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Umbra Warframes (Discussion Thread)


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57 minutes ago, (XB1)ToothlessApollo said:

we've tried many times, and all our pleas for more info have fallen on deafened ears. The problem is that its starting to seem less like they're hiding a surprise and more like they're hiding a problem.

I agree with this, imo the "top secret" label that DE has put on umbra is just another excuse to keep hiding us the real reasons why he hasn't been worked on yet, leading to his endless delay.

Edit: I guess I'm gonna start using the following signature for a while:

 つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give Excal Umbra DE

simply because the Umbra commands it 

Edited by -----LegioN-----
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1 hour ago, (XB1)ToothlessApollo said:

we've tried many times, and all our pleas for more info have fallen on deafened ears. The problem is that its starting to seem less like they're hiding a surprise and more like they're hiding a problem.

i think its more they had other things to work on and at the same time do little things toward it, but if its sorta soon menaing its coming in a update quest then they must have worked on it 

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19 minutes ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

i think its more they had other things to work on and at the same time do little things toward it, but if its sorta soon menaing its coming in a update quest then they must have worked on it

19 minutes ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

i think its more they had other things to work on and at the same time do little things toward it, but if its sorta soon menaing its coming in a update quest then they must have worked on it

its just maddening the way they prioritize things. You got something highly coveted like Umbra falling low on the heiarchy of things to get done to the point where it sits on a shelf collecting dust while they work to release things that were made from scratch during thay time and things that people never even asked for. "oh you guys want umbra? Well what about this fairy frame thingy?" "NO, I DONT FRIGGING CARE JUST RELEASE UMBRA ALREADY!"

Edited by (XB1)ToothlessApollo
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18 minutes ago, (XB1)ToothlessApollo said:

its just maddening the way they prioritize things. You got something highly coveted like Umbra falling low on the heiarchy of things to get done to the point where it sits on a shelf collecting dust while they work to release things that were made from scratch during thay time and things that people never even asked for. "oh you guys want umbra? Well what about this fairy frame thingy?" "NO, I DONT FRIGGING CARE JUST RELEASE UMBRA ALREADY!"

Well they already said that Umbra is a surprise. Which is why it has been under the radar.

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7 minutes ago, KJRenz said:

Well they already said that Umbra is a surprise. Which is why it has been under the radar.

they didn't pull that "its a surprise" nonsense until recently, probably to get us off their backs. I see "its a surprise" as "we can take as long as we want and not tell you anything because we really have nothing"

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11 minutes ago, (XB1)ToothlessApollo said:

they didn't pull that "its a surprise" nonsense until recently, probably to get us off their backs. I see "its a surprise" as "we can take as long as we want and not tell you anything because we really have nothing"

everything is up to interpritation i guess

the second dream was a topic DE was closed mouth on,  since its beginning we have been asking what controls the frame, the only thing left is what are warframes. maybe umbra will answer this question 

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4 minutes ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

ya now that you mention it ...

another dimension... we do jump through portals via tower sabotage so we know its possible to do that, and we pulled the moon from the void...

could the umbras be locked away like the moon was? and if so is the convergent zone the time we can now get to that area and unlock them? 

so many thoughts popping up on this ...

Though I'm not sure about how coding works but umbra was data mined to be in game a while back..so could that mean that we will only get him during the quest(if the quest is related to him(which i think it is)) if we only get one umbra this could also mabye hint about location. For Instance Maybe we will barely able to get umbra due to a dangerous location.

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well, thats the hook isint gentlemen, we really know very little about the lore. and that may be because the devs know very little as well. and perhaps they are not sitting on info that has always been, but most likely they just created. Im sure Umbra was never meant for us. but we saw the trailers or whatever, and the cake got baking and now we want a piece of our own. but in the end as long as the release product is worth the wait can we complain? the only way to find out is to wait. and in the meantime we can enjoy steel butterfly's and tales of deadly fairies, ravenous and rapid. speculations of grineer queens with grotesque body guards floppy and flabby and flamboyantly paraded in front of us in flavored featured films of fleeting length. lol the fun part is to let the imagination wander, so much so that are expectations are astral. i have faith DE will build a vessel capable of passing these thoughts we use to fill the mean time. the reason im in this thread is because me and my friends have been going crazy talking among ourselves about what we think DE will do with umbra. I wanna know you boys thoughts?

