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Bugs noted since SotR update


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The following has been happening to me even after the hotfix:

1) Warframe will occasionally get stuck in a kneeling position after returning to the Orbiter. Entering any menu seems to fix it but I still feel like a Bursa while sliding around on my knees.

2) Certain junctions do not seem to be registering the completion of the prerequisites. Examples: Mars-Phobos will not count any Lith fissure missions

3) Junction prerequisites not registered for all members of the squad. In a squad of 4, only 2 people received the kill count and mod pickups required to unlock the Earth-Mars and Earth-Venus junctions. For an update so heavily focused on team play, this is a major setback (not to mention that getting eximus units to spawn takes a hell of a lot longer if you're forced to solo missions that are too low level to spawn them in the first place).

4) (maybe not so much a bug, just an oversight) Since junction missions are not replayable, it is impossible to acquire the scans for any specters already killed before I realised I can scan them.

5) Syndicate missions are no longer the same level as your standing. Not sure if a bug or intended but I kinda feel cheated that with max standing I'm forced to run low-level, low-reward missions, especially with all the stuff I want to buy from the syndicates now.

6) Simaris daily task does not count scans. 

7) Sortie menu still doesn't show the reward table.

Feel free to add any more bugs you might have noticed

Edited by K9Fenrir
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yea ive had the reset of screen settings full screen reset to windowed and 1600 x 900 resolution reset to well i forgot this number but its less than what i have...

Also have you noticed the game not running as smooth as it did befor SOTR seems like DE did the oppisite of the word Optimization because CPU Power and RAM numbers are much higher then befor...that might just be me but idk...

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Flame-thrower equipped enemies have a huge damage range, farther than the visual flame effect. Can be killed in one room while a Scorch, Hyekka Master, or other flame-thrower enemy is in a completely different room, twice the usual distance away. [Have to stand on the far-wall to kill them with low-armor warframes]

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