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Black Iron Tarkus can help you with your Golem problem. Black Iron Tarkus is just better than you.

I was the Spirit when I was thrown, helping a friend out. I +10 Zwiehanded that golem his own &#!. Comparing my +10 to a new +5 Raw I just made :)


1st time playthrough btw so please avoide anything after the Golem, I haven't even entered Ann Orlando yet, though I know it's there.

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Well ya dun goof'd already, choosing to go raw since it robs you of stat scaling. It's wiser to either stick to normal upgrades and increase your stats (str and/or dex) or elemental (fire/lightning/chaos) and put all your stats in vit and end.

As for Anor Londo, either learn to fast roll with low/0 poise, or build up on poise and defense.

Edit: just to make this extremely clear, back when the BB glitch was still possible I experimented with every build imaginable. I had a toon for every crazy idea anyone could think of, from cosplays from animes and other games to just plain asinine magic experiments. I still know how to make a broken toon at firelink in about 20 minutes. And I suggest you atleast take my advice when I say you should change your zwei back to +10, and keep leveling your stats.

Edited by SLI-fox
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Well ya dun goof'd already, choosing to go raw since it robs you of stat scaling. It's wiser to either stick to normal upgrades and increase your stats (str and/or dex) or elemental (fire/lightning/chaos) and put all your stats in vit and end.

As for Anor Londo, either learn to fast roll with low/0 poise, or build up on poise and defense.

Edit: just to make this extremely clear, back when the BB glitch was still possible I experimented with every build imaginable. I had a toon for every crazy idea anyone could think of, from cosplays from animes and other games to just plain asinine magic experiments. I still know how to make a broken toon at firelink in about 20 minutes. And I suggest you atleast take my advice when I say you should change your zwei back to +10, and keep leveling your stats.

I have two Zwiehanders. One normal and one Raw. So I am making choices. Also if it ruins the item why the hell is Raw an option? Seems rather dumb that they include a whole table for every item in game only to have it be less effective than a normal-progression. I would say wouldn't a +5 Raw Claymore do more damage if you have minimum STR requirement than a +10 Claymore with Min-STR requirement?


As per Anor Londo I currently am saying "screw rolling" with a Greatshield and 71-91 Poise so I can smash my Zwiehander through most anything and I have enough Endurance to swing it 2 or 3 times even with a power-strike.


Currently have 20 VIT 24 END and 42 STR as my leveled stats. I plan to get Havel's Armor since I have his ring and the Ring of Protection and Favor. Most I can tell from invades is that PvP in that game is like it is in any game, pick the most broken/exploitable build (I.E extremely hard to dodge/block) and just spam it.


As a heavy-warrior I have found my most fun Invades are against Bleed/Dex Builds. Shotal Builds (Dex I know) and almost all Mage-Builds just come off as "cheese" to me. I know mages are pretty much the Anti-Warrior in any game they are in but did they really need an Auto-Target-Homing Spell? Not to mention how easy Combustion is to use. From reading very old build forums it seems basically they gutted the Claymore from some exploit and added new spells that made STR builds pretty laughable until you get very far with them. I can list the 5 most common invading items I have seen so far:

- Shotal (Don't get the 1st one till Sen's Fortress)

- Gravelord Sword before Gargoyles (I know it's possible but it's somewhat a sequence break by what the game hints at)

- Auto-Lock Magic

- Thunder Weapons in area's before Sen's Fortress (where you get the 1st lightning weapon).

- Combustion spam (The mage who sells it is from Sen's... see a pattern here?)


Basically from level 20-55 every invader has been using something from Sen's+ in terms of "progression" in the game and they simply didn't level so they could technically exploit more powerful gear versus under-geared players. Thus far I have had exactly 3 very fun fights with an Invader where they weren't employing a form on attempted one shots or cheese tactics.


So color me bias when I say most Invaders are spineless cowards who would rather rely on a cheap item than actual skill. At least the Zwiehander is darn easy to avoid unless the user dead-angles you. Those 3 fun duels I had? Yeah against people using items from the area of the game they invaded in, meaning in the Depths I faced guys with Crystal Weapons and Kirk's stuff so Bleed/Poison. Now that I am in Anor Londo, so far two invades and both have been Combustion Spammers.

