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Update 8.1.3 Unlisted Modifications.


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DE.... Just tell us what you're doing in the damn patchnotes. Threads like this shouldn't have to be made. Thanks to OP for dropping this knowledge up on us! =O



I think the purpose of this thread is not to scream at DE "why you haven't told us (blah blah)...".

It is ok that patch summary just include the main changes. A full development change log may be too tedious and sometimes, some of the stuff inside should be kept within dev team.


I think this thread should be taken in a more positive manner. e.g. discover (positive) surprises?



btw, I have to mention that they also did not list down quite a few minor bugs that got fixed. I counted at least 2 that I reported during the time of the latest update to the one before and they got fixed fast.

Edited by smithf
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  • LEX's trigger guard can now be coloured by "tint colour 4".
  • Lanka crit chance set to 20%.
  • Torid crit chance set to 5%.
  • Ogris crit chance set to 5%.
  • Ignis crit chance set to 2.5%.
  • Supra crit chance set to 2.5%.
  • Dera crit chance set to 2.5%.
  • Flux crit chance set to 5%.
  • Kunai crit chance set to 2.5%.
  • Despair crit chance set to 2.5%.
  • Reaper Prime components no longer marked as Ash Chassis in foundry description.
  • New muzzle SFX for Braton, Burston and Torid.
  • Security Console is no longer re-hackable during the blastshields lowering to cover over decompression.
  • Torid cloud GFX has been optimized to lower FPS drain.
  • New Grineer death SFX
  • Ignis now releases multiple 'flames' per shot (3?), enabling it to be sprayed for an area effect across multiple opponents.
  • Ignis now penetrates several enemies in a row.
  • New GFX for Ember's World on Fire.
  • Melee weapons swing trail colour is now determined by the weapon's energy colour setting.
  • Mission-specific rewards are now forced to display at the front in the in-mission rewards window.


I want more clones from this guy :3

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Lovin' the new visual effects for Ember's World on Fire, it gives you a good idea of how wide your range of annihilation is. :D


Ash's Smoke Screen now generates less smoke clouds upon use, resulting in better performance. Before this hotfix, using Smoke Screen would make my FPS drop noticeably while inside the cloud.

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  • Ignis now releases multiple 'flames' per shot (3?), enabling it to be sprayed for an area effect across multiple opponents.
  • Ignis now penetrates several enemies in a row.



How true are these 2 because after over 10+ tests, its still the same as before.


Tapping mouse 1 doesnt show any difference in attacks dealt, still only 1 hit.

I've also tried tapping once and turning my crosshair immediately to another enemy where the supposed "flames" would hit but nothing happens, only the initial target gets damaged.


100% confirmed and tested over 10 times that there is no puncture if that was what he meant by "penetrate".

I've tried shooting through an infested into a barrel, no damage dealt to barrel.

I've tried shooting through an infested into a crate, no damage dealt to crate.

I've tried shooting through an infested into another infested at 1-2m away from it, no damage dealt to 2nd infested.

I've tried shooting through an infested into another infested at right behind it, no damage dealt to 2nd infested.


I question the source.

Edited by chuuburg
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...really? You just typed that? Take your time to delete the post.

Rather, I'll take my time to write a few more hundred words on this subject.

This hotfix introduced hundreds of fixes and touchups on incomplete things in the game and those are the things I want to see in Warframe while it is in beta.

I apologize if you judge a game's quality by how many Boomerangs and Polearms it has and I've offended you in some way, but I could go on months without 8.2 if it means older issues are resolved.

The team itself discussed content consumption and how certain Clans finished their dojos in a matter of days, when it was supposed to be an ongoing project and goal in Warframe. The second people recieve an update, they want the next new and amazing thing while they let the last content rot because, in their opinion, it "just isn't good enough."

The game will slowly decay if content is treated this way, and DE will need to spend their time on quantity rather than quality.

I'm okay with content and I play a lot of games that live by the monthly additions they make, yet I cherish every moment where Warframe stops sprinting forward to perfect what it already has - Otherwise it will only become a derailed train.

Thank you for displaying your concern in the form of: "I am superior to you in every way and everything you write is S#&$ because my opinions are right" (Or maybe it was just a "I have no idea what you just wrote so I'll just shove my ego down your throat"? Regardless, you win my #$&(% of the month award.), though! It is always the burst of motivation I need when addressing how much I love the changes done to this game.

TL:DR- Quality > Quantity. Take your time to reread that post, you're either a pretty horrible person or you just care enough to post but hardly care enough to think. Cheers!

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This hotfix introduced hundreds of fixes and touchups on incomplete things in the game and those are the things I want to see in Warframe while it is in beta.


So that's why you're whining?


Oh wait you're whining because people asked (and got) their speedy space ninjas.

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Rather, I'll take my time to write a few more hundred words because I am autistic.

This hotfix introduced hundreds of bugs fixes and touchups on incomplete things in the game and those are the things I want to see in Warframe b-because it's a b-b-beta!

Your ignorance is amusing. Too much content? Why don't you make a clan about it?

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Your logic is so flawed, words can not describe how... how; I just don't know. Your complaining about content and that developers are listening to their fans and that they should halt all updates until they fix EVERYTHING first?


You realize that if they don't keep adding content in updates or small patches that people will stop playing and slowly, but surely and much more faster then "slowly decaying" (which it won't) that this game will cease to exist? DE is approaching this game with a F2P ideal, in order to generate income for the developers to have a job they need to continue adding things to the game, for both free players and paying players to keep coming back. If they were to stop adding content then they would stop making money. Because this is F2P the developers, to a much larger extent need to listen to their player base, if they don't they won't make any more money and this game will end. This is a symbiosis of sorts that needs to continue or one of these pillars will surely crumble.


