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Un-Official Warframe Tier List


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I'd appreciate some feedback on my reply in this post as well.



I wouldn't put Nyx at low tier at all. In T3 void missions and you mind control, or chaos a group of level 100+ heavy gunners you can sit back and not have to deal with any enemies as they will clear the room for you. Even with the chaos duration it is very powerful and one of the best CC abilities in the game. Though besides it now having a duration I am wondering if there is any reason why you would want another frame in place of nyx on the battle field? Honest question here.

I disagree about Ash being a one trick pony as he does have smokbomb which is very useful at staggering bosses and allowing you to quickly deal high damage against them, and at 35 energy its a steal.

While Volt is more situational now I think its a much better place to be in than when he had his uber storm in early CBT (one overload in a ship map = *entire* map dead and impossible for enemies to spawn as they spawn in and die from the damage they would have taken). While not so useful in surface maps or grineer ships he still excells in corpus ships. And remember that both computers and lights will expload and deal damage from his ult.

Trinity would also move to high because of two reasons: Energy Vampire and Link. She can facetank any boss in the game, and when paired with another high tier frame allow them to cast their ults and CC abilities quite a bit more often. Alone she would be high-medium tier, but link and energy vamp makes any content a cake walk for her. Again same question with nyx: what makes you want another frame more than a trinity ally? And what would you change with Trinity if given the chance?

Edited by Tsukinoki
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My point is she isn't a true support class, she is a facetanker. With the number of energy balls dropping your team mates can survive without energy vamp, it isn't really needed, and blessing is nice but not a necessity on anything other than high level defence as most mobs barely get to drop your shields before dying.

Facetanker? She is a facetanker when you wish her to be, there's nothing wrong with designated support classes having tanking capabilities(though there's something wrong when she's doing it better than the designated tanker frame). With Energy Vamp working like how it currently is, it's hard to use it to benefit your teammates(but comes in dead handy against Infested when your accidents happen). Also all this is of course, provided that we're using high level endless defense as comparison.

Edited by Amistyrja
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Though now I am curious as to what your own personal tier list would look like.


Similar to what I've posted. For me Ash is a Low Tier (mostly because of buggy mechanic he rely on... and he's more of a Solo Rush Frame, without team synergy, he offers only medicore damage).

It's also hard to classify Trinity and Excalibur to the Mid Tier... they are... Top-Mid Tier. Better than the rest of Mid Bracket.

Ember is Mid Tier... nice damage output but it's not scaling after some point (Mobs around level 60).


Because of the "hardcore" element of Endless Defense and Void Tier III... we're kinda forced to look by the prism of these missions. They determinate about the overall Frame usefulness. If you are good at High Level Mob encounters then you can handle anything else.


What's the point of comparing Frames based on normal missions? These missions are too easy. They offer no real challenge. Even Bosses are ridiculously easy. The only "hard test" is Void and Defense. Let's hope that "Void Defense" and "Void Boss" missions will bring something new to talk about.


Therefore... Warframe is the "Game of Crowd Controllers". They simply "work" better than damage dealers. Except of Saryn. She is -the- Damage Dealer of this game. That's why she's in the High Tier. Ember without her damage scaling would also sit in the High Tier... but sadly... Fire Damage vs anything above lvl 60 is just too weak.

Edited by Sideway
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Similar to what I've posted. For me Ash is a Low Tier (mostly because of buggy mechanic he rely on... and he's more of a Solo Rush Frame, without team synergy, he offers only medicore damage).

It's also hard to classify Trinity and Excalibur to the Mid Tier... they are... Top-Mid Tier. Better than the rest of Mid Bracket.

Ember is Mid Tier... nice damage output but it's not scaling after some point (Mobs around level 60).


Because of the "hardcore" element of Endless Defense and Void Tier III... we're kinda forced to look by the prism of these missions. They determinate about the overall Frame usefulness. If you are good at High Level Mob encounters then you can handle anything else.


What's the point of comparing Frames based on normal missions? These missions are too easy. They offer no real challenge. Even Bosses are ridiculously easy. The only "hard test" is Void and Defense. Let's hope that "Void Defense" and "Void Boss" missions will bring something new to talk about.


Therefore... Warframe is the "Game of Crowd Controllers". They simply "work" better than damage dealers. Except of Saryn. She is -the- Damage Dealer of this game. That's why she's in the High Tier. Ember without her damage scaling would also sit in the High Tier... but sadly... Fire Damage vs anything above lvl 60 is just too weak.

