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Please add an option to extract separate from your team.


I just wanted to complete all the nodes on eris and I got stuck in a team that went all the way till 55 minutes just for Ferrite and nanospores :



And it's literally impossible to lose, or even try to make your team lose. Once it got to 45 minutes they started dying, but I still couldn't get them to lose. 

I spend 35 minutes trying to make us lose but it just was not possible. 


They also wouldn't even type to me in chat.

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That is when you just leave the mission and run it yourself again afterwards. You would save yourself a lot of time since there likely wouldn't be another such mission being run that would go on as long. But yes, DE does need to upgrade survival to work like defense.

Edited by NeithanDiniem
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1 minute ago, NeithanDiniem said:

That is when you just leave the mission and run it yourself again afterwards. You would save yourself a lot of time since there likely wouldn't be another such mission being run that would go on as long. But yes, DE does need to upgrade survival to work like defense.

Once you wait a bit thinking they will extract at 15 or 20, sometimes it gets you into thinking "it's too late to give up now."

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11 minutes ago, XIceBladeX said:

Please add an option to extract separate from your team


I spend 35 minutes trying to make us lose but it just was not possible. 


They also wouldn't even type to me in chat.

While ignoring squad mates is rude trying to trigger a mission fail so you can leave is kind of a &#036;&amp;*^ move. If you were willing to attempt forcing them to fail, which would mean you all lose everything but the affinity,  you should have just aborted yourself since you clearly didn't care about the rewards at that point. 

That said an option to leave individually would be a great boon to the community as a whole. 

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I had that thought before, but again, i believe it would be bad for team-gameplay. Imagine someone with 20% or less survival lifesupport, cannot reach to the lifesupport in time or downed, you extract; because of that, you'll kind of win because you are able to save your resources and rewards while for the others, they just lose everything completely because they cannot get an extra pair of hands. I think this is also one of a flaws of the survival and defense mechanics which existed in the game. 

But then again, your suggestion can be done but with extra support like adding a function to allow players that failed the mission to still able to retain their rewards, sort of like a buffet idea, all you can eat; so it doesn't discourage players that fail and lose everything, but let them feel that there is a fail-safe, which allows them to enjoy the game much more. I think also think that players can join after 20 mins in the survival game after another team-mate left, or someone that can fill in the spare slots, to make a full squad as much as possible. But the condition is that those whom join will be able to see how long the game as already been in and they can decide to accept or decline, while decline will just give them the next available one and so forth. Players that join after the 20mins mark will not be able to obtain the loots, and they have to start from scratch so that all have equal stand. Just a thought 

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2 hours ago, XIceBladeX said:

Please add an option to extract separate from your team.


I just wanted to complete all the nodes on eris and I got stuck in a team that went all the way till 55 minutes just for Ferrite and nanospores :



And it's literally impossible to lose, or even try to make your team lose. Once it got to 45 minutes they started dying, but I still couldn't get them to lose. 

I spend 35 minutes trying to make us lose but it just was not possible. 


They also wouldn't even type to me in chat.

If you just wanted the node you should have left at the 5 minute mark or as soon as you asked "how long are you guys going for" and got no answer after a couple of minutes.

What exactly is the point of "trying to make the missions fail"? Just drop out of the damn mission and forget "rewards". Don't mess with other people like that.

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13 hours ago, Drasiel said:

While ignoring squad mates is rude trying to trigger a mission fail so you can leave is kind of a &#036;&amp;*^ move. If you were willing to attempt forcing them to fail, which would mean you all lose everything but the affinity,  you should have just aborted yourself since you clearly didn't care about the rewards at that point. 

Failing a survival mission after objective complete just gives you the option to extract. You don't loose any of your rewards. 



13 hours ago, -PP-Sonicz said:

I had that thought before, but again, i believe it would be bad for team-gameplay. Imagine someone with 20% or less survival lifesupport, cannot reach to the lifesupport in time or downed, you extract; because of that, you'll kind of win because you are able to save your resources and rewards while for the others, they just lose everything completely because they cannot get an extra pair of hands. I think this is also one of a flaws of the survival and defense mechanics which existed in the game. 

That's why it would be an option... the other two people in my party where handling it fine by themselves the last 40 minutes. If they thought they couldn't handle it, they could extract too, just like defense. Nobody would be forced to stay, but rather they would be given the option to stay. 


