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We need to give DE a break


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1 minute ago, OzoneAle said:

When you promise something you can not go back on your word. 

Sure you can, if it's within reason.

They said they were planning on releasing new content - they delivered. It may not of been exactly what you wanted, but it was new content nonetheless. Then they told people it was going to be released in parts - no lies there. They kept people up to date and let people know what was happening - as soon as they knew, we knew. You have MMO games out there with no devstream, no real update to what is happening next. Sometimes it just happens and everyone is surprised by it. I think the biggest issue is letting people like you see what is coming next.

It would be really sad if they took away all the sneak peaks and the devstreams because of the whining and complaining part of the community - but they won't. Why? Because they don't care about that part of the community. They don't add anything but salt. The only people they listen to are the people giving them constructive feedback. I really couldn't care less about your feelings getting hurt because they "broke a promise" to you. Take your entitled self elsewhere.

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17 minutes ago, OzoneAle said:

I never said any of the things you said. I simply criticized DE because they tried to do something too big for them. The best part is that they knew it was too much for them to handle so they had the back up plan that should have been plan A to begin with. When you promise something you can not go back on your word. 

DE has never given solid release dates and this is exactly why. Alcholism makes true points about the development and that is something that will always come first. There was no promise, only an estimate, just like how every other update has gone before. This is nothing new. 

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One more thing-remember disasters that for example was no man sky and batman arkham knight, right? EVERYONE went piss on devs for what they did, press, consumers,  youtubers, everyone, and it was fair-dudes messes up, they deserve it.

When DE messes up white knight shows up- with "It's DE guys, give them a break, they work hard" or "Don't go hard on them, don't make a disaster posts"....why not? How thats different from rocksteady or hello games? Coz DE our "frends" or coz our space mom work there?

DE doing business, the gamedev one, they aint any different from any other company in that matter-they create an content and take our money to maintain themselves. Yes they do devstreams with showing up, but that ain't any different from other gamedevs teasers practice. Hek even more-what showed in devsteam means nothing, coz DE can change stuff at release, as it was with nekro "no more duration based SotD" bs.

Threat them as regular gamedevs-bash them when they fail, support when they succeed, don't support them when they fail wtf. And they fail this year, so far u19 is dasaster, dudes quit warframe, hek even mogamu (not a his fan) quit warframe, and that dude came all the way to DE's studio, thats means something.

Im done here.

Edited by -CM-Hekovashi
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3 minutes ago, -CM-Hekovashi said:

One more thing-remember disasters that for example was no man sky and batman arkham knight, right? EVERYONE went piss on devs for what they did, press, consumers,  youtubers, everyone, and it was fair-dudes messes up, they deserve it.

Those games you paid for, they weren't free to play games - they were also first time development - Warframe has been in development for a long time, it's a continual process. It's not a game that has to be completed by certain deadline so that money can be made from it. Your point here is invalid.

4 minutes ago, -CM-Hekovashi said:

When DE messes up white knight shows up

White-knight, oh boy guys we got ourselves a special snowflake here, have you taken your daily red pill?
Jokes aside, we all give DE constructive feedback, we don't praise them for messing something up. At least we give them suggestions, not just get salty and make a hate thread.

6 minutes ago, -CM-Hekovashi said:

so far u19 is dasaster

That's just your opinion. I still look forward to Warframe's progress, even if it does take a while for them to fix or improve something - their hard work has not gone unnoticed and I expect they will keep it up in the coming future.

7 minutes ago, -CM-Hekovashi said:

Im done here.

Does this mean you're leaving the game too? See you in a few months when you're bored of playing another game o/

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31 minutes ago, -CM-Hekovashi said:

One more thing-remember disasters that for example was no man sky and batman arkham knight, right? EVERYONE went piss on devs for what they did, press, consumers,  youtubers, everyone, and it was fair-dudes messes up, they deserve it.

