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Out Of Frame: The Everyday Lives Of The Tenno - Feedback & Discussion


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I feel good about killing grineer. I feel good about lining up my shot perfectly to rest my reticule on the tears running down the inside of a doomed lancer's faceplate. I feel good about watching my arrow sail through the air, watching that pathetic lancer watch it as it streaks down to split his head like a watermelon in Fruit Ninja. I enjoy anticipating the satisfaction of those big white numbers being slightly larger than everyone else's. I especially enjoy the possibility of rare loot spouting out of his torn face to rain down around him like confetti from hell.


I don't like watching some twerp's cube making that lancer stumble away under the sheer force of pitiful disgusting full auto spitball attrition, away from my perfectly aimed, immaculately timed arrow.

Deep man, too bad that will be MY Cube filling that pitiful Lancer with lead. And I'll be right there, spewing lead at him and all of his buddies.

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Sometimes i try to sneak up on mobs to try to stealth kill them to see if the animations are cool, then the mob will suddenly erupt into flaming electric popcorn and i'll remember that im using a dethcube.

That's why i built a Shade lol.

To be honest though, Shade is objectively the best sent. Wyrmy and Cubey use rifle mods and rare rifle mods are a pain in the &#! to farm, but pistol mods you can practically trip over. Makes him automatically the best just because he isnt thirsty for rifle mods.

Of course, cubey is the best for babysitting new/forma'd frames.

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Lucky for me whenever I P.U.G. on Xini everyone who uses Dethcube is pretty much another n00b who's completely uncapable of effectively killing masses without the Dethcube. So whenever I want to score some solo kills I just leave the Pod for a sec, exterminate about 30 enemies in one hit, and then return to Pod, feeling like a bawss. ^^

Also I never really got this whole "killsteal" issue people complain about so much in games. If I see a teammate kill the enemy I was on to me he's just helping score a quicker kill, not "killstealing". :/



"Hey you stole my kill!"


"I didn't see your name on it!" -RvB quote... XD


But what I like to say is.... "It's not kill-stealing, but it's kill-helping." :3

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And has a thing ("cough"obsession"cough") with Mag

moe_moe_warframe__by_yukix-d678tsm.jpgby ?

funny thing I have a volt trinity and ember apart from my mag and the stalker never hits me unless im on my mag



keep it up man this story gets fallin out of my chair every time great work

Edited by Sinthrisai
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Derpy, stupid, and absolutely out of this world! Perfect!


Sorry missed this after anxiously waiting for updates.


She's not really stupid. Just... Has a very short attention span and fidgets. A lot. She can focus at work since she has to contain anti-matter, after all. Now that I've seen Nova in action, I MUST HAS THAT FRAME! I can picture her having a "blast" at work watching everything explode like that. "OH, LUK EET! Seehowprettydatenergyglowsamidstthechainreaction?! Tag, an' nuke, tag an' nuke~♥ Kill them 'till they die~♥"

I mean, for crying out loud, if she plays with antimatter, she has to understand quantum physics to a high degree to make the frame work.

Edited by Shifa
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Sorry missed this after anxiously waiting for updates.


She's not really stupid. Just... Has a very short attention span and fidgets. A lot. She can focus at work since she has to contain anti-matter, after all. Now that I've seen Nova in action, I MUST HAS THAT FRAME! I can picture her having a "blast" at work watching everything explode like that. "OH, LUK EET! Seehowprettydatenergyglowsamidstthechainreaction?! Tag, an' nuke, tag an' nuke~♥ Kill them 'till they die~♥"

I mean, for crying out loud, if she plays with antimatter, she has to understand quantum physics to a high degree to make the frame work.


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on the other side, doing stupid things dosnt mean that you're stupid


sometimes you just wanna fck S#&$ up, and if you have fun to blow up stuff in your freetime why not doing it?


you also can like to burn stuff, but be an volunteer fire-fighter

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She does that when treasure hunting in missions. She gets real joy out of her work. How does one pay for endless subscriptions for science and art magazines and graphic novel archives? Do missions and some experiments on the side for supplemental platinum. :3

Also, I decided to do a journal like fan fic of this character I have in mind... I will be posting it shortly.

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on the other side, doing stupid things dosnt mean that you're stupid


sometimes you just wanna fck S#&$ up, and if you have fun to blow up stuff in your freetime why not doing it?


you also can like to burn stuff, but be an volunteer fire-fighter


Agreed. ^^ Why do you think she wants to know this stuff anyway? I mean, if she likes the arts and science as well as manga or graphic novels, you'd think she would have a natural curiosity of how things work. Especially her wonderful, glittering explosions. @w@

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all you guys calling Nova a ditz made her sad, and now only Ember can cheer her up.

NOVA: Sigh.

EMBER: Oh, sup new girl. What’s got you down?

NOVA: Everybody thinks I dumb, and that I’m some kind of ditz.

EMBER: Really? That’s great!

NOVA: It is? I mean- What? Why would that be a good thing?! I have a PhD in Physics. Do you have any idea how crazy smart you have to be to blow people up with the constituent parts of their being?

EMBER: the constituent what of their huh?

NOVA: Matter. I mean matter.

EMBER: Ah, you mean the tiny little Lego blocks that make up everything!

NOVA: Okay yea, let’s go with that.

EMBER: I like those little orange translucent chainsaws that came with the ice space men. Or the little fires. You can put them in a gun-thingy and make a flamethrower!

