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Auction/Trading House Platform

(XBOX)Wicked Vash

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We would gain an economy we could view a list of buyers and sellers and compare prices and see what the actual going rates are for X items and it's more difficult to get scammed out of your hard earned plat and lets not forget the  convenience of being able to post your items up for 48 hours and waiting for them to sell so there not sitting in your inventory all the time and auto deposit of your plat when some thing sells and an AH is better at regulating supply and demand of items

Edited by (XB1)RG Nadiko
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43 minutes ago, (XB1)RG Nadiko said:

How are those things not desirable perks to you people?

You fail to list the very real negatives. Bots, auto buy, people cornering the market, properly enforcing trade limits.

You seemed to blatantly ignore me saying that there does exist online AH already. https://warframe.market so you don't have to type. Why risk the negatives if it is not necessary? Bots can be a real hassle to deal with. I bet you will turn around and complain about them if AH was implemented. 


Using the above sight prevents scams, and stupid prices. That just solved the only two valid points you have made so far.

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51 minutes ago, RacerDelux said:

You fail to list the very real negatives. Bots, auto buy, people cornering the market, properly enforcing trade limits.

You seemed to blatantly ignore me saying that there does exist online AH already. https://warframe.market so you don't have to type. Why risk the negatives if it is not necessary? Bots can be a real hassle to deal with. I bet you will turn around and complain about them if AH was implemented. 


Using the above sight prevents scams, and stupid prices. That just solved the only two valid points you have made so far.

First off people Corning the market should be a banable offense problem solved

second non of the AH websites are up to date and are poorly maintained 

bots and gold spammers can always be ignored and banned from the game

i don't know what auto buy is and have never seen any thing like it in any game with an AH

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1 hour ago, (XB1)RG Nadiko said:

First off people Corning the market should be a banable offense problem solved

second non of the AH websites are up to date and are poorly maintained 

bots and gold spammers can always be ignored and banned from the game

i don't know what auto buy is and have never seen any thing like it in any game with an AH

A response like that shows you didn't even click on that link. Your argument is ignorance, and there is no reasoning with that. Good day.

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5 hours ago, AurumandArgentum said:

So what are the positives of this again? Most of what I am seeing is "I don't want to type on console" Get a textpad, you can get them pretty cheap.

Well for one you can play more mission.instead of wasting your time on the trade chat reading thing over and over again.

Unless Trade Chat Camping is a new endgame.

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3 hours ago, RacerDelux said:

You fail to list the very real negatives. Bots, auto buy, people cornering the market, properly enforcing trade limits.

You seemed to blatantly ignore me saying that there does exist online AH already. https://warframe.market so you don't have to type. Why risk the negatives if it is not necessary? Bots can be a real hassle to deal with. I bet you will turn around and complain about them if AH was implemented. 


Using the above sight prevents scams, and stupid prices. That just solved the only two valid points you have made so far.

FYI I did visit the web sight and you know what I shouldn't have to visit an 3rd party web sight for a machanic that should already be in the game

Edited by (XB1)RG Nadiko
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8 minutes ago, (PS4)wildcats1369my said:

Well for one you can play more mission.instead of wasting your time on the trade chat reading thing over and over again.

Unless Trade Chat Camping is a new endgame.

Every thing he just said And actually now that I think about it trade chat does feel like the new end game only trade chat is no fun

Edited by (XB1)RG Nadiko
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warframe.market is a resource I don't believe is used much by console players, Plus there always seems to be a stigma with a lot of console players that any pricing that is published on a third party website is based on PC prices exclusively and as such does not have any correlation with what the prices are on the console unless it is distinctly separated into a sub section that lists it as an Xbox or PS4 price,  I would also say that a lot of console players are less likely to log onto another device sitting next to them when playing a game to pull up the website and monitor it as well as trade chat at the same time.

I do have a legitimate question however. 

I often see more increasingly when an AH thread starts up, people that argue all the negatives that an AH would bring.  Then they will link warframe.market and say how that is a great website that everybody should use as an alternative... which is essentially a Warframe AH.

When the OP is simply asking for similar if not the exact same functionality that that site provides to be placed in game... How does placing it within Warframe destroy the game while having it currently exist outside of the game not?

Is it the thinking that it is simply because it has a smaller user base than what is the Warframe player base and then if every Warframe player started to use the site it will break trading and game progression? or is it the fact that an in game market could have the ability to facilitate the transaction without one of the two parties being present?

