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Dislike the 18.13 changes


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4 hours ago, -CM-Emptiness said:

More likely people just don't like grinding the same content 24/7.

Then don't grind 24/7. End of story.

I liked that rework. Not perfect, but promising.

Edited by Enno69
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9 minutes ago, Enno69 said:

Then don't grind 24/7. End of story.

I liked that rework. Not perfect, but promising.

Exactly. That's why people take breaks from Warframe. To quote the OP, "Only come back to the game when an Update comes out. They play all the new content then jump off to play something else."

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12 minutes ago, -CM-Emptiness said:

Exactly. That's why people take breaks from Warframe. To quote the OP, "Only come back to the game when an Update comes out. They play all the new content then jump off to play something else."

Totally. I just came back from a two-months break which did me good. Geared up, played around with the new Mesa, did the Sand of Inaros quests... I will never understand people who claim they are "forced" to do "their daily chores" or to grind X missions for days just to get a piece of equipment. It's a game. You don't have fun, stop playing it.

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I am a mainly Excal player and I knew Excal needed a nerf for a long time. I still believe EB needs a decent sliding attack instead of a worse version of his 2nd power but damage fall off is a completely understandable nerf. You can't hide behind a rock and destroy entire hallway and a room next to it anymore. And this is not about feeling weak or not about feeling OP. No game powers are designed with such cheese way of use is intended. It was not a decent power, it was broken. It was bound to change someday.

I play with Excal in Sortie missions and void T4 missions everyday. He is more than capable of handling them without dying. You can't use silly hide behind a rock tactics anymore. That's the whole Excal change.

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7 hours ago, Klazik said:

But most of the playerbase is also lazy as hell. Most just want to press 1 button to win

I love how people always say this thing to defend what they are saying. Always. Guys, we are talking about GAMES: just because people like to play in a certain way, it doesn't mean that they are lazy.

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1 hour ago, TyrannRedeagle said:

worse version of his 2nd

Someone never went against level 100+ it seems.


I rarely care about that stuff, but this time I do. "Excal is no longer a turret!", oh really? Wanna see me do a void survival for 40 minutes exclusively with waves? Now, wanna know what was damage fall-off point for EBlade waves prior to the nerf? It was 40 minutes. Nothing has changed.

What changed, however, was Excalibur end-game potential and sustainability, because Spin Blind is an essential tool for his melee. And that tool was nerfed hard.


I am perfectly fine with the fact of the nerf. It's up to DE how to balance their game. I am not fine with their motivation, as "you should go melee with Excal" is not a proper motivation for nerfing his melee.

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On 08/06/2016 at 9:34 AM, Dan-Glycerin said:

yes, yes. i am but 1 player of many and my opinions literally mean nothing to DE when it comes to changes to their game. thanks

1) If thats true, why even bother to post on the forums?

2) Its not realy true that your opinions dont matter. Things in game have been pulled directly from individuals feedback.

3) Youve not presented the topic as your opinion, its presented as if your talking about a fact.

4) A note on this:

" I don't know much but I heard that people only come back to the game when an Update comes out. They play all the new content then jump off to play something else."

Personally i dont know why this is presented as a bad thing. How many games to you play non-stop? For me, ill play a game solidly for 2 - 6 weeks, then never touch it again. Few games keep me coming back regularly. Warframe is one, Dota2 is another. Starcraft 2 i guess. But not much else.

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3 minutes ago, chaotea said:

If thats true, why even bother to post on the forums?

Really? have you not heard of trying to be humble after multiple times this kind of attitude shoots down what I've said? this is me trying to say that this post is completely at fault and is just some whiny piece of COD-S#&$ who can't one-shot everything in the game anymore just because of a change. It just makes you sound like you're complaining about my complaining because mine doesn't make any sense. You're just commenting, but it hasn't added anything new to what has been said to me. "You should stop whining", "I did this and I did that", "it works fine for me". To me, it sounds like bunch of bickering children, getting nowhere and not improving anything.

