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Ash Deluxe Skin Concept.


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Hello, as you can tell by the title, this is an Ash Deluxe Skin Concept by me - White-Gin.
The first is the final design of the whole skin. The second "bundle" is what I was working from, the main parts and ideas that came to mind (not including earlier drafts and sketches).
Before continuing I must say, yes, I just recently installed Warframe and played it, because it's the only way to be able to post anything on the forums. However, I am more or less familiar with the game and universe, thanks to my friend...
Who is, rather, thanks to who I actually started this skin project, and thanks to him for data-mining and dropping in-game screenshots for me to use.
I also agreed to do this, since I am an avid fan of ninja's overall, and after hearing that the only true in my opinion ninja warframe doesn't have a Deluxe Skin or a Steam Workshop Tennogen materials, I decided to put my hands on it.

Design Thought Process:
I tried to save what Ash was looking good at - not being over encumbered by armor/cloth/accessories etc.
But, since the armor on his arms didn't quite suit him, especially on the Prime Version, and almost clogged him up, I removed them and instead, made him be covered (originally) in tight light-absorbent reinforced cloth (Yes, this skin has a small lore behind it).
After which I wanted to add something that would actually resemble more accurately his name - Ash.
Since the plain cover up, although looking minimalistic and serious, it didn't had the uniqueness that other Deluxe Skins had. The answer was simple - ashes come after flames, and a damaged Warframe appeared.
Knowing that you play from a third-person perspective, making a "Two-Face" design wasn't the problem, the problem was how it would suit not only Warframe's lore but also have the same zest other Deluxe's have.
So, I combined the original armor of Ash, and mentally buried it deeper into the flesh, after which burnt it under a solar Sentient engine and whalla! A flower-layered, metallic, flesh-exposing (in some parts), smoldering design.
After which I was confronted by another problem, the interdiction between the torso and legs.
It would've looked the same as the original Ash if I'd kept it like that, BUT, I personally didn't like the look of an exposed (if you can even say it like that) crotch, so, to not embarrass him and his badass-itude, covered up his privacy with something...
And here, of the dozens (actually just 5) lower garments I resided to a simple Kusazuri and Haidate mix.
After that I tweaked the legs, a bit thinner and even more minimalistic.
This is the result.

First of all, this is a CONCEPT, and even though I consider this as a final version, I understand and am ready to change/edit a few parts, such as the rather empty upper body and maybe the lower garment as well, maybe to a hakama-esque style, or something like [can't believe im saying this] samurai pants.

The color schemes in the second drawing "bundle", referring mostly to the leg ARE NOT of the same color pattern as the other pieces.

IF, and I cross my fingers, ONLY IF this skin is approved by the community and the DE, after which being elgible to be added into the game, I will continue on this concept and post a proper colored version both front and back (also color palette), including a mini-comic of his creation.

Any questions considering ONLY the design itself I'll gladly answer, other then that, it will depend on the question, so don't get upset if I don't answer.



Finished, finally.
So, atleast now there is a clear, more or less view of the skin.


Here are the 4 new lower garments.
Didn't do one for the armor (Haidate) since I am still refining it, and you have already seen the back part, so, there wouldn't be much of an expansion in concept if I did it.
Considering the new ones, I do have in mind of mixing them up, like I did with the 4th one. But for now I am open for critics and reviews on what you like/don't like.
I personally like the second one.

Added, just in case:

Edited by White-Gin
Added new concept.
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This is legitmately amazing, out of all of the concepts I can without a doubt say this one is the best


The legs/pants look amazing, the body has that nice chinese detailing for the "shirt" you could say and honest of all, he looks like a modern-age alien ninja I guess you could put it as?


I'd love to see more of this, and I hope [DE] sees it! haha

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47 minutes ago, White-Gin said:

...the only true in my opinion ninja warframe doesn't have a Deluxe Skin or a Steam Workshop Tennogen materials...

Very true, and it's downright criminal that this is the case.  Thank you for doing this for us!  It is really looking great so far.

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4 hours ago, Dragonblack175 said:

Nice one!

Well u put armor on his hips, how about implementing a bit more armor into the upper body? Nothing big, only a few pieces.

I was thinking about that in the beginning, and, sorry from my part that it isn't shown on the first drawing (due to perspective) however, in the "bundle" you can see right under the left arm three "stripes" on the body side. Those are the armor plates, covering the sides and ribcage partially.
I did however edited it a bit (didn't like how it curved behind towards the spinal cord), but since it wasn't finished, I "cut" it out of the first drawing.

