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more mission like this sortie: increase the fun and challenge


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yesterday i fight the sortie and i fight the survival and i very enjoing because was really fun: the chaos of battle , me and other 2 Tenno who search to survive with all the powers of the warframes, the casual combination of powers, like ulti of Frost+Terrify who reduce the armor of enmies and stop then....So guys this is real battle for a veterans like the old T4 in Void, i'm not fight only for the gift i fight for the fun, so i ask to DE and Tenno, can be possibile had a mission like that every day as an allert? maybe with a little gift to invite the large numbers of players who fight only the missions who has a good gift if succed?


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19 minutes ago, AdunSaveMe said:

There are missions like this every day, as sorties, and they have a reward. I think that's all we need for now.

yes but, the sortie has sabotage assasination spy exterminate as casual missions, with casual handicap for us...i talk of 1 missions as an alert, survival or defense with high levels enemies just 1 for day  and maybe in the void

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Just now, Matt89Connor said:

yes but, the sortie has sabotage assasination spy exterminate as casual missions, with casual handicap for us...i talk of 1 missions as an alert, survival or defense with high levels enemies just 1 for day  and maybe in the void

Sometimes we have those in the form of escalation tactical alerts. But they're not really needed.

If people want to fight high level enemies, they just have to do endless missions for a bit, or do sorties. Increasing the level of enemies is not challenge, it's artificial difficulty, and a daily alert based around that would get very old, very fast.

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I have to agree with the OP that the grineer survival sortie was especially fun this time. After finishing the other missions, I replayed the survival several times, trying out different warframes.

I would not mind doing missions like these more often.


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