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So what do Oberon Fans love about him?


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2 hours ago, Varacal said:

i think he's awesome, only thing that keeps me from using him more or using forma on him is im waiting for his prime to not waste it, like example, now that nekros prime is out, i'd be able to now put it some forma on that guy

I use my regular frames for highly specialized builds when the prime comes out. Its not a total waste to put work into them. Normally, I'm too afraid to add to much forma or forma an exilus slot.

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He has (imo) the best deluxe skin in the game.

His first and fourth skills have soft-CC and a guaranteed radiation proc, and he can heal squad members.

My only complaint is that his second skill is lackluster, it should be a single location cast (relocate recast) infinite duration AoE squad armor buff and AoE DoT.

Edited by (PS4)Magician_NG
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2 hours ago, Dragonblack175 said:

Got ur point about the forma, but why not using him more even if he isnt primed?

its more just me not playing as much, and when i do play, its only for alerts and such, so i dont really bother switching frames

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16 minutes ago, Kastorius said:

There's plenty left, such as all the other Warframes that are far better than Oberon at doing pretty much anything.

CC everything? Frost or Nova. Defend everything? Frost or Vauban (preferably both). Heal everything? Trinity. Kill everything? Saryn, Mesa, Mirage. Never die? Inaros or Chroma.

In a game of extremes where each team member can bring a specialist, a deer-tree-man who does everything but does it in a mediocre, slightly weak, slightly slow fashion is going to sit on the shelf collecting dust. Not only that, but you can't actually build Oberon to do everything well. You have to focus your build, or else he's even more mediocre than he already is.

That, and one of his abilities requires people to stand around on the floor in a game where we all like to bullet jump and flip and dip and skip through the air, not unlike Snow Globe except far less useful and protective than Snow Globe.

Ok just got wrong what u meant, but u just got the point in ur summary.

Ill try to make the versatility by it self his nich, simultaneously not mediocre

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3 hours ago, Dragonblack175 said:

First of all, i loving to make thoughts about possible reworks and currently Oberon is in my target.

Imo Oberon can do a lot of things, but nothing right, he lacks of "umph" if u know what i mean.

But i would enjoy it if u would proof me wrong and tell me whats so great about him.

And what u as a "Oberon Main" would change. (not necesseraly how u would change it, just what)

Lookin forward to ur response

He's pretty much a Karma clone from LoL. In addition to Titania he does however need a rework, that much I can agree.

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He's great when you learn to use him. I find it rewarding to complete a tough mission and use all his abilities to their peak. You can get into a real zen like flow managing all of his abilities effectively. It can take its toll on you though, but when it comes together, its WF at its best. I like that his abilities don't just completely incapacitate an enemy or instant heal, it takes work to do well with him.

I can't wait for his rework, but I hope they don't just buff his abilities to make him OP. I think hallowed ground needs to be looked at most

Edited by Hypernaut1
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2 hours ago, LogaMC1995 said:

I like him because he's well rounded for any role(yet not specializing in any).

You want a single target ability? You got it, bonus with able to radiate the target and weakening enemies around him.

You want stay on a spot defend stuff? Sure use your carpet, it grants status immunity and armor buff.

Ow you overestimated yourself, you're now bleeding? Heal yourself and your allies, but not complete heal or Trinity will add some laxatives to your morning Green Tea.

WHAT you still overestimating yourself? Fine use your ultimate. Radiate all your enemies while you sipping on your Green tea, wait check for laxatives.


He's perfect for me as he can do damage, CC and heal. One man army squad.

This is exactly why I like him. He's a nice well rounded support frame. I like the ability to cleanse debuffs, heal or prolong the bleedout to get there to save the person. I like the ability to crowd control enough to get the person back off of the ground, and reduce the amount of fire we're taking.

I personally feel some of the frames others have mentioned are too strong at healing or crowd-control or damage and trivialize the content. So I take a frame I feel is balanced against the content who doesn't feel overpoweredly broken.

I feel frosts snow globe is too strong, and so I prefer to use vauban, volt, or even oberon for defending a target.

I feel banshee's crowd-control, and some others that basically immobilize an entire map too strong. I like banshee's silence for crowd control, or oberon's 4.

I feel ash's bladestorm is too strong for damage dealing, so I use chroma when I want to be a damage dealer.

I think trinity's nerf made her heal better, and not so strong, and I use oberon's heal for different reasons so I don't think they overlap.

I think people play these frames and get used to well I press one ability and everything dies or something is completely protected and get used to not having to think well if I cast this here it will allow protection from this one side, or will kill this one area of enemies but I could risk a nullifier catching away from my allies. So when given a new frame who's damage, or crowd control, or whatever isn't as strong as the strongest already they dismiss it as a not useful frame.


The only thing I would like changed on oberon is maybe a little more armor, and his 3 ability to be a toggle ability.