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4 hours ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

dont know but was wondering what we could think on that

so if we take what rebecca said as a "hint" 

steve has gone to another dimension in search of umbra ...

maybe take that as 

umbra is from another dimension, or a parallel/paradox reality? 

and a convergence , a point in which things align/converge to a single point

could mean a physics event like a horizion of realities converge to a point (like void, limb, origion system?) (physical, spiritiual, astral) 


convergence definition

  1. 1:  the act of converging and especially moving toward union or uniformity; especially :  coordinated movement of the two eyes so that the image of a single point is formed on corresponding retinal areas

  2. 2:  the state or property of being convergent

  3. 3:  independent development of similar characters (as of bodily structure of unrelated organisms or cultural traits) often associated with similarity of habits or environment

  4. 4:  the merging of distinct technologies, industries, or devices into a unified whole

1. 1.The Queens said 'conjunction', not 'convergence'.

2. I did have a sort of theory as to what the conjunction is, though. But for the most part, this is very heavy speculation and should never be seen as gospel truth in any way. After all, I am going to be referring to some lore and content that has been in the game since closed beta. Now, on to my theory:

So, looking up the meaning of conjunction, it basically means the point at which two points in either space or time(or both) meet(correct me if I'm wrong). Sticking to this theme, I now ask you to refer to Pluto's flavor text(not the exact words, but somewhere along these lines): "The shattered remains of Outer Terminus lie here. The Corpus are rebuilding it."

Based off what we know, Outer Terminus is the last 'relay point' in the Orokin Solar Rail Network. The Orokin destroyed it during the Old War to prevent the Sentients from returning in full force. The Solar Rail Network was also what connected the Sol System(our system) to the Tau System. Two points in space. What if the conjunction refers to the reconstruction of Outer Terminus? The Corpus have been rebuilding Outer Terminus for a while now(this assumption is based off the fact that they have some well established bases on Pluto and also produce new robotic archetypes there), so what if, by the time The War Within drops, Outer Terminus will have been completed?

Also, with regards to Umbra, I do have hope of it tying into this quest, but I'll not jump on the train so soon. But for the sake of this post, let's say that the Umbra components can only be found in Tau. I mean, it won't be much of a stretch. We do know that Tenno were deployed to Tau to combat the Sentients(see Mag Prime codex entry), So now consider this: What if some Tenno were left behind when the Rail was destroyed? Abandoned by the Orokin, their former masters. Forced to endure, to survive, to adapt in an unforgiving, alien environment. What if, these Forsaken, as i will call them, somehow found a way to hybridize Sentient technology to survive?

Anyway, just my theory. Again, bear in mind that this theory was made based off VERY heavy speculation and would most likely be incorrect. Feel free to correct me or even shoot down my theory.

Edited by GuiltMan
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23 hours ago, demminik said:

Excalibur Prime - for founders around the world

Excalibur Umbra - for "founders" in China

I'll not be surprised if we will never see Excalibur Umbra in our game version.

I might be mistaken though. They had Spira Prime and Nikana Prime in that founders access too, but now we have both.

Interesting fact: according to Google Translate the name of Chinese Excalibur Umbra Prime (暗影圣装圣剑) is translated like Shadow Sanctuary Sword. And Loki Prime is translated like Sanctuary Loki.

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36 minutes ago, GuiltMan said:

1. 1.The Queens said 'conjunction', not 'convergence'.

2. I did have a sort of theory as to what the conjunction is, though. But for the most part, this is very heavy speculation and should never be seen as gospel truth in any way. After all, I am going to be referring to some lore and content that has been in the game since closed beta. Now, on to my theory:

So, looking up the meaning of conjunction, it basically means the point at which two points in either space or time(or both) meet(correct me if I'm wrong). Sticking to this theme, I now ask you to refer to Pluto's flavor text(not the exact words, but somewhere along these lines): "The shattered remains of Outer Terminus lie here. The Corpus are rebuilding it."

