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Companion Concept (bird-type)


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So, first of all, we all know that a new companion type will be added sooner or later. Warframe is an ever-changing game with an endless stream of ideas, as long as the game exists, there's always a possibility for everything. This is not a fleshed-out concept, and I do not have any drawings for this (but it's, umm, a bird, not too hard to imagine). I plan to add stuff to this when I have the time.

Some of these birds are supposed to be big enough to lift something humanoid up, there will be smaller ones that will be suitable for stealth. Basically this companion's abilities vary by type AND size.

Also, obviously, I'll be using the word "bird" as a placeholder.

Now, we already have these cool flying things called sentinels, so how does my concept of a bird differ from them? Well you didn't ask that question, but I don't care.

Let's sum up what the current sentinels do:

Movement: They are tied to the Warframe and will never move away from it (except for the focus mode I guess?).

Attack range: They can only attack enemies that are in the Warframe's LoS AND the effective range of the sentinel's ability/weapon.

Health: Their health is always linked to the player - you picked up a health orb? The sentinel gets the health as well.

Control: You have absolutely no direct control over your sentinel after you start a mission (same for Kavats and Kubrows), I do hope this changes for all companions sometime in the future though.


So, here are the basics of my bird concept:

1) The bird is not necessarily tied to the Warframe, but can be ordered to "patrol" around it.

2) The player can command the bird to patrol around a small area attacking enemies with its attack patterns when they enter the area (I think 20-25 meters will be enough, maybe even too much, same or less range when it patrols around the Warframe)

3) The player can also command the bird to attack a specific target for increased damage, or increased ability duration (more about bird abilities below).

4) Whenever the bird is commanded to go away from the Warframe, it no longer benefits from Health Orbs, but instead receives a small Health regen and leeches HP from fallen enemies.

5) The birds have an energy system similar to the Warframes, instead of having cooldowns similar to the other companions, they need to regenerate this energy in order to use their abilities (except for basic attacks, obviously). Energy Orbs taken by the Waframe either will not affect the bird, or will simply increase their energy regeneration by 1.5x-2x for 10-20 seconds (depending on the orb "size")

Possibly 6) The birds have a stamina system and need to rest on a surface for several seconds in order to continue doing whatever it is they are doing. Large birds can stay in the air for longer but have a slower stamina regeneration, while the smaller birds need to touch surfaces more often, but their stamina regeneration is much faster.

7) The birds' attack speed and damage varies by their size (but their overall DPS is always be the same, decrease in speed is offset by damage and vice-versa).

Potential Abilities (for potentially different bird types, one bird will not be able to use all of these):

1) The bird attacks the chosen enemy's eyes and permanently blinds them (only if they have eyes/optics)- Only for the small/medium-sized birds

2) The bird tackles several enemies, staggering, or knocking them down depending on their type (heavy/robotic units will be staggered, light units will be knocked down, flying units in the way will be knocked down to ground for 2-3 seconds)- Only for the large-sized birds

3) The bird searches for ammunition that the player is running low on (less than 30% of the maximum capacity, or just customizable) and marks them on the screen/map.  - this is definitely a global ability that all types can use.

4) The bird picks up an enemy and throws it off a ledge, this will take at least half the maximum energy because it's an insta-kill, it will also have a 50% chance of failure where the bird will probably be damaged (went full lazy on this one), this precept can also be used to take the player to point B if the path is not obstructed by anything (a gimmick, I know, but why not)- Obviously this will only be available for the large birds.




P.S. Ideas are always welcome!

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nice Idea and really make me Hype for this companion n_n b

and I would like to add "piece of my mind" about this new type of companion aka "Bird" (based on Praxxor's Potential ability)

1st: it will be divided as 3 type of bird (Valor, Mystic and Instict....... kidding n_n v) :

Attacker type, Defense type, and Carrier type

  1. The attacker type, well you know the predator bird whom attacks its prey with its beak and claw (Aerial bird) (Potential ability no.2 applied here)
  2. The Carrier type, big huge ground bird as Ostrich attackin like kubrow or carrying 1 of our Primary/secondary weapon and can be stationed like turret (Potential ability no.3 can be applied here)
  3.  aaaand the defensive type bird, small gentle friendly bird like parrot, cannary  that can grant additional shield/shelter like if we going stationed or throw a stun grenade to stun/blind enemies surrounding. (potential abilty no.1 here)

And that's all from me.....thank you for reading


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