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Lotus, "the Space Mom" not real? MAJOR SPOILERS


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On 9/14/2016 at 4:32 AM, (XB1)GeckoGenesis said:

Exactly.  Which is why I'm saying that using a wiki as your source is not the best idea.  Yes, it's pretty believable, but don't take the it as the ultimate authority.  Whip out your more relevant something.  I'm sure it would back up your case a lot better. 

Dude, this isn't a scientific paper. The Warframe wiki is in fact accurate within 24-48 hours of an update. It's not like EbscoHost has peer reviewed articles on Warframe's Lore.

What the Warframe Wiki does have, is extracted Audio files and their transcripts, as well as direct transcriptions from Warframe's In Game Codex. It's simply easier to link to the Warframe Wiki than it is to screen shot your in game codex, upload it to imgur, and then post it to the forums. You want that, sure, but otherwise, I could just go tell you to read the codex, or behoove you to make recordings of your playthroughs of the cinematic quests, I know I did. 

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2 hours ago, ShaneKahnnigan17 said:
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Go to minute 9:12. And listen to what Hunhow himself states. Do you get it now?


"We severed worlds, Let them destroy me- Why is the sequence not complete?"

So it sounds like he could be dead, but then he says:

"You betrayed us.  As I awaken; so will they.  They will say you are riven; and want to reclaim you.  I will not be able to stop them."

When Hunhow talks about letting himself get destroyed, it might not mean that he is dead, but rather, defeated.  He may be referring to his being stripped of power and being imprisoned in a tomb. 

Ugh. This is giving me a headache.  Though, I have to say, I love how poetically they speak.  The dialogue is beautiful, minus Tyl Regor's sassy comments. 

I listened to some of the dialogue and found some interesting tid-bits I wanted to comment on. 


"Entering... it's massive.  Empty- where are they?  Did they escape?  Wait- what's this?"

"Look (random word I don't recognized, sounded like 'Excellus') Some primordial forma- an engine for self-manipulation!  ...What will it do for me?"

Tyl Regor commented on how the tomb was empty except for something called a "primordial forma"  (I really hope I heard that right).  I think it was a piece of Hunhow himself.  It sounded like he was communicating through it?  Could that mean we upgrade our weapons and build our clans with... Sentient guts?


"Not alone.  Who was there?"

"Natah, where are you?  You cannot hide from me."

"All of you, retreat now!"

"Natah, who have you become now?  Does this form remind you of who you once were?  Time has carried my seed so very far from the branch..."

Clearly, something is in there with Tyl Regor.  Could it be one of Hunhow's Sentients or Hunhow himself?  I know Tyl Regor commented on the tomb being massive, but knowing the size of Hunhow, "massive" might be an understatement.  Could the place where Stalker was speaking with Hunhow be the Sentient Overlord's tomb? 

Also, when Hunhow asks Lotus about her current form, it kinda sounds to me that the Lotus we see is really her, and not somebody else wearing her as a helmet or whatever. 


..."We need to seal the tomb.  A blast capable."

"The Sentient is awake, Natah.  It cannot be contained for long."

"Do not call me that.  Containment will buy us time."


I think it's pretty clear that whatever is left of Hunhow is awake and that he's trying to escape his "tomb".  It's beginning to sound more like a prison.


This all seems to me that Hunhow is far from being dead.  I don't even think it's an imprint or a ghost of his former self.  What do you think?




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3 hours ago, Gelkor said:

 Dude, this isn't a scientific paper. The Warframe wiki is in fact accurate within 24-48 hours of an update. It's not like EbscoHost has peer reviewed articles on Warframe's Lore.

What the Warframe Wiki does have, is extracted Audio files and their transcripts, as well as direct transcriptions from Warframe's In Game Codex. It's simply easier to link to the Warframe Wiki than it is to screen shot your in game codex, upload it to imgur, and then post it to the forums. You want that, sure, but otherwise, I could just go tell you to read the codex, or behoove you to make recordings of your playthroughs of the cinematic quests, I know I did. 

You kinda got what I meant.  I was just saying that currently, the Warframe lore is very vague and up for interpretation, so that even those on the Wiki know about as much as we do.  We don't have enough information to back up either theory. 

Edited by (XB1)GeckoGenesis
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7 minutes ago, (XB1)GeckoGenesis said:

You kinda got what I meant.  I was just saying that currently, the Warframe lore is very vague and up for interpretation, so that even those on the Wiki know about as much as we do.  We don't have enough information to back up either theory. 