Edited by Estred
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I like to lead off with Roserade, put something to sleep then set up tspikes, that is unless the opponent has something that looks to be a lead that beats Roserade.


In which case I go with Empoleon to start hurting things and getting rid of anything that I can't deal with, and then... 


I stop talking since this isn't the time or place for that sort of discussion. Then I go back to the topic at hand, and make a comment about how awesome Banshee is since I'm such a fangril

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I like to lead off with Roserade, put something to sleep then set up tspikes, that is unless the opponent has something that looks to be a lead that beats Roserade.


In which case I go with Empoleon to start hurting things and getting rid of anything that I can't deal with, and then... 


I stop talking since this isn't the time or place for that sort of discussion. Then I go back to the topic at hand, and make a comment about how awesome Banshee is since I'm such a fangril

Hehe true, Banshee lover here too. Generally just annoyed that the common vibe I get from most DS players is one of contempt, I've gotten to the point that if you taunt after defeating me it earns you an instant Indictment for being an A******.


Back to topic, can't wait for more :)

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What weak sauce. Combustion spam? Really? Atleast it ain't the old ninja-flip rapier hornet's ring builds. They'd just go for the one hit backstab. As well, I wasn't talking bout the gravelord greatsword, I was talking bout the fire scythe trick. There's also the Astora Straight Sword early on too. I suggest capping your str at 45~50 since you hit diminishing returns at 40, and level dex a bit so you can have more options. As well, if you haven't already, get an Oolacile Ivory Catalyst and Great Magic Weapon. And learn to dead angle with your Zwei.

Edit: And then we find out Loki is a Dark Souls fan, just because he enjoys invading newbies and making them kill important npcs on accident.

Edited by SLI-fox
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What weak sauce. Combustion spam? Really? Atleast it ain't the old ninja-flip rapier hornet's ring builds. They'd just go for the one hit backstab. As well, I wasn't talking bout the gravelord greatsword, I was talking bout the fire scythe trick. There's also the Astora Straight Sword early on too. I suggest capping your str at 45~50 since you hit diminishing returns at 40, and level dex a bit so you can have more options. As well, if you haven't already, get an Oolacile Ivory Catalyst and Great Magic Weapon. And learn to dead angle with your Zwei.

Edit: And then we find out Loki is a Dark Souls fan, just because he enjoys invading newbies and making them kill important npcs on accident.

By combustion spam I mean the last 5 invaders now have used this set ups

- light armor build (fast roll)

- Grasscrest Sheild

- no weapon beyond Pyroglove


They then just run circles until you miss a kick or slash and blast you with combustion before rolling away or to the side. Even with a wide-arc weapon they can roll UNDER it and still flame you. I know as a Heavy build fast mobility counters me but  when you have high fire resist getting 1 shot by a not so high Pryomancy is bullS#&$ in my mind. Don't get me started on the Hornet Ring build, that got nerfed for a reason. I also do not know of the Fire-Scythe trick so far I have fount a lot of Combustions and Gravelord invaders, only one Shotal build actually. I plan to cap my STR at 50 so I can use most of the heaviest weapons, I am about at the point that if I land a Zwie-slam my opponent will take 2 more Slams and be unable to dodge.


Loki would be funny in Dark Souls. How would you rollplay that though?

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It pretty much is, I only talked Dark Souls because the topic of a game eating your free time came up. It then just got talked about more as the guy gave me tips and I shared a bit of my ire about players relying on cheap tactics, which then again is all PVP is. Using and learning how to avoid Cheap Tactics.


If it's annoying you though I will be fine dropping the Dark Souls subject.

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Sorry Doozy. The derails help distract from how anxious we are for whatever you post. On the topic of updates, will we get to see each Tenno dress up for Halloween?

What i've got in the pipe right now is gonna be a lot hotter than @#&*ty halloween costumes.

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