Edited by (XB1)SickWicked
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1 hour ago, (XB1)SickWicked said:

Is it the thinking that it is simply because it has a smaller user base than what is the Warframe player base and then if every Warframe player started to use the site it will break trading and game progression? or is it the fact that an in game market could have the ability to facilitate the transaction without one of the two parties being present?

Good question. It is because both parties need to be present, also even is more of the player base uses it, it still requires being logged on.

As far as pricing, maybe we need to suggest to the devs to separate the console and PC offerings to allow for pricing to adjust to the correct amount. I think that DE could better integrate Warframe.market to make things like auto login detection a thing. 


Does this make sense? TLDR, the current system is not bot friendly, makes cornering market hard etc. But gives access.

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37 minutes ago, (XB1)SickWicked said:

Is the thinking that it is simply because it has a smaller user base than what is the Warframe player base and then if every Warframe player started to use the site it will break trading and game progression? or is it the fact that an in game market could have the ability to facilitate the transaction without one of the two parties being present?

If I understand correctly, what's being asked for is not merely a resource, what's being asked for is a trading system like other MMOs have, where you make no player interactions, merely move an item from your inventory to an auction house, and then other players who buy your item move it from the auction house to their inventory.

This means you don't have to be online to trade (listing an item means it can be bought while you're offline, and you log in with the new plat/item), let alone interact with other people.

But here's precisely where this becomes problematic:

Scenario 1: Let's say you have 5,000 plat you want to invest for some profit. You choose an item: say, low-availability, high-price mods, like Maiming Strike (going for 400-600p right now on WM). So, what you do is invest your plat (buy up every single mod up to the price point you're going to push over the course of a few days, without waiting for anyone to be online or having to take the time to interact with them) and then re-list your mods at 750p. Maiming strike cannot be bought any other way, so if someone wants to buy it now... they have to buy it from you. Meanwhile, you make a 350-150p profit. People can try to undersell you, but they'll do so at under 750p rather than the original 400p. Maiming Strike has just almost doubled in price in a couple of days. And if you continue to buy out people underselling you, everyone who doesn't have he mod is looking at giving you USD$50 worth of plat if they want to make any of their 5% crit chance weapons useful.

Scenario 2: Let's say you want to make a bot. Nowadays it's hard to bot WF trading, because you have to find someone, haggle with them, go to their dojo, move your frame from the random spot where you spawned in to the random spot where the trader is, then engage it, find your item from the list. Only then do you make your trade. However, with an auction house like this? You don't need to move, you just need to click between menus using the same UI elements and fonts. Botting just got 1000x easier. And until you get caught (if you're ever caught), you're going to make quite a few trades. What kind of trades will you be doing? Probably something close to Scenario 1.

So here's what I propose:

Solution 1: Let's say you want to buy a mod. You go to the WF market (in game), go to "Spacemom's List," narrow down a few filters, then find the item you want. Listed will be people online offering the mod, and their offered prices (say around 20p), and people offline who also have the mod, and their prices. Rather than waiting for someone offline offering for 15p, you decide "I want it now" and spring for a 20p listing. You right click->message the listing (name isn't shown), and enter an IM with the lister, saying, "I want your mod." They say, "Sure." They invite you to dojo, and then everything proceeds as it would today.

Basically, add player item listings to WF as a subcategory of the plat market, and allow players to message the people putting up those listings from that page, but only trade with them through that interaction, and when they're both online. This is basically adding Warframe Market to Warframe, without adding an auction house. Everything becomes substantially easier... looking up prices, messaging people, you don't need to switch windows or devices.

But you still need a level of interaction that will prevent from buying/selling offline and more importantly ~slow down~ the rate of trading and reduce the ease of botting.

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21 hours ago, RacerDelux said:

You fail to list the very real negatives. Bots, auto buy, people cornering the market, properly enforcing trade limits.

You seemed to blatantly ignore me saying that there does exist online AH already. https://warframe.market so you don't have to type. Why risk the negatives if it is not necessary? Bots can be a real hassle to deal with. I bet you will turn around and complain about them if AH was implemented. 


Using the above sight prevents scams, and stupid prices. That just solved the only two valid points you have made so far.

warframe market is a joke as you have to be online both. players play at different time.

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3 hours ago, GreenVajene said:


I agree with this 100%. This is the only form of market place I would be ok with.