Depends on the theory, nothing discussed in this thread has been anything controversial or even approaching what could be considered "theory" as they are things that have all been considered established via the lore for some time. I've been restraining myself from posting Slowpoke images left and right.

Things that are certain:

Orokin made the Sentients. (Crewman Synthesis)

Orokin caused the Zariman Ten Zero Accident. (Ember Prime Codex)

Margulis looked after the Tenno (Second Dream)

Margulis was involved with Ballas. (Second Dream, Silver Grove)

Margulis was executed by the Orokin Emperors. (Crewman Synthesis, Second Dream, Silver Grove)

Ballas took over the Tenno and their project. (Silver Grove, Saryn, Vauban, and Nekros Prime Trailers)

Sentient's can adapt to damage and their environment. (Crewman Synthesis)

Sentients were made to be adaptable to be an ideal workforce (Crewman Synthesis)

Sentients are weak to the void energy (Natah, Crewman Synthesis)

The void energy makes them sterile (Natah)

Sentient's break off and control fragments of themselves (Crewman Synthesis, Second Dream, Natah)

Natah patterned herself off of Margulis (Interview with Rebecca, Margulis and Lotus/Natah share the same voice, despite the abundance of Voice Actors DE employs now)

Cephalons aren't AI (Cephalon Fragments)

Things that are still conjecture or theories:

Warframes are infested biology (Rhino Prime Codex, Jordas, Lephantis, and Phorid Dialogue, The Silver Grove) - This is so strongly hinted that it is likely fact.

Warframes are self aware and can move on their own (The Second Dream, The Silver Grove) - This is so strongly hinted that it is likely fact.

Ballas and/or the Orokin Emperors may still be alive (Cephalon Fragments) -  Hopeful thinking by people who want to punch Ballas in the $&*^.

The Twin Queens may be Orokin Lorists or Executors (Kuria Entries, Infested Ancient Synthesis, Eviscerator Synthesis, Guardsman Synthesis) -  Mundane theory.

The Twin Queens may be a Tenno and a Warframe (Kuria Entries, TWW trailer) - Crazy theory.

Stalker is a Tenno - (Hunhow in the Second Dream, Stalker's weird &#! reactions to things) - This means Stalker's personal lore entry is a lie.

Stalker is a regular dude trapped in a Warframe via Transference - (The Silver Grove, Stalker's personal codex entry) - This means Hunhow doesn't know what he's talking about.

Alad V is an Orokin, maybe Ballas - (The Second Dream, Hunhow calls him this) - Alad acts like he doesn't know what's in a Warframe, Ballas built them, so this is unlikely. Hunhow is probably just speciesist and think's all humans are Orokin and look alike.

Warframes are made from Sentient's - (Second Dream/Natah, Hunhow refers to weapons being carved from the bones of Sentients) - This invalidates lots of entries connecting Infestation to Warframes, and is probably referencing the upcoming Sentient Arm Canon system instead:

Image result for warframe sentient arm cannon



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I personally think the real Lotus is the hat. It's the one part I get that looks remotely sentient in nature. 



In other news though, I wouldn't mind space mom being a Purple version of hunhow where she uses "drones" that look like humans to interact with us. I think it would be very cool.

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You are right on a few things. But these tidbits, aside from supporting my claim that the lotus we see is her real form and Hunhow's original self is dead, point to something else.

The tomb it's the place where stalker finds War. The massive thing tyl speaks about is the construct housing hunhow's consciousness on the big window. All the sentient trailer and mission are on uranus, apart from second dream where the moon comes into place. Therefore, the big mass yhat is hunhow current body is floating in water. The water of uranus. That's the massive thing tyl sees.

As per what he hears, it's the WAR speaking these words, as we see later in the second dream as hunhow picture for his lines. You can se the war and the charred lotus look talking behind it. The sword is picked up by stalker, but it was inside a rock first, like Excalibur, when Regor got inside the tomb. Besides, the term tomb is used to define a space were dead lies. This points out again the hunhow's real body is dead, destroyed so that the sequence could take place.

Edited by ShaneKahnnigan17
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1 hour ago, ShaneKahnnigan17 said:

You are right on a few things. But these tidbits, aside from supporting my claim that the lotus we see is her real form and Hunhow's original self is dead, point to something else.

The tomb it's the place where stalker finds War. The massive thing tyl speaks about is the construct housing hunhow's consciousness on the big window. All the sentient trailer and mission are on uranus, apart from second dream where the moon comes into place. Therefore, the big mass yhat is hunhow current body is floating in water. The water of uranus. That's the massive thing tyl sees.