11 hours ago, DSpite said:

What exactly is the point of "trying to make the missions fail"? Just drop out of the damn mission and forget "rewards". Don't mess with other people like that.

The point of trying to get the mission to fail was because after a full rotation, we all saw that the mission had crap drops, so there was no reason to stay. The other people in the party were obviously doing this on purpose to mess with me.

When the mission started, one of the guys was talking over his mic, and responded to the messages I typed. Later in the mission both guys completely ignored me, they didn't respond to any questions. I said things like "how long are we staying?" , "You guys there?" , etc, but I didn't get any replies. 


10 hours ago, Aristical said:

Really never understood the whole joining a pub to get a node done on an "endless" mission. It irks me when people join a game on an "endless" mission type to leave in the first 5 mins. It basically wastes other peoples time cause they want to be selfish.

I usually queue for public matches because it makes the game more fun. But when your team ignores all your messages, it isn't very fun anymore. I also joined a pub thinking the mission would be hard and that I would need help(which i didn't). I also was not expecting people to join the match wanting to go till 55 even after seeing that the mission drops crap loot. 


10 hours ago, SetAbominae said:

Try solo next time.

Also try some empathy.

It's kinda hard to have empathy when you're being tilted by your teammates.

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17 minutes ago, XIceBladeX said:

It's kinda hard to have empathy when you're being tilted by your teammates.

I bet they felt the same about you trying to make them fail the mission.

Especially when you could've just left, instead expected them to accomodate to your needs.

And now you're asking the game to change to suit your needs because you were too pigheaded to leave the mission.

The whole "they were doing it on purpose" tirade only serves as a point against you; you're not that important.

Edited by SetAbominae
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11 hours ago, Aristical said:

Really never understood the whole joining a pub to get a node done on an "endless" mission. It urks me when people join a game on an "endless" mission type to leave in the first 5 mins. It basically wastes other peoples time cause they want to be selfish.

And you staying for an hour is not also selfish? The issue flows both ways, hence why a way for people to extract similar to defense would be the best fix.

24 minutes ago, SetAbominae said:

And now you're asking the game to change to suit your needs because you were too pigheaded to leave the mission.

Asking for a QoL addition that would add consistency with the defense mission and generally would not be that difficult of an thing to add isn't a bad thing. Stop being so generalizing in thinking that everyone else agrees with you that this isnt a good idea or that it isnt something others want.

Edited by NeithanDiniem
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12 hours ago, Aristical said:

Really never understood the whole joining a pub to get a node done on an "endless" mission. It urks me when people join a game on an "endless" mission type to leave in the first 5 mins. It basically wastes other peoples time cause they want to be selfish.

Speaking of "selfish", the Devil's Dictionary has a really good definition for that word:

SELFISH, adj. Devoid of consideration for the selfishness of others.
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4 minutes ago, NeithanDiniem said:

And you staying for an hour is not also selfish? The issue flows both ways, hence why a way for people to extract similar to defense would be the best fix.

Asking for a QoL addition that would add consistency with the defense mission and generally would not be that difficult of an thing to add isn't a bad thing. Stop being so generalizing in thinking that everyone else agrees with you that this isnt a good idea or that it isnt something others want.

I liked the part where you planted words in my mouth.

Especially the part where I think everyone agrees with me, apparently.

I don't care if one, two, all, or no person agrees with me, I'm going to say what I say regardless.

The end result of getting a QoL addition might be the same, the way he's asking for it is not precisely going to work in his favour.

It's not brought up in a "hey I think this would be neat to have because X,Y and consistency", it's brought up in a "I want this because I was too pigheaded to try to find a workable solution with the way the game is currently. so instead of finding or trying said solution and then suggesting it be changed for the better, I'm going to be all around petty with anyone who's playing with the flawed system".

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7 minutes ago, SetAbominae said:

I liked the part where you planted words in my mouth.

Especially the part where I think everyone agrees with me, apparently.

I don't care if one, two, all, or no person agrees with me, I'm going to say what I say regardless.

The end result of getting a QoL addition might be the same, the way he's asking for it is not precisely going to work in his favour.

It's not brought up in a "hey I think this would be neat to have because X,Y and consistency", it's brought up in a "I want this because I was too pigheaded to try to find a workable solution with the way the game is currently. so instead of finding or trying said solution and then suggesting it be changed for the better, I'm going to be all around petty with anyone who's playing with the flawed system".

