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Neural Sensors



Starting back in 2013 neural sensors have always been a problem for me, eventually i stocked up hundreds of morphics, raw potatoes and even neurodes, yet still to this day I have a constant 0 over my neural sensor count so I pose a few questions:

Why is (to my knowledge) Jupiter the only planet that drops neural sensors?

What is the most efficient way of farming them in their current state(aside from tossing salad V)?

and have any of you had constant issues with maintaining a decent supply of sensors?

Edited by Glitch_Kitten
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Can't say I've had an issue getting them, I've got 81 of them.... and that's without using a smeeta or doing anything special in the last 3-4 months from when I started playing.


Getting tellurium, oxium and keeping enough nano spores is harder if you ignore alertium items and argon

Edited by LSG501
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Get a Smeeta. Keep an eye out for Invasions and Fissures on Jupiter nodes. Go about your regular play business and hit up farming trace/fieldron/detonite injectors etc. on the Jupiter nodes. Notice a week later you're now into the triple digits of Neural Sensors. It's much less tedious than re-running Salad boy 10 times a day.

Since the planets got reshuffled with the starmap changes, Jupiter gets a lot more playtime for me now and combined with the Smeeta it took me from pilferoid+nekrosDJ on the DS survival or defence once a week just to build 1 or 2 things, to quite literally never having to worry about NS again. The easy trace and piles of mutagen masses etc are a nice bonus.

Edited by Zendadaist
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