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Dear DE, Please consider this IDEA


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I applaud your update to the star map and ambitious attempt to change the paradigm of void missions and acquisition of prime parts, prime blueprints, and rewards for fighting the void corrupted foes to obtain these orokin marvels from the clutches of the corrupted.

I want to preface this entire post with a summary of my experience with the game. This game to me was the answer to a search for many years for a multiplayer co-op shooter with a emphasis on customization and quick pick up GO gameplay with DEPTH to allow me to grow my chosen character/hero/mech. I found it and have kept up with it since its launch even through long hiatuses.


I love this game, I love the concept, I love the presentation, I love the community (well most of the time), and I love the fact that tons of people from different places PLAY THIS. This is truly the only space ninja, with space magic, gun toting co-op game for me. I will not address a majority of the concerns my fellow Tenno have raised with this patch or the direction of the game. I will address fissures and their interaction with different segments of the players. Maybe I am off target, my idea is horrible, my understanding of the playerbase is WAY off but these are my opinions.


Newer/Casual players:

Void Fissues as currently implemented are great in the perspective that if I was a new player progressing through the map (forget about the bugs with junctions the INTENT was to progress through the start chart clearly), I would obtain relics along the way, level up my frame obtain needed mods from alerts and grow into the game. At some point I would begin the hunt for PRIMED parts after going through the story and interacting with players and LEARNING about the benefits of such PRIMED items in the game. It would be a great SMOOTH transition for me. The concept is fabulous on paper and very new player friendly if no bugs were in this patch and a tutorial or hint system was implemented for new players to understand the progression from starter items/frames to the primed or syndicate versions from farming.



Veteran Players:


The issue for the majority of this update for veteran players is, we are on our "main" frames, we do not want rehashed content or even filler content but we are understanding in the fact that things needed to be updated, and stagnation isn't wanted either so the concept of fissures is perfect. It is new but familiar, and provides a new mechanic for acquiring things. Now the things we need, want aren't easier acquisition of prime parts but rather an enjoyable way of obtaining these things. For us this new mechanic is basically just a weird way to make getting primes parts/rewards quicker then we normally would.Which is not what we want or need, The reason this would be quicker for us is we have a ton of keys and know the game/builds already so we can just afk farm fissures. This may not be the case for newer players. To us fissures remove any reason for us to involved time or effort into the game and may cause players to leave due to "quick" acquisition of primes for no effort basically it will cause a disconnect in your player base. A lot of the reason people enjoy the game is because you basically build your frame/playstyle and tackle a void mission for the promise of loot if you survive the tiered gameplay/challenge. Rack up enough fodder parts or your hoped for loot and build your way into a wider variety or gameplay or PLAT to get what you want in some way while building up your MR to unlock more goodies. If you are high enough MR and have done it all then the void was a benchmark to test your self against self made challenges or even just play with friends to pass the time and maybe to just farm up loot to sell. Fissures remove that aspect, sure the void could still be run but for what purpose it is basically no different from the planetary nodes, all you would do is farm for relics to get primes/other mods from alerts.


Now on to the IDEA in the next Post, Other Tenno let me know if you agree or disagree with my summary of the issues with fissures at this point. I will break down my idea for how to re-implement the void for and even higher tier of of end game then before



Edited by Nadroid
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Now for the Idea itself.


Fissures as a means to obtain randomized or semi targeted primed loot or rewards.This IDEA hinges on void traces and the relic upgrade function via the segment in our ship.


Keep the current function of fissures intact but make additions to keep your veterans interested but add a twist in. The idea for fissures is great but it could be greatly improved with a few simple additions. My idea will bring back the void + utilize fissures.


Void Traces will be used for their current function + an additional function of creating a new tier of relics. Upon obtaining 6-8 flawless upgraded keys. You can upgrade a T4 batch of 8 flawless Relics into  an upgraded "super key" for a T5 Void tileset with the standard map types of defense/mobile def / sabo / surv / cap etc etc etc.


Now here is the kicker these T5 Variants of void mission with upgraded keys come with map modifiers. These modifiers are then applied based on the total number of players. Modifiers could be random invasions of syndicates throughout the run, Random kickers added to the run such as decreased everyones energy pool being reduced by a quarter, Invasions every 2 minutes. Weird things SPICE IT UP do something. Make the map harder and maybe add different armor/shield variant to units based map wide.


Now these improved keys provide a harder challenge for us to BEAT, it is great because it is map wide variety so something old becomes new......but adds new challenges to it. The keys themselves would create a single drop chosen from the prime piece prime drop per person that cannot be swapped with others, This drop would be chosen when you create your key and would cost a sizable amount of fissure farming as well as relic farming offsetting the "one shot" acquisition of the piece you want. Now along with this the ability of newer lesser "geared" newer players to acquire random prime parts via fissures and farm up with time it allows player who have INVESTED time to target specific pieces in a similar manner but instead of using the fissures to obtain the prime parts we use them to obtain a void traces. It provides veterans with a challenge in the fact that it is T5 harder enemies, map variances, and TIME invested to farm up the 800 void traces, and the 8 keys. IT allows teams to test NEW builds based on the map modifiers. It allows a wider variety of teams. It lets veterans to remain engaged, it allows the VOID to be end game still for PRIME farming. It allows engagement from veterans.


