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So You Fix Our Slide Yet De?


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The thing that bothers me the most was how they just kinda' ignored the overwhelmingly negative response to the change, aside from one "your feedback has been noted" post. That and, as far as I could tell, slide spamming was a complete non-issue to the community to begin with.

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Spamming ridiculous moves over and over again and spinning around at 50mph isn't "Freedom" and I sure hope it isn't what you imagine Ninjas do.

Can't handle sarcasm in a thread that has been posted a thousand times before? Here's a real response that you probably wouldn't even care about because it is easier to think anyone with an opinion other than you is "Trolling" or childish.

Freedom is subjective. We were given an inappropriate ability that completely changed the intended flow of the game and they are looking into ways that give a sense of balance while remaining in their standards.

Just because you were used to something doesn't mean it is the absolute truth. There are a billion other ways to give us the mobility we desire without practically breaking the game.

Judging by the rest of your comment I can only assume you thought I was serious, so let me hint out the fact that my comment is nothing but the outcome of what happens when people are blinded by every past feature of a game because they fear change and improvement.

I'm here to play Warframe, not roflcopterblades, not slidefest, not Sonic the Hedgehog. DE can decide what way THEY think is appropriate for us to move while keeping it fun, instead of revert back to old mistakes because of endless complaints.

Happy, or do you prefer sarcasm?

I agree with this entirely. The infinite momentum, slide-jump-slide thing looked ridiculous and wasn't an integral part of the game. On top of that, losing it didn't do any harm to the slow moving frames because a)jumping then sliding still moves you crazy fast and b) dagger dashing is still possible.

The change was for the better, it didn't hurt the game and in a few weeks you'll get used to it. Remember, this is beta, things that look out of place or act weird are most likely going to get changed.

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Regardless of what either side of the debate is saying, the universally true statements are:


Going fast is fun.

Skilled movement should be rewarded.


This topic is on the desk of DE, as part of the moderator's aggregated report. Feel free to stop trying to convince each other that someone should like what you like and if they don't they are wrong.

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Regardless of what either side of the debate is saying, the universally true statements are:


Going fast is fun.

Skilled movement should be rewarded.


This topic is on the desk of DE, as part of the moderator's aggregated report. Feel free to stop trying to convince each other that someone should like what you like and if they don't they are wrong.

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I could see a mod being created for it. Which I'm sure you want to attack me about, but hold on. The whole point of mods is to change your playstyle or strengthen it or even just cover your weaknesses. We've already seen a quite few of these playstyle changing ones come into the game(Handspring and Shock Absorbers for example). Now you can be on the bandwagon that "handspring should be baseline", but I'd rather see things like this stick to mods so that we can have actual customization beyond "redirection, vitality, flow, streamline, and your abilities" with builds only varying in what you spend your final 2 mod capacity on.


Every time the game needs a fix it can't be "create a mod".  Even if they did add some kind of slide mod I'd probably only use it for boss rushing unless I had the room for it because I was using a warframe that has weak abilities (which is a whole other problem).  We only have 8 mod slots and there are certain mods that are fairly vital to each warframe and people aren't just going to give them up to use a slide.  Is that their choice?  Of course, however, I just think it's going to create a very blah game where we don't naturrally have good mobility.. as SPACE NINJAS!!!

Edited by Pourvoir
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Keep talking about it to get it changed people.  Sick of this crappy slide still...  I know they wanted to fix that slide melee attack exploit but they hurt the slide doing it.


At least make it so running doesn't take stamina.... I mean why does it.  Inb4someone goes "well the stamina mods need a value".  Just take them out of the game.  Why balance a game around some mods?  That's silly.  


So DE, make us feel like space ninjas and give us that awesome mobility  back please?  I just started playing ash and I'm like WOW why even play any frame besides loki or ash when everyone is significantly slower, and I'm not even talking about for rushing.  Even in defense missions it's nice to have that speed to get around the map or move around your enemies.

Just hold down the 'run' button the whole time and the infinite slide works fine...


There, all done. Problem solved; no more whining.

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Just hold down the 'run' button the whole time and the infinite slide works fine...


There, all done. Problem solved; no more whining.

Huh?  I always hold shift down the whole time while I'm sliding and the cooldown still exists.  Unless I misunderstood.

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This change is interesting because it revealed how many players have been playing like a one-trick pony, double slide through everything. The fact is this mechanic lacked depth, macroable, and simply threw whatever gaming experience DE have been trying to deliver to us out of the window is enough to warrant a change. 


We have been asking for depth in combat for a very long time. With one change, suddenly nobody wants depth anymore if they have to step out of their comfort zone and learn something new. 


Do people really find doing the same maneuver over and over again fun? 

Edited by neKroMancer
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This change is interesting because it revealed how many players have been playing like a one-trick pony, double slide through everything. The fact is this mechanic lacked depth, macroable, and simply threw whatever gaming experience DE have been trying to deliver to us out of the window is enough to warrant a change.


Even if it were true that players were a "one-trick pony" (and considering this is a movement change that does not even make sense), how is going slow the same as adding depth? I do not understand.

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OK, some basic info for people that whine about slide nerf. Whats the point in squishy fast frames if Frost the Slowpoke and Rhino the Sloth can move fast as Loki, Volt, etc? You want survivability? Then you should go slow. It is all about balance, Loki cant take beating like Frost so why should Frost go fast as Loki? Or should DE remove all but 1 frame that will be superspeeder-tank-healer-stealth-caster?

