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Loki balance


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11 minutes ago, Weidro said:

actually you get more affinity if a teammate kills

so yeah there is no reason to complain at all

The problem, as stated above, is that there's no point in playing the game when someone else does everything for you. I actually want to get some kills, not just watch as a [insert cheese frame] murders everything.

15 minutes ago, Weidro said:

that is the effect of the normal disarm and has nothing to do with radial disarm
don't mix abilitys and augments

loki uses some kind of mysterious space magic to make the weapons disappear completely
now tell me how picking them up makes sense at all ?
they are gone !
how can you pick up something that doesn't exist anymore ?

Uh, no, the ability is called 'Radial Disarm.' The augment is 'Irradiating Disarm.' He's right, you're not.

The point he's making is that it's unfair that the disarming effect is permanent. Unlike other CC abilities which are duration-based.

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1 minute ago, Czygen said:

Will do then.

But for now, I second the locking motion.


Not your decision to make. Moderators, OP or DE themselves are only who can do it.


The problem is augments themselves. Radiating Disarm needs some sort of cool down (it can be spammed like it worthless) and Safeguard Switch needs a lock on it timer (if you use average Loki build you make ally immune from dmg for 10 - 12 seconds). 

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1 minute ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

The problem, as stated above, is that there's no point in playing the game when someone else does everything for you. I actually want to get some kills, not just watch as a [insert cheese frame] murders everything.

This is the reason why I main Trinity instead of Loki now.

I got tired of cheese frames doing all the work and making me feel like I contributed nothing to the team.

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4 minutes ago, Golmihr said:

Unless of course the pulse squeeze the weapons into clubs.

sounds good to me

2 minutes ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

The point he's making is that it's unfair that the disarming effect is permanent. Unlike other CC abilities which are duration-based.

yeah just that the damage they deal isn't decreased and the health/shield/armor they have stays the same and on top of that they will now start to zerg rush you and wreck you in a way more challenging close combat fight instead of hiding behind cover waiting do die as they usually do

hell disarm isn't even a stun its a tiny stagger

and CC being Crowd Control ?! you can control them easier when they still have their guns

the only thing disarm does is change the gameplay from distance shooting to close combat

everybody get real here how is it overpowerd when an ability increases the challenge ?

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On 7/25/2016 at 1:34 PM, (PS4)Azure_King03 said:

I'll start worrying about loki nerfs when I start seeing him around, I currently see him on rescue and spy and no where else. Which is odd, with vauban prime being the newest prime, you would think that the old combo would have showed up at least a few times.

well i guess people are figuring out ivara can do wat evr loki does and more fun to play it i.e pickpocket evrything u see lol

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8 minutes ago, Czygen said:

This is the reason why I main Trinity instead of Loki now.

I got tired of cheese frames doing all the work and making me feel like I contributed nothing to the team.

u take a cheese too problem solved, as tbh i like to stay on top of list in damage given and max damage taken, as max damage taken mean my team mates take less dmg.

so when call am cheesing with rhino p and war and mauling evrything i dont mind (fyi rhino is not exactly cheese at lvl100+, u stil need to micro manage according to my opinion)

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