No Man's Sky is not being fixed and it's a way different situation

As for Arkham Knight, this was an example of a game that was released with unforseen problems and have since fixed the game. In between the fixes WB themselves worked together with Steam to extend the refund time on purchases so that anybody that tried to tough the bugs out could get a full refund. This was something they did not have to do. It was by their own judgment of their game that they even thought of doing this. Want to know why the game was buggy? Due to rushing content out the door to try and stick to a release date

31 minutes ago, -CM-Hekovashi said:

Threat them as regular gamedevs-bash them when they fail, support when they succeed, don't support them when they fail wtf

This sentence is a prime example of why doomsday, quitting, and salt threads are not taken seriously. You don't treat the devs as humans, nor do you offer creative criticism, instead you believe that bashing is perfectly acceptable. Thank you for proving the point of this thread, you are a shining example.


31 minutes ago, -CM-Hekovashi said:

And they fail this year, so far u19 is dasaster, dudes quit warframe, hek even mogamu (not a his fan) quit warframe, and that dude came all the way to DE's studio, thats means something.

Sure, let's also not forget the points that Mogamu made where he essentially said that he has been playing Warframe as a job for three years now, having to race other content creators to put out content. No duh, he burnt out. The same thing happened to CalypsoGaming before The Second Dream was released and all his fans did the same thing then too. This is no different.


31 minutes ago, -CM-Hekovashi said:

Im done here.

Yeah, from the looks of it you've pretty much taken all your credibility and smashed it on the ground, now would be as good a time as any to duck out. Bye!

Edited by Hidari
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What people often forget is that if there is a delay, it means they just want it to be a good update. We need to appreciate the hard work that DE is putting in for us, AND considering at least once a month we have received a new update (even though they were relatively small) can we really complain? Longer wait time means better update.

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Just now, Nicholas00452 said:

What people often forget is that if there is a delay, it means they just want it to be a good update. We need to appreciate the hard work that DE is putting in for us, AND considering at least once a month we have received a new update (even though they were relatively small) can we really complain? Longer wait time means better update.

Thank you, this is exactly the point that needs to be heard. 

Considering that anytime the game is even slightly buggy people lose their minds and take to the forums armed with a ridiculous amount of salt, ie. The Second Dream, Specters of The Rail, the various Lunaro updates, the Focus System, etc. It's understandable that they want to minimize this as much as possible. You people cannot demand a completely bug-free product and then get mad when it isn't put out as fast as it can be. 

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Are very few other people seeing this isn't just a black and white problem?

Yes, DE have some things to fix/improve in future, but so do players, apparently.

DE is not perfect and never claimed to be, they're human - bugs happen, things get delayed, all sorts of chaos can come. As they say, chop the head off and two more appear. That can be the case with bugs all the time.
Players are forcing this to be a huge drama when it's really needless - yes, DE have room to work in their communication skills, and hopefully know now that setting deadlines and promising content on time isn't a good idea. But we as fans also need to be patient. There's plenty of other games to play in the meantime.

Mogamu leaving is sad, yes, but he never said he was gone for good - people are taking his comments out of context and using them to force doomsday threats into the game. It was his job! Anyone who's trying to use his departure as a point of "oh, this game is failing", needs to sit down and put themselves in his shoes.

Can we all just have a cup of tea or something and relax about this? Stressing DE out with these threats and guesses won't get us anywhere.

Edited by TheCaramelSquid
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Computer programming can be very....... stressful.  There always are bugs and other issues we have to solve (I'm programmer too). Things we think we can solve in 2 or 3 days...... finally we spend 2 weeks. These things usually happen.

So in a big project (application or game) these things happen even more. Even when you have made lots of tests and released new version, there still appears more bugs. Is extremely hard.

My opinion: I prefer waiting for them to solve as many bugs as possible than having a fully bugged new content.

Come on DE, you are doing well.

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21 minutes ago, TheCaramelSquid said:

Are very few other people seeing this isn't just a black and white problem?

Yes, DE have some things to fix/improve in future, but so do players, apparently.

DE is not perfect and never claimed to be, they're human - bugs happen, things get delayed, all sorts of chaos can come. As they say, chop the head off and two more appear. That can be the case with bugs all the time.
Players are forcing this to be a huge drama when it's really needless - yes, DE have room to work in their communication skills, and hopefully know now that setting deadlines and promising content on time isn't a good idea. But we as fans also need to be patient. There's plenty of other games to play in the meantime.

