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I Personally Like This Defense Mode


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As the title says, I'm enjoying the set-wave defense missions we're seeing this weekend.


It offers a bit of a challenge, and you aren't constantly forced to leave at wave 5 or 10 when everyone wants that banshee helmet (when you already have a dozen of them lying around)


I just want to spam them all day, but we only get one every few hours ='(


I would just like to suggest this mission type be added to the current line-up at some point (soon preferably ;] ). With some kind of bonus reward for finishing. Something different from endless defense, while also more rewarding (for committing to  15+ waves going in). Maybe just two or three random rewards? Or perhaps a random pool (4-5 items) from which you can have your pick?


If artifacts aren't cross-fusable with mods when they are updated, maybe you can just leave it how it is, and offer this mission type as a way to farm artifacts to combine.


I haven't thought it out too much to be honest, I just want MOAR!

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Agreed, after event is done... add the Defense Alert to the Alerts table but set it low so it doesn't make people hate it immediately. When they start begging for more of it, then buff up the amount of times it comes up :P

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Not even close to pug or solo friendly. Using these as prime method to farm artifacts would be horrible. One server migration, one host with poor internet, one person with a bow and It can head downhill quite quickly with no way to cash out after 20 waves deep. If there was at least a half way check point for mats and mods I could possibly suffer the many tragedies this defense type will spawn.

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I do like the idea of fixed-wave defense from a variety standpoint. However, and this is where my opinion will diverge from yours, I feel that they drag on for far too long. Nearly every person I played with today and I shared the same opinion: the matches dragged on entirely too long for their own good. After playing 25 grueling waves, it just isn't fun anymore, but merely a chore.


Almost everyone I've talked to about it would have preferred to play the missions with the first 10 or 15 waves chopped off the top.

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Full solo player here. As it stands, I have failed Eligor every time I tried, and only recently beat Kappa with the invaluable aid of my Dethcube, even when Xini (and all of Eris, and the first half of Pluto before Narcissus for that matter) has always been a walk in the park for me. As you can imagine, I fervently dislike the idea of defense missions standing between me and my gear. However, I'm decent enough to admit it's an interesting and innovative mission type, and surely more fun than regular defense... for team players. I support this.

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well, its a COOP shooter, some missions are obviously not ment to be played solo, and i agree about liking the new missions, it kinda forces pug groups to use the chat and consider a strategy instead of everyone just running around like headless chickens with automatic rifles

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I prefer this type of mission as well, and as others have said, the amount of waves is questionable. I would like to see a "set your own wave limit" defense mission that isn't tied to alerts, per se.

Example: Once DE implements the new RNG "sets" or "groups" you could select a group that has the mod you want in it, set the number of waves to increase the likelihood that it is something specific you want, and go. That way you can carry new players through a new mode (survive to wave 10!) or challenge your elite friends to a "betcha can't survive to 50" with higher stakes, higher rewards, and no way to quit (adding to the tension and challenge).

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We don't need things to be solo-friendly, a decent amount of the game already isn't for those not maximizing. 

Just have it scale in difficulty if needed and the dead-ends in the solar system so that they aren't forced for progression, only completion.

Serious, why deny extra content already existing and not in place. Hell if anything I want more organized team-based gameplay so that there can be specialization in roles instead of playing towards "lets kill everything, pick what you like for it" gameplay. I want my stealth to mean something in team play just as much as the next frame's skills to be utilized.

Edited by Aishi
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Umm - the old defense missions were a set number of waves....

Everybody wanted endless defense.

The hell is wrong with people...

FIrst you wanted one thing - now you want to change it back - this is as bad as the damn slide cooldown...

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I do like the idea of fixed-wave defense from a variety standpoint. However, and this is where my opinion will diverge from yours, I feel that they drag on for far too long. Nearly every person I played with today and I shared the same opinion: the matches dragged on entirely too long for their own good. After playing 25 grueling waves, it just isn't fun anymore, but merely a chore.


Almost everyone I've talked to about it would have preferred to play the missions with the first 10 or 15 waves chopped off the top.

Given how many Ancients end up making up the opposition in the Infested versions in higher waves, you're damn right I would've left after wave 5/10, they're awful bullet sponges who aren't even difficult, just frustrating. Same for Corpus and those one-shotting Railgun MOAs at higher levels/waves (in regards to the generator/cryopod anyway).
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Umm - the old defense missions were a set number of waves....

Everybody wanted endless defense.

The hell is wrong with people...

FIrst you wanted one thing - now you want to change it back - this is as bad as the damn slide cooldown...

Well I didn't play when that was the case, so you're post is irrelevant as far as I'm concerned. I probably would have been a proponent for the addition of endless defense, and certainly wouldn't want to see it removed at any point, but I like the set-wave style as well.

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