I will agree that Ash is mostly a solo rush frame, but his invisibility isn't that costly and it does have a 1 second stun (which can knock a disrupter out of an attack animation or stop a boss temporarily). His one thing is that he can target a group of enemies across an entire defense room and really mess them up with his ultimate, especially light infested, and can take the heat off the cryopod/his team with that ability. I've used it and seen it used in the corpus ship tiles with the three bridges to kill/distract/heavily damage a large group of grineer that spawned on the other bridge and save the team because of the limited cover there. That's really one of his strong points is the range that his ultimate can have.

I would put Ember at high-mid tier because she can use her ultimate and overheat to block out 91% of the damage that she would normally take. That really allows her to use her ult effectively as she can get in the enemies face and not suffer to much damage.

One thing I think DE could do that would help balance out the tiers between the CCers and the damage dealers is have ability damage scale up with enemy level to some point. An example would be using radial javelin on a level 30 deals 1K damage but against a level 50 it deasl 1.3-1.5K damage. Something like that would allow for damagers to keep up with the others regardless of level.

Saryn's miasma though could also be more of a guide as to how effective similar abilities should be at more levels, though it might need to be toned down just a touch.

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Mag I agree whole-heartedly with. She was the first frame I farmed and created, and she remains the only one I've never ran all the way to 30 with. She just isn't worth it.

Pull is ONLY useful against shield lancers, who die easily anyway. Shield Polarise needs to be changed to an AoE team shield restore, not a targeted power - we just don't have the time in a fast-paced game like this to target it. Crush is excellent, but no more so than half a dozen other "ultimate" powers doing much the same thing - Saryn/Frost etc. And these frames have other powers to make use of, while Mag has nothing, coupled with one of the lowest armor ratings in the game. Massive re-work needed here.

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I believe that this gentlemen has, by far, the best tier list.


I don't get to say this often, but you've just proven that a picture certainly is not worth 1000 words.


No reasoning or logic at all; just a convoluted arrangement of frames (Ember - "Always useful").


And you've got the gall to post it along with this little gem. "My opinion is fact, your opinion is wrong."

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In fact you cant sort them in one list only.


for example:

In Defense Maps:

Frost and Vauban are very good. (Frost against Corpus/Grineer, Vauban against Infested)

Saryn is good for Damage Dealing agaisnt higher levels because of her Armor Ignoring.

Trinity is good for Energy Reg.

Nyx is good because of her Chaos


Ember, Rhino and Banshee can be also usefull, but not that much


Volt, Excalibur, Ash, Loki and Mag are not that good in Defense


in offense on the other side the list would be different

Saryn is still a beast, high absorb, hp and damage

Excalibur can be very strong with his 1

Ember is also very strong with her WoF

Rhino can be strong in the right hands, even with his Iron Skin nerfed

Banshee is good against higher enemys because of her sonar


Nyx is not that usefull in Offense, because Chaos cant unfold its maximum power, but she is still good

Loki is strong for Sneaky players, but he is very weak in combat

Vauban can be used in offense, but he is too squishy

Frost is good because of his tanking abilitys, but his ability damage is not the best


Mag and Volt are useless now, because they cant deal damage and die fast

Trinity is only good in teams most of the time, or against bosses

Ash...because of his Uber bug...not so usefull



but in fact it depends all on "what am i fighting against? whats my mission? how strong is the enemy?"


if you wnat to put a frame into a GOD TIER, then it would not be Vauban, because he i sstrong in defense, but weak in offense.

In fact i would place Saryn at the GOD TIER, she has everythign you want. High Vitality and High Armor (in fact she can survive even longer than Rhino, but she cant regenerate her health. Rhino has the positive fact that his shield is very high, and shields can regenerate)

Also Saryn can deal high Damage against EVERYTHING.

Edited by LazerusKI
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I will agree that Ash is mostly a solo rush frame, but his invisibility isn't that costly and it does have a 1 second stun (which can knock a disrupter out of an attack animation or stop a boss temporarily). His one thing is that he can target a group of enemies across an entire defense room and really mess them up with his ultimate, especially light infested, and can take the heat off the cryopod/his team with that ability. I've used it and seen it used in the corpus ship tiles with the three bridges to kill/distract/heavily damage a large group of grineer that spawned on the other bridge and save the team because of the limited cover there. That's really one of his strong points is the range that his ultimate can have.

I would put Ember at high-mid tier because she can use her ultimate and overheat to block out 91% of the damage that she would normally take. That really allows her to use her ult effectively as she can get in the enemies face and not suffer to much damage.

