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Why Dark Sectors Should Be A Top Priority After The War Within


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3 minutes ago, -InV-Skitz0 said:

Your right! I mean who misses 1 million battlepay for one 10-15 min fight?

Only if you happen to get it out of the hundreds of people playing the node, or if you're in the clan and getting privileged battle pay.  On top of all that, the money has been stolen from thousands of other players by nerfing their farm spots.  So, yeah, it's a terrible idea overall.  

If you need credits, do the Sortie/Raid daily, and speedrun Akkad with Chroma/Spova/Nekros for 30k/4mins.  

Edited by RealPandemonium
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5 minutes ago, RealPandemonium said:

Only if you happen to get it out of the hundreds of people playing the node, or if you're in the clan and getting privileged battle pay.  On top of all that, the money has been stolen from thousands of other players by nerfing their farm spots.  So, yeah, it's a terrible idea overall.  

PRIVILEGED ???????????

Ive set battlepay many times for coba and never was there an option to set a separate, special battlepay for alliance members.

Edited by (XB1)Solar Rails
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4 minutes ago, (XB1)Solar Rails said:

PRIVILEGED ???????????

Ive set battlepay many times for coba and never was there an option to set a separate, special battlepay for alliance members.

Yeah there is no separate battle pay for just the clans everyone can get paid out whether you are in a clan/alliance or not. So not sure how the battle pay is privileged either lol. I can guarantee there's not a special button for alliance members only.

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12 minutes ago, (XB1)Solar Rails said:

30% ? 30% ? 30% ? WHERE ARE THESE 30% TAXES ???? 

Ive searched up and down the starchart while rails were active looking for nodes which had high taxes. Very rarely did they reach over 20%. The few times they did, people from the community rose up and crushed them. During the brief period in April where Arbiters could catch our collective breaths and go on the offensive, we couldnt find any high tax nodes to deploy on. We just ended up retaking Gabii from people who had less than 10% taxes.

I didn't make any screenshot back then and, since I can't travel in time, here's a few random examples taken from a quick search on Google.







Again, as I already said, this was on PC.

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Just now, PapaFragolino said:

I didn't make any screenshot back then and, since I can't travel in time, here's a few random examples taken from a quick search on Google.

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Again, as I already said, this was on PC.

So, lets say the warframe community is a family. DE is the Mother and has 3 children. She gives each son 5$ to go out and get her something for Mother`s Day. The older brother, PC, buys her a GI Joe action figure. The other two children, PS4 and X1, pool their money to buy her a coupon for the local beauty salon. Just because PC misused their tools, it doesnt mean we should be punished for it.

Besides, they only set taxes that high to get people to deploy on them. Most of the PC community was too cowardly to do so.

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18 minutes ago, RealPandemonium said:

Only if you happen to get it out of the hundreds of people playing the node, or if you're in the clan and getting privileged battle pay.  On top of all that, the money has been stolen from thousands of other players by nerfing their farm spots.  So, yeah, it's a terrible idea overall.  

If you need credits, do the Sortie/Raid daily, and speedrun Akkad with Chroma/Spova/Nekros for 30k/4mins.  

But if Ds gets it's own little section in this new star chart, and what ever taxes set there do not effect any farming spot outside it (akkad and everything else stay as they are now seperate from ds) whats your objection then?

Edited by -InV-Skitz0
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Just now, -InV-Skitz0 said:

But if Ds gets it's own little section in this new star chart, and what ever taxes set there effect any farming spot outside it (akkad and everything else stay as they are now seperate from ds) whats your objection then?

>PvP doesnt deserve a spot in warframe.

Something to that effect, Id imagine.

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2 minutes ago, PapaFragolino said:

I didn't make any screenshot back then and, since I can't travel in time, here's a few random examples taken from a quick search on Google.

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Again, as I already said, this was on PC.

I think that's the confusion. One is on PC and the other is on console.

I get PC's pain personally and honestly I would hate that too. But a couple of quick points

1) Console, at least Xbox wise never experienced anything close to that. So if nothing else it shows that it's just a few bad apples on PC spoiling the fun for everyone.

2) This tax issue can be easily fixed by having DE place a cap or ceiling on taxes which I've suggested multiple times before in other threads. In one swoop this would solve any future issues at least as it relates to overly high taxes set by alliances. So while I get why PC players constantly bring it up, it's not a reason to not ever have rails again, because as far as just this issue goes it can be easily fixed with a dev imposed ceiling.


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8 minutes ago, PapaFragolino said:

I didn't make any screenshot back then and, since I can't travel in time, here's a few random examples taken from a quick search on Google.

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Again, as I already said, this was on PC.



Take the time and look through it. Tell me if you see any taxes higher than 15%.

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1 hour ago, (XB1)Solar Rails said:



Take the time and look through it. Tell me if you see any taxes higher than 15%.

1 hour ago, (XB1)Solar Rails said:

So, lets say the warframe community is a family. DE is the Mother and has 3 children. She gives each son 5$ to go out and get her something for Mother`s Day. The older brother, PC, buys her a GI Joe action figure. The other two children, PS4 and X1, pool their money to buy her a coupon for the local beauty salon. Just because PC misused their tools, it doesnt mean we should be punished for it.

