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My idea of fixing this Targis Prime issue...


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7 minutes ago, IceColdHawk said:

Sorry if this sounds a bit smart, but we actually do know how the Targis Prime armor will be available. 

Through a 60 bucks complete pack including some plat and all the prime stuff.


And where the Hek did you actually find that info? Or are you just assuming it based on the first unvaulting?

Edited by Cyborg-Rox
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13 hours ago, rapt0rman said:

I just want armor that hugs the contours of my excal's rockin' body the same way targis prime does, I don't care what it's called or if it has gold trim on it.


Actually the new armor inspired from Lunaro is pretty close to targis style



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Don't call it an "issue", because it's nothing more than cheap people being cheap. Every desirable thing in this world is expensive. There are luxury clothes and accessories out that cost like 500+ for a belt for example. You have to pay for that swag in real life, so don't complain when you have to pay for that virtual swag. Based on the idea that things are too expensive here, you might as well say DE shouldn't sell anything at all because when you make your purchase, you are getting absolutely nothing tangible in real life. You are trading in real money for virtual money. So don't complain.

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Fix? There's nothing broken. You either bought the PA package or you didn't.

It'll probably be around again in some unvaulting package. So when it does, it would behoove you to ante up if you really want it.

Not seeing a problem here.

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I'm really fine with it tbh..

It would probably only vaguely look like the current targis set as The Edo and Prime only barely resemble each other.

If the price for the vault set is 60 bucks like last time ( I think that was the price), I don't exactly see what all the fuss is about.

I think it would be a bit cooler to let players curate their own set from the vault items for a flat price to increase value, but it's not a hardship either way unless someone just wants targis prime for less than what others paid for it.  

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3 hours ago, PoobahTheGrand said:

Don't call it an "issue", because it's nothing more than cheap people being cheap. Every desirable thing in this world is expensive. There are luxury clothes and accessories out that cost like 500+ for a belt for example. You have to pay for that swag in real life, so don't complain when you have to pay for that virtual swag. Based on the idea that things are too expensive here, you might as well say DE shouldn't sell anything at all because when you make your purchase, you are getting absolutely nothing tangible in real life. You are trading in real money for virtual money. So don't complain.

Luxury Restaurants will literally feed rich people dirt and snails and their clothes are marked up for the privilege of having some impotent designer's name flared across it. Price =/= quality.

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You know, the pack is only 10 dollars more expensive than the Prime Accessories pack that originally had Targis Prime, and despite not getting the Sugatra or the boosters, you're getting 60 dollars worth of Platinum along with the armor.

I mean, do you honestly expect DE to sell the Targis Prime armor alone for like 10 dollars? People would absolutely riot! It wouldn't be fair unless the price was the same, but then, what's the point of selling the armor separately if it's just gonna be 10 dollars cheaper than the full pack?

Do you see where I'm getting at? The full pack is the perfect compromise. You guys should be happy we're even getting this epic armor back so soon, but instead all you do is complain because you have to pay 20% more money than people did two years ago, even though you're getting more out of it.

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1 minute ago, Cyborg-Rox said:

I mean, do you honestly expect DE to sell the Targis Prime armor alone for like 10 dollars? People would absolutely riot!

Actually yes, i do expect them.

Or do you expect people that have bought a fresh new car to riot when people who buy that "now used" car off of them for 1/4 the price?

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