One thing I think DE could do that would help balance out the tiers between the CCers and the damage dealers is have ability damage scale up with enemy level to some point. An example would be using radial javelin on a level 30 deals 1K damage but against a level 50 it deasl 1.3-1.5K damage. Something like that would allow for damagers to keep up with the others regardless of level.

Saryn's miasma though could also be more of a guide as to how effective similar abilities should be at more levels, though it might need to be toned down just a touch.

I think that scaling ability damage to a percentage of Max HP would be more easy and effective.

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The issue with scaling to max HP is that you lose its effectiveness at the lower levels. If they have a floor of the minimum effectiveness of abilities, say at their current strength and then only scale upwards as the enemies get tougher I can see that working a lot better.

Otherwise you have lower leveled frames who get an ult and can no longer use it to clear the room around them and escape from hairy situations because it only deals say 30% damage to the HP of the enemy, where currently it will most likely kill them and be a much bigger benefit.

Finally, if you scale it off of the HP of the mobs then abilities become the end all be all of boss killing. If they have a base damage that then scales up with the enemy level somewhat they will be useful, but not over powered. Otherwise if it takes off 25% of mob HP think of what that would do to some of the high level alert bosses. Four casts and the boss is dead (which is very easy to do with the energy system and either energy vampire or 4 siphons).

Edited by Tsukinoki
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I have a feeling a lot of the list is based on endless mission defense, if you take that out and go for instance for Void runs it will be whole different story.


After playing with 11 of the 13 frames I say:


Tier 1: Vauban, Rhino, Frost

Tier 2: Trinity, Banshee, Ash, Loki, Nyx

Tier 3: Excalibur, Saryn, Ember

Tier 3+: Mag, Volt


Tier 1: These tanks are the basic of any team and superb abilities still ( I don't mind the Rhino nerf, it was good and needed imo).

Tier 2: These warframes are very skillful but a little squishier, I was surprised to see Ash and Loki being on mid tier, imo the extra melee damage when invisible and the different situational abilities make them very very usefull in void missions.

Tier 3: These frames are squishy and very situational imo, except for excalibur who is all around average.

Tier 3+: The skills are cool but not on par with the other warframe abilities. 

Edited by TheFlyingKnight
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As Far As This list goes, i agree with most of it, Vauban is good with almost any mission type, he has three great balanced skills, and then the one troll one, as for the high tier, it show most of the frames that are more fun to play and have the ability to adapt to most styles of play. the mid tier then i can see as the ones that are neat to play and have advantages but also disadvantages. low tier i can see why both Rhino and volt are there, volt is really situational unless your vs the Corpus otherwise he really has some ok abilities, some that don't even really touch anything. i have never played rhino so im not going to say anything about him. and mag, oh my mag, i have seen you, never played you... but i have seen the light... i shall never play you, maybe if you get buffed but maybe not even then.

Frames i have played: Vauban,Frost,Saryn,Nyx, Excalibur,Loki,Volt
Frames i have seen in person: mag,ember


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I don't have Volt, Rhino, Nyx or Mag equipped yet and I tried Loki when I was completly green so I won't comment on it. I generally PUG or solo so some of the more team based coordinated abilities are meaningless to me.



Ranked from Most Effective to Least Effective

#1 Ember: It's the second best tank and does lots of damage

#2 Trinity: It's the best tank and the best support but that's frequnetly not neccesary

#3 Saryn: It's a little bit slow but it's got a nice ult and molt can be useful but it can still end up taking damage

#4 Frost Prime: It's first two abilities are horrible but the last two are more useful. Bit Slow but nice Shields

#5 Ash: It's fast and while it doesn't have a fast big one hit skill or support it can escape trouble.

#6 Excalibur: The Ult leaves you vulnerable the escape skills are a bit ability dependant and as your ranged weapon damage approaches slash dash damage levels slash dash gets less interesting.

#7 Banshee has two good abilities (some people like boom too) sonar is good for killing high level enemies and sound quake is good at killing low level enemies. But, you have no escape or tank like abilities.

#8 Vauban has a great CC if you like shooting enemies that are floating in the air far apart but, for much of the content that isn't neccesary or even helpful! Vauban has nice little electric  damage gernades but unless you stay enough to kill things they can be a bit ineffective especially if the other players on your team 1 hit things. You are also very squishy with no escape skill as Vauban.


