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Camera and Motion in Archwing


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Ever since Archwing 2.0 came out, I can't do more then 1 or 2 missions without becoming extremely motion sick due to Spatial Disorientation. I'm certain other players experience this as well, and sure with the way it was before, it wasn't as exciting as the normal gameplay, but it was servicable. The only reason I even consider doing archwing missions as they are now, is for trying to max my archwing items for Mastery points. As it is currently, I even have to look away from my screen to not get sick in the middle of a mission. If there was some way to set your camera to the old style for archwing or something, that would help out so much.

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It's a hit or miss. I don't experience this but there have been plenty of people who share your issues. I don't know why this happens to you but it puts DE between a rock and a hard place. Cater to your group of people who have motion sickness issues, or to my group of people who really like the new movement system. One of us will be left salty at the end of the day.


Some have suggested a toggle in options for controls, full 6d or sharkwing controls in space. That seems like the best thing that can happen.

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I know how people like the new movement, and I enjoy it in between the moments of not feeling motion sick too, I think if there was a static camera option, it would help a fair bit, sure it would be a lot more awkward trying to control an angled archwing for me, but I'd prefer it over having a hard time playing the game I've been enjoying for so long


edit: another thought might be for a self right button, or something to auto level the archwing after you stop moving

Edited by Seindrache
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I also have really bad motion sickness and before the new Archwing, I was able to do those missions just fine. Now I get sick just by looking at it. When I don't touch the camera stick, the angle moves on its own and that will bring the tossed cookies quick. I have other friends who experience it too so now we all dread doing any archwing missions because we have to lie down afterwards and take a break. 

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On 8/27/2016 at 11:16 PM, (PS4)SaintRain459 said:

I also have really bad motion sickness and before the new Archwing, I was able to do those missions just fine. Now I get sick just by looking at it. When I don't touch the camera stick, the angle moves on its own and that will bring the tossed cookies quick. I have other friends who experience it too so now we all dread doing any archwing missions because we have to lie down afterwards and take a break. 

All we can do is hope they make some form of fix to this whole situation, otherwise people are going to have to avoid Archwing even after all the work they put into it.

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The freedom is nice.  The only addition AW needs is a button to level the AW so we can easily get our bearings.

Sometimes I'm upside-down or sideways and don't even know it until I see an enemy who's rightside-up.  It makes retrieving endo/mods/resources unbearable at times.  It also makes navigating the mini-map extremely difficult.

Edited by Tizodd
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5 hours ago, Tizodd said:

The freedom is nice.  The only addition AW needs is a button to level the AW so we can easily get our bearings.

Sometimes I'm upside-down or sideways and don't even know it until I see an enemy who's rightside-up.  It makes retrieving endo/mods/resources unbearable at times.  It also makes navigating the mini-map extremely difficult.

I agree on the button to level the AW, something, anything, it's trying to control a the thing without the needed controls, I had to describe it to a few friends that don't play, and I described it as trying to play Descent (older game they knew about) without having tilt controls of any kind, and without any form of righting ability.

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17 minutes ago, (PS4)PurVus said:

Has anybody tried to play the the new rush mode with the new controls, what do you think of the controls in tight quarters at high speed?

I have tried Rush with the new movement, and I utterly despise it.

Then again, I appreciate the overall freedom of movement that you're allowed in open-space missions.

I don't experience motion sickness (at least not from something like this) but I can sympathize -- to a smaller extent -- with those who do. (Though I'll admit I'm baffled as to how you're so heavily affected. I used to get motion sickness from reading in a moving car. Doesn't happen anymore. Dunno why.)


AFAIK, DE has mentioned they'll be implementing a manual 'orient yourself' button very soon on PC, though I'm not sure how long that'll take to hit consoles.

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I never really go on the forums much mostly because I just keep track of the updates and such. However I will say that the rotating camera is really making things difficult whenever I play Archwing now. Not 4 minutes in and I already want to run to my bathroom to vomit, showing just how much the update changed Archwing. I am currently unable to play it or even long-term sessions without having to not only deal with the extreme motion sickness, but the fact that whenever I move 50-100 meters I bump into a wall or some obstacle. Controlling said camera is also a pain and gets extremely frustrating to the point where I would [have] to quit, I normally never RQ but jeez man.

If people really like the camera, I think there should be an option in the menu that would allow users who do not like it  to turn the camera rotation off.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I played a mission when it was first changed and had to turn off Warframe. I didn't even complete the mission. It was that bad. Haven't tried an Archwing mission since cuz I'm not a fan of voluntarily making myself ill. lol
I can't even tell you what the new game mode is like because I can't play the Archwing missions without getting sick. Like, nauseated and wanting to throw up sick.
Can't use the two new Archwings, or the several Archwing weapons built but rusting away in my foundry now. What a waste. :(

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