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1 minute ago, Momo93 said:

I admit I usually do this if I happen to hit my daily focus cap after 1 wave, I mostly stay but many people leave at wave 2 anyway xD.

Leaving is totally fine. I might get a tad irritated if you left at wave 1 but thats ok. The problem comes if you wait til the last second to leave. THATS when its unaccepted as you just leaving, and instead turns into you being a crappy person whos hopefully going to populate the ignore list of many

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Saobie3 said:

Leaving is totally fine. I might get a tad irritated if you left at wave 1 but thats ok. The problem comes if you wait til the last second to leave. THATS when its unaccepted as you just leaving, and instead turns into you being a crappy person whos hopefully going to populate the ignore list of many

Well, I never did any leaves at 1 seconds. I had done it to me several times though, I hate it too xD.

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On 6/29/2016 at 8:15 PM, (PS4)EVILFLUFFMONSTER said:

I ditched two guys twice yesterday at one second, though it was unintentionally because two of the other guys changed last minute and I was quick on the button because I thought it was going to be me who was left..

I felt really bad.

Thats different. You didnt intend to be a horrible person and leave that person, you just reacted fast enough to two horrible people being horrible people.


Your not in the wrong

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Yea leaving at the last second is a very childish move. Some does it with Def missions too. DE should change after round leaving mechanics. Or at least implement a karma mechanic so that "last second leavers and rage quitters" don't match up with normal players.

Edited by TyrannRedeagle
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On 29/6/2016 at 2:31 PM, (PS4)Saobie3 said:

Punish someone for something they had no idea about instead of telling them, what a good idea! . Explain to me ...

lol, they tried, atleast they tried, by a rhetorical question

On 29/6/2016 at 11:59 AM, (PS4)Saobie3 said:

The last person to do it asked why we were here (dunno how an MR9 didnt know that, or why he joined us if h didnt know) and when i told him Draco is for leveling stuff

if you really want to use nova, bring speed, and of course, MR9 absolutely know what is Draco ;)

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8 hours ago, (XB1)Hylian Creed said:

This. I leave instantly when I see nobody else brought a clearing weapon.

I always bring one. Usually its Akstiletto Prim or Ignis, depending on what im ranking up. I just cant always handle the waves solo with my Slova, not exactly meant to take gunfire frm all those enemies. Hence why i started using Inaros, and then later when i got Loki, i use him now. I can just be invisable 24/7 so i can clear the waves if im ditched, which still happens just as frequently.


6 hours ago, (PS4)Bosnia_Akhalar said:

lol, they tried, atleast they tried, by a rhetorical question

if you really want to use nova, bring speed, and of course, MR9 absolutely know what is Draco ;)

They didnt try. No one told m why i was being ditched, and i didnt know so i continued to do what i was doing, and it continued to happen. Thats why its important to tell someone what thy do wrong, if you find it annoying that you keep running into undesirabl frames in certain missions, tell them whenever you meet them, or itl probably just keep happening. 


And i cant build for Speed Nova. I merch a lot and those mods are a decent gain, so i normally sell them. But regardless i use Loki now


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I always hover my cursor on top of the extract button in case I get stuck with a bunch of d-bags hitting leave on the very last second. Though as others have pointed out, this "trend" is as old as the game itself, so for the most part I just tend to avoig PUGs when and where possible.

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Just now, Berserkerkitten said:

I always hover my cursor on top of the extract button in case I get stuck with a bunch of d-bags hitting leave on the very last second. Though as others have pointed out, this "trend" is as old as the game itself, so for the most part I just tend to avoig PUGs when and where possible.

Same here, but unlike me, my friends dont have nothing but free time, theyve got school and/or a job whereas iv graduated and cant work. Gaming is my main passtime, and since everyone else is usually busy i often HAVE to play with pugs :/


Which opens me to this bs. I just had a Slova leave us and comment "so bad", but if i remember correctly, i was holding D under literally nonstop attempts to cap like a baws.

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Sorry to hear that. I'd love to provide a solution, but it's for that reason why I solo 90% of the time or play with friends, when and where available. I'll admit I tend to leave my PUGs after the first or second wave if they need me to revive them literally every 20 seconds, but I'll choose extract when the counter starts, not when it ends.