Based off what we know, Outer Terminus is the last 'relay point' in the Orokin Solar Rail Network. The Orokin destroyed it during the Old War to prevent the Sentients from returning in full force. The Solar Rail Network was also what connected the Sol System(our system) to the Tau System. Two points in space. What if the conjunction refers to the reconstruction of Outer Terminus? The Corpus have been rebuilding Outer Terminus for a while now(this assumption is based off the fact that they have some well established bases on Pluto and also produce new robotic archetypes there), so what if, by the time The War Within drops, Outer Terminus will have been completed?

Also, with regards to Umbra, I do have hope of it tying into this quest, but I'll not jump on the train so soon. But for the sake of this post, let's say that the Umbra components can only be found in Tau. I mean, it won't be much of a stretch. We do know that Tenno were deployed to Tau to combat the Sentients(see Mag Prime codex entry), So now consider this: What if some Tenno were left behind when the Rail was destroyed? Abandoned by the Orokin, their former masters. Forced to endure, to survive, to adapt in an unforgiving, alien environment. What if, these Forsaken, as i will call them, somehow found a way to hybridize Sentient technology to survive?

Anyway, just my theory. Again, bear in mind that this theory was made based off VERY heavy speculation and would most likely be incorrect. Feel free to correct me or even shoot down my theory.

lol its funny i have some of this in my story line , wont say what but its just funny on


6 minutes ago, demminik said:

I might be mistaken though. They had Spira Prime and Nikana Prime in that founders access too, but now we have both.

Useless interesting fact: according to Google Translate the name of Chinese Excalibur Umbra (暗影圣装圣剑) is translated like Shadow Sanctuary Sword

excalibur prime - pc founders

excalibur umbra prime -china founders

excalibur umbra - global build  

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1 hour ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

everything is up to interpritation i guess

the second dream was a topic DE was closed mouth on,  since its beginning we have been asking what controls the frame, the only thing left is what are warframes. maybe umbra will answer this question 

Mabye umbra is were the warframe is dominant and not the operator. Maybe it will be more animalistic and have a more brutal fighting style.

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2 hours ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

everything is up to interpritation i guess

the second dream was a topic DE was closed mouth on,  since its beginning we have been asking what controls the frame, the only thing left is what are warframes. maybe umbra will answer this question

we already know what warframes are. They're infested tissue and orokin technology, essentially puppets controlled telepathically by were psychic humans called tenno. I consider them human-scale mechs. Their health is essentially the amount of control the operator has over the suit. A death is a lost connection to the suit. They bleed because of the infested tissue, but are essentially robots.

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3 hours ago, (XB1)ToothlessApollo said:

we already know what warframes are. They're infested tissue and orokin technology, essentially puppets controlled telepathically by were psychic humans called tenno. I consider them human-scale mechs. Their health is essentially the amount of control the operator has over the suit. A death is a lost connection to the suit. They bleed because of the infested tissue, but are essentially robots.

I guess warframes are actual beings with their own, maybe primitive, intelligence, comprehension skills and consciousness (mind?) being totally overridden with our tenno's mind with transference. This is mostly due to the scene from the second dream where the warframe breaks War while the operator wasn't "using" him (he wasn't on his chair nor touching the warframe in any way)

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8 hours ago, (XB1)ToothlessApollo said:

we already know what warframes are. They're infested tissue and orokin technology, essentially puppets controlled telepathically by were psychic humans called tenno. I consider them human-scale mechs. Their health is essentially the amount of control the operator has over the suit. A death is a lost connection to the suit. They bleed because of the infested tissue, but are essentially robots.

And what about Stalker? Is he corrupted or there is evil tenno behind him?

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My ideas on war within is that either 1. new enemy 2. orokin this being that hunhow talks to stalker in 2nd dream saying this: (who destroyed the orokin YOUR way of LIFE) what if he wears black and red colors... for a reason? also as alad v said (perhaps there is a heart of gold) this is odd.  the war within teaser maybe that small girl could have been a focus lady for stalker and the 2 girls talked about (beasts) and to let them do their work which is strange enough because it looks like they have energy themselves what if the orokin are still alive and they are still experimenting on warframes and this is where Umbra frames kick in perhaps?

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