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7 minutes ago, Sebbertoa said:

He's pretty much a Karma clone from LoL. In addition to Titania he does however need a rework, that much I can agree.

they are the fairy twins, ofc cause they both suffer under the same issue, the "oberon syndrom"

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7 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

He's great when you learn to use him. I find it rewarding to complete a tough mission and use all his abilities to their peak. You can get into a real zen like flow managing all of his abilities effectively. It can take its toll on you though, but when it comes together, its WF at its best. I like that his abilities don't just completely incapacitate an enemy or instant heal, it takes work to do well with him.

I can't wait for his rework, but I hope they don't just buff his abilities to make him OP. I think hallowed ground needs to be looked at most

dont make him t0o strong....ok noted

u inspired me, how about making the sustain of his abilites more rewarding. To make it more clearly, u know hallowed ground stacks, how about letting it stack a set amount but not stacking evenly, smth like 10/+10/+15/+17/+20%, so only at max stacks the ability is at it prime

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6 minutes ago, Poppin_Fresh said:

I think trinity's nerf made her heal better, and not so strong, and I use oberon's heal for different reasons so I don't think they overlap.


The only thing I would like changed on oberon is maybe a little more armor, and his 3 ability to be a toggle ability.

May i ask what those reasons are?

Ill gonna address this smth differently, durationbased, recastable, but thats a personal preference how i make my suggestion

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7 minutes ago, Dragonblack175 said:

dont make him t0o strong....ok noted

u inspired me, how about making the sustain of his abilites more rewarding. To make it more clearly, u know hallowed ground stacks, how about letting it stack a set amount but not stacking evenly, smth like 10/+10/+15/+17/+20%, so only at max stacks the ability is at it prime

Yes, stacking hallowed ground would be awesome. I feel like hallowed ground needs more of a benefit to compensate for the risk of standing in one place

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2 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

Yes, stacking hallowed ground would be awesome. I feel like hallowed ground needs more of a benefit to compensate for the risk of standing in one place

Well im one of those guys, who support the idea of an aura tho...however, its like the trinity change to her ult range, stay as a team!

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I started thinking about how to tweak his kit so it doesn't change too much and I've come to the conclusion his kit needs to work together with one another for him to work effectively as a "Jack of all" because what's the point of doing all these different things if he can't use new combos

let's start with his

Smite + Renewal

  • simply one, make it so you can use Smite on allies with Renewal to heal them
  • it could work with his augment, casting Smite on a downed ally that is affected by Renewal will revive them, works like normal on Oberon. I've have been in a situation where that revive was wasted and then they dived into a horde of enemies

Smite + Reckoning I've seen this in some thread before but I'll add it here

  • Enemies affected my Reckoning take finisher damage from Smite

Hallowed Ground + Renewal

  • If Oberon is on Hallowed ground while Renewal is in effect then Hallowed ground's effect is carried over to allies

I felt like this would help since movement = life in warframe


General quality of life changes

  • Change his passive or just buff it slightly, I think if the animals under Oberons control should have a slight electromagnetic shielding effect or something
  • Renewal to not disappear when you reach full health
  • Reckoning, make it so if you kill the enemy within a time it has a chance to drop a health orb


Edited by TheGoodNamesGotTaken
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2 hours ago, Xgomme said:

It's maybe the only balanced frame in the game 


I like his 1st and 3rd augments, on corresponding builds. Really powerfull if you know what to do with it. But no real cheese, so people won't like it :clem:

That. I have been using him a lot this week. A rage build on him works really nice. He can heal or nuke or get rid of a proc and his 1 can snipe too. 

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He makes bombards sad, anyone on his carpet can't be blast proced, and with a braton prime, high strength, decent effiency, and some aiming skill, he sweeps decently into higher levels. I got energy regeneration from focus, and everything fits, lock and key. 

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Truth being that most people who like Oberon support him because animals in general are wired to have a sense of fairness in nature. There's been multiple tests on how animals react to unfair treatment when they see another of their kind treated differently. It's basically just people trying to support the underdog, which is the same reason Team Instinct is relevant in Pokemon GO.

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1 minute ago, Maseguad_il_Belo said:

Truth being that most people who like Oberon support him because animals in general are wired to have a sense of fairness in nature. There's been multiple tests on how animals react to unfair treatment when they see another of their kind treated differently. It's basically just people trying to support the underdog, which is the same reason Team Instinct is relevant in Pokemon GO.

I want whatever you were smoking when you wrote this

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i love Oberon cause one he gets little love. Aside from that hes an extremely useful you just need to multitask while using him. with a good balanced build focusing with a little more strength he can benefit from all his abilities. he can heal over time and/or a large portion at a time.  his smite and reckoning can do radiation damage and with the right build can do a lot of damage and deal radiation proc that causes enemies to kill each other. smite does a little damage but if i remember right it can down an enemy and you can get easy finishers on top of damaging nearby enemies. hallow ground if stacked or laid in a row can slowly damage and weaken enemies. stat wise he has extremely well rounded stats with good health stat and armor so he can take a hit and heal himself over time and has decent shields and power. unlike trinity oberon can provide some cc, some offense, some support, and  some defensive if you wanna count hallow ground. for an easy frame to get hes extremely well rounded but hard to use cause hes a well rounded frame and needs a lot of multitasking to use him. i also can add that his deluxe skin and alt helms are by far the best so far...in my opinion

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