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3 hours ago, Dan-Glycerin said:

Really? have you not heard of trying to be humble after multiple times this kind of attitude shoots down what I've said? this is me trying to say that this post is completely at fault and is just some whiny piece of COD-S#&$ who can't one-shot everything in the game anymore just because of a change. It just makes you sound like you're complaining about my complaining because mine doesn't make any sense. You're just commenting, but it hasn't added anything new to what has been said to me. "You should stop whining", "I did this and I did that", "it works fine for me". To me, it sounds like bunch of bickering children, getting nowhere and not improving anything.

You are taking what i said out of context abit there. You said "my opinions literally mean nothing to DE" to which i replied " If thats true, why even bother to post on the forums? ". This isnt me saying "You should stop whining" this is me saying, that if you realy thought your opinion didnt mean anything surely you wouldnt post. In fact, making a complaint or commentary on something when you know that your input will make no difference is the very definition of whining. I was merely trying to point out that i didnt believe you meant it when you said you opinions ment nothing, and were maybe just being alittle dramatic.

Also, on this: " You're just commenting, but it hasn't added anything new to what has been said to me. " I'd like to point out that i actually posted a comment directly based on your original post in which i feel i added something to the discussion, as you seem to want. Your reply to this was the affor mentioned 'no-one wants to listen to me' thing that in itself was somewhat non-constructive. The reply i gave to that was what you are now complaining about.

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On 6/8/2016 at 3:03 AM, SilvaDreams said:

Might as well call it CryFrame, because that is all some of you do.

Learn to adapt.

Or as in my case just uninstall Warframe because a game that isn't fun is like a novel that has no punctuation XD. 

Seriously, they threw an entire community of their gamers and their builds under the bus just to satiate try-hards who have already gotten everything they wanted to begin with. Months, possibly years of platinum and forma and for what? Just to get all of that invalidated because someone else's way of playing the game is the "proper" way every gamer who doesn't consider themselves "casual" should aspire to play the game just like? 

If this is the community that is being rewarded then I'm perfectly happy sitting back and watching it steer the game into the ground. It'll be like Destiny Year One all over again.

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)El__Lobo_Loco said:

Or as in my case just uninstall Warframe because a game that isn't fun is like a novel that has no punctuation XD. 

Seriously, they threw an entire community of their gamers and their builds under the bus just to satiate try-hards who have already gotten everything they wanted to begin with. Months, possibly years of platinum and forma and for what? Just to get all of that invalidated because someone else's way of playing the game is the "proper" way every gamer who doesn't consider themselves "casual" should aspire to play the game just like? 

If this is the community that is being rewarded then I'm perfectly happy sitting back and watching it steer the game into the ground. It'll be like Destiny Year One all over again.

No offense, but if you uninstalled Warframe, then why are you on the forums?  

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On ‎6‎/‎8‎/‎2016 at 5:29 AM, Teloch said:

Standing at one place and mashing '4' or 'e' has nothing about being good at the game.

Your whole post can be pressed in a single phrase: "Please, DE, don't strip us from the feeling of OPness!". Even though I disagree, your point of view is understandable

I have always described Warframe to my friends who don't play it as a great game where the devs aren't afraid to let you feel godlike in power. THAT is it's draw to many people. They are moving away from that and this parade of nerfs will lower the player count, mark my words

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If it is up to de to balance the game i would be happy.But i think it is not anymore.The community has grown big and it seems many has some thinks to want DE to change or nerf.DE is a fine team,listen and react with the community like no other developer . So the problem is the different opinions.DE can listen and react to that like hell,they can not do it right. Excalibur was not overpowered.Most frames need frame mods to be really good,excalibur needs also melee mods and older warframe players know how hard it is to get some rare event mods and not level only primed mods for the frame but also melee.So its more work to build excalibur , wukong and valkyr.The problem now is that we get used to him as he was.It is not the frame i played before the nerf.Take someone something away what he was used to over a long time and i tell you it is nothing wrong if he has a problem with that.If i get in my car and it looses some power with higher cost i would not just agree with that.Experienced warframe players know also ANY frame with a good modded gun can do more damage as excalibur . So thats not a "Might" or whatever excalibur is described  for.I belive if DE would balance the game without the community many of that nerfs would not happen.So if some want the nerfs than its nothing wrong for others to want them not.

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