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Relics and the new void... its unfair and broken.


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22 minutes ago, (PS4)Stealth_Cobra said:

Honestly, the new system is pretty cool for veterans if you know how to use it and plan ahead.

Step 1 - Max your syndicates before the update drops. You have months to do so in between primes, not that hard.

Step 2 - Get a comfortable amount of Void Traces in preparation of update using old keys.... I'd say 1000ish would be the best to give you a headstart of refining the new relics that drop. Only had 500 this update and I did have to farm some in between key runs.

Step 3 - When update drops, spend all your syndicate rep on key packs... If you have 3 Syndicate maxed, that's 15 Packs of 3 Keys (45 Keys) , and you usually get at least 1-2 new keys per pack, giving you a decent amount of new keys right from the start when the update drops without having to farm ....

Step 4 - Refine keys with Rare Drops with your stockpile void traces, then look for a group with 4 people with the same radiant key. Usually you'll get the rare prime part , if not , it might take you another try, but honestly, I've gotten most of the prime parts on my first try with a decidated group, and when I don't, I usually get it on my 2ND try. Compared to spending days praying to RNGesus in Rotation C, I'd say it's an improvement.

Step 4 - By the time you're out of the new keys, you should have enough new duplicate prime parts to exchange with other players to get the few you were missing... Or you can always buy keys at roughtly 5-10p each.

Pretty much everyone that has used this method I know managed to get most if not all prime parts in less time that it took them using the old system...

So while yes, the new system is probably terrible for noobs with low MR, unranked syndicates, for us vets it probably works better in the long run, since you can prepare for updates, stockpile and fix the RNG into working for you instead of against you.

step 1 = pretty fair unless you want to help out other players by getting them syndicate stuff or you need stuff yourself. but do-able easily by just playing the game. 

step 2 = grind before the new update so you don't have to grind for it when the update comes out -you still have to do all the prep work -its still more grind than before which is the point of the thread. 

step 3 = I brought 6 reic packs off the bat and got 2 relics that contained new parts -so unless RNG is with you you have to go farm for more relics anyway. 

step 4 = many people have stated they have done this hunting for rare parts and it takes them 10+ runs to get the desired part -refining relics doesn't change the odds enough so that you can get a rare part its all down to RNG still -if refining a relic made it so common items become rare and rare become common it would be far less grind. (still a lot but...) 

step 4  5  = get one or two parts if your lucky, trade/sell them for a few extra but then have to go back to farming more relics and traces. 

at least with the old system you got a whole bunch of stuff a run (if you CHOSE to do long runs) you could ducat or sell cheep to earn plat  -- in this version it takes 1 or 2 20 min runs on an excavation to get the relic you want  then 5-10 runs of a fissure (probably a capture or something fast because why would you do anything else) to get 100 traces to then join with four other people who have to spend those hard earned relics and you *Might* get the part you want. then do that all over. and over and over. 

-saying its good for vets does not make it fair on anyone else. to be fair most vetan players I know stopped playing after this mess came out. 

I have been playing for like a year with 1800+ hours. only rank 19 simply because there's no reason to level at this point other than bragging rights and i don't feel this long winded grind system which is far more work than the old system to be fun or very rewarding. 





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On ‎8‎/‎23‎/‎2016 at 3:22 PM, VCaptiion said:

Not questioning the droprate but this is just stupid.

All of them are RADIANT and you give us this?




Why can't we even have 2 rare in one run, not even a ducat fodder, really?

How is it called RANDOM if I got these in merely less than 10 runs?

Where's the feature of "Choosing your teammates reward"?

Apparently this is seriously manipulated and IT'S WORSE THAN OLD VOID.

Exact same thing has happened to me so many times.

I would do several runs just to get THREE or MORE of the EXACT SAME THING.

Whether it be forma or a bp.

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Even the way to get the relic should be tweaked.

For now, there is no other way that is more efficient than interception (1 wave for 1 possible reward).

Defense 5 waves for 1 possible reward, survive 5 minute for 1 possible reward...

Excavation mission is a not bad, but somehow it has bad performance in game.

Furthermore, Defense and Excavation missions need specific frames more often, but interception missions do not.