NOVA: Okay its a little more complicated than Lego.

EMBER: Not for me it isn’t, I set S#&$ on fire. Works great.

NOVA: Well yea, I’m sure it does, but I have a lot more utility. I actually have to be smart.

EMBER: What a bummer. I just hit buttons and sprint.

NOVA: Charming.

EMBER: So why are you so worried that nobody thinks you’re a brainiac, brainiac?

NOVA: I just want to be appreciated is all, I piled up a lot of student loans as a grad student to get where I am today. I’m not paying off my education in Captain Vor murder for hire contracts just to get labeled as an idiot. I went to Titan Tech! That’s the most prestigious scientific institute in the galaxy, damn it!

EMBER: You haven’t actually thought about this at all, have you?

NOVA: What do you mean? I lie awake at night worrying about it. Its the only thing I CAN think about!

EMBER: Honey, ain’t you ever seen the Little Mermaid?


EMBER: How did you get here, Dracula?

SARYN: Are you gonna do the Ursula song from Little Mermaid?

EMBER: Holy S#&$ how did you know?

SARYN: You have to let me sing it. I love Ursula, she’s like my favorite Disney villain.

EMBER: Whatever.

NOVA: What the hell is going on?

SARYN: The men up there don’t like a lot of blabber! They think a girl who gossips is a bore! Yes on land its much preferred for ladies not to say a word, and after all dear, what is idle prattle for? They’re not all that impressed with conversation, true gentlemen avoid it when they can. But they dote and swoon and fawn on a lady who’s withdrawn, its she who holds her tongue who gets a man!

EMBER: You know that by heart?

SARYN: The whole song. And the Scar one from Lion King. And the Rasputin one from Anastasia.

EMBER: God you’re terrifying.

NOVA: What does that have to do with anything?

EMBER: Honey, you should always act dumb. Its a science, a fine art even.

SARYN: You’re the master, Ember.

EMBER: Shut up Wednesday, the point is, its better to be friendly than smart.

NOVA: But I want to be able to talk to people on the same intellectual plane, and be worthy of respect!

SARYN: Well, I do too, but I’m the only biologist on the team.

NOVA: Biology? Where did you study?

SARYN: Titan Tech.

NOVA: I recognize you, you were the girl that always wore black! What do you do lately?

SARYN: I wear black and kill people by turning them into soylent green with designer super toxins.

EMBER: Ladies, please, can we get back to the point?

NOVA: Which is...

EMBER: Don’t act smart. Especially around boys.

SARYN: That’s ridiculous. Why wouldn’t you want guys to know you’re smart? There are lots of men that think intelligent women are attractive.

EMBER: Honey, there’s nothing to talk about with men. You’re better off just playing dumb.

NOVA: That doesn’t make sense.

EMBER: The only thing guys talk about, no matter how smart they are, or no matter how smart they think you are, is video games and fart jokes. Its a no-win scenario. You’re better off just playing dumb so they don’t actually talk to you at all.

ASH: What’s goin on in here babe? Oh hey, sup new girl.

EMBER: Nothing. Girl talk.

ASH: Whatever, I’ll see you tonight. I’m goin’ over to Frosty’s to play xbox, Rhino got that new basketball game that actually announces the play-by-play in real time, and you can write a whole fantasy roster and we’re gonna name all the players by farting into the microphone so that every time Chick Hearn calls a play the tv makes a fart noise.

EMBER: You don’t think that sounds stupid?

ASH: Well, it will be really funny in a couple beers. Later.


SARYN: It’s terrifying when you’re right.

NOVA: I suddenly never want to have children.



It would seem this applies to other women as well or at least to ember.


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That's like the desperation reserve of inspiration. Doozy was seriously dedicated if he was willing to play the childhood card. Wow.


I'm 29 years old. Are you teling me you DONT listen to Disney villain songs everyday?

I never thought hyenas essential. They're crude, and unspeakably plain. But maybe they've a glimmer of potential, if allied to my vision and brain.

Also you're off the island for calling childhood a desperation move. I have a bachelors degree in toy design, tugging on your childhood isn't my desperation, ITS MY BUSINESS, AND I'M A PROFESSIONAL.

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S#&$ Doozy's going berserk! RUN!

that reminds me, I need an invite to a clan that actually has labs and clan weapons unlocked. I'm sick of dumping my circuits into a reactor for a low membership clan that no one is helping build. i wanna build a torid.

Edited by Doozy84
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I'm 29 years old. Are you teling me you DONT listen to Disney villain songs everyday?

I never thought hyenas essential. They're crude, and unspeakably plain. But maybe they've a glimmer of potential, if allied to my vision and brain.

Also you're off the island for calling childhood a desperation move. I have a bachelors degree in toy design, tugging on your childhood isn't my desperation, ITS MY BUSINESS, AND I'M A PROFESSIONAL.




that reminds me, I need an invite to a clan that actually has labs and clan weapons unlocked. I'm sick of dumping my circuits into a reactor for a low membership clan that no one is helping build. i wanna build a torid.


I've got three words for you hun'.


Under The Lotus

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that reminds me, I need an invite to a clan that actually has labs and clan weapons unlocked. I'm sick of dumping my circuits into a reactor for a low membership clan that no one is helping build. i wanna build a torid.

Pink Giant Octopus might be accepting...

EDIT: Nevermind, sorry for getting your hopes up. We're full.

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