Besides, they only set taxes that high to get people to deploy on them. Most of the PC community was too cowardly to do so.

Neither it means that because the console community isn't filled with smartasses we all should keep a clearly broken system.


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The "Privileged" battle pay was from an exploit. The clan would have the majority of their members start a mission while Battle pay was low, then have them hold at extraction. The clan leader would then up the battle pay for a few minutes (attracting a lot of support), then send the instruction to complete the mission to everyone in the clan. They would get all of the battle pay and feed it back into the clan's vault, while the people who started missions after the pay was raised would get nothing.

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36 minutes ago, Corvid said:

The "Privileged" battle pay was from an exploit. The clan would have the majority of their members start a mission while Battle pay was low, then have them hold at extraction. The clan leader would then up the battle pay for a few minutes (attracting a lot of support), then send the instruction to complete the mission to everyone in the clan. They would get all of the battle pay and feed it back into the clan's vault, while the people who started missions after the pay was raised would get nothing.

I've set battlepay for many conflicts. This is, of course, doable. We on Xbox simply don't waste time having our fighting force twiddle their thumbs waiting for battlepay. We mobilize and then we strike. There is no break until the conflict is done. Maybe that's why you guys couldn't beat the "Monopoly". Maybe everyone wasted their time waiting for that dank battlepay exploit than actually fighting for their right to set the taxes to 0.

Edited by (XB1)Solar Rails
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4 minutes ago, (XB1)Solar Rails said:

I've set battlepay for many conflicts. This is, of course, doable. We on Xbox simply don't waste time having our fighting force twiddle their thumbs waiting for battlepay. We mobilize and then we strike. There is no break until the conflict is done. Maybe that's why you guys couldn't beat the "Monopoly". Maybe everyone wasted their time waiting for that dank battlepay exploit than actually fighting for their right to set the taxes to 0.

Or simply because people don't want pvp in a pve game. Conclave is good enough for pvp people. They have that to play yet they complain about it being a side thing. The core game is pve and most people give 0 f (literally) about pvp. That is why dark sector conflict is waaaaaaaaaay down the list of things to do.

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51 minutes ago, Corvid said:

Get off your high horse.

The people who were "twiddling their thumbs" were the ones in the big clans, because they were in on the scheme. They had a vested interest in the monopoly continuing.

I was a warlord in Arbiters Rage. The Alliance that holds the world record fastest rail conquer. We've had shadow clans come in and wreck us. Any clan can beat any alliance with enough determination and cunning. I remember Xodus literally posted how to beat large alliances because we wanted more fights. Our endgoal is to disband the Alliance when we have all 26 rails, and then conquer them again. We want to be defeated but nobody wants to defeat us.

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1 hour ago, Corvid said:

The "Privileged" battle pay was from an exploit. The clan would have the majority of their members start a mission while Battle pay was low, then have them hold at extraction. The clan leader would then up the battle pay for a few minutes (attracting a lot of support), then send the instruction to complete the mission to everyone in the clan. They would get all of the battle pay and feed it back into the clan's vault, while the people who started missions after the pay was raised would get nothing.

This so called exploit was used as a way to reward clan/alliance mates who spent hours everyday doing nothing but grinding rails.  The notion that it was used to trick support is laughable at best. If you don't believe me go look at the difference on deathsnacks graphs for any conflict with an average of 100k+ bp for 500-1000 runs. What you will see is clear that you get more support with a sustained pay over along time then short burst of yes even 1 million.


Edited by -InV-Skitz0
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34 minutes ago, Corvid said:

Do I look like I care about your clan?

What your alliance has done does not change the fact that this was a very real problem on PC.

If we were able to be beaten by a shadow clan while we had 6 rails and arguably the best shinobi of all time(KAZ coming back with a vengeance btw) with us, then is definitely possible for one of your shadow clans on PC to do it.

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4 hours ago, Corvid said:

The "Privileged" battle pay was from an exploit. The clan would have the majority of their members start a mission while Battle pay was low, then have them hold at extraction. The clan leader would then up the battle pay for a few minutes (attracting a lot of support), then send the instruction to complete the mission to everyone in the clan. They would get all of the battle pay and feed it back into the clan's vault, while the people who started missions after the pay was raised would get nothing.

This is what I was referring to, thank you.

6 hours ago, -InV-Skitz0 said:

But if Ds gets it's own little section in this new star chart, and what ever taxes set there do not effect any farming spot outside it (akkad and everything else stay as they are now seperate from ds) whats your objection then?

As long as it nerfs a farming spot while stealing money from hundreds of players, it's stupid.  If Clan PVP comes back, it should be just that and nothing more.  

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18 minutes ago, RealPandemonium said:

This is what I was referring to, thank you.

As long as it nerfs a farming spot while stealing money from hundreds of players, it's stupid.  If Clan PVP comes back, it should be just that and nothing more.  

No one is asking to Nerf the credit farm currently available in game.  It's already been stated DS will get their own private section of the starchart when it's re released. If there is to be tribute or taxes as we know it, as long as it's on that section and doesn't influence any other portion of the game but those  people who opt into participating into it, then I see no reason why a new system resembling aspects of the old tax system could not be set in place.

And personally Id prefer a mix of PvP and PvE mode's to compete in. With the PvP portion being added on only if the matchmaking problem can be addressed.


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