Mogamu leaving is sad, yes, but he never said he was gone for good - people are taking his comments out of context and using them to force doomsday threats into the game. It was his job! Anyone who's trying to use his departure as a point of "oh, this game is failing", needs to sit down and put themselves in his shoes.

Can we all just have a cup of tea or something and relax about this? Stressing DE out with these threats and guesses won't get us anywhere.

very close to home there my friend, i havent had a job that stresses me to breaking point every day of the week but thats cause im at polytech, but from what i have heard from my mum who was a mechanic and her boyfriend working in the american embassy here in new zealand that jobs are stressful and while DE do need to improve on their updates, i feel that they should do it at a pace that doesn't cause them to lose possibly hours maybe even days of sleep, time with say family or well deserved time off to get content out to us. If they have no trouble going at the pace they're currently going at then who am i to judge. As @Alcoholism said there could be many reasons that could cause DE to delay an update, and im not trying to say they should literally take a break oh god no, but we as players and as people need to understand that people at DE have their limits and that we need to respect that so that we get new stuff (not gonna call it content) as soon as possible with the best quality possible, there are always bound to be bugs in a game or any software when it comes to an update but id rather see DE take their time and get it right rather than what happened to SEGA after the release of "sonic 06" which was a total disaster to the sonic the hedgehog franchise.

Edited by GRIFFONP
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1 hour ago, -CM-Hekovashi said:

One more thing-remember disasters that for example was no man sky and batman arkham knight, right? EVERYONE went piss on devs for what they did, press, consumers,  youtubers, everyone, and it was fair-dudes messes up, they deserve it.

When DE messes up white knight shows up- with "It's DE guys, give them a break, they work hard" or "Don't go hard on them, don't make a disaster posts"....why not? How thats different from rocksteady or hello games? Coz DE our "frends" or coz our space mom work there?

DE doing business, the gamedev one, they aint any different from any other company in that matter-they create an content and take our money to maintain themselves. Yes they do devstreams with showing up, but that ain't any different from other gamedevs teasers practice. Hek even more-what showed in devsteam means nothing, coz DE can change stuff at release, as it was with nekro "no more duration based SotD" bs.

Threat them as regular gamedevs-bash them when they fail, support when they succeed, don't support them when they fail wtf. And they fail this year, so far u19 is dasaster, dudes quit warframe, hek even mogamu (not a his fan) quit warframe, and that dude came all the way to DE's studio, thats means something.

Im done here.

You are by far the most reasonable person in this threat of butt kissers. Thank you for making sense rather than white knighting.  

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9 minutes ago, Alcoholism said:

I didn't realize there was an imminent threat?
Should I inform the authorities?

Why are you quoting me? I never mentioned you, just giving the guy a compliment. Everyone else made excuses for DE. While he seemed fair and reasonable compared to those who white knighted hard for DE. 

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35 minutes ago, DrakoKnight48 said:

You are by far the most reasonable person in this threat of butt kissers. Thank you for making sense rather than white knighting.  

So you agree with the guy that says that bashing the devs is both a normal and productive thing to do?

I love how this positive post has brought people in that think that whining and bashing is how to get DE's attention. If you think that asking for a civil discussion or creative criticism is white-knighting, then you either haven't been on the net long enough to see real white knighting or just don't know how to conduct yourself in a community or with other people.

If a child cries it's head off when it doesn't get the candy it wants and will cry it's head off when the candy doesn't taste how it wants to taste, and will cry it's head off when the adults take their time to make sure the candy they get is the right kind, it's a miracle baby even gets the candy at all, let alone the candy it wants.

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I think it is a bad idea to just try to dismiss other people's opinions off -hand like they have no value by calling them immature, especially when content creators like Mogamu, Tactical Potato, Headshot, etc. are mirroring the sentiments and even moving on from the game as a result. Some of these people make their living from playing WF for their viewers. 

The main problem here is that DE took out the closest thing we had to an end game without giving us a replacement. That is a valid and well reasoned criticism that should not just be hand-waved away.

