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Warframe - the new standard in MOBA gaming....oh yes and here's why...


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Devs if your reading this, here is a win win scenario...makes you money and makes us happy

As we all know the new world of MOBA games influenced by the original DotA has incurred the attention of millions of gamers accross such games as league of legends, heroes of newerth, DOTA 2, SMITE and many others, for a number of reasons, among those reasons lie the elements of strategy, team play, personalization, ranking systems, and they are free-to-play (F2P).

I personally prefer F2P because it keeps devs busy with constant updates if they want to continue to make money from they game; good for the gamers and good for business.

PVE is fantastic so far in Warframe but to engage a larger audience PVP needs to be introduced (which i will touch more on later)but for now this is how hard work in PVE will carry over to the PVP world:

PVE will primarily be used to located Foundry artifacts and materials and level your Warframe. Planets should contain thier own list of materials for players to view before searching on that planet (which implies completing the level or instance however implemented) in hopes of finding some of the artifacts or materials that would complete thier blueprint. Items created in the foundry with blueprints and materials can then not only be used permanantly in PVE but also in temporarily in PVP. These items will be avalable to them for purchase in an item shop implemented much like those in current MOBA games. It is too much to write but basically skills leveled while in PVE and items created in the foundry will act as the "cap" of your Warframe during a PVP match, meaning you will start with one skill and by the time your level 6 or 7 you will have unlocked all your skills and will continue to level them untill the level cap is reached for that PVP match, at that time your skills will be equal to your PVE skillset. The items you have in your arsenal are the items available to you in your PVP shop along with standard PVP items, creating a sort of unique shop to each player based on how hard they have worked in PVE to increase thier arsenal. Just think standard MOBA gameplay influenced by each players work in PVE.

***A PVE RPG element has never been combined with a MOBA before allowing Warframe to offer a unique strategic dynamic to gameplay, and an edge in the MOBA genre.

A good ranking and matchmaking system will need to be implemented to keep skilled players with max level Warframes and huge arsenals from being matched up with new players, but im sure the devs can handle that.

***Warframes are unique. This is not class based (although some warframes may be "tanky" etc, roles are implied not restricted), by doing this the Warframe roster is limitless!

Warframe should implement PVP in MOBA style and here's how it can be done:

***The Gear box is already set up for convenient on-the-fly use of health or energy potions, or for storing items purchased at the shop.

***The levels can easily be redesigned to accomodate "lanes" or the case of Warframe i believe 2 floors would be more fitting for a team of 4. Both floors could also have side rooms with lesser foes or "nuetrals" for easy farming.

***Winning can be accomplished by hacking through a set of 3 doors and destroying the enemies communications relay which would allows them to respawn. I think hacking a door and having to solve a cipher will provide a unique challenge along with a change of pace from typical towers. Since hacking leaves you open for an attack a team strategy will need to be developed in order to hack a door without being killed in the process.

***I think PVP could be introduced as a sort of Tenno proving ground, where Tennos from all over the universe come and test there metal against eachother in an effort to gain prestige among one another as well as sharpen thier skillsets.

I have tons more of ideas for implementing MOBA style PVP intertwined with Warframes awesome PVE gameplay, but im too sleepy to write it all down...

Devs: If you read this and would like to know more of my thoughts and ideas you know how to reach me. Might i also suggest getting Warframe on steam, the steam workshop is proving to be invaluable for devs and players alike.

Players: Leave comments, constructive or positive, let me know what you think.

Warframe is awesome, but i think it can be even better with entry into the MOBA genre, a few tweaks and Warframe will be the new standard in MOBA gaming.

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moba would require reconstructing the game. they wouldn't be prepared for a task like that. if you want to make your own game however, feel free.

they will most likely not do something as bold as this because it's not exactly their vision I would assume and doesn't even remotely sound feasible.

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PvP (and this entire suggestion, of course) is way outside their scope right now, from content generation to balance issues, they just can't handle it.

