taller trees on the other side of the plain. She seemed to be aiming a snipetron or lanka at Fell.

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4 minutes ago, Teloch said:

"I see then. Just changing barracks for a cozy hut. I bet they do appreciate the community and the services this place has to offer"

"That they do." The Vauban says, depositing the meat into the freezer.

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Just now, Rakawan said:

"That they do." The Vauban says, depositing the meat into the freezer.

After thinking about something very distanced either in time or space, Ulf suddenly asked, "Say, do you have any community festivals? I mean some holidays celebrated by the residents of this community. This place brings up the dregs of my memories from before the war. I enjoyed the social events quite much back at the day"

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3 minutes ago, Teloch said:

After thinking about something very distanced either in time or space, Ulf suddenly asked, "Say, do you have any community festivals? I mean some holidays celebrated by the residents of this community. This place brings up the dregs of my memories from before the war. I enjoyed the social events quite much back at the day"

"Tenno and celebrations?" The Vauban says. If he showed his face you would probably see his eyebrow raised. "I remember the last big party the Tenno attended."


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6 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Tenno and celebrations?" The Vauban says. If he showed his face you would probably see his eyebrow raised. "I remember the last big party the Tenno attended."



"... And? How did it end? And what was the reason of the celebration?"

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On 7/22/2016 at 3:23 PM, LegionCynex said:

*An Black & Golden Sotz Scimitar flies down, and slows down it then opens up a comlink* "Rail-Control, This is  Nena Zi'Teer, I'm here requesting to see Zaeed Zi'Teer, is he here?, if not I'll like to request data on where he is and a request to departacher to his location" 

(( Edited, pulling back one Crh, focusing on Two atm, The 2 Zi'Teers ))

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16 hours ago, Rakawan said:

"You were glorious, the perfect Grineer." He says. "You cut down those who opposed the empire, showed no mercy to them."

He coughs up blood.

"You could... He says desperately. "You could be that again. Cut down this Tenno. Like you did the civilians on Saturn. They did not expect it, neither will he. Be a servant of the Kweens again."

He looks at you frightened.

"I'll... I'll put in a good word for you." He says. "I can replace those soldiers, no harm no foul right?"

Ko-Rovak paused for several seconds, keeping his fists raised in the air. He looked down at the grineer captain and thought, slowly lowering his fists. He turned back and glanced at Darrin through the corner of his helmet, lowering his guard.


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22 hours ago, kyrozon said:

"Oh crap!" The hook hit the Nyx but she managed to get it off before she got in melee range. She bullet jumped into a tree and hoped from one to another from that point.

"Seems like we finally found that witch." Fell lifted his arm up and fragments of his weapons digged into the trees the Nyx jumped from, making a few fall over. The Nyx wasn't in any of these but Tsun might be able to notice that she stopped in one of the slightly taller trees on the other side of the plain. She seemed to be aiming a snipetron or lanka at Fell.

Tsun gathers his strength and swaps places with her, removing a Vectis Priem from his back.

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7 hours ago, Dynamon_X said:

Ko-Rovak paused for several seconds, keeping his fists raised in the air. He looked down at the grineer captain and thought, slowly lowering his fists. He turned back and glanced at Darrin through the corner of his helmet, lowering his guard.


The captain scrambles for something underneath him.

Darrin is standing with his side to you, leaning on his Jat Kittag. He is talking to an image on a Helios. You see a quick twitch, almost as if he turned to look at you. The motion is so swift it is almost unnoticeable.

"The Encryption key should be here." He says. "Our new friend has the captain at his mercy."

He pauses, then shakes his head.

"His business, not mine." He says. "We may need extraction, though. Prepare the ship. I'll recover what I can."

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19 hours ago, LegionCynex said:


(( Edited, pulling back one Crh, focusing on Two atm, The 2 Zi'Teers ))

"The trader is currently in a meeting." Simon says. "I can patch you through to him if necessary, but I'm afraid he is not to be disturbed."

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