It is a necessity that both players are online, and physically trade in order to prevent bots from taking over, and prevent monopolies (people wanting a MP complain about random high prices now - they have not experienced people cornering the market - and it WILL happen).

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30 minutes ago, (XB1)RG Nadiko said:

So I tryed your warframe market and yeah it's a joke I have been waiting for days for my stuff to sell and no one has approached me and it's 90% PC players so it's basically pointless for any console users to even bother trying to use it

I do agree more console users need to be on there, in fact they need a section to separate PC and console.

Still, how were your items priced? Were you selling to high? Did you make sure to mark yourself online? Post a link to the stuff you listed so others here can make sure things seem correct.

You can't just rule something out after three days. You do realise that if they actually added a MP, it would be half a year or more before it was added... Patience is a virtue.

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10 minutes ago, RacerDelux said:

I do agree more console users need to be on there, in fact they need a section to separate PC and console.

Still, how were your items priced? Were you selling to high? Did you make sure to mark yourself online? Post a link to the stuff you listed so others here can make sure things seem correct.

You can't just rule something out after three days. You do realise that if they actually added a MP, it would be half a year or more before it was added... Patience is a virtue.

I'm selling fragor prime and scindo prime for 80 plat each

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28 minutes ago, (XB1)RG Nadiko said:

I'm selling fragor prime and scindo prime for 80 plat each

Just from some quick price checking, console prices for fragor prime set seem to be around 65 plat, and scindo prime set is 40 plat. Once again, these are console prices, not PC. I would recommend adjusting your prices before you say warframe.market does not work.

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8 hours ago, (XB1)RG Nadiko said:

Scindo is vaulted and has been for at least a month

It takes longer than a month for stuff to double in price... It took quite a long time for frost prime to go up in price when it was vaulted.

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On 10/12/2016 at 10:09 AM, (XB1)RG Nadiko said:

I still think an auction house would be a much better system. I don't like trading face to face I just want to see a list of sellers compare prices.and buy the most decently priced item or view a list of sellers with there prices.

I spit on the current trade system I refuse to use it I would rather buy my plat with cash out right the current system is garbage 

I agree 110%. I agree so much I broke basic math.


I really needed 3 parts recently so traded for them but I will never do it again. 


The current system is horrible. Maroo's bizarre is a waste of time and the "effort" (term used loosely) put into making it. That should have been great. Set up a stall, go off and do your thing and come back to see if it sold. 


As it stands you put something up for sale ..... and then stand there bored beyond belief as you literally have to stand there doing nothing hoping someone buys something. 


It's terrible. It needs burning to the ground. I don't like to be harsh over something someone put time, effort and care into developing but nobody put any of that in with Maroo's bizarre. It was a rush job with no thought put into it at all. 



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6 hours ago, RacerDelux said:

Your on PC, Warframe.market

That's what I used for the stuff I need.


It was still a painful experience. Leaving a message, waiting for them to get back to me, them messaging me while i'm in an alert and logging off before I finish. 


What would have taken 2 minutes at an ingame shop ended up taking me 3 days.


I despise the trading in this game.

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Here's something I posted a while back :

Trade System

This is something that most of the time ticks me off. The trade chat moves sooo fast, that its hard for a buyer to actually see whether someone is selling what they want or vice versa. My idea? Like the market, create a new menu where you can list stuff from your inventory up for sale for platinum. Those who still want to trade can use the trade chat and the trading post. Coming back to the listing thing, it should definitely have a search box and stuff must be sorted category wise. If I'm looking for , say, Rhino Prime Helmet, I can just pop into this new dashing menu, go to the warframes section, go to Rhino Prime section (where there will be an option to buy the entire set from those who want to sell entire set or buy any of those components) and make the purchase from the person or price of your choice! BOOM! That's it! When you initially open the menu, stuff should be sorted by date of listing. There should also be a sort by price option (obviously) and we will get to see some of the most expensive stuff in warframe. Anyway, coming back to the topic, there should also be a listing time, ie, you can only keep an item from your inventory up for sale for some time. After that, you gotta relist it. Or you can list it for a longer period of time by dishing out more credits. Speaking of which I forgot that to list something, you got to spend a little credits. Small fee! Very tiny! I know that warframe.market exists, but I would like to have something that is rooted into the game.

TL;DR : New menu where you can post stuff for sale. Warframes can be sold as sets or as parts. Other stuff can be sold too. Various sorting options will be available. Credits are required to make a listing. Every single listing expires after sometime and re returned to the inventory if not sold.
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