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Augments on exilus mod slots


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14 hours ago, Vastarov said:

Powercreep aside, I would never choose a mere 15% boost on a single feature if that meant running like a fatso-bobo-slowbo and get left behind even with supreme parkour combo skills.

Yes, that is your choice.

However, Drift mods are much better than Rush, which is probably one of the three mods that can compete with the usefulness of Drift mods, the other two being Handspring and Sure-footed. Enemy Sense and Thief's Wit are redundant due to Animal Instinct. Others are very situational, like Intruder. All the Bullet Jump mods does not even come close to Drift mods, except maybe Rending Turn(Slash Proc).

Also, if you are getting left behind, then you need to use Parkour more. I never use Rush and I never get left behind when rushing through missions. However, I usually do not like to speed run, not fun for me.

And you forgot the secondary stat on Drift Mods. It is not just about 15% range or strength. Power Drift gives you 30% knockdown resistance, helpful to not get stunlocked by shockwave moas and grineer heavies(not that I need it, but good to have). I bet your rush won't help you when you get stunlocked due to KD, which is often fatal.

Cunning Drift, on the other hand, adds 12% Slide and -30% Friction, which also indirectly helps increasing your speed, like Rush, while having a bit more range on your abilities.

Even if I agree with you(which I do not), only Rush? That's it? What else is useful?

I am sure people do not go through the the hassle of crafting Exilus Adapter or spend 20p just to have 2 or 3 options to choose from, where the best mod, according to you, is Rush. Not to mention the fact that most of the times, you would need to Forma your Warframe to fir it in.

This is exactly the reason why only 5 out of my 40 frames have the Exilus slot unlocked. And I am sure that I am not the only one.

I would not complain if the Exilus slot was free. But for something that costs 2 Forma to build and another Forma to actually become usable (or 20p), It is disappointing, extremely disappointing.

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11 hours ago, DEADSHOT456 said:


Nah my parkour skills are more than enough, but without Rush or similar mods I tend to get left behind by faster frames in speed runs (I don't really look for them, but in Public you often get speedrunners here and there).

Again, Rush was just an example. I do use a couple Drift mods for certain builds, but let me tell you: Handspring saved me A LOT of times from getting wrecked while caught in the AoE of high level Heavy Gunners, where half a second means an instant KO; and if you use parkour moves a lot (which I do, maybe sometimes even too much just for the cinematic effect), with Bullet Jump equipped the difference is ENORMOUS! Couple together Ruch and any 10ranks Bullet Jump mod and the game will indeed become too fast for anything other than speed runs!

As you said, it's a matter of preferences. I simply don't think Augments have anything to do with the Exilus slot, nor I think they should get their own extra slot - they are sidegrades or even upgrades for your abilities, for me it's fair that they occupy a slot in the setup.

Edited by Vastarov
Wild typos everywhere
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that's bit tricky question

short answer: yes

long answer: as pointed many times before, number of auguments are just too powerfull, and them occupying mod slot serves as balance issue. Having some auguments being exilus and some not would probably lead to unrest and voicing opinions on how unfair selection is and how "only useless auguments are exilus mods", pretty much not achieving any goal as people will still just equip power drift just for sake of having more power(just look at fuss around growing power. Add +str and wf community WILL get excited about it).
Not to say, there is fair number of normal mods that should be exilus mods (equilibrium, rapid resilence, undying will, fortitude, list goes on) but are not.
And then drift mods were introduced and whole idea pretty much got thrown out the window.

But what do I know, I shove either coaction drift or sure footed in there.

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3 hours ago, Vastarov said:

Again, Rush was just an example. I do use a couple Drift mods for certain builds, but let me tell you: Handspring saved me A LOT of times from getting wrecked while caught in the AoE of high level Heavy Gunners, where half a second means an instant KO;

If you missed it, I already did mention that there are only 3 mods, at least in my opinion, that can compete with Power Drift or Cunning Drift and those are Rush, Handspring and Sure-footed.

