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New DRACO for you people.



Guys, lemme tell u about myself first.

>>Started playing this game  63 days ago and I'm MR15 now (almost 16 ) lol.



So yeah...as we all know that our draco has been changed to survival so I was looking and going through all the missions that was best suited to call the #nextdraco and I've come to a conclusion as the #nextdraco to be in Sedna.

I went with the whole squad as our normal draco squad (rj/spore, ev, buff and any other frame) and it worked perfectly fine with the same xp rate...or maybe even a bit more

Place can get a bit messy at times ..however it's very easy to kill em'


It's the same map as Sedna Arena (Undine and Yam) ....but the Location is 




Enjoy guys.




Edited by NovusNova
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STOP trying to break the game FFS.


You people are a PLAGUE. You people are what this update was trying to CHANGE. NOPE knew it wouldn't make a difference.


DE. You need to do something. Destroy interception firstly- that's the biggest problem. Change how affinity works. SOMETHING. Your game is DYING. I can't stand to watch it anymore.


EDIT: Also... spoilers tag? Seems about right. Spoiling the game. Megathread tag? Yeah- that's for mods only. You don't just make a megathread. Megathreads happen for a reason.

Edited by Stratego89
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15 minutes ago, Stratego89 said:



STOP trying to break the game FFS.


You people are a PLAGUE. You people are what this update was trying to CHANGE. NOPE knew it wouldn't make a difference.


DE. You need to do something. Destroy interception firstly- that's the biggest problem. Change how affinity works. SOMETHING. Your game is DYING. I can't stand to watch it anymore.


EDIT: Also... spoilers tag? Seems about right. Spoiling the game. Megathread tag? Yeah- that's for mods only. You don't just make a megathread. Megathreads happen for a reason.

Players Like you  are the real cancer killing the game, how others play is none of your business if you dont want to level so fast then dont play those missions or use those strats.

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2 minutes ago, Radavvadra said:

Players Like you  are the real cancer killing the game, how others play is none of your business if you dont want to level so fast then dont play those missions or use those strats.


YOU break the game? EVERYONE's stuff gets nerfed.

YOU break the game? EVERYTHING becomes unbalanced and broken.

YOU break the game? NO ONE ever plays any other mission type- newbies don't get help, recruit chat is a cesspool, everyone turns into lethargic mindless bags of flesh staring at a screen smashing one button and never wants to go do anything else because of it.

YOU break the game? DE as a company suffers because no one is actually playing their content; people blaze through stuff without even actually touching it. Sales drop. Player retentiveness drops.


YOU are not the center of the world. I AM NOT telling you how to play. I'm telling you NOT to BREAK THE DAMN GAME because it HURTS everyone else.


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13 minutes ago, Stratego89 said:


YOU break the game? EVERYONE's stuff gets nerfed.

YOU break the game? EVERYTHING becomes unbalanced and broken.

YOU break the game? NO ONE ever plays any other mission type- newbies don't get help, recruit chat is a cesspool, everyone turns into lethargic mindless bags of flesh staring at a screen smashing one button and never wants to go do anything else because of it.

YOU break the game? DE as a company suffers because no one is actually playing their content; people blaze through stuff without even actually touching it. Sales drop. Player retentiveness drops.


YOU are not the center of the world. I AM NOT telling you how to play. I'm telling you NOT to BREAK THE DAMN GAME because it HURTS everyone else.


Because playing with crap weaponry is boring, I don't need to level something properly to know it's garbage when the stats told me so already. Also relevelling after forma is a massive pain, I'd rather just play the fun missions with my maxed gear. THAT is why people use xp-caves (cause they're for xp and not loot). If nobody makes enough noise it won't cause negative consequences for everyone.

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Just now, DragonSkllzz_of_OG said:

Because playing with crap weaponry is boring, I don't need to level something properly to know it's garbage when the stats told me so already. Also relevelling after forma is a massive pain, I'd rather just play the fun missions with my maxed gear. THAT is why people use xp-caves (cause they're for xp and not loot). If nobody makes enough noise it won't cause negative consequences for everyone.