42 minutes ago, SetAbominae said:

And now you're asking the game to change to suit your needs

Your words. Who is to say it is only their needs? Clearly there have been others that wanted this, and this exact suggestion has been repeated on these forums several times this month alone.

There is zero workable solution to this problem in game. The only option you have is to give up all your rewards for the mission entirely and back out with the hopes that the next mission wont be the same way. That isn't a solution at all. If you had read you would have seen that I myself brought it up with the OP that they should have dropped out earlier, I however can see that this is in fact a problem beyond just this one post when plenty of others have brought it up.

And quite frankly, I'm going to say what I say regardless just as much as you are.

Edited by NeithanDiniem
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22 minutes ago, NeithanDiniem said:

Your words. Who is to say it is only their needs? Clearly there have been others that wanted this, and this exact suggestion has been repeated on these forums several times this month alone.

There is zero workable solution to this problem in game. The only option you have is to give up all your rewards for the mission entirely and back out with the hopes that the next mission wont be the same way. That isn't a solution at all. If you had read you would have seen that I myself brought it up with the OP that they should have dropped out earlier, I however can see that this is in fact a problem beyond just this one post when plenty of others have brought it up.

And quite frankly, I'm going to say what I say regardless just as much as you are.

Yes, I'm supposed to base my opinion on pressing f5 on this subforum everyday.

Point taken, anyhow, others want it aswell, and I'm not against it, I'm for it.

Saying there's zero workable solutions in his case is just wanting to be an extremist, he clearly had an option in the case of wanting to clear the node, that being aborting and going in again while setting matchmaking to solo/friends only if he wants someone he trusts not to run for 1 hour to come.

There are workable solutions for his scenario, there might not be for other scenarios where this fix would also apply, but we're talking his case, not everyone elses.

So if he had aborted around the 10 minute mark and then re-ran the mission solo, that would ammount to 15 minutes, instead he wasted an additional 40 minutes in the mission.

If something that saves you 40 minutes of enduring something you clearly don't like is not at the very least a workaround, I don't know what it is.

Is it a good solution? no, he still wastes 10 extra minutes, but sure beats 50. And probably would make him look better when he does not have to mention the fact that he tried to kill his team.

Your last line is funny, I get you disagree with me, but trying a holier-than-thou approach is nothing but a display of pettyness here, you know, being that at no point did I tell you to go play with your dog and stop posting or whatever.

And if you're goint to use this :


It's not brought up in a "hey I think this would be neat to have because X,Y and consistency", it's brought up in a "I want this because I was too pigheaded to try to find a workable solution with the way the game is currently. so instead of finding or trying said solution and then suggesting it be changed for the better, I'm going to be all around petty with anyone who's playing with the flawed system".

As a point that I'm telling anyone to shut up, there's a very big difference between "shut up" and "drop the attitude".

TL;DR for this entire thing : His suggestion is good, the way he presents it is not.

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14 minutes ago, SetAbominae said:

Your last line is funny, I get you disagree with me, but trying a holier-than-thou approach is nothing but a display of pettyness here, you know, being that at no point did I tell you to go play with your dog and stop posting or whatever.

And if you're goint to use this :

As a point that I'm telling anyone to shut up, there's a very big difference between "shut up" and "drop the attitude".

TL;DR for this entire thing : His suggestion is good, the way he presents it is not.

If I were going for a "Holier than thou" approach, Id let you know about it, believe me. and no, I wasn't even remotely saying that you were telling others to "shut up" and I didn't say you told me to go "play with my dog and stop posting or whatever." You claimed I was planting words in your mouth not 30 minutes ago, I'd appreciate it if you didn't do the same.

19 minutes ago, SetAbominae said:

TL;DR for this entire thing : His suggestion is good, the way he presents it is not.

This can be used to sum up your own post as well. Nowhere was it apparent that you felt the idea was good until your latest post here in that exact TL;DR comment. If you were going to agree with the OP's suggestion for an addition, you would not word it the way you have thus far without having to expect a lot of people heavily misunderstanding your hidden intentions of actually agreeing with them.

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55 minutes ago, NeithanDiniem said:

And you staying for an hour is not also selfish? The issue flows both ways, hence why a way for people to extract similar to defense would be the best fix.