Also, why can't they do both? Why can't they continue to add more content and also fix any issues as well; which they've been doing from the start? This game is persistent, never ending; what you should be complaining about, asking about is why they don't have a separate team dedicated to finding and taking out bugs.


Holy S#&$, are you trolling?


Edited by Nerokerubina
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  • Get back to looking ridiculous and going Sanic Speeds because everyone cried about it.


I somehow doubt you'd be saying that if you'd tasted the glory of having several +24% speed mods on your frame. The game always feels a bit lame to this day because I can no longer hop on my excalibur (only frame I had the speed mods for due to frame-specific mods) and zip around at mach 2 for the fun of it.


Was it silly?



Did it take away from the overall feel of the game?



Was it annoying to the devs because their precious tilesets weren't getting the eye-fondling they clearly deserve?



But god damn if it wasn't fun, and it took HOURS upon HOURS of grinding for speed mods in order to go that fast. Nowadays it just takes a few runs to get down the basics of strategic wall-running and you go flying across rooms. Which one shows more dedication?

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I'll repeat everything I've said so far with simpler terms, I'll continue to do that with the people who reply to this post before they understand its concept as well, If necessary.

As said in my first and second post, I am overjoyed with this hotfix. If you consider feedback as in: "They did y instead of x and I'm a big fan of Y so I'm happy" either whining, complaining, or trolling - I'm afraid you misunderstood.

As for

Your complaining about content and that developers are listening to their fans?

I am thrilled that the developers are listening to their fans, and they really are. I am even more thrilled by the fact that they do not follow every single word that the fans say. That is not how game development works. If one person decided to say: "I want Tesla to do 1 damage per hit!" and a thousand people said the opposite, doing what that one person said is foolish.

People want more content at growing speeds because a lot of the content never got tuned properly (Meaning content that is meant to be played over months is being played for a week). If the developers DID do what many of the players ask them to (Not all of them though), old content would be abandoned as a quick, meaningless endeavor - and new content would appear to replace it. Because of the need for more fast content, the new one could also be improperly tuned or optimised, people could burn right through it as well, and an endless cycle follows.

I prefer slower content that gets reworked and optimised, Others perfer different things. This hotfix was about reworking old things, not adding new things. They could've spent the time it took to make this hotfix doing newer stuff, but they didn't. I'm happy with that.


Your ignorance is amusing. Too much content? Why don't you make a clan about it?

I have not once said "Too much content" in any of my posts, so I'll assume that is your own interpertation. What I'm talking about is "Too much content consumption". Maybe you missed that part while editting my post into that work of art.

There is a difference between too much content and unfinished content. Ember could've been left the way she was a few months ago for eternity, while DE moved on to newer frames. They didn't do that gladly, and it is now a pretty interesting frame. This one sentence expresses every single thing I meant in the last few posts, whether you read it or ignore it for humor is up to you.

Dojos aren't complete right now, right? People are angry with the way they are right now. They are unfinished content that people consumed in a single week.

DE can choose to ignore that fact and move on, or they can rework the clan sizes, requirements, rules, costs, and rebuild the system the way they wanted it to be.

What would you rather happen? More content, or better Dojos? this is a genuine question, although DE already gave their answer on what will happen.


"This hotfix introduced hundreds of fixes and touchups on incomplete things in the game and those are the things I want to see in Warframe while it is in beta."

So that's why you're whining?

You just quoted me saying what I love about this hotfix. I'm not sure where the whining part is in that so I have no idea what you mean, Sorry.
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I somehow doubt you'd be saying that if you'd tasted the glory of having several +24% speed mods on your frame. The game always feels a bit lame to this day because I can no longer hop on my excalibur (only frame I had the speed mods for due to frame-specific mods) and zip around at mach 2 for the fun of it.


Was it silly?



Did it take away from the overall feel of the game?



Was it annoying to the devs because their precious tilesets weren't getting the eye-fondling they clearly deserve?



But god damn if it wasn't fun, and it took HOURS upon HOURS of grinding for speed mods in order to go that fast. Nowadays it just takes a few runs to get down the basics of strategic wall-running and you go flying across rooms. Which one shows more dedication?

Yours is the only post that actually has a concept behind it so I'd gladly discuss this issue.

I don't like speed being taken out. If it were up to me, Rush mods would reach Rank 11 instead of 5. (+60% instead of +30%)

This would allow people to either wallrun for speed, or work hard and have the dedication you mentioned to reach the speeds they were used to.

My only concern is finding the right way to give us speed rather than settling on the way people are used to.

I think that Wallrunning or simply sprinting incredibly fast (As in, faster than the current cap they allow us to run at) is a much smarter, more efficient way of giving us mobility than -

having a cycle of Flipping and Kicking which looks absurd and feels weird (Even if it is fast), or letting us become helicopters simply by meleeing in midair.

I'm infavor of speed and mobility, I'm not infavor of being stuck on what could potentially be a mistake. When we get too accomodated to a single form of movement, we ignore any form of innovation towards a form of movement that would potentially be more fun.

DE has the choice to leave things as they are, revert back to old decisions, or think what would be better for the game moving forwards.

Going back to the endless-sliding was a revert, and I accept their decision. I would've prefered a better alternative, but that was their choice. People complained about the lack of speed and their first instinct is not to present new ideas for speed, it is to change things back to the way they were. This isn't always the best way to fix things in a game.

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