You're a prime example of the problem. "Stats look bad so they're bad". HAHAHA- no. That's not how it works. You can't tell if a weapon is good or bad by looking at it's stats. And- FUN FACT that will ABSOLUTELY BLOW YOUR MIND- there are VERY VERY VEEEEEERY few "bad" weapons in this game.

People don't use loot caves to get good gear quickly to have fun with it. People use loot caves to CLEAR gear they DON'T WANT TO USE quickly and THROW IT AWAY so they can BUFF UP THEIR POINTLESS MR AND FEEL LIKE SOME SORT OF ELITE. And NO- I am NOT just pulling that out of my &#!- that's SPECIFICALLY what all the people who abuse Draco have admitted straight to me. It's WHAT YOUR TYPE SAYS. EXCEPT when someone says Draco is a problem. THEN you play all innocent/coy and act like that's not the truth- LYING THROUGH YOUR TEETH so it won't get fixed. IT'S SICKENING DUDE.


IF you would REALLY rather just play a mission with maxed gear- YOU WOULD JUST USE YOUR MAXED GEAR. You don't NEED that new gear to have fun according to what YOU YOURSELF are saying here- and what you're DOING goes AGAINST what you are saying.


Your lies are sickening. Your actions are poison to this game. Either this cancer is going to die- or the game is. It's up to DE. NO ONE else can decide. If they choose to let the stuff stay as it is and continue to break the game- it's their loss. But you know what? If that's what they want, fine.

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1 minute ago, Stratego89 said:

You're a prime example of the problem. "Stats look bad so they're bad". HAHAHA- no. That's not how it works. You can't tell if a weapon is good or bad by looking at it's stats. And- FUN FACT that will ABSOLUTELY BLOW YOUR MIND- there are VERY VERY VEEEEEERY few "bad" weapons in this game.

People don't use loot caves to get good gear quickly to have fun with it. People use loot caves to CLEAR gear they DON'T WANT TO USE quickly and THROW IT AWAY so they can BUFF UP THEIR POINTLESS MR AND FEEL LIKE SOME SORT OF ELITE. And NO- I am NOT just pulling that out of my &#!- that's SPECIFICALLY what all the people who abuse Draco have admitted straight to me. It's WHAT YOUR TYPE SAYS. EXCEPT when someone says Draco is a problem. THEN you play all innocent/coy and act like that's not the truth- LYING THROUGH YOUR TEETH so it won't get fixed. IT'S SICKENING DUDE.


IF you would REALLY rather just play a mission with maxed gear- YOU WOULD JUST USE YOUR MAXED GEAR. You don't NEED that new gear to have fun according to what YOU YOURSELF are saying here- and what you're DOING goes AGAINST what you are saying.


Your lies are sickening. Your actions are poison to this game. Either this cancer is going to die- or the game is. It's up to DE. NO ONE else can decide. If they choose to let the stuff stay as it is and continue to break the game- it's their loss. But you know what? If that's what they want, fine.

You're calling me a liar now? I just stated my own reasons for using Draco/lootcaves, aka levelling weapons with stronger variants and getting fast forma on gear I like, so I don't have to play with half-modded things with the wrong damage types. I'll try all gimmicky weaponry while levelling it, and if I like the mechanics I keep them (most of the time) and if I don't because it feels bad to use I toss them. I always bring at least 1 good weapon to any mission as well, just in case I have to carry my team.

Say I apready have a maxed Quanta Vandal and I claim the regular Quanta, you expect me to sloooowly level it by basically being a hindrance to my team, or get it done and over with and use its straight upgrade instead?

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33 minutes ago, Stratego89 said:


YOU break the game? EVERYONE's stuff gets nerfed.