Edited by RoboDog
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Instead of nerfing the second slide, which does nothing for the average player but make emergency jump kicks and slide attacks impossible, make it so that while you're sliding, no stamina is recovered. BAM, no wave sliding and I can jump kick heavies at will...

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Instead of nerfing the second slide, which does nothing for the average player but make emergency jump kicks and slide attacks impossible, make it so that while you're sliding, no stamina is recovered. BAM, no wave sliding and I can jump kick heavies at will...


It's not impossible. I have no problem executing slide attack and jump kick chains at a moments notice. It's just a bit more dependent on timing of sprint, motion, jump, and toggle crouch. More difficult for the average player, but not impossible. And I still use the same control scheme I used prior to the patch. I don't use the new toggle-sprint function, or separate sprint and roll buttons. Just good ol' Sprint/Roll and Toggle Crouch.


There's still a lot of room for finesse in quick melee maneuvers. I can slide melee charge attack, and instantly dash slide BACKWARDS after completing a charge attack. It's so awesome, experiment. I suspect that Toggle Crouch offers more mobility nuances than default hold to crouch does.

Edited by Ryjeon
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More difficult for the average player, but not impossible.

Sure, but unless the goal is to alienate most average players from being interested in melee, basic movements should be more easily accessible.

I can slide melee charge attack, and instantly dash slide BACKWARDS after completing a charge attack. It's so awesome, experiment. I suspect that Toggle Crouch offers more mobility nuances than default hold to crouch does.

That's something the average player should aspire towards, but the system right now discourages the use of melee. Why charge in with a simple set of movements when I can shoot stuff from a distance?
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Sure, but unless the goal is to alienate most average players from being interested in melee, basic movements should be more easily accessible.

That's something the average player should aspire towards, but the system right now discourages the use of melee. Why charge in with a simple set of movements when I can shoot stuff from a distance?


Melee maneuvers are useful for conserving ammo, and for maintaining control and damage if your clips need to be reloaded. In all but the highest level content Melee damage is perfectly adequate to dispatch the majority of foes. Even in high levels I prefer to use mostly melee and conserve Afuris and Boar bursts for when I need to take down an important enemy.

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Melee maneuvers are useful for conserving ammo, and for maintaining control and damage if your clips need to be reloaded. In all but the highest level content Melee damage is perfectly adequate to dispatch the majority of foes. Even in high levels I prefer to use mostly melee and conserve Afuris and Boar bursts for when I need to take down an important enemy.

Okay yes, the system right now fits your play style perfectly.

My suggestion was to make melee easier for people to pick up and learn, not for them to favour more ammo conserving guns.

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Okay yes, the system right now fits your play style perfectly.

My suggestion was to make melee easier for people to pick up and learn, not for them to favour more ammo conserving guns.


I found melee easy enough to pick up and learn as soon as I crafted my first Cronus. The damage boost was enough to get comfortable learning basic maneuvers on enemies in the early planets even without damage mods. Melee is hard to get a feel for at first, naturally. It's so much more positionally dependent than clicking and shooting. But once you get it down the satisfaction of making enemies fly apart and mastering something that is naturally more difficult than shooting is rewarding in itself.  But Anyway...


Posted Today, 09:43 AM


- Removed Slide Cooldown


I think DE is correct to revert this change. Mobility maneuvers shouldn't be governed by cooldowns. Theoretically they should be governed by stamina usage, so that we can choose to equip stamina efficiency increasing mods if we want to have total freedom. The way I move I should probably be stopped dead pretty quick unless I equip Quick Rest + Marathon. As it stands I don't even have them equipped on Volt with his -max stam alternate helmet.


I do look forward to the extra freedom this reversion entails. Cheers DE. Rejoice forum dwellers, DE listens to your feedback!

Edited by Ryjeon
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Every time the game needs a fix it can't be "create a mod".  Even if they did add some kind of slide mod I'd probably only use it for boss rushing unless I had the room for it because I was using a warframe that has weak abilities (which is a whole other problem).  We only have 8 mod slots and there are certain mods that are fairly vital to each warframe and people aren't just going to give them up to use a slide.  Is that their choice?  Of course, however, I just think it's going to create a very blah game where we don't naturrally have good mobility.. as SPACE NINJAS!!!

Look. It's called customization. Just because something isn't the best doesn't mean people won't use it. Also you have 10 slots, not 8.

I can almost guarantee that if people couldn't do it in the past and it worked how it does now, and a mod came out that offered to improve speed during sliding and continuous slides, people would take it.



Slide speed nerfed to 70% of what it is, "cooldown" becomes known as a debuff that slows the speed of additional slides within 3 seconds(renewable and stackable) by 30%.

Out comes a mod that increases base speed of slide by 10/20/30/40/50/60%.

Out comes another mod that reduces the power of the debuff from 30% to 25/20/15%.

Out comes yet another mod that increases damage of melee weapons scaled by the velocity of your slide to 30/60/90/120/150%.


This is called customization. We're creating a new playstyle by adding these mods and preparing the game to handle this customization. Just like how Steamline/Flow/Focus/Rage/Stretch/Continuity inspire energy-based play, while Rush/Marathon/Acrobat/Quick Rest inspire speed play(so would the slide mods, but a different sub-set of speed play), and yet there's still another playstyle that supports face-tanking type play with your warframe. I encourage losing some base gameplay to support additional gameplay styles, you should too.


Warframes have the power to launch fireballs and change gravity but running for more then 10 seconds is too hard. K.

There's a mod for that.

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