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2 minutes ago, DrakoKnight48 said:

Why are you quoting me? I never mentioned you, just giving the guy a compliment. Everyone else made excuses for DE. While he seemed fair and reasonable compared to those who white knighted hard for DE. 

believe me Im not trying to take DE's side since i want TWW to be released ASAP but i dont want DE to burn themselves out while doing it, and trust me its not just DE, companies rush their products and what do we as customers get from such actions? we get an unfinshed product that has flaws in the design and DE is no exception, they are bound to make mistakes but they can be dealt with since they are open to change, most companies dont even do such streams let alone speak to the players of their game in person. In no way did i say that we should let DE just kick back and relax, what i meant was that if we give them some room to breathe and think things through rather than be forced into rushing an update and getting content that is full of holes in the programming, we let them work at a pace that is good to their employees so that they dont burn themselves out trying to get an update out at a particular time, personally if i was the boss of a company my motto would be "a healthy, energetic, and happy worker is an efficient worker"

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1 hour ago, -CM-Hekovashi said:

One more thing-remember disasters that for example was no man sky and batman arkham knight, right? EVERYONE went piss on devs for what they did, press, consumers,  youtubers, everyone, and it was fair-dudes messes up, they deserve it.

When DE messes up white knight shows up- with "It's DE guys, give them a break, they work hard" or "Don't go hard on them, don't make a disaster posts"....why not? How thats different from rocksteady or hello games? Coz DE our "frends" or coz our space mom work there?

DE doing business, the gamedev one, they aint any different from any other company in that matter-they create an content and take our money to maintain themselves. Yes they do devstreams with showing up, but that ain't any different from other gamedevs teasers practice. Hek even more-what showed in devsteam means nothing, coz DE can change stuff at release, as it was with nekro "no more duration based SotD" bs.

Threat them as regular gamedevs-bash them when they fail,


Mhm... as much as I love to whiteknight, I kinda agree with this post.

They are a company, and a company offers a service for money. It is true that warframe is f2p---- so that's a bit different from other games. But that doesn't mean that DE doesn't make a whole lot of money with WF. And we can expect them to deliver. If they fail to do so, they did something wrong.

"you're playing for free so be quiet" doesn't apply for most of us.... even I bought prime access for 70€ once.... that's pretty much for a game and I did this not because I needed prime access so badly, but because they deserve our support. And I am sure the average player pays even more than 70 bucks.

And look at other game forums.... there are always people who criticize.... some offer constructive criticism , others just rant.

DE does a lot that makes them different from other devs... They maintain a close contact to the community.... usually you don't see the faces behind the game. That makes them very likeable... but in the end they are just another company. making money. And when people invest money, they want to get something in return for that money. Not platin or fancy prime stuff, but performance.


okay so.. the last part tho:


"Threat them as regular gamedevs-bash them when they fail,"

nay... nay ...that's not good. Never bash anyone. Provide good criticism instead... bashing is bad, mkay.

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11 minutes ago, WEREsandrock said:


Mhm... as much as I love to whiteknight, I kinda agree with this post.

They are a company, and a company offers a service for money. It is true that warframe is f2p---- so that's a bit different from other games. But that doesn't mean that DE doesn't make a whole lot of money with WF. And we can expect them to deliver. If they fail to do so, they did something wrong.

"you're playing for free so be quiet" doesn't apply for most of us.... even I bought prime access for 70€ once.... that's pretty much for a game and I did this not because I needed prime access so badly, but because they deserve our support. And I am sure the average player pays even more than 70 bucks.

And look at other game forums.... there are always people who criticize.... some offer constructive criticism , others just rant.

DE does a lot that makes them different from other devs... They maintain a close contact to the community.... usually you don't see the faces behind the game. That makes them very likeable... but in the end they are just another company. making money. And when people invest money, they want to get something in return for that money. Not platin or fancy prime stuff, but performance.


okay so.. the last part tho:


"Threat them as regular gamedevs-bash them when they fail,"

nay... nay ...that's not good. Never bash anyone. Provide good criticism instead... bashing is bad, mkay.

And I can agree with your point to a degree. I don't like that we have to wait longer for The War Within than we already have, but I don't believe that posting all these doomsday-hate threads help. Fine, be upset, but don't go whining and insulting or going on about how you're going to quit.. This is not how change is made. Nobody is asking you to brown-nose DE, just asking for y'all to relax a bit, it's not as awful as some threads are blowing it up to be. 