YOU break the game? EVERYTHING becomes unbalanced and broken.

YOU break the game? NO ONE ever plays any other mission type- newbies don't get help, recruit chat is a cesspool, everyone turns into lethargic mindless bags of flesh staring at a screen smashing one button and never wants to go do anything else because of it.

YOU break the game? DE as a company suffers because no one is actually playing their content; people blaze through stuff without even actually touching it. Sales drop. Player retentiveness drops.


YOU are not the center of the world. I AM NOT telling you how to play. I'm telling you NOT to BREAK THE DAMN GAME because it HURTS everyone else.


First off, calm down, dial your drama down, and stop shouting. Secondly people with a life tend not to want to spend 10x the amount of time grinding when there are less time consuming alternatives to completing mastery. Thirdly, it is not any of your business how other individuals allocate their personal time, key word being theirs and not yours. You claim "everyone's stuff gets nerfed", no such thing has happened which means you do not understand what the word "everything" means. A nerf usually pertains to a very specific game mechanic that has been perceived to be abused, so your statement is wrong in every form context that it could be used in. 

Additionally metas will always emerge no matter how hard the devs nerf something into the ground or introduce hidden stats, yet you've always had the choice to ignore the current meta before and after the nerf. When you start advocating to take that choice away from other players you are infringing on other's play styles, so yes you are telling people how to play regardless of how clever you think you are by wording your post with inane semantics.  

Edited by Schrodingers_Bodybag
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Also screw MR (it's nice to have and kinda ever so slowly getting even nicer due to in game benefits) but the main reason people want places like draco is Affinity, i can just play "normaly" (aka the way YOU want me to play) and get 800-1.2k Affinity per Orb or just do draco and get 10k+. Same goes for forma, pretty much everyweapon i use (and alot i don't) have a minimum of 4 forma, even meele weapons now between primed reach and PP have been getting formaed i COULD take a whole saturday 4-5-10 hours to level the weapon 5 times, while also having a backup weapon because the one i'm holding is crap oooooor do "Draco" and get it done in 10 minutes.

Also keep in mind DRACO specificaly is a problem because ... i dono everyone does it? (well except for the ones that don't due to holier than thou reasons). Partaining to your "by exploiting draco you break the game for everyone argument". Raids , broke stuff for everyone, 9hr solo t4 surv broke things for everyone, Wave 200+ t4 def broke stuff for everyone. A bunch of people using frames way way WAY more powerfull than the content their in to powderize the enemy for "drops" (ye ye xp isn't a random drop) is pretty much the definition of grinding in an online game. Killing stupid amounts of enemies alot weaker than you for... crafting materials, gold, super rare drops etc.

Draco is no differant than grinding grizly's for golden bear asses is in any other game. Fact is people given the choice will allways allways allways allways chose the path of least resistance , least effort in -> most power out, ESPECIALY in an escapist medium. Even if we nerf every single loot cave out of the solar system, they'll be someone out there who'll be going "actualy doing this node over and over awards .000000001% more afinity than  any other node" and people will flock to it, not necesarily because they're min maxxers who care about such a small increase but because it's "what we allways do" "what everyone else is doing" and because its "the best".

Edited by PowerofTwo
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Guys.. any weapon on Warframe need a minimum of 2 - 3 forma to be good.

Today Draco has been lost, tomorrow will be lost something else like Berehynia and day after tomorrow again..

If players want to farm exp they will find a way! You can't stop just with removing a node.

If you like play 24/7 for weapons exp, JUST DO IT!

Edited by 23ThunderSky
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Today i decided to "play the game" with new update (although i crashed several times, but waever, big update and all that).


I bought an affinity booster and started doing "objectives for junctions" one by one, sometimes overdoing it, since Warframe is notoriously BAD when it comes to informing u about something. I more or less ran around doing defenses, survivals, random cap runs, assassinations and stuff (on and off, with small breaks obviously). In like 6 hours WITH an affinity booster i earned an oustanding 80k focus i think (picking almost every single convergence along the way, besides the times when it spawned literally 7 tilesets away from me). All of that with max range ember obviously.