Vauban and Banshee are great in groups designed for them but the pub makeup isn't that friendly and honestly, neither is that much fun to play with. Banshee kills the easy stuff and leaves the hard stuff alive. Both of the frames create a situation where it is even more strongly in your best interests to shoot a specific part of the target which can become boring or annoying quickly.


My Experiance in the Void may be wrong as my hosting T3's are a bit on the laggy side but, as long as theirs a Trinity group composite doesn't really matter. I just toss invulnerability over and over and over. My Shade restores my shields and cloaks me so even if I'm not invulnerable it'd take a lot of DPS fast to burn me down. It might take me a while to Kunai everything down but the level 100's do go down in 3 -5 Kunai's and since I carry ~ 400 Kunai's and two ammo packs it's just a matter of time and they all go down.


At the present CC is useless in any content that pays decent rewards unless your group is too weak to deal with the content normally. Ideally, the CC might cause the AI to break off and run or lose hostility if I still have to kill it then the CC isn't really helping unless the content is so hard that the CC is mandatory. Mandatory CC means either every frame needs to have a CC or all groups need to be premades or be  players need to be able to frame swap in game.



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I don't have Volt, Rhino, Nyx or Mag equipped yet and I tried Loki when I was completly green so I won't comment on it. I generally PUG or solo so some of the more team based coordinated abilities are meaningless to me.



Ranked from Most Effective to Least Effective

#1 Ember: It's the second best tank and does lots of damage

#2 Trinity: It's the best tank and the best support but that's frequnetly not neccesary

#3 Saryn: It's a little bit slow but it's got a nice ult and molt can be useful but it can still end up taking damage

#4 Frost Prime: It's first two abilities are horrible but the last two are more useful. Bit Slow but nice Shields

#5 Ash: It's fast and while it doesn't have a fast big one hit skill or support it can escape trouble.

#6 Excalibur: The Ult leaves you vulnerable the escape skills are a bit ability dependant and as your ranged weapon damage approaches slash dash damage levels slash dash gets less interesting.

#7 Banshee has two good abilities (some people like boom too) sonar is good for killing high level enemies and sound quake is good at killing low level enemies. But, you have no escape or tank like abilities.

#8 Vauban has a great CC if you like shooting enemies that are floating in the air far apart but, for much of the content that isn't neccesary or even helpful! Vauban has nice little electric  damage gernades but unless you stay enough to kill things they can be a bit ineffective especially if the other players on your team 1 hit things. You are also very squishy with no escape skill as Vauban.


Vauban and Banshee are great in groups designed for them but the pub makeup isn't that friendly and honestly, neither is that much fun to play with. Banshee kills the easy stuff and leaves the hard stuff alive. Both of the frames create a situation where it is even more strongly in your best interests to shoot a specific part of the target which can become boring or annoying quickly.


My Experiance in the Void may be wrong as my hosting T3's are a bit on the laggy side but, as long as theirs a Trinity group composite doesn't really matter. I just toss invulnerability over and over and over. My Shade restores my shields and cloaks me so even if I'm not invulnerable it'd take a lot of DPS fast to burn me down. It might take me a while to Kunai everything down but the level 100's do go down in 3 -5 Kunai's and since I carry ~ 400 Kunai's and two ammo packs it's just a matter of time and they all go down.


At the present CC is useless in any content that pays decent rewards unless your group is too weak to deal with the content normally. Ideally, the CC might cause the AI to break off and run or lose hostility if I still have to kill it then the CC isn't really helping unless the content is so hard that the CC is mandatory. Mandatory CC means either every frame needs to have a CC or all groups need to be premades or be  players need to be able to frame swap in game.


I don't wish to disparage your list, which obviously represents your personal experience, but no way. Ranking Ember above Saryn and Frost would bring criticism anyway, but above Banshee and Vauban? Those two are, inarguably, the strongest and most useful frames in the game. Vauban particularly.

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What makes Vauban a god? he has low shield/health, 1 Tesla granade barely scretches a lvl 20 mob, using multiple is another story, but even Execlibur Slash Dash is OP with multiple casts, okey Bastila is OP as hell, Vortex doasn't do much damage and it only makes everyone hate you.


The rest seem fine in my book, exept the fact this is mostly based how frames handle in high level defense.

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Bastille might be a bit OP against infested, but against the other factions its a bit lackluster honestly.

Vortex can gather resources, and when you see a large number of moas, or worse: a large group of disrupters and toxics, running at you it allows you to stop all of them and take out some of them before they become dangerous.

