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Carnicon: [Update] Male Water Frame Concept


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This is a thread of my fan concepts. 


This frame is WHISPER, my air-themed Warframe (or so I think she's still air themed).

While phasing, not only are her enemies unable to touch her and go through stuff, her speed and jumping
capabilities are heightened due to her being light weight in the process. She'll also be able to travel greater
distances with fewer stamina consumption and her leaps will be greater.


[uPDATE 6.21.13] Upcoming of the Emperor

Another Warframe! Initially, he was the first one I drew, but I couldn't get him to work until now.
I call him Emp, short for Emperor. This is just a quick sketch. I may do a cleaner version later.

[uPDATE 8.3.13] Whisper, Emp, and Medusa

Finally an Update!
On this update I re-did Whisper (top) and Emp's (middle) appearance. There wasn't as much of a dramatic change on Whisper compared to Emp. I've also added a new Warframe I thought of. She is MEDUSA (bottom) and she utilizes in Earth-based abilities.

Also updates on the abilities to my frames I have thought up so far.

Gale (25): Unleashes a lethal gale, impaling all enemies in its way into walls.

Aerial Shift (50): Whisper disperses her atoms, allowing her to become intangible to enemy attacks for a short time.

Light as a Feather(25): Grants nearby warframes increased speed and jump.

Hurricane Force (100): Whisper summons a monstrous whirlwind, destroying everything in its radius

Force Shield (25): Emp deploys a shield and sends it toward enemies dealing heavy damage.

Energy Mine (25): Emp deploys an energy sphere that explodes when touched.

Repulsion (50): deploys a shield that deflects all enemies' attacks, sending the attack back to nearby enemies.

Bubble (100): Engulfs an enemy in a sphere that collapse on itself leaving nothing behind.

Sandstorm (35): Medusa conjures a sandstorm, providing stealth coverage to all nearby allies for a short time.

Stone Gaze (100): Fires an energy beam, turning all enemies in its radius into stone.

That's all there is to it so far. I've been considering renaming Emp. I've thought of renaming him Magnum, but I still feel unsure about it. Suggestions?
Btw, how do I use spoiler tags on here?

[uPDATE 8.18.13] Medusa Colored

Another Update!
For this update I decided to do a colored version of Medusa. I didn't quite like her previous helm so I redesigned it and was satisfied with the outcome. I also redid her arms and made it look like white gloves or something. Well, that's all I have to say at the least. & COLOR PENCILS FTW! >:D

Her abilities so far:
Sandstorm (35): Medusa conjures a sandstorm, providing stealth coverage to all nearby allies for a short time.

Seismic Impact (50): Medusa bounds about, slamming the ground with tremendous force creating shockwaves to incapacitate enemies as well as causing knock backs.

Stone Gaze (100): Fires an energy beam, turning all enemies in its radius into stone.

Well that's it. My next update will be a colored version of Whisper or Emp, whom I think should still get renamed. Suggestions are welcomed. And like the previous update, Does anyone know how to use Spoiler Tags? been wondering how you could do it so my updates will appear more organized.


A Revival Update to this forum! I did a full body concept of Emp this time and I should've cleaned it up a bit more. Well, not much to say. Enjoy?   

Force Shield (25): Emp deploys an energy shield and sends it toward enemies, dealing heavy damage.

Energy Mine (25): Emp deploys an energy sphere that explodes upon touch.

Repulsion (50): deploys a shield that deflects all enemies' attacks, sending the attack back to nearby enemies.

Bubble (100): Engulfs an enemy in a sphere that collapse on itself, leaving nothing behind.

[uPDATE: 10.14.13] Half the Savage 


It's been a while since I last updated, So I'm going to update with a sketch I drew. It's
Ravage the Savage Warframe. Well what's half of him. I haven't gotten the time to finish the

other half, and add more details since I don't actually have my sketch book with me at

the moment. But the cluttler of leg sketches I did looks like smoke, so I guess you can pretend

he's popping out of smoke. 

[update 10.12.13] Whisper Full Body Concept and Colors.

I've been planning to re-do Whisper, but she has been given me trouble.
I'm a bit unsure about her colors, but o'wils. LOL. Well that is all. Enjoy.



[uPDATE 11.2.13] The Four

I just thought I'd update with something so here's a WIP of the four Warframes I've made.


[uPDATE 11.9.13] Aquarius the Waterframe

Just in case you're wondering, I based Aquarius' helmet on a mollusk and so I gave her a siphon that emerges from the side of her head. I've also included another head without the siphon because I wasn't sure at first whether to include it or not, but I'm beginning to think the siphon suits her more than without it. It also brings an element of uniqueness. Yeap. That's all, folks. 

[1.9.14] MEDUSA v1

Reworked on Medusa a bit changing some things. Also tried to find a fitting default color but only 100% certain that green is going to be a huge part of it with purple as the energy color on Mspaint. 




[2.16.14] Male Waterframe

Doing another concept on a Water-themed Warframe and this time it's a male. I don't have a name yet nor do I have abilities. I'm not entirely keen on making abilities so I'll just stick to making concepts. 

I thought of reusing the name Aquarius for this one, but I thought I'll give him a different one. Suggestions are always helpful. 


Edited by BloodCarnival
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Umm... Phase... Phase what? I mean, her phase? Or it's a name of one of the abilities? If yes, where are 3 others? Maybe she has only this Phase ability? Or are they Phase I, Phase II, Phase III ad Phase IV abilities? Dunno...


Nice art, though

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Umm... Phase... Phase what? I mean, her phase? Or it's a name of one of the abilities? If yes, where are 3 others? Maybe she has only this Phase ability? Or are they Phase I, Phase II, Phase III ad Phase IV abilities? Dunno...


Nice art, though

The ability's name is PHASE and by phase, I mean to go through walls, enemies, etc.

I sort of have a general idea of the other three but they're not concrete yet. Will update though.

And thanks. :)

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Going through walls? I see many possible exploits, bugs and trolling possibilities...
1. Break the window, run through closed doors.

2. Speedrun whole map without being stopped by two-person doors.

3. Leave your team behind and just ran to the mission marker

4. Grab datamass, go inside the wall, drop datamass, leave

5. Ability ends while inside of the wall, what now?
6. Etc.

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Going through walls? I see many possible exploits, bugs and trolling possibilities...

1. Break the window, run through closed doors.

2. Speedrun whole map without being stopped by two-person doors.

3. Leave your team behind and just ran to the mission marker

4. Grab datamass, go inside the wall, drop datamass, leave

5. Ability ends while inside of the wall, what now?

6. Etc.

You got some good points. There will most likely be limits to that ability.


Edited by BloodCarnival
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Going through walls is full of problems, but enemies could be something.


Maybe a varient of Volt's speed, higher jump instead of insane speed?


Nice art though.

Yeah, I see the problem. Probably just enemies then. 

She won't have insane speed while phased. It'll just slightly boost her 

regular speed and she'll just be able to jump higher and farther.


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This is nice although I would add some vents. I made a rough design of air-themed (along two others) frame myself some time ago although I lack concept arts (I'm quite decent drawer however I feel much more comfortable in fantasy themes then sci-fi).

Edited by xGryphus
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