A general exterminate run with 100ish enemies + convergence + speedrun + affinity booster would net u about ~3k focus (and don't give me stealth runs, after 5 or 6 nerfs to focus farms i'm about @(*()$ done with this "diversity"), so in order for me a MR21 who has formaed EVERYTHING that is even remotely good to min-max levels, i need to do daily 30+ exterminate missions or do like 3 Hierachon runs (btw i adore the convergence spawn mechanics in excavations, they are "brilliant") or as was previously mentioned i could finish it in 15 minutes (with a booster and 2 slow rounds with correct setup) and be done. 


I used to play lots of Warframe, but somewhere along the line i noticed that to do all the daily stuff in even remotely timely fashion would require u a commitment of 4+ hours WITH EXP BOOSTERS and as u might imagine or know, NOTHING has really changed in Warframe for a very long time. So i stopped doing anything at all , besides 2 slow Draco rounds, because Focus requirements to max out stuff are insane in itself, but as u prolly know yourself, after 7 months of complete silence and 5-6-7 nerfs to focus farms + caps there its a desert out there and ain't no sign of Storm Clouds even on the Horizon. 


As far as "new content goes", i haven't done much to be honest, Junction requirements seems $&*&*#(%& for me as a Veteran with Everything crafted and stored in the inventory (why would i craft a mr1 or mr5 or higher weapon ? WHY? Or a specter?) Haven't tried new AW, since i'm "unlocking stuff". Did One run for a Void tear, saw a horde of nullifiers + bombards + some ancients healers spawned from allegedly lowest tier Tear, chuckled a bit, then thought a bit about new players experience and acquisition of prime parts for them and in general in terms of Trade & ducats and had a reeeeeaaaaaally hard time imaging how any of this is player friendly besides what is most likely a marginal increase in rotation C speed acquisition at the cost of everything else. (also had a notion that this is yet another attempt to slow down progression/acquisition of stuff by players, pushing everything towards 10+ minutes per ANY reward mark). 


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Good god I never usually encourage suicide but I am now. Jk lol my life isn't that sad. For real though I, as well as many other players knew about this spot and decided to keep it quite because guess what? I was relieved to see the excessive "H Draco Lf Ev" not because I couldn't get a squad, no, in fact every time I posted "Ev Lf Draco I'd always get a guaranteed invite in under 30 seconds but because it's boring running the same damned thing over and over again. Yes it's convienient and easy but it's RIDICULOUSLY boring just having 4 people sit there and endlessly spam buttons. I actually had an RJ set up a macro to spam 3 while he made himself some cereal... So yeah props to you for breaking the game as it once was you waste of oxygen :D GOOD ON YOU!

Edited by Pr0totype9979
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2 hours ago, Stratego89 said:

You're a prime example of the problem. "Stats look bad so they're bad". HAHAHA- no. That's not how it works. You can't tell if a weapon is good or bad by looking at it's stats. And- FUN FACT that will ABSOLUTELY BLOW YOUR MIND- there are VERY VERY VEEEEEERY few "bad" weapons in this game.

Noooo, you're the problem....

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10 minutes ago, asageh1 said:

Noooo, you're the problem....

Right. Totally. Thanks for explaining why I'm a problem. providing actual reasons for stuff to back your point. because you're totally doing that. I'm not, you are. The guy who just points a finger and says "NUH UH!" is definitely not the problem, and the guy who tries explaining to him why there are issues is. 100%. I'm so sorry I exist m8.

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43 minutes ago, b0_on said:


Mindblowing revelation for you. Focus is end game content. It's not meant to be cleared- quickly, if ever. The daily amount of focus you can earn is in fact a CAP to keep people from breaking the system- not a goal for you to attempt to hit every day. It's supposed to be slow. You're not supposed to try to hit the cap. It's only that high because otherwise people who refuse to accept they're not supposed to hit the cap / get focus quicker than you can- and grind unhealthily to reach it anyways- would have an aneurysm or something over it while complaining, then try to sue DE or something.