There's not really much they can do about how the counter works to stop this kind of behaviour, either. At least I wouldn't know how.

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20 minutes ago, Berserkerkitten said:

Sorry to hear that. I'd love to provide a solution, but it's for that reason why I solo 90% of the time or play with friends, when and where available. I'll admit I tend to leave my PUGs after the first or second wave if they need me to revive them literally every 20 seconds, but I'll choose extract when the counter starts, not when it ends.

There's not really much they can do about how the counter works to stop this kind of behaviour, either. At least I wouldn't know how.

I extract soon if i need to too. Iv gotten my 50 days affinity boost so i dont hav to stay as long as everyone else. But i also still extract as the timer starts, not as it ends.


Its sad that no form of penalty can come from this. I understand that there are people out there with such low self esteem that they have to be $&*^s to others to feel better about themselves, its a shame theres no punishment for that

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I use a couple common rule when it comes to Draco.

1.  If one leaves...I leave.

2. If one does that little switcheroo to leave and then back to stay...I leave regardless. 

3. Always keep your finger ready on the leave option.

4. Never go past wave 4. Always travel with one weapon and frame that you know can kill everything from 2-3 waves if you get trolled.

5. If the team consists of friends. Leave. They are plotting to strand you.

6. If no one makes an effort to save you or anyone else. Leave. These people could give a damn if you get left behind.

7. If carrying the team of leeches, or getting bored due to a team of Ashes, Mirages and Synoid simulors, or Banshees with syndicate Ult mods going out of their way to nuke the entire map to get every kill...leave. They'll be fine without you, and you'll be happier elsewhere looking for the perfect 3-4 wave team mentioned below....


Whoever keeps complaining about Draco needing a nerf, well... it got one long ago, I hardly see anyone go past round one or two. Three and Four only happen when the team feels confident and likes each other due to the killing being even, good revives, and the frames and weapons consist on good synergy. It's very rare now on Consoles from what I've observed. Still nice to run into though.

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Another thing you can do is bring a well rounded Loki just in case they ditch cuz Invis for days + Irradiating Disarm.

Or Frost with Zenurik built for Avalanche.

I seem to get that perfect 4 wave squad 90% of the time when I go PUG on Draco xD

Better safe than sorry though.

Edited by Czygen
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On 29 June 2016 at 9:13 AM, Zilchy said:

Yes the same amount as 4 waves in 2 theoretically BUT you have to take into account that if you go to wave 4 you are facing tougher enemies that may take longer to kill so the kill speed may slow down.

Ah, but don't higher level enemies drop better loot? 

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If you really play Draco that often (you mentioned this happening to you 12 times in a day) I have ZERO sympathy for you. 


How about you play the game and not Draco?


Been here for over 3 years with 1,000's of hours and I've never felt the need to use Draco except for that last bit of Focus or maybe, maybe to get rid of a weapon/ frame I really can't stand. Even then it only takes one 4 round run to max. 


Draco has ruined recruiting chat and is quickly spoiling the player base. 

Edited by Evan-0-matic
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11 minutes ago, Evan-0-matic said:

Draco has ruined recruiting chat and is quickly spoiling the player base. 

I agree, I mean I see H Draco or LF Draco half the time I look on recruiting.

There will always be those people who want things, and want them now. Or maybe they just want focus. (Like me)

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On June 29, 2016 at 9:23 AM, (XB1)Listed mia 510 said:

And that's why I like Xbox, go into the players profile, report for unsporting, then block and move on.

the block feature will stop you from matchmaking with them..

and if Xbox finds your report is legit after a few more reports they will bump their profile down too needs work which in turn will make it harder for them too match make with good standing players.

now they will be forced too match make with like minded needs work types or too get their act together and stop you know what in people's cereal.

Hopefully Ps4 will take interest and implement a like minded system for you folks one day.

I wish.

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I decided to bring my speed nova to Draco after reading this thread. Everyone but me died lots and lots in a few different lobbies, and none of them seemed to be glad about it lol. In fact, I felt like I was trolling them and consciously stopped priming the enemies.

From this I also learned that on PS4 at least most PUGs are not prepared for fast Novas, nor do they understand that capturing all nodes means less XP.

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