We can all have differing opinions, but it's a time old saying, be the change you want to be. You want change, learn to talk to people, learn how the devs react to rude comments and understand that it does not help spur progress.

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Just now, Hidari said:

So you agree with the guy that says that bashing the devs is both a normal and productive thing to do?

I love how this positive-&#! post has brought people in that think that whining and bashing is how to get DE's attention. If you think that asking for a civil discussion or creative criticism is white-knighting, then you either haven't been on the net long enough to see real white knighting or just don't know how to conduct yourself in a community or towards other people.

If a child cries it's head off when it doesn't get the candy it wants and will cry it's head off when the candy doesn't taste how it wants to taste, and will cry it's head off when the adults take their time to make sure the candy they get is the right kind, it's a miracle baby even gets the candy at all, let alone the candy it wants.


Okay. All I wanted to do is give the guy a compliment. So now I'll bite. 

Yes I agree what he says, but don't you dare put words in our mouths saying we're telling people to harshly bash game DE. No, far from it. We're stating people are allowed to criticize game Developers and DE is no exception to this rule. Their Job is to keep their players entertained by having fun and enjoyable content for their players. Otherwise they'll say "I'm burned out. I'm tired for grinding in this game. I'm moving on to something else. Peace." Hate to say it buddy, but we don't live in a world where every person loves grinding relentlessly while waiting months for major content to come in. No. Its either keep your player base happy with things to do in the meantime or lose players due to boredom. 

I'm 19 years old. I have a strong grasp of how do improve the community around me and to people all the same. That's why I have a girlfriend and plenty of friends. Yeeeeah so don't make assumptions about a person you know nothing about. Good try tho. It doesn't matter how civil you pretend to be during a debate. White Knighting is still White Knighting no matter how you spin it.   

Oh. Typical of you to call anyone who gives DE criticism "crying babies". Its the go to thing to defusing anyone's arguments.

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52 minutes ago, DrakoKnight48 said:

Why are you quoting me? I never mentioned you, just giving the guy a compliment. Everyone else made excuses for DE. While he seemed fair and reasonable compared to those who white knighted hard for DE. 

I quoted you because what you said gave me a chuckle. I actually thought you were joking >.>

I'm 19 years old. I have a strong grasp of how do improve the community around me and to people all the same. That's why I have a girlfriend and plenty of friends.

Hahaahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahaahahahahahaahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahaahahaha oh man, this just made my day.

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Probably things planned for TWW were just too ambitious for them, and probably they are just willing to stop releasing half-assed stuff like the focus schools.
I think they want to get rid of the beta tag  in near future and trying to work in that direction (sure, beta tag is just a label, but its one of those things keeping the game out a lot of player's radar)
I think they planned a big step ahead in quality and lore, but this tme the step was too long to take. And now they are working their asses too keep their promises for once, but its taking much more time than planned.

I just hope TWW mets the expectation, i agree with the complaints because it took really too much so far. But everything will be ok for me and many others if the true update 19 mets atleast 80% of the expectations


EDIT: excuse my poor english

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30 minutes ago, GRIFFONP said:


believe me Im not trying to take DE's side since i want TWW to be released ASAP but i dont want DE to burn themselves out while doing it, and trust me its not just DE, companies rush their products and what do we as customers get from such actions? we get an unfinshed product that has flaws in the design and DE is no exception, they are bound to make mistakes but they can be dealt with since they are open to change, most companies dont even do such streams let alone speak to the players of their game in person. In no way did i say that we should let DE just kick back and relax, what i meant was that if we give them some room to breathe and think things through rather than be forced into rushing an update and getting content that is full of holes in the programming, we let them work at a pace that is good to their employees so that they dont burn themselves out trying to get an update out at a particular time, personally if i was the boss of a company my motto would be "a healthy, energetic, and happy worker is an efficient worker"

Trust me. I don't want buggy crap in warframe (anymore than there already is). All I want is more content so I'll have something to do instead of relentless grinding. Which is why I'm feeling so burnt out. Other players feel the same which is why you're seeing so many complaint threats of impatient people who are very vocal in their stance. 

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