Edited by Stratego89
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47 minutes ago, 23ThunderSky said:

Guys.. any weapon on Warframe need a minimum of 2 - 3 forma to be good.

Today Draco has been lost, tomorrow will be lost something else like Berehynia and day after tomorrow again..

If players want to farm exp they will find a way! You can't stop just with removing a node.

If you like play 24/7 for weapons exp, JUST DO IT!

No. No they do not. At all. I have plenty of weapons and warframes that can clear sortie level missions without even a potato- let alone forma. If YOU need it- that's YOU. Don't shove that on other people and act like just because you need it everyone else does and it's some grand truth of the world. It looks sad.

Yes it has. Amen. Yes they will- hallelujah!

Oh- they'll try. But there's a way to keep them from succeeding. I just haven't done it yet because most this community is still consumed by the plague and so insane about Draco and it's removal that I'm legitimately afraid I'd receive literal death threats or assassination attempts at the mere suggestion of it.

Agreed. If they want their weapons leveled. Earn it.

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Just now, Stratego89 said:

No. No they do not. At all. I have plenty of weapons and warframes that can clear sortie level missions without even a potato- let alone forma. If YOU need it- that's YOU. Don't shove that on other people and act like just because you need it everyone else does and it's some grand truth of the world. It looks sad.

Yes it has. Amen. Yes they will- hallelujah!

Oh- they'll try. But there's a way to keep them from succeeding. I just haven't done it yet because most this community is still consumed by the plague and so insane about Draco and it's removal that I'm legitimately afraid I'd receive literal death threats or assassination attempts at the mere suggestion of it.

Agreed. If they want their weapons leveled. Earn it.

Agreed, my trinity prime uses no forma whatsoever and she's perfectly fine with 10 points left for upgrades

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1 hour ago, PowerofTwo said:


They only do Draco for affinity to get MR. They don't want to level the weapons to use them at their max specs. They do it to get the MR and toss the weapon away, move to the next one, and repeat. Over a NUMBER that ONLY THEY think means you're a good player- by some ridiculous reasoning. If you don't think it's true (and this is hard now since everything is disarray) find a "draco farmer" and ask them why they do Draco- IN PRIVATE. 8/10 times, they admit the truth. And it's what I just told you. ANY place else- they go right back to denying to truth and acting innocent, coy, and proper. They want to break the game. They want to feel like some sort of elite- feel better about themselves, feel they have some ACTUAL RIGHT to act BETTER than other players and talk down to them. It's why I'm so tired of Draco. Loot caves aren't an issue- it's what they spawn that is.

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3 hours ago, Stratego89 said:


YOU break the game? EVERYONE's stuff gets nerfed.

YOU break the game? EVERYTHING becomes unbalanced and broken.

YOU break the game? NO ONE ever plays any other mission type- newbies don't get help, recruit chat is a cesspool, everyone turns into lethargic mindless bags of flesh staring at a screen smashing one button and never wants to go do anything else because of it.

YOU break the game? DE as a company suffers because no one is actually playing their content; people blaze through stuff without even actually touching it. Sales drop. Player retentiveness drops.


YOU are not the center of the world. I AM NOT telling you how to play. I'm telling you NOT to BREAK THE DAMN GAME because it HURTS everyone else.


Remember what happened to Mag and Excal back in the days when Viver was the best affinity farm?

They were nerfed hard, even though they weren't even part of the problem, thankfully the massive community backlash made DE revert these changes and they nerfed Viver instead.

DE just need to accept that no matter how hard they try to destroy every affinity farm, people will always try and find the next best affinity farm. DE will never stop this community from finding the most efficient way of doing things.

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