As per what he hears, it's the WAR speaking these words, as we see later in the second dream as hunhow picture for his lines. You can se the war and the charred lotus look talking behind it. The sword is picked up by stalker, but it was inside a rock first, like Excalibur, when Regor got inside the tomb. Besides, the term tomb is used to define a space were dead lies. This points out again the hunhow's real body is dead, destroyed so that the sequence could take place.

Yeah, that makes kinda makes sense.  Just clarify for me, so the thing outside the "tomb"'s window is Hunhow's body, and War is Hunhow's mind?

Why didn't Regor call the silly thing a "sword"? 

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8 hours ago, (XB1)GeckoGenesis said:

Yeah, that makes kinda makes sense.  Just clarify for me, so the thing outside the "tomb"'s window is Hunhow's body, and War is Hunhow's mind?

Why didn't Regor call the silly thing a "sword"? 

Correct but wrong. Both War and the huge thing outside the window are the body. Remember that Sentients constructs can break into smaller things. The mind is both inside the sword and the huge thing. Also, the war isnt really a sword. It's a piece of hunhow's 2nd body. That's why Regor didn't call it sword. "They carve weapons from our bones" comes into play here.

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On 9/13/2016 at 5:59 PM, (XB1)GeckoGenesis said:

You are aware this is a wiki that you are using as your source?  The wiki is merely a guide that can be edited by multiple people and some of the information on there (especially that involving storylines) is clearly subjective. 

Much of the wiki's contributors actually do include DE staff. 

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2 hours ago, ShaneKahnnigan17 said:

Correct but wrong. Both War and the huge thing outside the window are the body. Remember that Sentients constructs can break into smaller things. The mind is both inside the sword and the huge thing. Also, the war isnt really a sword. It's a piece of hunhow's 2nd body. That's why Regor didn't call it sword. "They carve weapons from our bones" comes into play here.

I see.  So Regor is smarter than we give him credit for.  Does that mean all the tiny Sentients we see are all fragments of Hunhow himself? 

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14 minutes ago, (XB1)GeckoGenesis said:

I see.  So Regor is smarter than we give him credit for.  Does that mean all the tiny Sentients we see are all fragments of Hunhow himself? 

Correct. From second dream:

"Your hatred is too weak, Shadow. Mine is strong. My fragments will finish this."

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1 minute ago, ShaneKahnnigan17 said:

Correct. From second dream:

"Your hatred is too weak, Shadow. Mine is strong. My fragments will finish this."

Then Lotus much be huge.  And that form we see her in could be a mere fragment? 

Ok, so I can conclude that severely damaged Hunhow is sitting in his tomb and breaking into tiny pieces because he has nothing left to do?

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16 hours ago, (XB1)GeckoGenesis said:

"Look (random word I don't recognized, sounded like 'Excellus') Some primordial forma- an engine for self-manipulation!  ...What will it do for me?"

Tyl Regor commented on how the tomb was empty except for something called a "primordial forma"  (I really hope I heard that right).  I think it was a piece of Hunhow himself.  It sounded like he was communicating through it?  Could that mean we upgrade our weapons and build our clans with... Sentient guts?

The word was Exilus. You know, the Exilus adaptor to unlock the exilus slot on your Warframe that was introduced in the Natah questline. You get one for free when Natah is completed.


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5 minutes ago, ShaneKahnnigan17 said:

It's not about the wiki. The shapes should be proof enough.

It was a joke. But yes, I though it was pretty obvious in the update, we got these new slots called exilus slots, that says it needs an exilus adaptor to unlock. Then you do the quest, and you Tyl Regor finds "Exilus," and then you get an Exilus Adaptor.

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12 minutes ago, Gelkor said:

It was a joke. But yes, I though it was pretty obvious in the update, we got these new slots called exilus slots, that says it needs an exilus adaptor to unlock. Then you do the quest, and you Tyl Regor finds "Exilus," and then you get an Exilus Adaptor.

Well, all in all Warframe seems to be pretty healthy. We have space potatoes, tomatoes, lettuce and salad V. "Eat your veggie tenno."

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14 minutes ago, Danjal777 said:

I have always felt the lotus is a villian.  One day shes gonna turn on us...just you wait and see.

She already betrayed and destroyed both humanity and her own people for us. What's there for her  to turn on us? She's certainly not a hero, but she's not going to destroy the Tenno. 

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