First who said i stay for an hour that just happened to be the group the op got in. Being snide doesn't suit you. I stay for 15-20 mins tops in survivals myself and people still join endless missions wanting to leave at the first chance because they either bring a frame that cant handle it or they want the node completion. Both which brings the question to mind why join an endless mission in a pub in the first place. That's not me being selfish that general consensus.

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6 minutes ago, Aristical said:

First who said i stay for an hour that just happened to be the group the op got in. Being snide doesn't suit you. I stay for 15-20 mins tops in survivals myself and people still join endless missions wanting to leave at the first chance because they either bring a frame that cant handle it or they want the node completion. Both which brings the question to mind why join an endless mission in a pub in the first place. That's not me being selfish that general consensus.

Did you not read the OP? please do so first because then you would see why I mentioned an hour timeline and why the OP wanted to join a pub match to begin with. Your exact issue of people wanting to leave at the 5-10 min mark would be largely solved with the OP's suggestion, among all the other people that have likewise suggested it this month alone.

And believe me, if I was being insulting I wouldn't be snide about it, Id be direct and up front. So I say to you that assuming things of others doesn't suit you since you have clearly misread my comment towards you.

Edited by NeithanDiniem
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2 hours ago, XIceBladeX said:

It's kinda hard to have empathy when you're being tilted by your teammates.

1 hour ago, SetAbominae said:

I bet they felt the same about you trying to make them fail the mission.

Especially when you could've just left, instead expected them to accomodate to your needs.

And now you're asking the game to change to suit your needs because you were too pigheaded to leave the mission.

The whole "they were doing it on purpose" tirade only serves as a point against you; you're not that important.

I just said that I was being tilted by my teammates, therefore I could not think logically, therefore I got into the mode of thinking "it's too late to extract now", therefore I did not leave and re-queue. 

If my team would've responded at all then I probably would not have been so tilted. This is because we could have negotiated when we were going to leave, so I would know whether or not it was worth it to stay in the mission, or abandon it.


And when did I ever say or imply that I expected anyone to "accomodate to my needs". If I had been expecting them to accommodate to my needs, I would have gotten angry and left the game by then. 


You are making my effort to fail the mission sound like a bad thing... All that collecting the life capsules does is speed up the mission. If you have ever tried it, you would know that it has such a minuscule effect on the lifesupport percentage since enemies are constantly dropping life support for the people actually trying in your party.


That's why I am arguing that in survival missions it needs to be harder to get life support, and they need to have an option to extract. In my case, there was no way to tell how hard the mission would be since I did not even have the node completed yet. If they make it harder and give people the option to extract, then there is more of a reason to act as a team and complete these missions together, rather than going solo and not get to have fun with other players. 

Edited by XIceBladeX
grammar -- weather whether
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1 minute ago, NeithanDiniem said:

Did you not read the OP? please do so first because then you would see why I mentioned an hour timeline and why the OP wanted to join a pub match to begin with. Your exact issue of people wanting to leave at the 5-10 min mark would be largely solved with the OP's suggestion, among all the other people that have likewise suggested it this month alone.

I did read the op which is why i said what i said. Then you came in all hibity bibbity trying to be snide to other posters for pointing out that he was being selfish. I never once said his idea about the extraction was wrong. I said i dont see why people go into a endless mission in a pug expecting to leave at the 5 min. mark  That is being selfish when he could of just ran it himself and been fine.

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Just now, Aristical said:

I did read the op which is why i said what i said. Then you came in all hibity bibbity trying to be snide to other posters for pointing out that he was being selfish. I never once said his idea about the extraction was wrong. I said i dont see why people go into a endless mission in a pug expecting to leave at the 5 min. mark  That is being selfish when he could of just ran it himself and been fine.

And saying someone is being selfish isn't you also being directly insulting? Now you are just being blatantly hypocritical. And again you have not read, because the OP said they had never done the node before and thus didn't know how difficult it would be.

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2 minutes ago, NeithanDiniem said:

And saying someone is being selfish isn't you also being directly insulting? Now you are just being blatantly hypocritical. And again you have not read, because the OP said they had never done the node before and thus didn't know how difficult it would be.

There you go trying to be snide again....if you cannot understand the difference between being insulting and pointing out facts then i dont know how to help you. He also said he tried to make the team lose for 35+ min.

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