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Frost Disscussion


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since all of the Frames are suppossed to get another look, i wanted to start a disscussion about Frost.


First of all Frost is already awesome and one of the most usefull Frames there is, he does decent damage and provides some nice utility, but in my opinion his first spell is quiet useless, so i want to focus on that in my suggestion.


So he stuns a single target enemy, but as soon as the enemy takes damage the stun ends. So even with an coordinated Team it´s incredibly hard to get any use out of it. Also it does pretty much no damage at all. Ofcourse the reason for this is to prevvent you from stun locking bosses and other tougher enemys, but isn´t it weird that they can stun lock you, but you can´t stunlock them. And also other Frames like Xcal or Nyx are able to Stunlock enemys?!


So i think it should either do a lot more damage or the stun on damage remove should be reworked. Maybe that it deos only 50% of the stun time, or that it doesn´t work on bosses, or make the stun duration much shorter but therefore aoe.

Something has to happen in my opinion to make the 1 as good as the rest of frosts abilties!


What do you think?^^

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I could care less about the damage, Frost has other 2 skills for that.

AoE freeze would be a bit insane considering Frost already has a great ultimate and Snowglobe, one of the most useful skills of the game, so I think it should remain single target.

I would make the duration increase from about 7 seconds to 15 by ranking up the mod (instead of the flat 10 seconds we got right now), and shooting the enemy would reduce the duration of the freeze gradually instead of outright ending it with one stray bullet.

Edited by CubedOobleck
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i think they should make the spell to aoe in a ~5m radius, but decrease the stun duration to 5 seconds , also giving certain enemys immunity to it ( ancients/bosses/heavys). This way the spell would turn into a viable crowd controll abiltie without becoming anything near to op!

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well i think any of these ideas would be a better alternative then what we have now for a first spell. I've played the frost to 30 and loved almost every moment of it but it just came down to when i was putting mods into the warframe that i removed the freeze spell and took the hit for slotting the wrong mod into it so that i could have something useful. So yea definitely would like a change

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Freeze works pretty well for me without needing some sort of damage addition. In higher levels, when swarmed by multiple ancients or heavies, it gives breathing room to deal with targets one at a time. This works better than any other CC stagger or knockdown because it lasts a while or until you opt to continue shooting that specific target.

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I´ve given it some thought and came up with this.



Freeze: (Redone)


On cast shoots a ball of ice in the direction of the cursor that deals 150 ice damage on impact in a 2/3/4/5m radius and applies "freeze" to target.


-> freeze effect:

freeze stuns light and mid class enemys for 5 seconds and applies a powerful slow (similar to the frost fields in the void) to heavys, ancients and bosses. The stun (or slow) doesn´t remove on damage, but can´t be stacked or refreshed, so it will always end after 5 seconds before it can be applied again.



In my opinion this would greatly increase the use of the ability in crowd controll without making it to powerfull. I would love to hear some comments though.^^

Edited by r0ckwolf
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I don't mind Freeze as it is but I really wish the Sentinel AI would be changed to ignore frozen targets unless you attack them yourself. When it works it seems fine- completely immobilizing high priority targets for a decent amount of time. The generally negligible damage does mean there's no point in upgrading the mod though.

I wish Ice Wave had some utility aside from pure damage. The damage it does isn't great and it only affects enemies in a narrow straight line so I usually unequip it in favor of other mods.

Edited by NDroid
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ice wave does actually great damage, but since it´s considered "ice damage" it´s calculated by enemy resistances, which sucks! I think since the damage is basicly apllied through the ice spikes, it should do normal (aromr ignoring) damage simmilar to slash dash! That way it would be not so faction dependent.


above i posted my freeze change idea, maybe all of frosts abilities shouold apllie that effect, or a variation of it. 

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ice wave does actually great damage, but since it´s considered "ice damage" it´s calculated by enemy resistances, which sucks! I think since the damage is basicly apllied through the ice spikes, it should do normal (aromr ignoring) damage simmilar to slash dash! That way it would be not so faction dependent.


above i posted my freeze change idea, maybe all of frosts abilities shouold apllie that effect, or a variation of it.

Yeah, the base damage is fine but with the resistance it scales poorly with enemy levels and the energy costs quickly make it difficult to justify using Ice Wave over Snow Globe or Avalanche. If it ignored armor it would indeed work better. A slowing effect would add utility but if all abilities do that they would start overlapping in functionality.

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they should fix that small-semi-lock on that ice wave has. sometimes even when you're just aiming at the air or ground, an enemy can just run pass your crosshair and then your ice wave decides to intercept that enemy and miss the general direction your crosshair/camera is facing....

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they should fix that small-semi-lock on that ice wave has. sometimes even when you're just aiming at the air or ground, an enemy can just run pass your crosshair and then your ice wave decides to intercept that enemy and miss the general direction your crosshair/camera is facing....

Yeah, it feels very inflexible because it locks where you were aiming about a second or two before the ice actually appears and by then some enemies might have got around you. Would be nice if Ice Wave at least checked which way you are looking the moment it sends the ice, not 2 seconds before when the animation has barely started.

Edited by CubedOobleck
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Yeah, it feels very inflexible because it locks where you were aiming about a second or two before the ice actually appears and by then some enemies might have got around you. Would be nice if Ice Wave at least checked which way you are looking the moment it sends the ice, not 2 seconds before when the animation has barely started.


yeah.... cuz once you press the button for the power, if an enemy walks by your crosshair before your frame punches the ground to activate those icicle spikes (yes i know its called ice wave), it locks on and follows that target....

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