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make Vacuum an Aura/Exilus mod


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3 hours ago, Dizzle22 said:

Sorry, but this is an even worse idea than splitting it into three mods... and that is a really bad idea.

This, or just make it universal on all Warframes with a option toggle in the settings for the six people here on the forums that will insist they don't want vacuum "forced" on them.

I give it one week before literally NO ONE has it toggled off any longer...

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3 hours ago, Myscho said:

Vacuum as Aura mod, hmm, nope, rather universal Companion mod (sentinel/kubrow/cavat)

Useless, my Kavat is already mod full, and there are 2 more mods I'd take over vacuum, same for Kubrows... Problem isn't it being universl, its the taking up of a mod slot on anything... Just delete vacuum, and buff the frame's normal pickup range... Or get rid of drops other than energy/health. (you kill it and you auto get whatever credits/endo/mod he drops)

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13 minutes ago, malekas said:

Why? Why does something that simply makes the game more bearable need to have a cost?


I would okay with an Exilus slot vacuum, although that means vacuum would be the Exilus mod used 80% of the time. But an aura slot vacuum is a disgusting idea. Auras are already in a bad place, with CP and ES dominating the scene. No need to make that even worse.


Here is the "cut-and-dry" version of this preposterous idea of the OP's.

1) Remove the mod from the one companion who 80% of people use

2) DIRECTLY NERF WARFRAMES by making the "new" Vacuum an Aura or Exilus mod

3) Now 80% of the Auras/Exilus slot is Vacuum. Frak your Energy Siphon, Regen, Corrosive Projection, Steel Charge, and Stand United... now all you get to run is Vacuum. Go clean the frakkin floor of all the random loot HooverBot5000 Prime.

Edited by (XB1)BroadCalf292227
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17 minutes ago, BlackCoMerc said:

I give it one week before literally NO ONE has it toggled off any longer...

Oh, without a doubt.

That part of the post was just my little jab at the handful of people on these forums that insist that they never want to use Vacuum. Of course, their main reason for saying this is just to be "hey, look at me I'm special" contrarians.

The problem is when DE uses a handful of comments like that to justify not doing the right thing...

EDIT: That said, it does no harm to really have a toggle off option in the options menu. Everyone wins.

Edited by Dizzle22
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On Monday, September 19, 2016 at 0:22 PM, (XB1)TexasBotHurt said:


3) Now 80% of the Auras/Exilus slot is Vacuum. Frak your Energy Siphon, Regen, Corrosive Projection, Steel Charge, and Stand United... now all you get to run is Vacuum. Go clean the frakkin floor of all the random loot HooverBot5000 Prime.

Right, but at least if they made vacuum an exilus slot* you can have your kavats and kubrows and sentinels. Everyone using whatever kind of pet they want, which if they meant it the way they said it, "80% of people use carrier, we want them to use other stuff" thats a pretty darn good tradeoff. Everyone use whatever pet you want, but have the vacuum you obviously wanted more than other sentinels anyway.


On Monday, September 19, 2016 at 0:13 PM, Leonix13 said:

Useless, my Kavat is already mod full, and there are 2 more mods I'd take over vacuum, same for Kubrows... Problem isn't it being universl, its the taking up of a mod slot on anything... Just delete vacuum, and buff the frame's normal pickup range... Or get rid of drops other than energy/health. (you kill it and you auto get whatever credits/endo/mod he drops)

But you don't use carrier already anyway right? So you not wanting to lose A mod space on your kavat is nothing to allow someone like me, who doesn't use a kavat simply because I prefer carrier to pick up my loot, to throw a mod onto it to use a different companion, which is what they want people like me to do anyway.

Besides, it's not like an exilus slot on your kavat would be a bad thing, even if you did not want to use vacuum, you would then have another option for another mod on your full up pet! See the win-win here?

I have no problem with them buffing the range on pickups, but it seems like that would be easier and more community friendly then them breaking vacuum up into 3 mods. They would have done it already if that was what they wanted to do.

Edited by (PS4)daKillestShroomz
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On 19/09/2016 at 1:22 PM, xXx_mtv_xXx said:

No. That would make it too accessible and easy to use. It's a very useful mod and it should be treated as a rare choice, so it should only be usable as an aura. It should even be a Zenurik polarity to persuade people to change their aura polarities. That would make it fair and balanced. 



Are you joking.

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