If that's not the case, and you were thinking about the front torso as a whole (from neck to legs), then the problem would consist of what exactly should I add.
I, just reminding, am aiming for a more or less authentic style, and I can't just added something like a Dō (Samurai cuirass) or even a chainmail (something real ninja wore).
Ninja actually wore no armor at all, and preferred agility to protection. However, in our case, Ash is a futuristic, stealthy, flying, slice-n-dice humanoid, therefore he can have armor which is embedded deep into him. So, I can say I did think about making something like reinforced abs and/or pectorals, making them a bit more prominent. After all, the front torso of Ash and Ash Prime are practically the same. In any case, I may look into it, but I can't guarantee anything.

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17 hours ago, White-Gin said:

I was thinking about that in the beginning, and, sorry from my part that it isn't shown on the first drawing (due to perspective) however, in the "bundle" you can see right under the left arm three "stripes" on the body side. Those are the armor plates, covering the sides and ribcage partially.
I did however edited it a bit (didn't like how it curved behind towards the spinal cord), but since it wasn't finished, I "cut" it out of the first drawing.

If that's not the case, and you were thinking about the front torso as a whole (from neck to legs), then the problem would consist of what exactly should I add.
I, just reminding, am aiming for a more or less authentic style, and I can't just added something like a Dō (Samurai cuirass) or even a chainmail (something real ninja wore).
Ninja actually wore no armor at all, and preferred agility to protection. However, in our case, Ash is a futuristic, stealthy, flying, slice-n-dice humanoid, therefore he can have armor which is embedded deep into him. So, I can say I did think about making something like reinforced abs and/or pectorals, making them a bit more prominent. After all, the front torso of Ash and Ash Prime are practically the same. In any case, I may look into it, but I can't guarantee anything.

Ah i see.

Well the torso and the left arm are basically empty, but like u said applying armor on both could be a bit much. What do u think of an enhanced bangle around his upper left arm? Just some small additions for the structure of his arm.

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57 minutes ago, Dragonblack175 said:

Well the torso and the left arm are basically empty, but like u said applying armor on both could be a bit much. What do u think of an enhanced bangle around his upper left arm? Just some small additions for the structure of his arm.

Something like Banshee's Soprano Skin has on her thighs and right arm? In that case I will look into it. Can't say I don't like it. Although my goal is a slick design I will experiment on it. For now, I am working on a preview showcase of this skin "in-action". Maybe after that there will be a more clearer view.

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4 minutes ago, White-Gin said:

Something like Banshee's Soprano Skin has on her thighs and right arm? In that case I will look into it. Can't say I don't like it. Although my goal is a slick design I will experiment on it. For now, I am working on a preview showcase of this skin "in-action". Maybe after that there will be a more clearer view.

Yes kinda, but out of metal, or u could make it look like a bandage, only for some more detail in this area the rest is just awesome ^^

Well when i think about the bandage it can look a bit too naruto-ish if u know what i mean, in the end u decide

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Oh there we go ^^

Still id like to see a bit more detail in his left arm section (not armor, thats completely fine, u already implied things about that and its looking great) KIts just so plane, maybe make the muscles stand more out (u already did that with the legs tho^^)

Furthermore i dont no if its the perspective, but his uhm battleskirt looks much longer on ur new art than the older on....

But extremly cool so far, i look forward to other art u may do some time

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2 hours ago, Dragonblack175 said:

Oh there we go ^^

Still id like to see a bit more detail in his left arm section (not armor, thats completely fine, u already implied things about that and its looking great) KIts just so plane, maybe make the muscles stand more out (u already did that with the legs tho^^)

Furthermore i dont no if its the perspective, but his uhm battleskirt looks much longer on ur new art than the older on....

But extremly cool so far, i look forward to other art u may do some time

1. This is a concept of the original first pic with a small tweak in the armor (explained lower). I did so to not ruin anything, in-case I'd tweak drastically anything in the design.
And don't worry, I do have a few ideas around, one is actually adding something like a transparent tattoo or texture (similar to what immortal skins have), which maybe or maybe not overlap on the chest (something I personally want to tweak and I am brain-cracking to find out what).

2. As mentioned above I did edited the battleskirt a bit, but not in the overall length, as in the length of each individual "plate". Making it more logical in the protection and authentic aspect.