Edited by aerosoul1337
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The new system decreased the grind to get new parts. A proof of this is that the prime parts price on trade chat decreased ( this is a FACT not a opinion). Price only dropped because it got easier to get prime parts. 

There were even posts here saying that the trade chat was going to die, almost all PC players would advise us console players to sell some prime parts to prepare for this update because the prices would fall.

All this crying only started when some people realized that they would need to grin the new keys to get the new primes. 

I could be one of the people crying, I have over 800 keys that I will probably never use BUT:

1) this update allowed newer players to get prime parts easier. If you coordinate a group of 4 in your clan, by the time you try to get a RARE part, you will have 39% to get it according to wiki ( Radiant Relics)

2) Before the update the game was basically newbies completing the star chart, speed runners doing Draco and Vets trying to find some kind of challenge in Void

3) Now when a Prime Access launches everybody will be almost at the same point ( excluding Traces and syndicates). 

The center of all this discussion is the rate and how you can get relics which in my experince is not that bad.

This update might not be perfect but it is a step in the right direction in my opinion.

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On 8/23/2016 at 3:13 PM, White_Matter said:

Old void had a challenge factor. You hosted a game, invited people in, shared keys and went for it for 40+ minutes.

Now there is no challenge in void missions and the grinding is still there, they just tried to give you the illusion of less grinding by splitting up the process into shorter but more frequent attempts.


I agree with the OP, it actually feels like DE is trying to sell the Prime Access with their new system. It feels cheap and makes me disssapointed with them.


Dude, you are exactly right. I didn't even think about the total lack of challenge until now. 40+ minute survival and defense was actually fun even though it was a grind. Now I'm just zonin out doing level 5 capture fissure missions over and over. F*** those god damn traces!

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20 minutes ago, (PS4)lhbuch said:

The new system decreased the grind to get new parts. A proof of this is that the prime parts price on trade chat decreased ( this is a FACT not a opinion). Price only dropped because it got easier to get prime parts. 

There were even posts here saying that the trade chat was going to die, almost all PC players would advise us console players to sell some prime parts to prepare for this update because the prices would fall.

All this crying only started when some people realized that they would need to grin the new keys to get the new primes. 

I could be one of the people crying, I have over 800 keys that I will probably never use BUT:

1) this update allowed newer players to get prime parts easier. If you coordinate a group of 4 in your clan, by the time you try to get a RARE part, you will have 39% to get it according to wiki ( Radiant Relics)

2) Before the update the game was basically newbies completing the star chart, speed runners doing Draco and Vets trying to find some kind of challenge in Void

3) Now when a Prime Access launches everybody will be almost at the same point ( excluding Traces and syndicates). 

The center of all this discussion is the rate and how you can get relics which in my experince is not that bad.

This update might not be perfect but it is a step in the right direction in my opinion.


That's weird, I was thinking the exact opposite, seemed the prices went way up this time. 

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53 minutes ago, (PS4)lhbuch said:

The new system decreased the grind to get new parts. A proof of this is that the prime parts price on trade chat decreased ( this is a FACT not a opinion). Price only dropped because it got easier to get prime parts. 

There were even posts here saying that the trade chat was going to die, almost all PC players would advise us console players to sell some prime parts to prepare for this update because the prices would fall.

All this crying only started when some people realized that they would need to grin the new keys to get the new primes. 

This is largely because people had stacked up loads of keys previously and that they still have like 30 relic for things they need. (Example: Vauban P Chasis , was a T4D Rotation C drop - Was 150, now ~80). Argument not valid on the new prime parts.

The new primes doesn't. Farming relics themselves are a big layer of RNG -> Tracers (More grind) -> ~at best 34-39% drop chance with 4 radiants (Which don't happen all the time).

The new primes will have steep price for quite some time.

53 minutes ago, (PS4)lhbuch said:

1) this update allowed newer players to get prime parts easier. If you coordinate a group of 4 in your clan, by the time you try to get a RARE part, you will have 39% to get it according to wiki ( Radiant Relics)

2) Before the update the game was basically newbies completing the star chart, speed runners doing Draco and Vets trying to find some kind of challenge in Void

3) Now when a Prime Access launches everybody will be almost at the same point ( excluding Traces and syndicates). 