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Hmm, I am interested in what the rest of the community thinks of this list. Do you agree/disagree? Have you played all 13 frames, or are you in a clan or squad with access to all 13, and found clear disadvantages as suggested in this image?

Well to start ... yes i tried all 13 frames 

and i find all of them are situational ... all frames are EPIC 

ember and mag are great tbh ... ember and saryn are my infested specialists 

mag are great in defence missions if u want the enemies to stay away from the pod . and if u want to regain its shield 

volt is my all time favorite frame 

trinity is my loathed frame ... it just don't fit in my gaming style

and i've seen a friend using rhino .. and he was devastating 

and vauban can get his A** kicked if he is low on energy or in a high leveled mission

so imo this list is only the opinion of the op and its far from reality


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It's a great way to measure effectivness. You either need survivability, crowd control, team synergy or devastating damage output. If some class can only pull, polarize shield for crap amount, use some next-to-useless bullet attractor or cast AoE skill that doesn't scale and can't ignore armor... then it deserves to be in the Useless Tier as a Frame.


Same for Volt and Rhino. They have "nothing". They put nothing on the table. Volt Shield could be nice... but it's too small. Rhino's Aggro and Stomp could be nice... but either it does not scale or it's outclassed by some other skill (Bastille >>>>> Rhino Stomp).


You keep on saying that our Tier List is based "only on one thing", but this thing is the most important thing not-casual wise. Nobody cares if Volt or Rhino can solo Hades, of course they can. Anyone can. That's why it doesn't matter. Tier List is an "overall performance". And some Frames performance is much, MUCH wider and much more useful to the cooperative team.


*Cough* Better survibaility and can take defense upgrades without having to dump all your ability points for defense mods *cough*


Sorry, whenever i hear "Rhino brings nothing to the table" I can't help but look back after all the people I got back up after, Rhino stompping, stopping the ENTIRE room, through walls and other objects (not just a small radious) and giving my team just enough time to get back on thier  feet, kill what is left and save the pod.


Yes Vabaun may have Bastille and all those fun abilities and that is great. Hell, i love my friend's vabaun to death, he uses his one ability and i turn into a tesla coil. Fun fact, if Vabaun does get hit then he is screwed, why? Because he has no god dam health, armor or shields. Rhino's iron skin is not just a damage soak but it can stop poision or knockdown (which everyone seems to not want to bring up or refuses to ackknowlage) which can by amazingly usefull when the infected anicents come to ruin everyone's day or when mister shockwave moa is in town.


Snowglobe or Overheat does not stop that and the only thing that would stop that is Iron Skin or Rhino stomp to compleatly stop an ability like that from being used (Also radial blast at times). As it stands Rhino is the rescue 911, it is one of the only frame i have seen that has an ability anywhere close to walk stright through poision and ignore disruptors to revive a teammate. Can your Vabaun walk through poision without a single care in the world? I think not.


Really it comes down to the fact that most of the community when it comes to Rhino are uncreative, unimmaginitive and unaprective asses who only want a faceroll class that does "De most damage durrr". The only reason he is a low teir is becuase people play him stupidly and can't see past the fact that he has other abilities besides Iron Skin and therefore people cry, again "omg bad wafra, doh, I'm taking damageeeeeee. Iron skin only ability and useless, low teirrrrrrr." Really makes me angry when people make bold faced statments like this without seeing a high teir Rhino in play or considering what his abilities actually do.

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i would bring vauban down from god tier.... his vortex, despite its godly damage, has some annoying things possibly bugs, like it makes you float sometimes or literally slow walk in the air, i say slow walk, because there are moments where i melee and im attacking as if im on the ground... and on the off chance i melee while being floated towards the vortex, i sometimes get stuck in the jump melee stance.... tesla is useful in that you can stick it on other frames and become moving shock turrets i guess, bounce..... not really that great....but otherwise, id say tesla, bastille and vortex are decent...

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All I see are opinions. I disagree with most of the order in which the frames are placed.

TL,DR - Change the "Official" in the name to "Opinions about"


Also YOU CANT HAVE A TIER WHEN THE PVE IS A JOKE, pretty much you can kill anything with a potatoe or a pillow.

Edited by Dasmir
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Also YOU CANT HAVE A TIER WHEN THE PVE IS A JOKE, pretty much you can kill anything with a potatoe or a pillow.


Did you even think about what you wrote?


Of course you can have a tier, you rate them by performance in the hardest thing this game has to offer [PvE Defence].

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Did you even think about what you wrote?


