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The Story Behind Your Name


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Back when I used to play World of Warcraft, my handle was always Lamprey (at least, my main was).


After I quit playing regularly, I had a phase where I often popped in and out to have quick chats and catch up with friends. I figured people would be more likely to recognize me if I used the name "Notlamprey" for that. Others who have played WoW probably know what I mean. 


There were a lot of cases where character names were duplicated across servers or used again by other people after the original player quit. I didn't feel like dealing with "amg r U orig Lamprey?"


I ended up sticking with Notlamprey when myself and some friends made the transition to different games, again because people seemed to enjoy the "Not" part. It just kinda made sense, so I've kept it going.


edit: le typo.

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Some people have an interesting tale of why they choose their account name, and some don't but its always entertaining to hear about it nonetheless...


So why did I pick Arlayn? Ever heard of the Lovecraft Outer God known as Nyarlathotep? Well I got my name from it. The first set of letters Nyarla is arranged almost backwards with the rl staying and not being switched, which backwards becomes Alrayn but as I said before the rl stay as rl and becomes Arlayn.


why such a name? because Nya can be anywhere, and at any time in any dimension, on any world... as anyone... plus I am a big fan of Nya. Its almost as if Arlayn is one of many forms of the great Nyarlathotep, The Crawling Chaos...

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Mine comes from my first D&D Character back in 1994. I needed a name for my Half Dragon, and i was pretty obsessed with Spawn at the time. So i used "Malebolgia", Flipped it, and made a few changes. The whole idea is that its pronounced "Eye-Go-Blam"...and the character certainly did. I like it because its been with me for a very long time, and it doesnt need Underscores or anything else, Especially Numbers. Numbers in IGNs are annoying to me.


EDIT: 0s instead of Os don't count as numbers, so stealthcl0wn or whatever doesnt bother me. Just figured i'd toss that in.

Edited by Aigloblam
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Well, what have you dug up?

Several refrences to WoW mostly. After i filtered out the fact that its a name of a Town in Italy, and also an Insurance company. Took about 6 seconds. I dont really care enough to dig deeper. Just realize that if its ever been discussed online, its there to be found if you dig deep enough. (Also realize that im in no way insulting or poking fun at you....i was just bored and sleep deprived lol)

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Several refrences to WoW mostly. After i filtered out the fact that its a name of a Town in Italy, and also an Insurance company. Took about 6 seconds. I dont really care enough to dig deeper. Just realize that if its ever been discussed online, its there to be found if you dig deep enough. (Also realize that im in no way insulting or poking fun at you....i was just bored and sleep deprived lol)

Seems my name is enigma even to google, i'm grateful you took a bother to look it up, i feel SPECIAL ( no not $&*&*#(%&).

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Seems my name is enigma even to google, i'm grateful you took a bother to look it up, i feel SPECIAL ( no not $&*&*#(%&).

Nothing is an Enigma to Google. But the fact that I couldn't find its meaning in one search string, Means you are more mysteriously named than about 99% of internet users. I consider that an accomplishment. Good Job.

(No Sarcasm involved, by the way)

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If I hear the name ''Nyarlathotep'', I instantly have to think about her.



Anyways, quite creative name. Something that my mind would never think of.

Hohohoho... That crawling nightmare.

My name? Well, it was former ReaverShale. That's creative. Then it was changed to LuxComedenti, which I think has some grammatical errors but cool nonetheless. Now? I don't think so, but it's a bright reflection to the fandom that I will never let go.

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Eulo, shortened from Eulogenic (I use the full when eulo is already taken).


I took the word Eulogy (my favorite TooL song), dropped the gy, and added the suffix genic (as in photogenic, etc.).


Why? Because I wanted to create my own word, to ensure I always have an alias :)


Been using it for...oh, about 7 years now, most likely longer.

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Picked the name for Mechwarrior. The name itself is a Japanese-fied 'du-calliope'.

I read it do-ka-rri-yope though, rather than, say, do-karr-ri-yo-pi.

dI've had a notion for years though of a pair of dragons named Ducalliope and Dukarriope, anyway. On the other hand you could presume a derivation of 'Deucalion'.

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