Further, the game is hosted on a Peer2Peer system, which would obviously not work in a competetive setting.

Finally, this isn't a MOBA game. MOBAs are clearly a bit flavor-of-the-(insert time unit here) right now, but that doesn't mean that we should try to shoehorn games into their style. I personally hate MOBA games and would be seriously disappointed if Warfarme became one.

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I'd rather that Warframe never turn into a MOBA game to begin with. We have DotA 2 and LoL for that.

PvP is a dead horse getting clobbered over and over again. Steve wrote up a fabulous FAQ on Warframe, I suggest you and everyone else who yearns for PvP go and read it.

I'll even attach the link: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/5898-warframe-faq/

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"That is a cool engine you have there." - "Thanks, I'm playing a sweet dungeon crawler in it." - "Yeah, nevermind that, let's make this a MOBA." - "..."

I don't even.

If anything I give these pro PvP ppl that keep making these topics credit for persistence lol...

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FrydHamstr. I salute you. You're excellent example of self control has inspired me to also hold my... fingers. Good show!

That said, I see potential in the engine, setting etc for PvP, but much, much later on and even then in only a casual setting quite unlike the current hardcore MOBA titles. Like capture the flag mode or something. But even that... eish. When people start taking PvP too seriously, it gets ugly quite quickly. I've played LoL for more than 2 years now. HoN and DOTA before that - all those communities are friggin harsh, man. Really kills a good experience.

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While it would be super cool to have it magically implemented with monopoly money, unfortunately it requires a lot of time, effort and real cash to do. I'd much rather leave it as is and improve upon it than implement an ENTIRELY different type of gameplay.

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Another MOBA? Don't we already have DotA2, LoL, HoN, DotA custom maps for WC III and a few other moba games?

The market is oversaturated, while there are almost no co-operative free to play titles. This is a niche that Warframe fits in and has almost no competition.

Digital Extremes does not have the manpower or money to compete with Valve , Blizzard or Riot Games.

Edited by Cathulhu
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This is an excellent game and I don't see why it should stop being an excellent game.

I've played DotA, LoL and HoN, and I see no reason why Warframe should try to be a MOBA. I like it for what it is.

Also MOBA means absolutely nothing, nearly every PvP game ever made could be described with that phrase.

Edited for spelling and adding this.

This is a Co-Op game, not everything needs to be PvP, let it go already.

Edited by Dread_Kun
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No. No, no, no, no, hell no.

In other news, I notice you only have one post to your name. I'd bet good money you haven't even bothered to lurk the forums and get a feel for how things are developing, both here and in the game itself. I'd suggest you avail yourself of the FAQ linked above, lurk moar, and at least make a token effort to inform yourself before spewing any more posts like this.

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This is an excellent game and I don't see why it should stop being an excellent game.

I've played DotA, LoL and HoN, and I see no reason why Warframe should try to be a MOBA. I like it for what it is.

Also MOBA means absolutely nothing, nearly every PvP game ever made could be described with that phrase.

Edited for spelling and adding this.

This is a Co-Op game, not everything needs to be PvP, let it go already.

nearly every pvp game? wut.

Multi Online Battle Arena. The purest of MOBAs': Bloodline Champion. The first: DotA

What's that even implying?

Edited by Mibu
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What's that even implying?

Nothing, just facts.

I'm not sure that Bloodline Champions counts as a MOBA. Damn fine game, though.


It is without a doubt the truest of MOBAs, since there are no turrets, no minions, no jungle. Merely a Multi online battle arena, depending a lot on CD.

Edited by Labcat
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It is without a doubt the truest of MOBAs, since there are no turrets, no minions, no jungle. Merely a Multi online battle arena, depending a lot on CD.

Turrets, minions and jungle (and also levelling and items) are sorta part of the core MOBA gameplay, I think. I mean, the term was created by Riot for LoL, and it has all those. But that's probably just semantics, it doesn't really matters if we have different definitions of the genre.

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