Of course you can have a tier, you rate them by performance in the hardest thing this game has to offer [PvE Defence].


Competitive Endless defence in a nutshell.


"okey guys lets do it, pew pew pew everyone kill anything in 1 shot....... wave 20+ okey frost just drop some random shield in the cryo and go on......wave 40 S#&$s got boring better leave.. CONGRATULATION YOU WON A HELLFIRE MOD !"


or true defence.


go to xini.


wave 5... full party leaves..




The PvE is big joke right now, every update we got more op weapons and mods, we still killing the same bunny but with more hp/dmg, the game still a grindfest, heuheuhue and etc


Hey its okey too having fun killing everything with 0 tactics and just blow everything in you patch but for a pve game thats really poor, some people still waiting a nightmare mode ( Huehuehueuhe hardcore fuk u and etc)

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  All I have to say in this discussion is this: Did defense Pluto yesterday with only the 3 of us: Me playing a Mag, a Rhino and a Trinity. Now it was not a miracle we lasted to wave 15 cause each of us did what we was supposed to do: I crushed and destroyed all the chaff that was closing in on the pod. Th trinity was execellent with her weapons and well timed healing that kept thing from getting dicey. Then there was the Rhino who held off one side of the map and was dropping enemies like water down a chute. Never ONCE was it close that the pod was in danger and never ONCE any of us was in trouble.


  Really in the end it comes down to this: If you are using a Warframe that DOES NOT suit your playstyle it wont matter how Godly you think you are, you will not do well with that frame. We all have seen bad players take what we would think are auto win frames and just mess it up cause they try to force the frame to try to do something outside of what it was created to do. I am a Mag player and I pretty much love using her all the time((Though Frost is starting to warm up to me....Pun not intended)) cause she fits my playstyle very well. But even with that I had to learn several things about her abilities and have made discoveries that have made her just easy for me to play no matter what the map is.


   To anybody reading this heed this advice: There ARE NO TIERS, NO GODLY FRAMES. Just read up on the frames, watch some youtube vids on any frames that intrest you and just roll with what suits HOW YOU PLAY. It's that simple, to let anybody tell you one is better or another sucks is just giving power to a person who is only talking to look important and puff up his own ego. When I am asked about one frame or another I just give my observations and then just tell them what I play and to check around the Net for vids on good playing of that frame((also it helps that if you are eyeing a new frame, pay attention to not only the good players, but the bad players and how they use that frame, and avoid those mistakes they are making.)) and I leave it at that.

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  All I have to say in this discussion is this: Did defense Pluto yesterday with only the 3 of us: Me playing a Mag, a Rhino and a Trinity. Now it was not a miracle we lasted to wave 15 cause each of us did what we was supposed to do: I crushed and destroyed all the chaff that was closing in on the pod. Th trinity was execellent with her weapons and well timed healing that kept thing from getting dicey. Then there was the Rhino who held off one side of the map and was dropping enemies like water down a chute. Never ONCE was it close that the pod was in danger and never ONCE any of us was in trouble.


  Really in the end it comes down to this: If you are using a Warframe that DOES NOT suit your playstyle it wont matter how Godly you think you are, you will not do well with that frame. We all have seen bad players take what we would think are auto win frames and just mess it up cause they try to force the frame to try to do something outside of what it was created to do. I am a Mag player and I pretty much love using her all the time((Though Frost is starting to warm up to me....Pun not intended)) cause she fits my playstyle very well. But even with that I had to learn several things about her abilities and have made discoveries that have made her just easy for me to play no matter what the map is.


   To anybody reading this heed this advice: There ARE NO TIERS, NO GODLY FRAMES. Just read up on the frames, watch some youtube vids on any frames that intrest you and just roll with what suits HOW YOU PLAY. It's that simple, to let anybody tell you one is better or another sucks is just giving power to a person who is only talking to look important and puff up his own ego. When I am asked about one frame or another I just give my observations and then just tell them what I play and to check around the Net for vids on good playing of that frame((also it helps that if you are eyeing a new frame, pay attention to not only the good players, but the bad players and how they use that frame, and avoid those mistakes they are making.)) and I leave it at that.


Wow wave 15! Did the enemies get to level 50? You poor soul.




We're not telling people not to play 'frames because they suck, quite the contrary. What we're trying to do is work out which 'frames need a rework so that you don't feel gimped using it. If I use Mag, I feel gimped compared to when I use Frost. That's a problem that needs to be fixed, no?


[Trust me I know how to play Mag]

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