3. I will do more art considering this skin. As an upcoming one it will be a sketch (similar to the first) with a clean coloring of the left and back side.

Anyways, thanks for the feedback, if you actually want this skin in-game, share this with your friends, the more I know people want it, the more and better details will be added (in moderation and with reason of course).

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1. U know the orokin text nekros ecalibur etc have on their shoulder? maybe this would give more detail into it, simple, but effective.

2. Thb hes looking a bit like a ballerina with that skirt, like i said it can be the perspective, (3.)im looking forward to the sketch, maybe the proportions can be better seen there....


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14 minutes ago, Dragonblack175 said:

2. Thb hes looking a bit like a ballerina with that skirt...


*cue Dance of the Little Swan*

Soaring around,
slicing so majestically,
fades into the smoke,
silence falls.

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5 hours ago, White-Gin said:

Yeah, that's the main reason why I am ready to change the Haidate(battleskirt) to a hakama or *cough* samurai pants.
Or maybe modernize it... I don't know.

As odd as it sounds, dont make it floating around, make it some "small" armor plates, just like u already did, but remove the skirt-ishness

But speaking about skirts....samurai trinity skin? XD I would enjoy some other designs for trinity, there arent any one out there (at least i havent seen some)

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1 hour ago, Dragonblack175 said:

As odd as it sounds, dont make it floating around, make it some "small" armor plates, just like u already did, but remove the skirt-ishness

But speaking about skirts....samurai trinity skin? XD I would enjoy some other designs for trinity, there arent any one out there (at least i havent seen some)

Well, I can't go against in-game and/or real-life physics, not to mention I can't alter the design of the Haidate to not make it look skirt-ish without changing it drastically (hence me saying "modernizing it" earlier).
If you watch closely to any video or movie, or game, you can see that the Haidate or samurai thigh armor is usually quite close to the body and doesn't flop around alot, even when in rapid motion (running, strafing, jogging). And judging by the physics the game has, after observing Ivara, Banshee Soprana, Equinox I can say that it won't be that discernible.
Maybe it is you seeing it as a skirt due to the motion and perspective, which isn't quite true (referring to a hypothetically finished in-game skin), but I don't blame you, however, I am stating what is true and clarifying certain aspects, and if it looks as if I am defending my work, then only because I am explaining why I did it that way or why is it that way, and not because I don't like or disagree, and I am taking notes.

About another Trinity Skin design... Well, there is already a Deluxe Strega Skin, and I am saying that because making a new one, other then just to be as an art piece in the Fan Art forum section, is something I can't do now. I already devoted a nice chunk of my time into designing this skin because of the reasons in my original post, and I can't go beyond that because of reasons I can't state (due to my principles to not promote personal off-topic work, but ironically you already got the point). So, yeah, I am a bit handcuffed in this topic.

2 hours ago, Dragonblack175 said:

Oh i recognised smth else, was it on purpose that one leg is half white half black and the other not?


It's just an artistic placeholder. If it gets along it stays. No? It goes away. So don't let it go to your head.


So, I think I will make 3 versions of the lower garment. Haidate, Hakama and Samurai Pants

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1 hour ago, White-Gin said:

So, I think I will make 3 versions of the lower garment. Haidate, Hakama and Samurai Pants

Understood, and tbh never thought that way.

Well ye the physics are a problem, there are no "heavy" pieces, they are all just floating around.

Im looking forward to the other versions, maybe the (hopefully) different perspectives will satisfy me as a fan...i guess ^^

Sorry about bothering u, im just trying to improve what is lacking imo (for the good of both of us, ye no? dunno), which is ofc totally subjective.

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On 6/14/2016 at 3:54 AM, Dragonblack175 said:

Understood, and tbh never thought that way.

Well ye the physics are a problem, there are no "heavy" pieces, they are all just floating around.

Im looking forward to the other versions, maybe the (hopefully) different perspectives will satisfy me as a fan...i guess ^^

Sorry about bothering u, im just trying to improve what is lacking imo (for the good of both of us, ye no? dunno), which is ofc totally subjective.

You are absolutely helpful. And I can always look past the nitpicking and different opinions/options as long as they are friendly presented and are criticizing constructively.
Between you and me, I am guilty of that myself, and to be honest there IS this small cringe of "YOU ACCEPT THIS OR YOU'RE DEAD !%@$#", but hey, it's not like I can't try to appeal to everyone.

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