It is a very basic bare bones idea but the intent is there. You have provided fissures and a new star map to facilitate the introduction of primes to newer players in a progressive manner, now you can keep the veterans engaged and challenged while they hunt for primes. The pieces are already in the game you just gotta make a bit of an effort to string them together so fissures can cater to both groups of players. It all hinges on the usage of void traces.


An issue with this idea if what if you get the prime part you want by farming for void traces in fissures then you get double chances because you can just farm up and then build up upgrades keys and also hopefully get it while you farm fissures!

Answer: Make a Relic key that does not drop any primes, only resource related rarities forma + other stuff. When you upgrade 8 of these you get a random roll of 6  prime pieces and can pick 1 guaranteed one on your key. preventing you from getting primes for 8 or so fissure runs...or something...let us convert relics into these "blank" super key relics to make flawless. Now the KEY can only be used by you for a T5 map + has a non swappable prime piece specifically for you. This time investment offsets the "OMG ITS NOT RNG FACTOR" because you could probably farm 8 prime parts, sell them, and just buy w/e you want anyway but some people don't like spending plat for prime parts.....


EITHER WAY regardless T5 Void Tiles, with map modifiers, and syndicate invasions on steroids would be great and allow for pretty cool load outs, team settings. (Load outs could be changed via a load out kiosk at the start of map open for two minutes to allow quick changing of mods / weapons to allow players to kind of tailor their builds (NO FRAME CHANGING) the to map via a 2 minute time out before the T5 SUPER VOID RUN begins.


Edited by Nadroid
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7 minutes ago, armedpoop said:

Thanks for your on topic contribution to this thread. 

Yeah,it was already mentioned by a mod on another topic that general discussion is meant to direct to player only. If he have a decent feedback, he can go straight to feedback section which may be read by DE. Calling for DE on a thread that is meant for players discussion never worked. 

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5 hours ago, Nadroid said:

To us fissures remove any reason for us to involved time or effort into the game and may cause players to leave due to "quick" acquisition of primes for no effort basically it will cause a disconnect in your player base.

Speak for yourself, we have yet to determine whether the average-time-to-aquire is faster in the new system (I don't think it is)

I'm a "vet" and I don't want another stupid system that requires 4 players to even consider starting. I liked the ease of use and casual design of Warframe. Your kind of obscene meta-grind really has no place here.

So no, I have no interest in your "solution" and will actively work against such nonsense.


Edited by SilentMobius
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5 hours ago, SilentMobius said:

Speak for yourself, we have yet to determine whether the average-time-to-aquire is faster in the new system (I don't think it is)

I'm a "vet" and I don't want another stupid system that requires 4 players to even consider starting. I liked the ease of use and casual design of Warframe. Your kind of obscene meta-grind really has no place here.

So no, I have no interest in your "solution" and will actively work against such nonsense.


While I thank you for your post I don't think I said it requires four players. I even hinted it would scale based on the number of players. It is easily Identifiable that parts are much more readily available now due to the ability to swap. Reducing the needed attempts to get something the limiting factor is relics now. Since time to reward is shorter per mission and cost per mission is up based on the premise you are only rewarded if you provide a relic.


In summary the key cost has increased but the ability to swap drops has basically altered the rewards per run. Even though you can only get one you theoretically can get upwards of four unique drop choices based on the relic used. To me this creates an detrimental difference between new players and veterans because new players may not have access to as many or as wide of a variety of relics to farm in the we manner as veterans.



If you could expand on why my meta grind is meta or why it is nonsense I would actually appreciate it.

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8 hours ago, Lijka said:

Put it there, so we have bigger chances of DE seeing our ideas :)



Could you put it in there for me I am currently unable to access my desktop at work and you have my permission just tag me if possible I am all for more visibility

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7 minutes ago, Nadroid said:

Could you put it in there for me I am currently unable to access my desktop at work and you have my permission just tag me if possible I am all for more visibility

I'd love to, but the thread got locked by one of the mods for some reason.

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4 hours ago, Nadroid said:

While I thank you for your post I don't think I said it requires four players. I even hinted it would scale based on the number of players. It is easily Identifiable that parts are much more readily available now due to the ability to swap. Reducing the needed attempts to get something the limiting factor is relics now. Since time to reward is shorter per mission and cost per mission is up based on the premise you are only rewarded if you provide a relic.

In summary the key cost has increased but the ability to swap drops has basically altered the rewards per run. Even though you can only get one you theoretically can get upwards of four unique drop choices based on the relic used. To me this creates an detrimental difference between new players and veterans because new players may not have access to as many or as wide of a variety of relics to farm in the we manner as veterans.

If you could expand on why my meta grind is meta or why it is nonsense I would actually appreciate it.

Just look at the trials, there is no solo "hard" content because all of the high level strategy in in the interaction between frames. So once you pass a point all you can do is start requiring Warframes, Trin for energy, Loki for disarm, etc etc. All that does if force players into little cliques and gives then a artificial sence of self-worth, leading to yet more elitism and toxicity.

I've seen it happen time and time again is other games. It's been happening in late-stage endless mission and DE have just got around to mitigating that, the last thing we need is even more of that.

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