But the problem I mentioned still persists. There are way few mods to choose from when it comes to Exilus Slot, especially, considering the fact that each slot either needs 20p or 3 days(2 days to get enough Simaris Reputation even at MR22 and 1 day to build) and 2 Forma(considering you have pre-made Forma, which I always do, otherwise, add 2 more days).

For something that costs that much, I sure want more useful options than just 2 Drift Mods, 3 Normal Exilus Mods and 1or 2 Parkour Mod.

3 hours ago, Vastarov said:

Couple together Ruch and any 10ranks Bullet Jump mod and the game will indeed become too fast for anything other than speed runs!

You probably saw that in the last sentence, I said "1or 2 Parkour mod".

Here is the thing - If increasing parkour capability is your goal, I have no idea why you would use any of the Rank 10 Elemental Parkour mods over the mere Rank 3 Mobilize.

It's 20% vs 24% Parkour capability increase. And let's be honest, both you and I know that the Elemental damage from those mods are just not worth it. The only reason someone would use those would be for cool effects.

4 hours ago, Vastarov said:

As you said, it's a matter of preferences.

Well, it indeed is about preference. And since it is the case, I would respect yours and stop the conversation.

I would like to end it by repeating the same thing I said a few lines above - You seem to be okay with being able to choose from just 6 mods, but for the amount of time and resources an Exilus Slot needs, I am not at all okay with just 6 options. And there in lies the difference in our opinions.

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3 hours ago, DEADSHOT456 said:

Here is the thing - If increasing parkour capability is your goal, I have no idea why you would use any of the Rank 10 Elemental Parkour mods over the mere Rank 3 Mobilize.

It's 20% vs 24% Parkour capability increase. And let's be honest, both you and I know that the Elemental damage from those mods are just not worth it. The only reason someone would use those would be for cool effects.

I love the sound of Rending Turn... :I

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10 hours ago, thedarkknightdieded said:

ok i agree i am a power creep,but whats wrong in being one ? 

Power creeping the main character is the most dangerous kind of power creep in a continuous-content game. It makes more and more of the game inaccessable to new and old players alike, can further the community gap between them, and it gets worse. Power creep usually happens by making more challenging, late-content levels for players to keep finding a new thing to do or obstacle to run over. For example, Lua and the Sentients, new but only seen in later, more challenging levels and considerably more powerful than most things run across. If it gets too hard and a large body of the player base can't beat it, or players who have are looking for a new challenge, new elements will spring up (Arcanes, Focus) that make the late-game stuff more customized and accessible, and thus more likely for players to beat.

However, this also makes the character more powerful, therefore rendering more and more of the game's regular content less interesting for many players, as it gets too easy. So you can only really add new content to the late end of the game and still make it interesting. Titania's was awesome, but it got a lot of complaints from players saying it was "boring" or "too easy". Its enemy levels topped out at around lvl 30-ish, so it wasn't meant for just the late-game players, but everyone had to play it at the same level, including those who have on their most powerful, lvl100-wrecking stuff all the time.

The difference between power creep in the character and power creep in the rest of the game? Well, in an RPG, it is a cardinal sin to de-power the character. Even making mild, balance-oriented tweaks and changes that may even possibly, potentially result in a decrease in a player's power, and vast sweeps of the community are up in arms about being made less effective at the game through no fault of their own.

We can't reverse the slowly rising power of our characters, so power creep on a character's part ensures that a game at least plateaus, but with the demand for harder content from players who are getting really good at the game, the power has to creep up. And if you power up the player further, they have to then power up the game sooner or later. It's cyclical, and the player's power level is the catalyst.

(This is not to say that players getting more powerful by their in-game efforts is bad -- it's actually very good -- but they shouldn't be given too much a boost by forces outside their influence, as it'll just bump them one step closer to being bored.)

Would giving us an extra mod slot completely debase the balance of power between players and enemies. Probably not, at least not by itself. But it's a symbol of how creeping the power of the player is the most potent and least redeemable of the power increases. Just take a look at Shadow Step. It's made us so strong that many people feel guilty about using it or insist they never touch it.

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