The center of all this discussion is the rate and how you can get relics which in my experince is not that bad.

This update might not be perfect but it is a step in the right direction in my opinion.

1) Even Veterans struggling, hows new player gonna think?

2) Draco's I can deal with, but Void was indeed a challenging place. As repetitive as it is - it is working alright. (Doesn't mean I prefer it, tho.)

3) Thats the thing - no Pre-grind. So things get rarer - MUCH rarer as people don't even have the relic for it. As a result Price stay really high and the grind cycle get longer.

And relic earn rate's "Not that bad"???? Are we playing the same game? The earn rate is the same as before YET the consumption of relics sky-rocketed due to no more key-sharing. DE repeatedly promised more ways of earning it yet it's nowhere to be seen.

The last part is the only part I agree with - Good idea with the system, but extremely need work. ASAP.

Edited by Nekrosmas
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On 25/08/2016 at 1:55 PM, Nekrosmas said:

This is largely because people had stacked up loads of keys previously and that they still have like 30 relic for things they need. (Example: Vauban P Chasis , was a T4D Rotation C drop - Was 150, now ~80). Argument not valid on the new prime parts.

The new primes doesn't. Farming relics themselves are a big layer of RNG -> Tracers (More grind) -> ~at best 34-39% drop chance with 4 radiants (Which don't happen all the time).

The new primes will have steep price for quite some time.

1) Even Veterans struggling, hows new player gonna think?

2) Draco's I can deal with, but Void was indeed a challenging place. As repetitive as it is - it is working alright. (Doesn't mean I prefer it, tho.)

3) Thats the thing - no Pre-grind. So things get rarer - MUCH rarer as people don't even have the relic for it. As a result Price stay really high and the grind cycle get longer.

And relic earn rate's "Not that bad"???? Are we playing the same game? The earn rate is the same as before YET the consumption of relics sky-rocketed due to no more key-sharing. DE repeatedly promised more ways of earning it yet it's nowhere to be seen.

The last part is the only part I agree with - Good idea with the system, but extremely need work. ASAP.

Finally got everything from the Prime Access and my conclusion is that farming the relics is the part where it might get a p... It started well, I was getting rare relics just fine. When I got to Nekros Helm, a uncommon relic was more difficult to drop than the rare ones...

Maybe if there is a line between what we have today and what we had, maybe this would be the ideal scenario.

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The Relic system is clearly not made to be in our favor. Before we could stretch one key into many reward. (Made old grinding more bearable) and even then void trader would make up for lack of good stuff.

No,w one key one reward. And on top of that It seems to be fixed on giving you the middle thing. I have done many runs already and I kept getting chest pieces and freaking blueprints for the duel shotguns. All I wanted was the dang kowbruw collar piece. I even did It with maxed ones and you still have a bs high chance to get the low tier rewards.

This is a system that is clearly made to have people break down and shovel money into DE's mouth. funny thing, I was gonna throw money into Valkyr prime when she came out,but after this there is no real point. 

I'm not someone who has not thrown money into this game, in fact I had high hopes for It. And I threw more money into It then I did for that bloated pig Destiny. But, now Destiny got Its act together and Warframe is now becoming the greedy game.


Yeah,It is free I get It.But, I was fine with throwing money into this game for cosmetics I dropped money into those a lot..and slot tons of slots.

When Destiny weird "Three of coins" seems like a better where to get good gear..you know you famped up.


When I am actually considering droping Warframe for raise of iron. That says how this makes me feel. It feels like DE are going down the "Whale Hunters" path and are trying to nickle and dime everyone, that is the fastest way to lose people who play the game. People are ok with buying a cape and a skin on frames they reallly llike spending almost $20. People dont like It when you take away their fun and add a cash booth. Removing end game content and being able to get Potatos of Blue and gold normally and make them RNG sortie rewards.


People don't like when you make a fake slot machine that always usually roles in favor of "ooh,buy more keys buddy you might get what ya want hahaha."


People overall, do not like feeling like they are being conned or even more so with this game. Had misplaced faith thinking the Devs would always do what is best for the players only to pull a thing EA or Actavision would pull and say "It is better for the players" while having clearly dishonest motives.


Look anyone can tell this update is trash..So,what are they gonna do to fix It?




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